What Does An Actual RINO Look Like?

You assume falsely that being a Republican is a good thing these days. If you're an establishment Republican you're no better than a Democrat.
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
I thought the point was to appeal to voters outside of the party. How can you win an election if all you appeal to is a minority of the voters?

Stop making sense.

Ruby5000 wants Kasich to be the nominee. He's the guy with the weird jaw tick, and 2.3% support.

He'd be obliterated in the general election. But he'd be very polite.
You are a fool.

Kasich is from Ohio, and is extremely popular there.

Take a look at an electoral map sometime, idiot, and look at how crucial Ohio has been to GOP wins.

Kasich scored a 64 to 33 percent win over the Democrat there. In what is called a key battleground state.

Rubio is from Florida.

Again, take a look at an electoral map sometime, and see how crucial Florida has been to GOP wins. Think 2000.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a grand slam win.
Oh....go drink some more piss, Rube.
A very pro-choice, incestuous, gambling magnate who is pro-Clinton.

I can't help but wonder what special kind of mental retardation it takes to believe this guy is the right guy for the Republican nomination.

You have an actual RINO right in front of your faces, and you are stabbing your eyes out to avoid this truth.

Its a dream come true for his opponent if he is nominated
Well, as I have said many times, Trump won't be the nominee, but the utterly corrupted GOP won't hesitate to use him as a tool to play dirty politics and attack Clinton while they pretend their white gloves are unstained by mud.
Do you think they'll have a brokered nomination in a smoke-filled back room of the convention sending the xenophobes into a rage?
Kasich only has low support in the GOP right now because it is dominated by idiots who are in love with a total RINO. A pro-choice, incestuous, pro-Clinton, gambling magnate.

If the GOP threw its support behind a Kasich/Rubio ticket, we'd be looking at a huge Clinton defeat.
You assume falsely that being a Republican is a good thing these days. If you're an establishment Republican you're no better than a Democrat.
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
I thought the point was to appeal to voters outside of the party. How can you win an election if all you appeal to is a minority of the voters?

Stop making sense.

Ruby5000 wants Kasich to be the nominee. He's the guy with the weird jaw tick, and 2.3% support.

He'd be obliterated in the general election. But he'd be very polite.
You are a fool.

Kasich is from Ohio, and is extremely popular there.

Take a look at an electoral map sometime, idiot, and look at how crucial Ohio has been to GOP wins.

Kasich scored a 64 to 33 percent win over the Democrat there. In what is called a key battleground state.

Rubio is from Florida.

Again, take a look at an electoral map sometime, and see how crucial Florida has been to GOP wins. Think 2000.

Rubio scored 49 percent in the Senate election. As much as the Independent and Democratic candidates combined.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a grand slam win.
That ticket would seem to be a grown-ups ticket, yes.
Ruby5000 wants Kasich to be the nominee. He's the guy with the weird jaw tick, and 2.3% support.

He'd be obliterated in the general election. But he'd be very polite.

That you can't even understand the difference between a primary election and a general election is a medical marvel. Truly, I pray that you continue this. Your contributions to science will help improve the lives of dementia patients for generations to come.
You assume falsely that being a Republican is a good thing these days. If you're an establishment Republican you're no better than a Democrat.
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
I thought the point was to appeal to voters outside of the party. How can you win an election if all you appeal to is a minority of the voters?

Stop making sense.

Ruby5000 wants Kasich to be the nominee. He's the guy with the weird jaw tick, and 2.3% support.

He'd be obliterated in the general election. But he'd be very polite.
You are a fool.

Kasich is from Ohio, and is extremely popular there.

Take a look at an electoral map sometime, idiot, and look at how crucial Ohio has been to GOP wins.

Kasich scored a 64 to 33 percent win over the Democrat there. In what is called a key battleground state.

Rubio is from Florida.

Again, take a look at an electoral map sometime, and see how crucial Florida has been to GOP wins. Think 2000.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a grand slam win.

Sorry Ruby5000 but the fool is you. Milquetoast Kasich (2.3%) and La Raza Rubio (11.8%) would lose in a landslide. Conservatives would stay home in droves. Think 2012.
Kasich only has low support in the GOP right now because it is dominated by idiots who are in love with a total RINO. A pro-choice, incestuous, pro-Clinton, gambling magnate.

