What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

Did you say something worth listening to? I can't take college rah rah people seriously Tulaney clown......... aren't they permanently under water over there? I bet you wear someone else's jersey on game day too.:razz::lol::lol::lol:

Like I said, you chose to ignore it. Deflections about college aside.
What I find annoying about all of them is they use our free and tolerant system of government to criticize our free and tolerant form of government. Some may be able to filter their absurd rhetoric, but the crackpots out there think this big bad bogeyman government is to be hated and toppled replaced with a more intolerant government. In a real sense they all are criticizing democracy. And while democracy has its flaws, I for one don't want their world politic.

U.S. Political Extremes Are "Alarming" | David Remnick | Big Think

Another dipshit that feels a need to quote others, you have proven yourself to be nothing but a lackey for that imbecile in your lame ass avatar, who could possibly give a shit what you have to say? Obama is a lying, racist punk and surrounds himself with criminals and thugs, he is a useless sock puppet for Soros. I wonder if he has gotten use to Georgy's hand up his ass.

Oh yeah, I forgot you're the one who doesn't ever get her "information" from any MSM news source (and yet can formulate the same opinions propagandized by Fox). I never could figure out why you said that (and can't remember which thread you said it in). Quoting from published material and including a personal opinion, makes for a much more credible dialog, by the way.

You don't even know what gender I am, details obviously aren't your forte'. The whole load of garbage about FOX News is just that, garbage, they are much closer to the center in their reporting than any of the alphabet channels or their spin offs. I suppose you watch CNN, the same station that employs Larry King and Joy Behar, for your vast knowledge on current events.
Did you say something worth listening to? I can't take college rah rah people seriously Tulaney clown......... aren't they permanently under water over there? I bet you wear someone else's jersey on game day too.:razz::lol::lol::lol:

Like I said, you chose to ignore it. Deflections about college aside.

You're right, I do choose to ignore you.

Much easier to do that and toss out insults than address points, I suppose.
...for years, all i could get on radio was ruse windbag, insane hannitwitty, glen wreck, etc. festering republican peckerheads galore..whose whole shticks could be adequately replaced by a parrot trained to squawk, 'republican good/better, democrat bad/worse'.. (they'd save illion$!!)

...i got all exicited when i heard about a new station in town..'a new choice, a new voice'..so i tuned in..maddow, shultz, press, etc..whose whole shticks could be adequately replaced by a parrot trained to squawk, 'democrat good/better, republican bad/worse' :rolleyes:

...republicrats, i hope someone pees in your water jug..

..the rest of you, have a good day!.. ;)

You get the prize for unfunny, uneducated, time wasting. The prize is you are on my Ignore list. Good Day! And get off the sauce please before you hurt someone.
someone hasn't figured out how to be an adult. :lol:
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Their scripts are emailed to them by the GOP and they read them over the air. How hard is that???

And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

Fox Is Not To Be Outfoxed

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

I watched this extremely boring repetitive long winded whine, made by the biggest cutthroat Liberal Liars in the information business, and it didn't inform me of one single thing I did not already know.

All it did was bore me to tears with its total lack of any content at all. It repeated at least a thousand times over that Fox news was taking over the world, and was being "unfair" to Liberals.

Of course, fact is, Liberals are the most unfair, biased, intolerant, and bigoted hate mongering racist Fascists the world has ever seen, and theyl control way over 80-90% of the Media of America and the world, but still they belly-ache and whine that they deserve to control ALL the Media on planet earth.

Little Fox has one or two outlets and the Liberals have all the rest. They totally control ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN MTV, and on and on and on, and totally control Hollywood, and all the Universities. What more do they want?

Well, what they want is they want it ALL. They believe because they are the only good people on earth that they deserve to control ALL Schools, ALL Media, and even ALL churches, not to speak of ALL governments, ALL non-profit organizations, ALL international organizations, and even ALL families, down to everyone's individual lives.

But, as long as I have breath and a few other freedom loving people have breath the Communist-Fascist Liberals :evil: are not going to take it ALL. They will just have to learn to share a bit, hard as that is for them.

They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars.
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...for years, all i could get on radio was ruse windbag, insane hannitwitty, glen wreck, etc. festering republican peckerheads galore..whose whole shticks could be adequately replaced by a parrot trained to squawk, 'republican good/better, democrat bad/worse'.. (they'd save illion$!!)

...i got all exicited when i heard about a new station in town..'a new choice, a new voice'..so i tuned in..maddow, shultz, press, etc..whose whole shticks could be adequately replaced by a parrot trained to squawk, 'democrat good/better, republican bad/worse' :rolleyes:

...republicrats, i hope someone pees in your water jug..

..the rest of you, have a good day!.. ;)

You get the prize for unfunny, uneducated, time wasting. The prize is you are on my Ignore list. Good Day! And get off the sauce please before you hurt someone.
someone hasn't figured out how to be adult. :lol:

That stupid remark gets you and your silly signature out of my face and onto Ignore. I only hope all other follow suit.
They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars. [/B]

At least they are not chickenshits who can't tolerate opposing viewpoints.
And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

Fox Is Not To Be Outfoxed

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

I watched this extremely boring repetitive long winded whine, made by the biggest cutthroat Liberal Liars in the information business, and it didn't inform me of one single thing I did not already know.

All it did was bore me to tears with its total lack of any content at all. It repeated at least a thousand times over that Fox news was taking over the world, and was being "unfair" to Liberals.

Of course, fact is, Liberals are the most unfair, biased, intolerant, and bigoted hate mongering racist Fascists the world has ever seen, and theyl control way over 80-90% of the Media of America and the world, but still they belly-ache and whine that they deserve to control ALL the Media on planet earth.

Little Fox has one or two outlets and the Liberals have all the rest. They totally control ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN MTV, and on and on and on, and totally control Hollywood, and all the Universities. What more do they want?

Well, what they want is they want it ALL. They believe because they are the only good people on earth that they deserve to control ALL Schools, ALL Media, and even ALL churches, not to speak of ALL governments, ALL non-profit organizations, ALL international organizations, and even ALL families, down to everyone's individual lives.

But, as long as I have breath and a few other freedom loving people have breath the Communist-Fascist Liberals :evil: are not going to take it ALL. They will just have to learn to share a bit, hard as that is for them.

They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars.

Dammit! I called you weak. Don't you want to ignore me?
They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars. [/B]

At least they are not chickenshits who can't tolerate opposing viewpoints.
I'm gonna quote you, because...well, I can. ;)
They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars. [/B]

At least they are not chickenshits who can't tolerate opposing viewpoints.
I'm gonna quote you, because...well, I can. ;)

LOL! But that messes up my little game!
Of course, fact is, Liberals are the most unfair, biased, intolerant, and bigoted hate mongering racist Fascists the world has ever seen, and theyl control way over 80-90% of the Media of America and the world, but still they belly-ache and whine that they deserve to control ALL the Media on planet earth. [QUOTE/]

I wonder what bottom 10 % media source you got your numbers from? You do know that Faux news is the most watched cable news channel in the country right? I don't know why people still claim that they're the Conservative underdog in an ongoing battle with 'the 90% liberal media bias'. Oh wait, they're not Conservative, they're "Fair and Balanced".
They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars.[QUOTE/]

... from the same post where you accuse all Liberals of being the "most unfair, biased, intolerant, and bigoted hate mongering racist Fascists the world has ever seen". I think you should review your definition of 'hate mongerer'.
Oh... and as for the sure to come "uneducated" comments.. Obama is very well educated and look how utterly clueless and frankly, dumb he is.

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