What does a "federal government shutdown" really mean?

If you don't get retro pay then use your vacation time like the rest of us do.

Why the hell should you or anyone get payed to sit on your ass at home??

If you are at work then you should get payed.

If I was sitting on my ass at home I wouldn't expect a paycheck.

That, however, is not the case. I'm here in the office making sure that your parents are getting their retirement checks, all the while TRUSTING CONGRESS to pay me for my skills and services after they finish their little T-Party hissy-fit.
I agree with some of what you said. Showing up to work at a Federal job in a non-pay status is illegal. There is much risk to the government for allowing a civilian to subsidize the government. For instance, if you die at your desk, or get hurt in the shop while in a non-pay status, pandoras box is opened

Fact is, majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid.


Really? Got a link to back up your bullshit?

Like I said, I remember the last shutdown that happened in 93, and I remember the impact it had on not only my life, but the lives of my civilian co workers.

A majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid? Remember, a majority is 51 percent or better.

Show me a link to back up your claims.

Ok- I'll play

Government Shutdown: By the Numbers - ABC News

800,000 are furloughed, ~1.2 million still at work

More Than 800,000 Federal Workers Are Furloughed - WSJ.com

A Wall Street Journal review of agencies' shutdown plans found that more than 818,000 workers would be furloughed. In all, the federal government employs just under 2.9 million civilian employees.


Note that "at work" and "getting paid" are not the same in this context.

How many of you would show up at work if your boss said you might be paid "whenever"?
The Military still works and social security checks will be on time. The Post office is still posting letters and the "intelligence" agencies will still be doing whatever it is that they do. They are going to close the parks and that's a shame but that seems to be the extent of it. They used to say "non essential" federal employees would be laid off but they use different terminology today because people were asking why they were hired in the first place if they aren't essential. Personally I think with the exceptions noted above the federal government should shut down for about four months every year and if it works well enough we can extend it to 6 months. Meanwhile the states can run the parks.

People are still working but will not be recieving a paycheck.
While it may be true that they are "spending too much" it doesn't change the reality and that reality is that most people can't go without a paycheck for that long.

More than two-thirds in U.S. live paycheck to paycheck: survey

Two thirds of Americans can't go that long without a paycheck.

From your own link:

The main reason Kowalik's clients live paycheck to paycheck is that they have come to see luxuries as essential expenses, she said.

"Cable used to be a luxury. Now it's expected," she said. "People have an expectation that they should have a mobile phone, you should be able to have the Internet. People are going to have to change their outlook and put things into perspective."

What were you saying again?

I said it does not change the reality of not being able to go without a paycheck for weeks and weeks. Notice how the fuckwads in Congress get paid.

No argument about Congress. They should be the first ones furloughed without pay.
It means the country is being held hostage by a small but radical group of republican TPM extremists who’d rather use extortion than see reason.


Imagine if you will, a Republican President and Senate being told by a Democratic Speaker of the house that shutting down the government might be just the ticket to get comprehensive gun legislation through...

How do you feeeeeeeeeeel about that scenario?

Go for it. See how that works out for y'all.
Really? Got a link to back up your bullshit?

Like I said, I remember the last shutdown that happened in 93, and I remember the impact it had on not only my life, but the lives of my civilian co workers.

A majority of Federal workers are at work and getting paid? Remember, a majority is 51 percent or better.

Show me a link to back up your claims.

Ok- I'll play

Government Shutdown: By the Numbers - ABC News

800,000 are furloughed, ~1.2 million still at work

More Than 800,000 Federal Workers Are Furloughed - WSJ.com

A Wall Street Journal review of agencies' shutdown plans found that more than 818,000 workers would be furloughed. In all, the federal government employs just under 2.9 million civilian employees.


Note that "at work" and "getting paid" are not the same in this context.

How many of you would show up at work if your boss said you might be paid "whenever"?

Sometimes that comes with the job. It happens in startups, the military, companies fighting tax audits (the IRS plays dirty and freezes payroll accounts when you take them to court), and most certainly when one side pushes for all or nothing.

You'd have none of these problems if the Democrats simply agreed to delay the rollout of a federal program that isn't ready.
From your own link:

What were you saying again?

I said it does not change the reality of not being able to go without a paycheck for weeks and weeks. Notice how the fuckwads in Congress get paid.