If the GOP threw its support behind a Kasich/Rubio ticket, we'd be looking at a huge Clinton defeat.


I believe Obama wanted the ACA debated in Congress (and contrary to wingnut beliefs it was) and he specifically asked Republicans to get involved. I agree that too much of the burden and most of the success to getting the ACA through belongs to Pelosi.

However, the ACA would not exist if Obama were not in office and he's still taking fire for it (not Congres) and he's the one out there now more than anyone else defending it. I think he was too laid back while it was passing, I don't think he was being a coward though.


You're not getting it. Obama wanted it "debated" in Congress with Republican "involvement" because he couldn't contain Pelosi! Obama wanted universal health care, but he knew that he could not accomplish that out of the gates. It would take time, and he would have to wait in order to get buy-in. But Pelosi wanted to press it from the beginning. And she wouldn't sit the fuck down and listen, so Obama tried to get Republicans "involved" because he wanted to keep Pelosi occupied and off his back. It didn't work, and he ended up moving abandoning his goal of universal health care in favor of the monstrosity known as the ACA.

You're right when you say that Pelosi was the driving force in getting the ACA through Congress. She was the Speaker of the House! And you're right that the ACA would not exist if Obama were not in office. That the ACA exists is a failure of Obama. His goal was to create universal health care. He failed, and instead got saddled with something that provides health care for nobody, but forces people to buy health insurance, often times when they can't afford it. The ACA is the worst thing to happen to the American health care system since the frivolous lawsuit.

Got a link?
Yep, takes a special kind of rube piss drinker to say one man in 535 members of congress, single handedly balanced the federal budget.

As Chairman of the House budget committee, Kasich was a key figure. No one else can make the claim they helped balanced the federal budget.

Kasich knows how to do it, and he knows how to work with the opposition to get it done. Because he has done it before.

Nor can any others claim to have increased employment in their state, and taken their state's budget from a deficit to a surplus.

He has long time Legislative AND Executive experience.

There isn't any other candidate with that skill set.

But who do we have leading the polls? A complete and total RINO and two first term senators.

Gee, how'd it work out the last time we elected a first term senator?

Rubio will get better with time, but everyone in Congress HATES Cruz. How would that work out if he is President?

As Chairman of the House budget committee, Kasich was a key figure. No one else can make the claim they helped balanced the federal budget.

Wasn't Sanders part of the congress that balanced the budget?
Two things.

1) Sanders had no part in putting together the balanced budget.

2) Sanders voted against the balanced budget.

See for yourself: H.R. 2015 (105th): Balanced Budget Act of 1997 -- House Vote #345 -- Jul 30, 1997

Nice try. Not.

So the answer is YES, he was part of the congress that balanced the budget, his vote was irrelevant to the question. My point was Kasich can't be given sole credit, I think if any one person can take credit it would be Newtster, he's the one that ultimately got it done.
You were obviously committing a stupid logical fallacy. You were desperately trying to take away credit that can't be taken away. As if a member of Congress who had no part in the budget process was just as creditable as the guy who was the Chairman of the committee that wrote the budget.

You should be very, very careful, and think about the benchmark you are setting in your hack partisan haste, dummy. In your pathetic attempt to take away Kasich's achievement, you are taking away every achievement of EVERYONE who has ever served in Congress. Including Rubio and Cruz.

Your idiot fallacy failed, and now you have to backtrack.

Kasich helped write the balanced budget. You can't deny that, because it is a fact.

No other candidate has ever written a balanced federal budget.
Dig a little deeper:

Gov. Kasich has a $14 billion Obamacare problem - Watchdog.org

“Without the federal funny money that increases America’s national debt, John Kasich’s ‘Ohio miracle’ utterly collapses,” Mayer added.
Defending Obamacare expansion as a way to reclaim Ohio money from the feds has worked for Kasich so far, as his poll numbers have jumped following his official July 21 campaign announcement.

That’s likely to change in the near future, since Kasich is competing for attention with Obamacare expansion foes that include former Florida governor Jeb Bush and former Texas governor Rick Perry.
Where did Kasich get the idea his Obamacare expansion would be paid for with Ohio money and not new federal spending? He made it up.

