What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.

Obama floundered when he had a Democratic Congress. He never managed to get hold of his own party, much less the opposition.
Exactly. It just doesn't get more incompetent than that.
Hey G5000!! Want to see a "poor dumb rube"? Buy a mirror!


Stop drinking the piss......


Mods, please close the thread
Geezus. I gave a GIANT clue who I support in the OP, and the tards STILL get it wrong.


I am loving this.

It's all Marx to them.

For what it's worth, I think the guy you support stands the best chance in a general election.

EDIT: Actually, Rubio your guy second, his personality is his biggest detractor.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.
That's because Clintons republican congress were all corporatists.
Reagan was a corporatist as well.
YOU believe it
Ruby5000 supports a candidate that has practically ZERO chance of winning the nomination (Kasich is at a lowly 2.3% nationally). This way he can continue the facade that he is "a conservative" while denouncing conservatives as rubes and piss drinkers.

Here is what a RINO looks like....

And you would support a candidate that has 0% chance of winning a general election.

Kasich has the best change of winning the general election. On top of it, he'd be a damn good President. That's the most conservative decision one can make.

Yeah, sure ....That is why he's at 2%


The only people excited about Kasich are Democrats. They see another moderate, whiny, establishment squish that would get obliterated in the general election..
As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.

Obama floundered when he had a Democratic Congress. He never managed to get hold of his own party, much less the opposition.

You sure about that?

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Children s Health Insurance Reauthorizaton
America Recovery and Investment Act
Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Re authorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
Car Allowance Rebate System
Bailed out GM and Chrysler
Extension to Jobless benefits
Making Home Affordable Modification Plan
Exending Bush Tax cuts

To name some.
Poor saps. You get the government you deserve.

You worked double-overtime to ensure Obama's victory, TWICE.

And now you are working to ensure another Clinton occupies the White House.
Geezus. I gave a GIANT clue who I support in the OP, and the tards STILL get it wrong.


I am loving this.

It's all Marx to them.

For what it's worth, I think the guy you support stands the best chance in a general election.

EDIT: Actually, Rubio your guy second, his personality is his biggest detractor.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.

Really? You think Bill Clinton could work with this Congress? I don't. I also believe Obama has accomplished quite a bit and it's to whether one would approve of his accomplishments or not that is the issue.

Yes, Reagan got along famously with Democrats, thanks to Democrats.
Geezus. I gave a GIANT clue who I support in the OP, and the tards STILL get it wrong.


I am loving this.

It's all Marx to them.

For what it's worth, I think the guy you support stands the best chance in a general election.

EDIT: Actually, Rubio your guy second, his personality is his biggest detractor.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.
That's because Clintons republican congress were all corporatists.
Reagan was a corporatist as well.
YOU believe it

^There is your evidence g5000, this is the base that the Republican Congress has to appease.
Geezus. I gave a GIANT clue who I support in the OP, and the tards STILL get it wrong.


I am loving this.

It's all Marx to them.

For what it's worth, I think the guy you support stands the best chance in a general election.

EDIT: Actually, Rubio your guy second, his personality is his biggest detractor.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.

Really? You think Bill Clinton could work with this Congress? I don't. I also believe Obama has accomplished quite a bit and it's to whether one would approve of his accomplishments or not that is the issue.

Yes, Reagan got along famously with Democrats, thanks to Democrats.
Reagan got along famously with Democrats not thanks to Democrats. You have to be joking.

The Democrats would line up to have their picture taken with him.

Because 49 states.
It's all Marx to them.

For what it's worth, I think the guy you support stands the best chance in a general election.

EDIT: Actually, Rubio your guy second, his personality is his biggest detractor.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.

Really? You think Bill Clinton could work with this Congress? I don't. I also believe Obama has accomplished quite a bit and it's to whether one would approve of his accomplishments or not that is the issue.

