What does a Ted Cruz primary loss do to the "real conservative" movement?

The success of Donald Trump reveals what I have been saying for a very long time. The party has been hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and retards. Trump attracts the pseudo-cons who would not know a conservative principle if one bit them in the place where their balls should be.
Yes, but I wonder whether Ted is a conservative or simply a fraud himself. I lean to the latter.
I think Cruz is a genuine conservative. All the way to the marrow of his bones.

But he is dishonest and unlikable, too. He is not The Great Communicator.
I don't know. I wish the gop had taken the deal of a $3 cut for $1 in taxes, but forced the dems to actually make the cuts. I don't disagree he's a conservative at heart (despite who his wife is) but I'm not sure he's as interested in actually making the county better as he is about getting attention.
The success of Donald Trump reveals what I have been saying for a very long time. The party has been hijacked by psychopaths, hypocrites, liars, and retards. Trump attracts the pseudo-cons who would not know a conservative principle if one bit them in the place where their balls should be.
Yes, but I wonder whether Ted is a conservative or simply a fraud himself. I lean to the latter.
I think Cruz is a genuine conservative. All the way to the marrow of his bones.

But he is dishonest and unlikable, too. He is not The Great Communicator.

He certainly isn't likeable to liberal Democratic partisan hacks.

And he is unlikable to old school Republican conservatives like me.

And the GOP mainstays who promised the voters lots of things but didn't even TRY to deliver on them when that ability was within their power are not fans of his, either.

As I keep pointing out, the pseudo-con hypocrites, liars, psychopaths, and retards are destroying the conservative brand.

And assholes often claim that he is dishonest but none of you worthless hacks can back that crap up.

I've backed it up multiple times. It can't be helped you haven't been around.

One example: Ted claims he would abolish the IRS. This is a flat-out lie. In fact, Ted's tax plan is an INCOME TAX, which requires the IRS to collect. By any other name, it will still be the IRS. You can even put it in a dress and let it use the ladies room, it will still be the IRS.
Who is a real conservative ?

Good question. When the Christian Fundamentalists took over the republican party they had a go at the dictionary as well.

Barry Goldwater was a conservative under the definition in his day. Today he wouldn't win a seat in many red state's house's.

For the last twenty years "conservative" means "Christian Fundamentalist".
Number 2 on Ted's hit list of lies is that he says he will abolish the Department of Education.

The Dept of Ed was launched in May 1980.

Ronald Reagan took office less than one year later, and he had vowed to kill that Department.

Now, if Reagan couldn't choke it to death in the cradle, Ted Cruz sure as shit isn't going to be able to abolish it.

But it's a great applause line at rube rallies, amiright?

So Ted is either LYING, or he is FUCKING STUPID. Which one is it?
Quite simply put, as the primaries progressed more and more became known about this "outsider" called Ted Cruz.

The Junior Senator worked for Bush for many a year. Heidi worked for the Bush administration for and even longer period of time. Throw in Goldman Sachs, Cruz getting 4 out of the 6 big spenders to donate, hiring Niel Bush and his wife Maria and oh so much more just = ESTABLISHMENT.

His wife working for W's Administration is irrelevant. In fact, I like the fact that his wife worked for W's Administration to the extent that matters.

What the FUCK does "throw in Goldman Sachs" even mean? That he got a loan from them backed by his own property? Oh nosies?

Or that his wife had the temerity to work for them? Double oh nosies.

So fucking WHAT? Goldman Sachs may have done some shady shit but that doesn't convert working for them into being the equivalent of a Nazi sympathizer.

Getting big donors to spend on your campaign is now somehow a bad thing? Are you losing your mind?

Hiring people who might have political connections in a political campaign is to be frowned upon? How's that work?

Yes. Cruz was a United States SENATOR and thus, by definition, had some connection to the Establishment. He ALSO pissed off lots of them by trying to hold their toes to the fire when it came to honoring their election/campaign promises. Why do so many of you insist on glossing over that more important component of his perfectly VALID claim to being an anti-Establishment candidate.

He isn't trying to destroy the system. He doesn't want to wreck the Establishment. He is hoping to compel it to work!

There is no contradiction there. None whatsoever.

when has Trump ever (prior to this campaign) railed AGAINST the Establishment he has funded? Did CRUZ ever financially support Jimmy Peanuts Carter or Shrillary Rotten Clinton? Trump did.
Who is a real conservative ?

Good question. When the Christian Fundamentalists took over the republican party they had a go at the dictionary as well.

Barry Goldwater was a conservative under the definition in his day. Today he wouldn't win a seat in many red state's house's.

For the last twenty years "conservative" means "Christian Fundamentalist".

Number 2 on Ted's hit list of lies is that he says he will abolish the Department of Education.

The Dept of Ed was launched in May 1980.

Ronald Reagan took office less than one year later, and he had vowed to kill that Department.