Medicaid expansion “brought our money back to Ohio, 14 billion,” Kasich told Sean Hannity during a July 21 Fox News interview.

In fact, it's probably a good idea to read what papers in Ohio think of Kasich.

Has Gov. Kasich helped the economy?

Gotta love this article from the partisan Mother Jones:

John Kasich was against poor people before he was for them

Once again, the budget brought tax savings for the wealthy, and higher taxes for those who can least afford them. An analysis of the 2015 budget by the Institute of Taxation and Economic Policy found that about half the benefit of the tax cuts, totaling about $1 billion, would go into the pockets of the top 1 percent of Ohioans, while the only group that would see a tax increase was the bottom 20 percent of earners.

If even a quarter is true, then, wow.
You gotta admit. That sounds very, very GOP.

You assume falsely that being a Republican is a good thing these days. If you're an establishment Republican you're no better than a Democrat.
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
I thought the point was to appeal to voters outside of the party. How can you win an election if all you appeal to is a minority of the voters?

Stop making sense.

Ruby5000 wants Kasich to be the nominee. He's the guy with the weird jaw tick, and 2.3% support.

He'd be obliterated in the general election. But he'd be very polite.
You are a fool.

Kasich is from Ohio, and is extremely popular there.

Take a look at an electoral map sometime, idiot, and look at how crucial Ohio has been to GOP wins.

Kasich scored a 64 to 33 percent win over the Democrat there. In what is called a key battleground state.

Rubio is from Florida.

Again, take a look at an electoral map sometime, and see how crucial Florida has been to GOP wins. Think 2000.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a grand slam win.

Sorry Ruby5000 but the fool is you. Milquetoast Kasich (2.3%) and La Raza Rubio (11.8%) would lose in a landslide. Conservatives would stay home in droves. Think 2012.
Only tards would stay home, and I admit that is a large part of the GOP electorate.

But their loss would be the GOP's gain, because the sane people who have been staying home for a long time will turn out.

Again, look at the map, idiot.

Kasich: 64 to 33 percent. In a country split right down the middle. You are an idiot to blow that off. He'd carry Ohio easily.

There are red states which will vote for the GOP candidate no matter what.

There are blue states which will vote for the Dem candidate no matter what.

It's the states like Ohio and Florida which determine the outcome.

Kasich would easily carry Ohio, and Rubio would carry Florida.
Kasich only has low support in the GOP right now because it is dominated by idiots who are in love with a total RINO. A pro-choice, incestuous, pro-Clinton, gambling magnate.

If the GOP threw its support behind a Kasich/Rubio ticket, we'd be looking at a huge Clinton defeat.



That is the dream ticket for RINO's and establishment GOPers. Guaranteed to lose, politely!
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
I thought the point was to appeal to voters outside of the party. How can you win an election if all you appeal to is a minority of the voters?

Stop making sense.

Ruby5000 wants Kasich to be the nominee. He's the guy with the weird jaw tick, and 2.3% support.

He'd be obliterated in the general election. But he'd be very polite.
You are a fool.

Kasich is from Ohio, and is extremely popular there.

Take a look at an electoral map sometime, idiot, and look at how crucial Ohio has been to GOP wins.

Kasich scored a 64 to 33 percent win over the Democrat there. In what is called a key battleground state.

Rubio is from Florida.

Again, take a look at an electoral map sometime, and see how crucial Florida has been to GOP wins. Think 2000.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a grand slam win.

Sorry Ruby5000 but the fool is you. Milquetoast Kasich (2.3%) and La Raza Rubio (11.8%) would lose in a landslide. Conservatives would stay home in droves. Think 2012.
Only tards would stay home, and I admit that is a large part of the GOP electorate.

But their loss would be the GOP's gain, because the sane people who have been staying home for a long time will turn out.

Again, look at the map, idiot.

Kasich: 64 to 33 percent. In a country split right down the middle. You are an idiot to blow that off.

Honestly, would be far more fearful of Kasich than Trump... Trump will be easy one on one in front of independents...
Kasich/Rubio would carry Ohio and Florida, and win the election.

Trump won't even win New York.

The calculus is obvious, folks.