Yes, Reagan got along famously with Democrats, thanks to Democrats.
Reagan got along famously with Democrats not thanks to Democrats. You have to be joking.

The Democrats would line up to have their picture taken with him.

Because 49 states.

You think Boehner was more approachable than O'Neill was to the White House?
As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.

Obama floundered when he had a Democratic Congress. He never managed to get hold of his own party, much less the opposition.

You sure about that?

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Children s Health Insurance Reauthorizaton
America Recovery and Investment Act
Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Re authorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010
Car Allowance Rebate System
Bailed out GM and Chrysler
Extension to Jobless benefits
Making Home Affordable Modification Plan
Exending Bush Tax cuts

To name some.

Yes, I'm sure. Take a look at that list. By and large a bunch of things that were either horrible ideas, or were things that he never wanted a part of. Obama's legacy will predominantly be things that he would not have supported but had little choice because he couldn't keep the idiot Nancy Pelosi at bay.

And yes, you heard me correctly. Obama never wanted the monstrosity now know as Obamacare. He was forced to press the universal health care issue by a rabid Pelosi, and all he managed to salvage out of it was this catastrophe of a law. Obamacare was never the vision that Obama had for America.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.

Really? You think Bill Clinton could work with this Congress? I don't. I also believe Obama has accomplished quite a bit and it's to whether one would approve of his accomplishments or not that is the issue.

Yes, Reagan got along famously with Democrats, thanks to Democrats.
Reagan got along famously with Democrats not thanks to Democrats. You have to be joking.

The Democrats would line up to have their picture taken with him.

Because 49 states.

You think Boehner was more approachable than O'Neill was to the White House?
Obama didn't win 44 states, followed by 49 states.

If he had, Boehner would have been fellating Obama on the Capitol steps. And washing Obama's pants with his tears.
It's all Marx to them.

For what it's worth, I think the guy you support stands the best chance in a general election.

EDIT: Actually, Rubio your guy second, his personality is his biggest detractor.
Rubio isn't seasoned enough. He'd be eaten alive by Congress, just like Obama has been.

In time, he would make an excellent President.

I agree Rubio may not be mature enough but he is probably more likable. Whether that's a quality that counts or not is another thing.

As far as Obama "being eaten alive" I don't think any Democrat would fair better with a Republican congress and probably the same the other way around.
I can think of several Democrats who would have gotten along better, including Hillary's husband.

Hell, the man was IMPEACHED and still accomplished more than Obama has.

And Reagan got along famously with the Democratic Congress, achieving everything he wanted.

Really? You think Bill Clinton could work with this Congress? I don't. I also believe Obama has accomplished quite a bit and it's to whether one would approve of his accomplishments or not that is the issue.

Yes, Reagan got along famously with Democrats, thanks to Democrats.
Reagan got along famously with Democrats not thanks to Democrats. You have to be joking.

The Democrats would line up to have their picture taken with him.

Because 49 states.


Ronnie and Tip locked horns all day, every day, but they managed to work through issues for the sake of the country, then have a drink together at the end of the day.

not a chance in hell that could happen in our market today ... NONE.

shame that.
Ruby5000 supports a candidate that has practically ZERO chance of winning the nomination (Kasich is at a lowly 2.3% nationally). This way he can continue the facade that he is "a conservative" while denouncing conservatives as rubes and piss drinkers.

Here is what a RINO looks like....

And you would support a candidate that has 0% chance of winning a general election.

Kasich has the best change of winning the general election. On top of it, he'd be a damn good President. That's the most conservative decision one can make.

Yeah, sure ....That is why he's at 2%


The only people excited about Kasich are Democrats. They see another moderate, whiny, establishment squish that would get obliterated in the general election..

The good news is that your posts are helping scientists identify the previously unknown phenomenon of voluntary dementia.

Don't get me wrong, I could sit here and explain why his polling among the GOP primary field has zero to do with his chances of winning a general election. But you would just choose to deactivate more of your neural pathways, so what's the point?

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