Now, if Reagan couldn't choke it to death in the cradle, Ted Cruz sure as shit isn't going to be able to abolish it.

But it's a great applause line at rube rallies, amiright?

So Ted is either LYING, or he is FUCKING STUPID. Which one is it?

YOUR false choice does not make Ted a liar or stupid, you ineffectual troll scumbag idiot.
Evangelicals are the problem with the "conservative" movement. Cruz cannot keep his religious beliefs out of his politics. It is perfectly fine for him to live by his beliefs. It is not fine for him to legislate anyone else to live by his religious beliefs. I don't want to hear about his God when he is discussing his reasons. My views of God are different than his.
I've said more than once that if Trump is the nominee, I will once again abstain from voting for the top of the ticket, but if Cruz is the nominee I will vote for him.

I prefer Kasich, but I will take Cruz. I will NEVER take Trump.

And the only reason I will take Cruz is because I like most of the elements of his tax plan. He makes a big dent in tax expenditures. The fatal flaw in his tax plan, though, is he lowers the tax rate to an astoundingly unrealistic 10 percent flat tax.

However, I HOPE Ted is just using that as a negotiating starting point, and doesn't actually believe that is doable. Then again, his other lies and/or stupidity suggest maybe he really is that fucking stupid.

Nevertheless, whether he likes it or not, it will be a starting point and not the final outcome.
Number 2 on Ted's hit list of lies is that he says he will abolish the Department of Education.

The Dept of Ed was launched in May 1980.

Ronald Reagan took office less than one year later, and he had vowed to kill that Department.

Now, if Reagan couldn't choke it to death in the cradle, Ted Cruz sure as shit isn't going to be able to abolish it.

But it's a great applause line at rube rallies, amiright?

So Ted is either LYING, or he is FUCKING STUPID. Which one is it?

YOUR false choice does not make Ted a liar or stupid, you ineffectual troll scumbag idiot.
It's not a false choice if it is true. There is no third choice where Ted would be able to abolish the Dept of Ed. This simply will not happen. So he's either lying or stupid.
What’s amusing is most on the right don’t even know what a ‘true conservative’ is anymore – and it’s certainly not Cruz.
Number 2 on Ted's hit list of lies is that he says he will abolish the Department of Education.

The Dept of Ed was launched in May 1980.

Ronald Reagan took office less than one year later, and he had vowed to kill that Department.

Now, if Reagan couldn't choke it to death in the cradle, Ted Cruz sure as shit isn't going to be able to abolish it.

But it's a great applause line at rube rallies, amiright?

So Ted is either LYING, or he is FUCKING STUPID. Which one is it?

YOUR false choice does not make Ted a liar or stupid, you ineffectual troll scumbag idiot.
It's not a false choice if it is true. There is no third choice where Ted would be able to abolish the Dept of Ed. This simply will not happen. So he's either lying or stupid.

Wrong again. Repeating your false choice doesn't work.

He can propose (as President if he were to win) the abolition of the fucking FEDERAL Department of "Education." And he could work with Congress to try to achieve it. It would take a lot of effort and probably much time. But that doesn't make it impossible. Fuck sake, you twerp. Obumbler crammed through the brainless ObumblerCare wit nobody bothering to read (much less understand) it.
What’s amusing is most on the right don’t even know what a ‘true conservative’ is anymore – and it’s certainly not Cruz.
Cruz would abolish most tax expenditures, and that is a bedrock conservative principle.

He is also pro-life, another bedrock conservative principle.

He is a big believer in states rights, another bedrock conservative principle.

He is the most genuinely conservative candidate to come along in a long time. Unfortunately, he has a horrible personality and a tendency to lie.
What’s amusing is most on the right don’t even know what a ‘true conservative’ is anymore – and it’s certainly not Cruz.

Actually, a lecture on the topic from a laughable liberal schmuck like you is pretty damn funny, Adam_Clayton. And of course, you are wrong or a liar.

Cruz IS a conservative.
What’s amusing is most on the right don’t even know what a ‘true conservative’ is anymore – and it’s certainly not Cruz.
Cruz would abolish most tax expenditures, and that is a bedrock conservative principle.

He is also pro-life, another bedrock conservative principle.

He is a big believer in states rights, another bedrock conservative principle.

He is the most genuinely conservative candidate to come along in a long time. Unfortunately, he has a horrible personality and a tendency to lie.

Repeating YOUR mindless parroting of the dishonest CLAIM that he lies is not the same thing as his alleged 'tendency" to lie.
Number 2 on Ted's hit list of lies is that he says he will abolish the Department of Education.

The Dept of Ed was launched in May 1980.

Ronald Reagan took office less than one year later, and he had vowed to kill that Department.

Now, if Reagan couldn't choke it to death in the cradle, Ted Cruz sure as shit isn't going to be able to abolish it.

But it's a great applause line at rube rallies, amiright?

