What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years.

So everything on the media, talk shows, by her opponents (both sides, Ds and Rs), all of Bill's girlfriends coming out of the closet, etc. etc., they're all full of shit and I should go with your word - some whack-fuck on a message board - to draw a conclusion that Hillary is a "terrific woman?"

Go phuck yourself, a-hole.
Hey dumbshit. TRUMP SAID THAT!!!

Not me.

You just hoisted yourself by your own petard, idiot.

So let's hear you tell Trump to go phuck himself. Unless you're a raging tard hypocrite.

You're stealing Trump quotes now?
Dear Lord...

You're busted.

You just hurt your own ass.

Oh, man. This is priceless!
Trump's own words:

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."

Keep peddling....
Let's start laying odds on the Pollock telling Trump to go phuck himself for liking Clinton, or choosing to be a tard hypocrite instead.

We are seeing that willful blindness in real time now.

Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...

At least he gets married and takes responsibility - vs. Bill Clinton, who just fucks anything with two tits and a twat. Regardless of age.

cheated on 1st wife with girlfriend
had baby out of wedlock with girlfriend
married 2nd wife (girlfriend) 2 months AFTER baby was born
divorced 2 wife for foreign model
moved her to US (legally?) .. who knows
married 3rd wife

not sure how he spent so much time chasing women with all the time he spent in Federal bankruptcy court.

busy rich guy huh?

3 wives
1 bastard kid
4 bankruptcies

role model for REEEE-publicans
This personal shit is not relevant to the problems our nation faces.
A very pro-choice, incestuous, gambling magnate who is pro-Clinton.

I can't help but wonder what special kind of mental retardation it takes to believe this guy is the right guy for the Republican nomination.

You have an actual RINO right in front of your faces, and you are stabbing your eyes out to avoid this truth.


And the people are loving him.
Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years.

So everything on the media, talk shows, by her opponents (both sides, Ds and Rs), all of Bill's girlfriends coming out of the closet, etc. etc., they're all full of shit and I should go with your word - some whack-fuck on a message board - to draw a conclusion that Hillary is a "terrific woman?"

Go phuck yourself, a-hole.
Hey dumbshit. TRUMP SAID THAT!!!

Not me.

You just hoisted yourself by your own petard, idiot.

So let's hear you tell Trump to go phuck himself. Unless you're a raging tard hypocrite.

You're stealing Trump quotes now?
Dear Lord...

You're busted.

You just hurt your own ass.

Oh, man. This is priceless!

Next time you want to use one of Trump's quotes as your own, reference quotes accordingly, dingbat.
Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years.

So everything on the media, talk shows, by her opponents (both sides, Ds and Rs), all of Bill's girlfriends coming out of the closet, etc. etc., they're all full of shit and I should go with your word - some whack-fuck on a message board - to draw a conclusion that Hillary is a "terrific woman?"

Go phuck yourself, a-hole.
Hey dumbshit. TRUMP SAID THAT!!!

Not me.

You just hoisted yourself by your own petard, idiot.

So let's hear you tell Trump to go phuck himself. Unless you're a raging tard hypocrite.

You're stealing Trump quotes now?
Dear Lord...

You're busted.

You just hurt your own ass.

Oh, man. This is priceless!

Next time you want to use one of Trump's quotes as your own, reference quotes accordingly, dingbat.

I put it in quotes, tard. And it was obvious from the context it was Trump saying it. Everyone else understood.

Read the OP again.

If you still support Trump and don't tell him to go phuck himself for saying that about Clinton, then you just proved to the world what a gigantic hypocrite you are. Because when you idiotically thought I was saying it, you went into a rage.

You're busted, hypocrite.
The poor dumb rubes. They parrot whatever their propaganda organs tell them to.

There is only one candidate in both parties who has ever actually balanced the federal budget.

As governor, the same guy took his state from a deficit to a surplus and increased jobs. What was Trump's response to that performance? "He got lucky." Says the guy who inherited $300 million, born on third base!

But what have the rubes been programmed to call this candidate? A RINO. Why? Just because he took the Medicare money which the taxpayers of his state were forced to pay for!

1. Balanced the federal budget and put us on a track of federal surpluses.

2. Took his state from a deficit to a surplus.

3. Increased jobs and employment in his state above the national average.

This is what the rubes call a RINO!

Now let's take a look at the pied piper the tards are following into the cave.

"I'm very pro-choice...Again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City."

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."


When asked to cite his favorite Biblical verse, Trump was stumped. Yesterday, when reading 2 Corinthians 3:17, he said, "Two Corinthians, 3:17." Does anyone believe this guy knows the bible or has ever been to church?

Family values:

After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . . "

Trump Seriously: On the Trail With the GOP's Tough Guy

"I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

The response: "You are sick." "Who are you, Woody Allen?"

