What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

Right, I think Reagan was very open to compromise, I also think Obama has been. The difference here to me is Congress.

Reagan understood what a compromise is, you trade one thing for another. Obama thinks baiting your opponent or using executive orders are compromise. Huge difference.

Obama hardly holds the record on executive actions. And I think you are confusing politics for baiting.

Wrong, Obama holds the record for using EOs to evade Congress.
Trump crosses all lines and resists definition. I think that is a large part of his appeal.

The same thing could be said for a transvestite. Doesn't mean the GOP should nominate one for President.

I hope THAT is the stupidest thing I hear all day.

So you think the GOP should nominate a transvestite for President? :cuckoo:

DAMMIT! Ok, I hope that THAT is the dumbest thing I hear all day.

Predfan endorses RuPaul for President.

That one isn't as stupid as the previous ones, it's merely irrelevant.
Right, I think Reagan was very open to compromise, I also think Obama has been. The difference here to me is Congress.

Reagan understood what a compromise is, you trade one thing for another. Obama thinks baiting your opponent or using executive orders are compromise. Huge difference.

Obama hardly holds the record on executive actions. And I think you are confusing politics for baiting.

Wrong, Obama holds the record for using EOs to evade Congress.

You no doubt have the comparative data to prove this.

If you want to compare Obama to Reagan keep in mind that thousands of people lined up in the National Mall to pay homage to Ronald Reagan in the Summer of 2004.

In some hopefully soon future date there will be just as many for pissing on Obama's grave.
Right, I think Reagan was very open to compromise, I also think Obama has been. The difference here to me is Congress.

Reagan understood what a compromise is, you trade one thing for another. Obama thinks baiting your opponent or using executive orders are compromise. Huge difference.

Obama hardly holds the record on executive actions. And I think you are confusing politics for baiting.
He may not have nearly as many EOs as Bush, but he certainly pushed the envelope of executive powers with the few EOs he wrote. In that respect, he is right up there with Bush.
It's funny how leftwing turds like you are always complaining that Trump is not a genuine conservative when you tell us this guy is the genuine article:


There's a true RINO for you.

Another FAIL! :lol:

So many assumptions you rubes pull out of your asses! This is great.

Look here, dumbass: Jeb, It Is Time To Go

What "assumptions" are those?
Your post was directed at me. And you said, "you tell us this guy is the genuine article".

Nope. I never have.

You ASS-U-MEd.

I called for Jeb to drop out a while ago, because he's vomit.
Bripat thinks I am a Jeb supporter. Oh, man, that is fucking priceless.

Jeb, the only reason Trump is where he is today is because of you. You see, Jeb, the last thing America wanted on the next ballot was a choice between another Clinton and another Bush. It made us all feel like we were being forced to lick up our own vomit.

Then who are you supporting, turd? We're all dying to know.
You think Boehner was more approachable than O'Neill was to the White House?
Obama didn't win 44 states, followed by 49 states.

And? What you are saying is the Democratic Congresses during Reagan were easier to work with?
They were. And Reagan was also easy to work with. He was not afraid to compromise or to admit when he had made a mistake.

Nor was he a pants shitter.

Qualities sadly lacking in the modern GOP and its parroting piss drinking rubes.

Right, I think Reagan was very open to compromise, I also think Obama has been. The difference here to me is Congress.
Obama is not open to compromise. The very first thing I noticed about Obama as President is that he is a coward with a giant ego.

He let the Democrats in Congress take all the heavy fire, all the punches to the face and stomach, while he hid in a closet during the ACA battles.

Then, at the very end, he came riding in on his high horse thinking he would single-handedly close the deal. And he got his ass handed to him, by Left and Right.

I know the Right thinks the ACA should be stained with Obama's name as ObamaCare, but that man didn't do a thing to earn his name on it.

I believe Obama wanted the ACA debated in Congress (and contrary to wingnut beliefs it was) and he specifically asked Republicans to get involved. I agree that too much of the burden and most of the success to getting the ACA through belongs to Pelosi.

However, the ACA would not exist if Obama were not in office and he's still taking fire for it (not Congres) and he's the one out there now more than anyone else defending it. I think he was too laid back while it was passing, I don't think he was being a coward though.
It's funny how leftwing turds like you are always complaining that Trump is not a genuine conservative when you tell us this guy is the genuine article:


There's a true RINO for you.

