What does God think about sex?


What! Me Worry?
Mar 23, 2013
Watch out for what God has under that big robe of His!

If one could be in any doubt about the fundamentally totalitarian nature of present-day human society, one need only look at the way all humans are shoe-horned, willy-nilly, into only two permissible, mutually exclusive, sexual pigeon-holes: heterosexual and homosexual. No other possibilities are permitted, at least in the editorial pages, and you had better be sure to be one or the other! Or else!

Yet at the cost of polluting one's mind [a very slight cost, since most humans have no mind], one need only glance at the porn sites on the internet in order to sense the vertiginous maelstrom of the varieties of human sexual behavior (or, at least, fantasy).

Now, I must confess that I am fascinated by sex ---- I can read about it for hours and hours on end ---- in biology textbooks.

Solipsism is clearly an untenable philosophical doctrine. Nowhere, in the darkest, most remote recesses of my most twisted fantasies and emotions, can there possibly be the awareness of sexual practices so utterly grotesque as those strewn with reckless prodigality throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Amidst so many gems of perverted genius, it is impossible to choose the weirdest and wildest, but I have always been fond of the mating practices of Giant African Snails:

h2g2 - Animal Sex

Speaking of perverted genius: most human religions are extremely persnickety about sex, who should do it, with whom, when, how, etc. etc. etc. These instructions are generally said to come directly from God, and woe betide you if you depart by a jot or a tittle from the strictures of the deity concerning sex.

Humans are faced by a deity who is ferocious and demanding when it comes to human sex, yet, all over God's green Earth, He is prodigal to the edge of delirium in creating the wildest and wackiest methods of propagation of the species. Sex is the most variable and various aspect of life, and God seems to take a more than maniacal delight in making it as improbable as possible. To me, it is as plain as day that:


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God created everything, including sex. He also created killing, drug abuse, thieves, false religions and governments that imprison people, anger, jealousy, the rich and poor, hate crimes, abortions, nuclear bombs, trains, planes and automobiles, etc.

He also created the end of this age to destroy all these thing to start the next age of dreams. However, we won't have all these pleasurable things to confuse our minds with in the next age. Our dreams will never cause us fear again.
Re: What does God think about sex?

They approve. At least most of the gods do. One example of one of the gods said:

Genesis 1:28 (a) (latest, revised, edited version): God blessed them and said to them, "Go boinketh as ye please.
God (Jesus being the example) loves children. And anything that results in a baby, its care, nurture and godly upbringing is as God intended.
ithink god wans us 2 have sex or it wouldnt feel so good why would god not want us to have sex??? makes no sence
It GOD is made in man's image, I can only conclude the OP is a clitorical question.
....birds so it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it..."

But I'll be damned if I can figure out how 2,000 pound sea lions do it!
Watch out for what God has under that big robe of His!

If one could be in any doubt about the fundamentally totalitarian nature of present-day human society, one need only look at the way all humans are shoe-horned, willy-nilly, into only two permissible, mutually exclusive, sexual pigeon-holes: heterosexual and homosexual. No other possibilities are permitted, at least in the editorial pages, and you had better be sure to be one or the other! Or else!

Yet at the cost of polluting your mind [a very slight cost, since most humans have no mind], you need only glance at the porn sites on the internet in order to sense the vertiginous maelstrom of the varieties of human sexual behavior (or, at least, fantasy).

Now, I must confess that I am fascinated by sex ---- I can read about it for hours and hours on end ---- in biology textbooks.

Solipsism is clearly an untenable philosophical doctrine. Nowhere, in the darkest, most remote recesses of my most twisted fantasies and emotions, can there possibly be the awareness of sexual practices so utterly grotesque as those strewn with reckless prodigality throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Amidst so many gems of perverted genius, it is impossible to choose the weirdest and wildest, but I have always been fond of the mating practices of Giant African Snails:

h2g2 - Animal Sex

Speaking of perverted genius: most human religions are extremely persnickety about sex, who should do it, with whom, when, how, etc. etc. etc. These instructions are generally said to come directly from God, and woe betide you if you depart by a jot or a tittle from the strictures of the deity concerning sex.

Humans are faced by a deity who is ferocious and demanding when it comes to human sex, yet, all over God's green Earth, He is prodigal to the edge of delirium in creating the wildest and wackiest methods of propagation of the species. Sex is the most variable and various aspect of life, and God seems to take a more than maniacal delight in making it as improbable as possible. To me, it is as plain as day that:



Why is it that in the US gay males account for only 4% of the population, but gay males also account for about 70% of new HIV cases every year according to the CDC?

Embrace science, declare gay sex unhealthy and suboptimal.
Considering He created it, I would think it's safe to assume that He wants us to enjoy it.

Of course, He also understands the Eternal consequences of sex. He is very much aware that it can result in the creation of life. It can also destroy the lives of people. The scriptures talk about it in terms of fire. Fire is good when it's controlled. When it's out of control it can destroy everything in it's path.

People try to pretend as though what they do in the privacy of their own bedrooms has no consequences outside that room or with anyone but the people they are intimate with. But that's a lie. One time is all it takes to change a family for all Eternity. One time is all it takes to create a child, who then has a life that touches others. And the lives they touch, touch others which creates a ripple effect throughout the world.

Children aren't the only consequences. Diseases can be consequences. So can the emotional and spiritual damage that can be done by misuse. On the other hand, sex can be one of the greatest emotional and spiritual uplift.

That's why the Lord has given us commands to govern who we are to engage in sexual relationships with. So that we can learn wisdom and not be careless with our abilities to procreate.

It's quite amazing that the Lord trusts us with the power to create life and allows us to govern ourselves with this power. We have the power to give or take life. We need to respect that power He has given us.
The words..."be fruitful and multiply" come to mind real quick. That rather sounds as if God gave His blessing for frequent, good quality sex. :)
God likes sex only when it is done within a marriage. He hates sex with contraception, he hates sex between people of the opposite sex, and he hates masturbation.

For a bloke who has never had sex, God is pretty fussy when it comes to the subject.
God likes sex only when it is done within a marriage. He hates sex with contraception, he hates sex between people of the opposite sex, and he hates masturbation.

For a bloke who has never had sex, God is pretty fussy when it comes to the subject.

how could u be sure god never had sex?
God likes sex only when it is done within a marriage. He hates sex with contraception, he hates sex between people of the opposite sex, and he hates masturbation.

For a bloke who has never had sex, God is pretty fussy when it comes to the subject.

how could u be sure god never had sex?

Umm...because if he had, God would have to be married. I don't think he is married - do you?
I don't recall God officially marrying Adam and Eve. I mean...all that was ever said was "it's not good for man to be alone"...and then it was "be fruitful and multiply" after Eve was made from Adams rib. Where was the official marriage ceremony in all of that?

And...with Eve being of Adams rib...could that actually be considered insest? Hmmmmm...food for thought. :)
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Well then, if sex between two unmarried people was okay back then, then it should be okay now, right?

So how come it isn't?
Well then, if sex between two unmarried people was okay back then, then it should be okay now, right?

So how come it isn't?

Beats me! Personally, I can't believe someone would marry without having sex first! To me, that's a stupid move. If they wind up being sexually incompatable, it's bit late to know that little tidbit.
Well then, if sex between two unmarried people was okay back then, then it should be okay now, right?

So how come it isn't?

Beats me! Personally, I can't believe someone would marry without having sex first! To me, that's a stupid move. If they wind up being sexually incompatable, it's bit late to know that little tidbit.

Exactly. You don't buy a car without a test drive first, do you?

Actually, in my case, I did buy the car without bothering to test drive. LOL.

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