What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

Maybe if you weren't so partisan people might not think poorly of you.

Let's see, from the first day I was cussed out and called names because I am a liberal. Yet you are telling me that this is my fault?? So what should I have done, do you think?? Be a little wuss that let them insult me and just take it so that they will like me and not think poorly of me?? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry, but giving advice is just not your thing.

Yeah. Heaven forbid you treat people the way you want to be treated. Totally unreasonable there.

I just told you what happened and you let it go in one ear and out the other. When I came here I did not have an attitude. The minute I said something good about Obama, I was blasted!!! I was called stupid, idiot, bitch, stupid bitch, fuck you, ass hole, and those are the most popular. And I still get called that all the time.

So since you decided to pursue this today, let me ask you a question. Not once have you mentioned Yurt, California Girl, Si Modo, Pale Rider, the Elvis wannabe, DiveCon, Meister, Missourian, Mudwhistle, and WillowTree, to name just a few. Why is that, huh??? You have said not a word to them but you are going to lecture me??

When they and others are able to talk to me and other liberals like an adult, I will treat them in kind. But your suggestion is that I let them talk to me any way they want to, but I should not do it back to them. You're nuts. Talk to them, not me. You're very hypocritical.
Yep. You get it. Especially with Limbaugh. The lefties just don't get Limbaugh. They don't understand that 90% of what he says is said soley to piss off the left wing, as he KNOWS they are secretly listening and copying transcripts of all his words. And Limbaughs audience, the higher intelligent Tea Party, gets that also. Half the fun of listening to Limbaugh is imagining a whiny liberaly hearing the same things and pissing their pants in anger. Libs just aren't smart enough to figure out his brilliance in that way.

So in other words, Limbaugh's sole purpose is NOT to inform, but to enflame. Just as I thought. Thanks for clarifying.

well, I would say that it depends on who you or what you think he's trying to enflame.

If you think he's enflaming the left, then it seems to be working. And since when is that a crime? The beauty of it is this, if that is what you think his sole purpose is, then stop listening...you don't have to listen...no matter HOW tempting it is. What do you gain from it? Other than an ulcer?

The man is scoffing at you! And he's paid VERY well for it. I'd scoff at you too for that kind of dough...oh wait...I'm scoffing right now for free!

And yet leftist scoffers are demonized. Only works and is acceptable if it comes from the right. Got it.

Hey! Didn't I hear something about Glenn Beck promising not to get involved in hate mongering anymore? Apparently, when Bill Clinton subtly blamed right wing media for gangs of armed militias, it really hit home. Now the Foxies are all denying they ever preached negativity which led to the formation of hate groups. Yep. And I hear that bridge connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn is still for sale.
Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

Surely you jest.

Do you have any idea how much time goes into show prep?

What does that have to do with work ethics (which is what I highlighted)?
If anybody out there thinks it's easy to run a talk show for 3 hours, they are sadly mistaken. I worked in radio for over 20 years. I know what goes into preparing for a show or preparing to broadcast a sports event as the play by play announcer. There are HOURS of prep for one 3 hour show.
What a load of crap.
All they do is parrot the talking points from their GOP scripts generated by CON$ervoFascist think tanks like Heritage. How much work does it take to mindlessly read someone else's research?

It's easy to tell they are all scripted, when there is an error in their script they ALL make the SAME error.

For example, they ALL said no president ever bowed before in the history of the US, when anyone can easily google photos of other presidents bowing. They ALL could not have made such a STUPID mistake INDEPENDENTLY!!!!!

They (Foxite "commentators"), get their daily talking points from The Drudge Report, which is the first one online in the morning. While Drudge will post three or four of the top news stories (the real news), most of his stories consist of rage reports or ones carefully chosen for their obvious slant to the right.
Do you have any idea how much time goes into show prep?
Their scripts are emailed to them by the GOP and they read them over the air. How hard is that???

And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."
What pale has in common with the three is that none understand what is socialism.

Oh c'mon... you can sound more stupid than that if you try.

We have to begin with basic principles with you. You and they obviously don't understand the definition of socialism.

So let's begin with your education. Go find a dictionary definition, come back, and post it, and tell us why the Dems' legislation is socialistic. Give it a try.

Well, you can strut your sarcasm around like a peacock if you want, but I prefer substance over fluff.

What you and others in here are doing are evading the FACT that it is democrats THEMSELVES now that are openly proclaiming they are SOCIALISTS. Kind of makes your little nit picking dance about what they term means irrelevant.
Just Curious, has Soggy ever posted anything besides insults?
I have been active on here for a few months and can't recall any even semi intelligent post from Soggy...

You're very observant. I've never seen anything from her but insults and name calling. Never anything of substance.