Another FAIL! :lol:

So many assumptions you rubes pull out of your asses! This is great.

Look here, dumbass: Jeb, It Is Time To Go

What "assumptions" are those?
"you tell us this guy is the genuine article".

Nope. I never have.

You ASS-U-MEd.

Then who is the genuine article?
Right, I think Reagan was very open to compromise, I also think Obama has been. The difference here to me is Congress.

Reagan understood what a compromise is, you trade one thing for another. Obama thinks baiting your opponent or using executive orders are compromise. Huge difference.

Obama hardly holds the record on executive actions. And I think you are confusing politics for baiting.
He may not have nearly as many EOs as Bush, but he certainly pushed the envelope of executive powers with the few EOs he wrote. In that respect, he is right up there with Bush.

Which of Bush's EOs "pushed the envelope?"
Yep, takes a special kind of rube piss drinker to say one man in 535 members of congress, single handedly balanced the federal budget.

As Chairman of the House budget committee, Kasich was a key figure. No one else can make the claim they helped balanced the federal budget.

Kasich knows how to do it, and he knows how to work with the opposition to get it done. Because he has done it before.

Nor can any others claim to have increased employment in their state, and taken their state's budget from a deficit to a surplus.

He has long time Legislative AND Executive experience.

There isn't any other candidate with that skill set.

But who do we have leading the polls? A complete and total RINO and two first term senators.

Gee, how'd it work out the last time we elected a first term senator?

Rubio will get better with time, but everyone in Congress HATES Cruz. How would that work out if he is President?

As Chairman of the House budget committee, Kasich was a key figure. No one else can make the claim they helped balanced the federal budget.

Wasn't Sanders part of the congress that balanced the budget?
I like that Trump has hurt the cowardly, hypocritical, lying GOP Establishment. But he was able to do this by being a caricature of them. This is what the rubes don't get.

By supporting Trump, you are supporting everything wrong with the GOP Establishment to the power of three!
The establishment GOP just passed one the largest spending bills in US History and it's loaded to the gills with pork, pet spending projects, and new government programs. They counted on Democrats to get the deed done.

But anyone who supports Trump, the only candidate not bought and paid for by lobbyists and special interests, is stupid?

Right, I think Reagan was very open to compromise, I also think Obama has been. The difference here to me is Congress.

Reagan understood what a compromise is, you trade one thing for another. Obama thinks baiting your opponent or using executive orders are compromise. Huge difference.

Obama hardly holds the record on executive actions. And I think you are confusing politics for baiting.
He may not have nearly as many EOs as Bush, but he certainly pushed the envelope of executive powers with the few EOs he wrote. In that respect, he is right up there with Bush.

Which of Bush's EOs "pushed the envelope?"


Weakening the Presidential Records Act
Yep, takes a special kind of rube piss drinker to say one man in 535 members of congress, single handedly balanced the federal budget.

As Chairman of the House budget committee, Kasich was a key figure. No one else can make the claim they helped balanced the federal budget.

Kasich knows how to do it, and he knows how to work with the opposition to get it done. Because he has done it before.

Nor can any others claim to have increased employment in their state, and taken their state's budget from a deficit to a surplus.

He has long time Legislative AND Executive experience.

There isn't any other candidate with that skill set.

But who do we have leading the polls? A complete and total RINO and two first term senators.

Gee, how'd it work out the last time we elected a first term senator?

Rubio will get better with time, but everyone in Congress HATES Cruz. How would that work out if he is President?

As Chairman of the House budget committee, Kasich was a key figure. No one else can make the claim they helped balanced the federal budget.

Wasn't Sanders part of the congress that balanced the budget?
Two things.

1) Sanders had no part in putting together the balanced budget.

2) Sanders voted against the balanced budget.

See for yourself: H.R. 2015 (105th): Balanced Budget Act of 1997 -- House Vote #345 -- Jul 30, 1997

You're going to have to do a lot better than this.

You assume falsely that being a Republican is a good thing these days. If you're an establishment Republican you're no better than a Democrat.
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
I thought the point was to appeal to voters outside of the party. How can you win an election if all you appeal to is a minority of the voters?

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