What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?


Thank God, I can put you on Ignore. This is getting better and better.

Putting posters on ignore is a sign of mental weakness.

Well, now, thank you, you are just one more I don't have to be bothered with. Your statement says everything about you that I don't ever want to encounter again. There are good posters on here and I love them, and I am careful not to miss anything they say, then there are the other contentless persons I can do without.

Flounder, I'm curious. How many people do you have on ignore?

And how much do you really love these "good" posters anyway?
And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

Fox Is Not To Be Outfoxed

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

I watched this extremely boring repetitive long winded whine, made by the biggest cutthroat Liberal Liars in the information business, and it didn't inform me of one single thing I did not already know.

All it did was bore me to tears with its total lack of any content at all. It repeated at least a thousand times over that Fox news was taking over the world, and was being "unfair" to Liberals.

Of course, fact is, Liberals are the most unfair, biased, intolerant, and bigoted hate mongering racist Fascists the world has ever seen, and theyl control way over 80-90% of the Media of America and the world, but still they belly-ache and whine that they deserve to control ALL the Media on planet earth.

Little Fox has one or two outlets and the Liberals have all the rest. They totally control ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN MTV, and on and on and on, and totally control Hollywood, and all the Universities. What more do they want?

Well, what they want is they want it ALL. They believe because they are the only good people on earth that they deserve to control ALL Schools, ALL Media, and even ALL churches, not to speak of ALL governments, ALL non-profit organizations, ALL international organizations, and even ALL families, down to everyone's individual lives.

But, as long as I have breath and a few other freedom loving people have breath the Communist-Fascist Liberals :evil: are not going to take it ALL. They will just have to learn to share a bit, hard as that is for them.

They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars.

Did Pubes PI get another sock puppet? :confused:
Oh... and as for the sure to come "uneducated" comments.. Obama is very well educated and look how utterly clueless and frankly, dumb he is.

Yep, an "utterly clueless and, frankly [,] he is" guy becomes president, and you remain soggy in New Orleans. :lol: That has to burn you.
I was thinking of setting up a school to train recovering Liberals :evil: in how to be Conservatives. I'm actually serious about this idea. I think it is badly needed for those, of course, who need it, or I should say want it. Would you like to be my first pupil?


Of course ^ this dumbshit doesn't realize they are shadowing the concept of "re-education camps" from the most oppressive regimes. What a nit-wit.

In related news, for those who have been bestowed with the honor of being on Founders' ignore list:


But one can read the person being ignored when another quotes them, ain't it cool? :lol:
You get the prize for unfunny, uneducated, time wasting. The prize is you are on my Ignore list. Good Day! And get off the sauce please before you hurt someone.
someone hasn't figured out how to be adult. :lol:

That stupid remark gets you and your silly signature out of my face and onto Ignore. I only hope all other follow suit.

Woody is going to kick your ass.
When I think of this Flounder and all of it's "Ignore Rants" I think of this:

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

Surely you jest.

Do you have any idea how much time goes into show prep?

Big deal. The people that work hardest in this life do not get paid what they are worth. RL makes so much more money than he deserves. All he does is sit up there and lie and act like an obnoxious jerk. And you want people to consider how much preparation it takes him to do that??? As if that is not bad enough, you also think we are jealous???

On Ignoring: It's just simple mathematics. I have just so much time to read posts, OK? Therefore, to economize my time and use it wisely, I just get rid of those who consistently have nothing interesting to say, and add nothing to any debate. We all know who these people are, and there are a surprisingly large number of them. They drive good posters away from the site. Bad posters just drive away good posters.

Those who are interesting, regardless of their politics, I would never put on ignore and we all know who they are.

But those who are not funny, but think they are, who are not intelligent but think they are, who are so short of vocabulary that they use nonstop profanities and obscenities, and nothing else, and those who on top of all those characteristics, are extremely, and aggressively Liberal, rude, and annoying, these I just don't want to waste my time reading. There are just certain people who are abusive in general without any socially redeeming qualities at all.

So far it seems to be working very well for me. It it doesn't for any reason, I can change my tactics.
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On Ignoring: It's just simple mathematics. I have just so much time to read posts, OK? Therefore, to economize my time and use it wisely, I just get rid of those who consistently have nothing interesting to say, and add nothing to any debate. We all know who these people are, and there are a surprisingly large number of them. They drive good posters away from the site. Bad posters just drive away good posters.

Those who are interesting, regardless of their politics, I would never put on ignore and we all know who they are.

But those who are not funny, but think they are, who are not intelligent but think they are, who are so short of vocabulary that they use nonstop profanities and obscenities, and nothing else, and those who on top of all those characteristics, are extremely, and aggressively Liberal, rude, and annoying, these I just don't want to waste my time reading. There are just certain people who are abusive in general without any socially redeeming qualities at all.

So far it seems to be working very well for me. It it doesn't for any reason, I can change my tactics.