And we'd get a balanced federal budget out of the deal. Again. Finally.
The poor dumb rubes. They parrot whatever their propaganda organs tell them to.

There is only one candidate in both parties who has ever actually balanced the federal budget.

As governor, the same guy took his state from a deficit to a surplus and increased jobs. What was Trump's response to that performance? "He got lucky." Says the guy who inherited $300 million, born on third base!

But what have the rubes been programmed to call this candidate? A RINO. Why? Just because he took the Medicare money which the taxpayers of his state were forced to pay for!

1. Balanced the federal budget and put us on a track of federal surpluses.

2. Took his state from a deficit to a surplus.

3. Increased jobs and employment in his state above the national average.

This is what the rubes call a RINO!

Now let's take a look at the pied piper the tards are following into the cave.

"I'm very pro-choice...Again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City."

Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she’s given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."


When asked to cite his favorite Biblical verse, Trump was stumped. Yesterday, when reading 2 Corinthians 3:17, he said, "Two Corinthians, 3:17." Does anyone believe this guy knows the bible or has ever been to church?

Family values:

After I met Ivanka and praised her to her father, he said, "Yeah, she's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father . . . "

Trump Seriously: On the Trail With the GOP's Tough Guy

"I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

The response: "You are sick." "Who are you, Woody Allen?"

The Donald with first wife:


Trump with second wife:


Trump with third wife:


Trump has had THREE wedding cakes, which makes him holier than gays. I can see why evangelicals would like him...[/QUOTE]
A career politician, lowest of life forms.
You are a fool.

Kasich is from Ohio, and is extremely popular there.

Take a look at an electoral map sometime, idiot, and look at how crucial Ohio has been to GOP wins.

Kasich scored a 64 to 33 percent win over the Democrat there. In what is called a key battleground state.

Rubio is from Florida.

Again, take a look at an electoral map sometime, and see how crucial Florida has been to GOP wins. Think 2000, Bush v. Gore.

Rubio scored 49 percent in the Senate election. As much as the Independent and Democratic candidates combined.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a grand slam win.

Short of being caught in bed together along with a blind South American child and at least three small mammals, they would be guaranteed a two term presidency. And Rubio would be primed to succeed Kasich. A Kasich/Rubio administration, with Paul Ryan as Speaker could become a golden age for the GOP. It's a fucking godsend.

But the slobs are too busy masturbating to anti-Muslim hate speech, so what can you do? :dunno:
If you support a guy who is so blazingly the OPPOSITE of traditional Republican values ACROSS THE BOARD, then you are no better than a person born with seven pounds of brain damage.
I thought the point was to appeal to voters outside of the party. How can you win an election if all you appeal to is a minority of the voters?

Stop making sense.

Ruby5000 wants Kasich to be the nominee. He's the guy with the weird jaw tick, and 2.3% support.

He'd be obliterated in the general election. But he'd be very polite.
You are a fool.

Kasich is from Ohio, and is extremely popular there.

Take a look at an electoral map sometime, idiot, and look at how crucial Ohio has been to GOP wins.

Kasich scored a 64 to 33 percent win over the Democrat there. In what is called a key battleground state.

Rubio is from Florida.

Again, take a look at an electoral map sometime, and see how crucial Florida has been to GOP wins. Think 2000.

A Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a grand slam win.

Sorry Ruby5000 but the fool is you. Milquetoast Kasich (2.3%) and La Raza Rubio (11.8%) would lose in a landslide. Conservatives would stay home in droves. Think 2012.
Only tards would stay home, and I admit that is a large part of the GOP electorate.

But their loss would be the GOP's gain, because the sane people who have been staying home for a long time will turn out.

Again, look at the map, idiot.

Kasich: 64 to 33 percent. In a country split right down the middle. You are an idiot to blow that off.

I'm the idiot? Your boy Kasich is at 2.3% for a reason, he's as dull as dishwater.
Conservatives would stay home in droves. Think 2012.

I love this revisionist shit. All the way up to, and including, Election Day, the "conservatives" were predicting and prematurely celebrating a Romney landslide.

Just How Bad Was It?

A sample of a prematurely gleeful "conservative" on Election Day which proves my point in spades:
I'm not the one on television crying over losing Ohio! LOL

Obama won Ohio. LOL.
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