And we all know what "anything of substance" means to the Pathetic Obamarrhoidal Rinata: anything that supports the views of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami......the TWENTY YEAR tenured graduate of the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, who in turn is quoted as saying that he IDOLIZES the most NOTORIOUS anti-Semite and WHITEY- Hater Louis Farrakhan, with whom they visited and together glad-handed THE TERRORIST Ghaddafi of Libya shortly after this Islamic Maniac concocted the Lockerbe Airplane Disaster and declared an enemy of America.

Oh yeah, one should really respect the policies of the hand-picked choice of the most notoriously CORRUPT commie and mafioso-ridden Chicago Political Machine without whose blessing even dog-catchers can't get elected.

Locked and loaded are ya?

Thank God, I can put you on Ignore. This is getting better and better.

Putting posters on ignore is a sign of mental weakness.

Well, now, thank you, you are just one more I don't have to be bothered with. Your statement says everything about you that I don't ever want to encounter again. There are good posters on here and I love them, and I am careful not to miss anything they say, then there are the other contentless persons I can do without.

Oh, did I make your ignore list?

Good. One less mentally weak poster I have to deal with.
Their scripts are emailed to them by the GOP and they read them over the air. How hard is that???

And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

Yes, I'm sure that fair and balanced does look that way to a bat shit crazy, loony left that is used to having their head pumped full of liberal mush 24/7 by the overwhelming majority of lame stream media.

You're just a mad little liberal because Fox News has more watchers than all the jackass liberal bull shitter outlets put together. Just goes to show most people are more level headed and know the truth when they hear it than you kool aide drinking liberals.
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You poor thing!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Don't give me that faux sentiment, you are the one that everyone needs to feel sorry for. You swallow every drop of garbage that the democrat party ejaculates down your throat, the idea of that is really disturbing.

You express yourself like some stupid trollop and your comment is idiotic. You know nothing about me. Yet I am disturbing??? Look in the mirror again, it's your face that is pitiful, not mine.

I guess Sitarro didn't find my Palin post response worthy.

You're very observant. I've never seen anything from her but insults and name calling. Never anything of substance.

And we all know what "anything of substance" means to the Pathetic Obamarrhoidal Rinata: anything that supports the views of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami......the TWENTY YEAR tenured graduate of the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, who in turn is quoted as saying that he IDOLIZES the most NOTORIOUS anti-Semite and WHITEY- Hater Louis Farrakhan, with whom they visited and together glad-handed THE TERRORIST Ghaddafi of Libya shortly after this Islamic Maniac concocted the Lockerbe Airplane Disaster and declared an enemy of America.

Oh yeah, one should really respect the policies of the hand-picked choice of the most notoriously CORRUPT commie and mafioso-ridden Chicago Political Machine without whose blessing even dog-catchers can't get elected.

Locked and loaded are ya?

I can guarantee you that if he/she is, they're not alone.
And we all know what "anything of substance" means to the Pathetic Obamarrhoidal Rinata: anything that supports the views of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami......the TWENTY YEAR tenured graduate of the Cathedral of Hate run by the Black Racist whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, who in turn is quoted as saying that he IDOLIZES the most NOTORIOUS anti-Semite and WHITEY- Hater Louis Farrakhan, with whom they visited and together glad-handed THE TERRORIST Ghaddafi of Libya shortly after this Islamic Maniac concocted the Lockerbe Airplane Disaster and declared an enemy of America.

Oh yeah, one should really respect the policies of the hand-picked choice of the most notoriously CORRUPT commie and mafioso-ridden Chicago Political Machine without whose blessing even dog-catchers can't get elected.

Oh, shut up!! As you've just proven, your posts are not exactly ripe with substance either.

Obamarrhoidal Rinata here's a challenge ferya:Wasn't Obami Salami a TWENTY YEAR tenured GRADUATE of the Cathedral Of Hate run by a Black Racist whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ? Didn't this Racist Freak Wright state that one of the most Notorious anti-Semite and WHITEY-Haters in American History, Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, is/was his "friend and idol" ? Didn't both of these Black Racist Nutjobs travel together to congratulate the TERRORIST Ghaddafi of Libya for his accomplishments shortly after the Lockerbe Disaster when he was declared an enemy of America ? Wasn't Obami Salami the cherry-picked choice of the notoriously corrupt commie and mafioso-ridden Chicago political Machine without whose blessing even dog-catcher's can't get elected ?

And, howzabout the fact that Obami Salami kicked off his Senatorial Career from the house of his buddy, the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL MANIACAL COMMIE TERRORIST Bill Ayers ?????


Huh ??????

Awaiting your delusional and insipid response, you Obamarrhoidal lemming .

When I have to go back and read a posting a second time and still can't understand the context because I have to plow through all the choice adjectives, it's a fucking waste of time to try for a third. I suspect I'm not alone here. Why don't you return to another message board where your brilliance will be more appreciated. I'm sure there's one that has the word "gutter" in it somewhere.
gautama, along with some others here, is among the sick souls of the board.
sitarro wrote:

The color blue annoys you huh? I'd have that checked if I were you. Supposed to be calming.