No argument about Congress. They should be the first ones furloughed without pay.

You're right. Only problem is that Congress is being sent to work, and they continue to get paid.

I only wish that the military (and the retirees) could get the same as what Congress gets.

If you work, you should continue to get paid, but Congress (and the GOP) doesn't feel that way. They support the troops if it's good for them, but fuck 'em if they want their checks.

Congress (meaning the GOP) uses the military for talking points. Need proof? Look at Michelle Bachmann and the way she used the veterans for her bullshit.

I hope they were smart enough to see the were being used for political b.s. and didn't think that they cared about them (because they didn't).
Another day shut down, and another day of denying the Obama America destruction train

All aboard

It means the country is being held hostage by a small but radical group of republican TPM extremists who’d rather use extortion than see reason.


Imagine if you will, a Republican President and Senate being told by a Democratic Speaker of the house that shutting down the government might be just the ticket to get comprehensive gun legislation through...

How do you feeeeeeeeeeel about that scenario?

Big difference. American people don't wan't additional infringement on our rights. Secondly, many are willing to bare arms to defend said right, Obamacare not so much

What the shutdown means is that we're cutting precious revenue from all those people who would have paid to get into many of our historical sites the last couple days.

The idea of NOT taking people's money for attractions and sites because Republicans don't like Obamacare still doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.
What the shutdown means is that we're cutting precious revenue from all those people who would have paid to get into many of our historical sites the last couple days.

The idea of NOT taking people's money for attractions and sites because Republicans don't like Obamacare still doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.

What shows how evil Obama really is, no time in history of the past 17 shutdowns has the Lincoln Memorial for instance been shut down

Why this 'historic' event is happening now?


Although President Obama claims that he can’t avoid shutting down public sites and monuments, war memorials were in fact kept open during the 1995/1996 government shutdowns. The administration’s decision to barricade the Lincoln Memorial marks the first time in its history the memorial has been totally off limits to visitors during a shutdown.

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:dunno: Maybe it was a lack of ongoing warfare in the 90's...

Promising to pay the active duty folks at the expense of the tourists at the Lincoln Memorial kind of makes sense to me...
:dunno: Maybe it was a lack of ongoing warfare in the 90's...

Promising to pay the active duty folks at the expense of the tourists at the Lincoln Memorial kind of makes sense to me...

Both make more sense to me

Obama is historic alright :cuckoo:

I said it does not change the reality of not being able to go without a paycheck for weeks and weeks. Notice how the fuckwads in Congress get paid.

No argument about Congress. They should be the first ones furloughed without pay.

You're right. Only problem is that Congress is being sent to work, and they continue to get paid.

I only wish that the military (and the retirees) could get the same as what Congress gets.

If you work, you should continue to get paid, but Congress (and the GOP) doesn't feel that way. They support the troops if it's good for them, but fuck 'em if they want their checks.

Congress (meaning the GOP) uses the military for talking points. Need proof? Look at Michelle Bachmann and the way she used the veterans for her bullshit.

I hope they were smart enough to see the were being used for political b.s. and didn't think that they cared about them (because they didn't).

So first it's Congress - and the GOP and then it's Congress - meaning the GOP?

Dude, look at your own party. Both sides of the aisle loathe the military for the most part.
:dunno: Maybe it was a lack of ongoing warfare in the 90's...

Promising to pay the active duty folks at the expense of the tourists at the Lincoln Memorial kind of makes sense to me...

Both make more sense to me

Obama is historic alright :cuckoo:


Honoring both obligations makes sense to me too.

One more reason to contact your CongressCritter and tell him/her to back off and reopen.
The Military still works and social security checks will be on time. The Post office is still posting letters and the "intelligence" agencies will still be doing whatever it is that they do. They are going to close the parks and that's a shame but that seems to be the extent of it. They used to say "non essential" federal employees would be laid off but they use different terminology today because people were asking why they were hired in the first place if they aren't essential. Personally I think with the exceptions noted above the federal government should shut down for about four months every year and if it works well enough we can extend it to 6 months. Meanwhile the states can run the parks.

What a Federal Shutdown Means: Obama and his thugs will use Barrycades to make life as horrible as possible for everyday citizens.

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