So Ted is either LYING, or he is FUCKING STUPID. Which one is it?

YOUR false choice does not make Ted a liar or stupid, you ineffectual troll scumbag idiot.
It's not a false choice if it is true. There is no third choice where Ted would be able to abolish the Dept of Ed. This simply will not happen. So he's either lying or stupid.

Wrong again. Repeating your false choice doesn't work.

He can propose (as President if he were to win) the abolition of the fucking FEDERAL Department of "Education." And he could work with Congress to try to achieve it. It would take a lot of effort and probably much time. But that doesn't make it impossible. Fuck sake, you twerp. Obumbler crammed through the brainless ObumblerCare wit nobody bothering to read (much less understand) it.
It won't happen. If Saint Reagan Himself couldn't do it when the Dept of Ed was a nascent entity, there is no alternate Universe in which Cruz could do it.

You are the very reason Cruz tells this lie. Because he knows you guzzle that piss right down.
You got what you wanted. Every year we have to hear how if an actual real conservative would run he/she would gain traction an win a general election and general elections are lost because you guys hate RINOs and Bush, McCain and Romney are all RINOs. So if Cruz can't win this primary, what does it do to your narrative?

Wait, wait, wait, I already know what you'll say; "Cruz wasn't a "real conservative""

Not a thing. Even conservatives don't want a 'real conservative'. Making their insistence that the rest of us do a steaming load of delusional horseshit.

Yet they still believe.
Number 2 on Ted's hit list of lies is that he says he will abolish the Department of Education.

The Dept of Ed was launched in May 1980.

Ronald Reagan took office less than one year later, and he had vowed to kill that Department.

Now, if Reagan couldn't choke it to death in the cradle, Ted Cruz sure as shit isn't going to be able to abolish it.

But it's a great applause line at rube rallies, amiright?

So Ted is either LYING, or he is FUCKING STUPID. Which one is it?

YOUR false choice does not make Ted a liar or stupid, you ineffectual troll scumbag idiot.
It's not a false choice if it is true. There is no third choice where Ted would be able to abolish the Dept of Ed. This simply will not happen. So he's either lying or stupid.

Wrong again. Repeating your false choice doesn't work.

He can propose (as President if he were to win) the abolition of the fucking FEDERAL Department of "Education." And he could work with Congress to try to achieve it. It would take a lot of effort and probably much time. But that doesn't make it impossible. Fuck sake, you twerp. Obumbler crammed through the brainless ObumblerCare wit nobody bothering to read (much less understand) it.
It won't happen. If Saint Reagan Himself couldn't do it when the Dept of Ed was a nascent entity, there is no alternate Universe in which Cruz could do it.

So I guess you are as stupid as Cruz.

Reagan was a man with a consideration of consequence.

Cruz isn't. The man doesn't give a fiddler's fuck what follows the implementation of his policy. If eliminating the IRS caused massive budget shortfalls....oh well. If eliminating the department of education caused test scores to plummet.....too bad.

You're dealing with ideologues. They care about principle and tenets. Not the effects of either.
Number 2 on Ted's hit list of lies is that he says he will abolish the Department of Education.

The Dept of Ed was launched in May 1980.

Ronald Reagan took office less than one year later, and he had vowed to kill that Department.

Now, if Reagan couldn't choke it to death in the cradle, Ted Cruz sure as shit isn't going to be able to abolish it.

But it's a great applause line at rube rallies, amiright?

So Ted is either LYING, or he is FUCKING STUPID. Which one is it?

YOUR false choice does not make Ted a liar or stupid, you ineffectual troll scumbag idiot.
It's not a false choice if it is true. There is no third choice where Ted would be able to abolish the Dept of Ed. This simply will not happen. So he's either lying or stupid.

Wrong again. Repeating your false choice doesn't work.

He can propose (as President if he were to win) the abolition of the fucking FEDERAL Department of "Education." And he could work with Congress to try to achieve it. It would take a lot of effort and probably much time. But that doesn't make it impossible. Fuck sake, you twerp. Obumbler crammed through the brainless ObumblerCare wit nobody bothering to read (much less understand) it.
It won't happen. If Saint Reagan Himself couldn't do it when the Dept of Ed was a nascent entity, there is no alternate Universe in which Cruz could do it.

So I guess you are as stupid as Cruz. You are the very reason Cruz tells this lie. Because he knows you guzzle that piss right down.

YOUR personal assurance that it won't happen is as worthless as your assessment of my intellect. And that is perfectly damn worthless.

That a schmuck like you happens to deem it impossible doesn't MAKE it impossible in the real world.

YOU are a dolt. And falsely calling someone else a liar is a lie, which makes you a bit of a liar. Irony does have its place.
all the horse shit Trump and Cruz yammer about is a damn lie .. that or they are dictators.

Both of those idiots forget they'll be dealing with Congress, and their bullshit wont fly unless Congress says it will.

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