The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...[/QUOTE]
You assume falsely that being a Republican is a good thing these days. If you're an establishment Republican you're no better than a Democrat.
I don't get it. Why does the radical left give advice to republican candidates? You almost gotta laugh that Trump has lefties researching the Bible. It seems that lefties are convinced that the psychotic wife of the world class philanderer is a loser and they want to make sure a "moderate" (rino) republican is elected. That seems to be the way things are stacking up. I haven't seen a leftie praise either Hilly or Bernie yet.
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Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...

At least he gets married and takes responsibility - vs. Bill Clinton, who just fucks anything with two tits and a twat. Regardless of age.

cheated on 1st wife with girlfriend
had baby out of wedlock with girlfriend
married 2nd wife (girlfriend) 2 months AFTER baby was born
divorced 2 wife for foreign model
moved her to US (legally?) .. who knows
married 3rd wife

not sure how he spent so much time chasing women with all the time he spent in Federal bankruptcy court.

busy rich guy huh?

3 wives
1 bastard kid
4 bankruptcies

role model for REEEE-publicans
This personal shit is not relevant to the problems our nation faces.

who runs our nation is personal,you idiot.
You assume falsely that being a Republican is a good thing these days. If you're an establishment Republican you're no better than a Democrat.
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...

At least he gets married and takes responsibility - vs. Bill Clinton, who just fucks anything with two tits and a twat. Regardless of age.

cheated on 1st wife with girlfriend
had baby out of wedlock with girlfriend
married 2nd wife (girlfriend) 2 months AFTER baby was born
divorced 2 wife for foreign model
moved her to US (legally?) .. who knows
married 3rd wife

not sure how he spent so much time chasing women with all the time he spent in Federal bankruptcy court.

busy rich guy huh?

3 wives
1 bastard kid
4 bankruptcies

role model for REEEE-publicans
This personal shit is not relevant to the problems our nation faces.

who runs our nation is personal,you idiot.
So you'll join the Hillary isn't qualified because she stood by a cheating husband bandwagon then?

Idiot indeed
That's another funny thing about the pants shitting, piss drinking, parrots. They mistake logic and fact seeking to discern the truth as a liberal thing. It gives me no end of amusement when the tards make that assumption.
if ANY Democrat carried Trump's baggage the Republitards would either have him deported or hung ..
The poor dumb rubes. They parrot whatever their propaganda organs tell them to.

There is only one candidate in both parties who has ever actually balanced the federal budget.

As governor, the same guy took his state from a deficit to a surplus and increased jobs. What was Trump's response to that performance? "He got lucky." Says the guy who inherited $300 million, born on third base!

But what have the rubes been programmed to call this candidate? A RINO. Why? Just because he took the Medicare money which the taxpayers of his state were forced to pay for!

1. Balanced the federal budget and put us on a track of federal surpluses.

2. Took his state from a deficit to a surplus.

3. Increased jobs and employment in his state above the national average.

This is what the rubes call a RINO!

Now let's take a look at the pied piper the tards are following into the cave.

"I'm very pro-choice...Again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City."

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."


When asked to cite his favorite Biblical verse, Trump was stumped. Yesterday, when reading 2 Corinthians 3:17, he said, "Two Corinthians, 3:17." Does anyone believe this guy knows the bible or has ever been to church?

Family values:

After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . . "

Trump Seriously: On the Trail With the GOP's Tough Guy

"I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

The response: "You are sick." "Who are you, Woody Allen?"

The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...[/QUOTE]

By strict definition, I agree that Trump is a RINO. He is in the GOP only because he has to be somewhere.

But I would never use that acronym to describe him because I normally reserve it for people who pretend to be Republican. Trump blasts the Republican Party as much as he does the Democrats. And rightly so, IMO.

Trump crosses all lines and resists definition. I think that is a large part of his appeal.
The poor dumb rubes. They parrot whatever their propaganda organs tell them to.

There is only one candidate in both parties who has ever actually balanced the federal budget.

As governor, the same guy took his state from a deficit to a surplus and increased jobs. What was Trump's response to that performance? "He got lucky." Says the guy who inherited $300 million, born on third base!

But what have the rubes been programmed to call this candidate? A RINO. Why? Just because he took the Medicare money which the taxpayers of his state were forced to pay for!

1. Balanced the federal budget and put us on a track of federal surpluses.

2. Took his state from a deficit to a surplus.

3. Increased jobs and employment in his state above the national average.

This is what the rubes call a RINO!

Now let's take a look at the pied piper the tards are following into the cave.

"I'm very pro-choice...Again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City."

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."


When asked to cite his favorite Biblical verse, Trump was stumped. Yesterday, when reading 2 Corinthians 3:17, he said, "Two Corinthians, 3:17." Does anyone believe this guy knows the bible or has ever been to church?

Family values:

After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . . "

Trump Seriously: On the Trail With the GOP's Tough Guy

"I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

The response: "You are sick." "Who are you, Woody Allen?"

The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...

It's funny how leftwing turds like you are always complaining that Trump is not a genuine conservative when you tell us this guy is the genuine article:


There's a true RINO for you.

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