Then I give you about 2 more days for this place, since you just described about 95% of our members.

There are other boards that suppress freedom of speech, like you wish for. I hear Hannity is one, and Molly Ringwalds board Modded by our very own jent and PI is another.

I'm sure they would LOVE another member, you may get them into double digits if you join!
On Ignoring: It's just simple mathematics. I have just so much time to read posts, OK? Therefore, to economize my time and use it wisely, I just get rid of those who consistently have nothing interesting to say, and add nothing to any debate. We all know who these people are, and there are a surprisingly large number of them. They drive good posters away from the site. Bad posters just drive away good posters.

Those who are interesting, regardless of their politics, I would never put on ignore and we all know who they are.

But those who are not funny, but think they are, who are not intelligent but think they are, who are so short of vocabulary that they use nonstop profanities and obscenities, and nothing else, and those who on top of all those characteristics, are extremely, and aggressively Liberal, rude, and annoying, these I just don't want to waste my time reading. There are just certain people who are abusive in general without any socially redeeming qualities at all.

So far it seems to be working very well for me. It it doesn't for any reason, I can change my tactics.

Then I give you about 2 more days for this place, since you just described about 95% of our members.

There are other boards that suppress freedom of speech, like you wish for. I hear Hannity is one, and Molly Ringwalds board Modded by our very own jent and PI is another.

I'm sure they would LOVE another member, you may get them into double digits if you join!

"People who feel the need to make their posts stand out from the crowd are lacking in self-esteem, and fucking stupid." California Girl, 2010.

Actually you are wrong on your 'observations'. Probably not the last time you're gonna hear that, because it's true.

Lacking in self-esteem and fucking stupid? My, my my. I guess Sean, Rush and Glenn are not the only proponents of lockstep 'net conformity to the default, eh?

The observations in my post were not factoids. They were guesses. (Okay, one was an opinion.) If I guessed, wrong, o well. I suppose, though, that you also find providing any source for your FACTUAL assertion that I was wrong, wrong, wrong to be far too heavy an imposition?

Thought so.

O, and some time in the future you may tell me I am wrong again? This affects me how, exactly? Your hysterical, knee-jerk reaction to All Things Which Appear At First Glance Not To Be Conservative renders your posts 'net noise. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Just an FYI. Orgasms are a cure for that female hysteria problem of yours. Ever had one?

Here ya go, CaliforniaGirl. Don't say I never gave you anything!


You'll get used to California Girl. She does sometimes have lucid moments of rationality, where just because she disagrees politically, doesn't resort to calling her opposition fucking stupid. The moments are rare, though, so cherish them when you spot 'em.

MaggieMae, I thought I had detected some flashes of brilliance in CaliforniaGirl but I could not be certain. T'was it just a mirage? I was unclear. Thankies for telling me that it prolly was not. Course now, the prattiling post she made above ain't onna those times, but I can wait.

You know what they say, even a blind pig can find an acorn, once in awhile.

If you get any nuts CaliforniaGirl, bring it on. I love nuts. It's piggish grunting I rather dislike.

*Winks at MaggieMae*
Their scripts are emailed to them by the GOP and they read them over the air. How hard is that???

And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

Lay offa the Liberal Conspiracist Thoery of Why FOX Is Not Objective KoolAid, there MaggieMae.


Way to go woman! Someone who has made up her OWN mind AFTER looking into a matter. Zowie. I had thought that was against USMB's TOS at first!

All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My answer would have been that of Cliff Claven....."Those are three men who never stepped foot in my kitchen."
Maybe if you weren't so partisan people might not think poorly of you.

Let's see, from the first day I was cussed out and called names because I am a liberal. Yet you are telling me that this is my fault?? So what should I have done, do you think?? Be a little wuss that let them insult me and just take it so that they will like me and not think poorly of me?? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry, but giving advice is just not your thing.

School Days, School Days!

No, I agree with you. Don't go along to get along. That is really sick. If you believe in the Liberal Kool Aid, then flaunt it, as that will either confirm you in your position, or teach you the error of your ways. Either way you win by standing firm for what you believe.

I was thinking of setting up a school to train recovering Liberals :evil: in how to be Conservatives. I'm actually serious about this idea. I think it is badly needed for those, of course, who need it, or I should say want it. Would you like to be my first pupil?

I believe you're referring to the Cult Deprogramming Services. Available free, at places like public libraries...they're called Facts and The Researchers Who Can Find Them.

Seems to me, quite a few flavors of Kool Aid have been drunk by various USMB members. I think you have been guilty at least of a bit of secret tippling, huh, Founder?

If so, don't drink alone. It's bad for you. Go hang with your friends and get really stink-o. Course, you might do something you regret but hey, what's life without a few obsessive thoughts issues?

I take back my wanna fuck offer. You never called. Expired at midnight, EST. But I do still think you are (capable of) wit, and yanno, you can get more flies with honey....

♦ ♣ ♠ ♥ Just sayin'........

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