I was wrong on all the observations I made? Really? 100% wrong, even about the deafness thing? My, my my. I suppose asking for a source for all this hard data of yours is too much of an imposition?

I found each of their sites resembled the other, and each was distracting and amatuerish to me. It's an opinion sitarro, not a fact. But I bet I am not all alone in that opinion. Just sayin'......

The Medium is (at least sometimes) the Message. (edit added.)
~ Marshall McLuhan

"People who feel the need to make their posts stand out from the crowd are lacking in self-esteem, and fucking stupid." California Girl, 2010.

Actually you are wrong on your 'observations'. Probably not the last time you're gonna hear that, because it's true.

Lacking in self-esteem and fucking stupid? My, my my. I guess Sean, Rush and Glenn are not the only proponents of lockstep 'net conformity to the default, eh?

The observations in my post were not factoids. They were guesses. (Okay, one was an opinion.) If I guessed, wrong, o well. I suppose, though, that you also find providing any source for your FACTUAL assertion that I was wrong, wrong, wrong to be far too heavy an imposition?

Thought so.

O, and some time in the future you may tell me I am wrong again? This affects me how, exactly? Your hysterical, knee-jerk reaction to All Things Which Appear At First Glance Not To Be Conservative renders your posts 'net noise. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Just an FYI. Orgasms are a cure for that female hysteria problem of yours. Ever had one?

Here ya go, CaliforniaGirl. Don't say I never gave you anything!


You'll get used to California Girl. She does sometimes have lucid moments of rationality, where just because she disagrees politically, doesn't resort to calling her opposition fucking stupid. The moments are rare, though, so cherish them when you spot 'em.
What I find annoying about all of them is they use our free and tolerant system of government to criticize our free and tolerant form of government. Some may be able to filter their absurd rhetoric, but the crackpots out there think this big bad bogeyman government is to be hated and toppled replaced with a more intolerant government. In a real sense they all are criticizing democracy. And while democracy has its flaws, I for one don't want their world politic.

U.S. Political Extremes Are "Alarming" | David Remnick | Big Think

Another dipshit that feels a need to quote others, you have proven yourself to be nothing but a lackey for that imbecile in your lame ass avatar, who could possibly give a shit what you have to say? Obama is a lying, racist punk and surrounds himself with criminals and thugs, he is a useless sock puppet for Soros. I wonder if he has gotten use to Georgy's hand up his ass.

Oh yeah, I forgot you're the one who doesn't ever get her "information" from any MSM news source (and yet can formulate the same opinions propagandized by Fox). I never could figure out why you said that (and can't remember which thread you said it in). Quoting from published material and including a personal opinion, makes for a much more credible dialog, by the way.
You express yourself like some stupid trollop and your comment is idiotic. You know nothing about me. Yet I am disturbing??? Look in the mirror again, it's your face that is pitiful, not mine.

Maybe if you weren't so partisan people might not think poorly of you.

Let's see, from the first day I was cussed out and called names because I am a liberal. Yet you are telling me that this is my fault?? So what should I have done, do you think?? Be a little wuss that let them insult me and just take it so that they will like me and not think poorly of me?? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry, but giving advice is just not your thing.

School Days, School Days!

No, I agree with you. Don't go along to get along. That is really sick. If you believe in the Liberal Kool Aid, then flaunt it, as that will either confirm you in your position, or teach you the error of your ways. Either way you win by standing firm for what you believe.

I was thinking of setting up a school to train recovering Liberals :evil: in how to be Conservatives. I'm actually serious about this idea. I think it is badly needed for those, of course, who need it, or I should say want it. Would you like to be my first pupil?
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I was thinking of setting up a school to train recovering Liberals :evil: in how to be Conservatives. I'm actually serious about this idea. I think it is badly needed for those, of course, who need it, or I should say want it. Would you like to be my first pupil?


Of course ^ this dumbshit doesn't realize they are shadowing the concept of "re-education camps" from the most oppressive regimes. What a nit-wit.

In related news, for those who have been bestowed with the honor of being on Founders' ignore list:

Don't give me that faux sentiment, you are the one that everyone needs to feel sorry for. You swallow every drop of garbage that the democrat party ejaculates down your throat, the idea of that is really disturbing.

You express yourself like some stupid trollop and your comment is idiotic. You know nothing about me. Yet I am disturbing??? Look in the mirror again, it's your face that is pitiful, not mine.

I guess Sitarro didn't find my Palin post response worthy.


Did you say something worth listening to? I can't take college rah rah people seriously Tulaney clown......... aren't they permanently under water over there? I bet you wear someone else's jersey on game day too.:razz::lol::lol::lol:

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