What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

sounds like he nailed it.... Clinton was a draft dodger.. And that was good. Kerry was a faux hero.. And that was good... Even when he set about trashing thevery people he served with. Bush served in the nat'l guard to avoid vietnam.. That was bad. Mccain was a pow... That was ridiculed. Carter served in the navy... That was good. Obama views the military with great disdain... And this is good.

Yes... Very consistent. :cuckoo:

View attachment 10086

Piss poor Photoshop work that was obviously done by a detail deficient, liberal dimwit.

The Rabbi is not going to be happy with that.
Sorry to hijack this thread but honestly, I just have to ask Founder a few questions. I'll just be a second here. Pardon me. Not trying to cut in line.

* Is there an award for Most Members on Ignore On USMB today? An iPad maybe? Cuz I really, really really crave an IPad.....

* Do you Announce Every Fucking Thing You Do Like You Are Queen of USMB every day, or is today just special? Is it Act Like An Attention Whore Day here on USMB?

* In what universe would anyone -- even the members in the line of your hair-trigger AK-47 Ignore Button -- give two shits who you do and do not have on Ignore or even more oddly, what "basis" you used to "decide" to put them there? Are you suffering the delusion that We Are All Watching You? Cuz they can treat that now, so's you know.....you need not wear the tinfoil hat forever.

* "Permanent Ignore"? Are most members going to your own personal Ignore Purgatory till they...what? Repent? Assuming anyone did, how would you know about it? You are IGNORING them...remember?

* Do you grasp the fundamentals of the concept "to ignore"?

Lemme see if I can explain:

To attack =/= to ignore
To annoy =/= to ignore
To argue with =/= to ignore
To label =/= to ignore

And most notably Founder:

To lump together for purposes of attacking, annoying. arguing with, and/or labeling en masse =/= to ignore

I know, I know... "to ignore" is a high level thinking sorta concept. Very zen. The act of being in no way active towards the object of no notice. It's hard, I know.


* You get a prize today for Most Posts To a Thread In a Row On USMB? How'd you do that, anyway? Did you bribe the site owner to brown out all our ISPs for a nanosecond out of every minute? I could have sworn that was not possible. Prize wasn't that coveted iPad was it?

* Have your lezzie crush on Sarah Palin, if you must. The heart wants what the heart wants...I get it, I get it.. But don't mistake the host of a FOX NEWS show for someone who is "not a commentator like Rush" or the women who resigned in disgrace rather than face ethics complaint investigations as a "Political Leader". She ain't Reagan in a skirt...she's Blagojevich in drag. The gift that just keeps on giving...theater of the absurd.

* Can I be ignored by you as well Founder? Please? Please? Really ignored, now. Not Pretend Ignored. So's we're both clear on what it is I am asking you for.

* How the hell do I find the USMB button that will allow ME to ignore YOU, Founder? Have some mercy on me. I'm fed up and my soda has gone flat whilst I was reading all your posts and trying to figure out who, what, when and why...and WTF.
I'll tell you what they have in common.
They're asshole magnets.
Murkastan is loaded with assholes and their wealth is proof of it.

Thank God, I can put you on Ignore. This is getting better and better.

Putting posters on ignore is a sign of mental weakness.

Well, now, thank you, you are just one more I don't have to be bothered with. Your statement says everything about you that I don't ever want to encounter again. There are good posters on here and I love them, and I am careful not to miss anything they say, then there are the other contentless persons I can do without.
Sorry to hijack this thread but honestly, I just have to ask Founder a few questions. I'll just be a second here. Pardon me. Not trying to cut in line.

* Is there an award for Most Members on Ignore On USMB today? An iPad maybe? Cuz I really, really really crave an IPad.....

* Do you Announce Every Fucking Thing You Do Like You Are Queen of USMB every day, or is today just special? Is it Act Like An Attention Whore Day here on USMB?

* In what universe would anyone -- even the members in the line of your hair-trigger AK-47 Ignore Button -- give two shits who you do and do not have on Ignore or even more oddly, what "basis" you used to "decide" to put them there? Are you suffering the delusion that We Are All Watching You? Cuz they can treat that now, so's you know.....you need not wear the tinfoil hat forever.

* "Permanent Ignore"? Are most members going to your own personal Ignore Purgatory till they...what? Repent? Assuming anyone did, how would you know about it? You are IGNORING them...remember?

* Do you grasp the fundamentals of the concept "to ignore"?

Lemme see if I can explain:

To attack =/= to ignore
To annoy =/= to ignore
To argue with =/= to ignore
To label =/= to ignore

And most notably Founder:

To lump together for purposes of attacking, annoying. arguing with, and/or labeling en masse =/= to ignore

I know, I know... "to ignore" is a high level thinking sorta concept. Very zen. The act of being in no way active towards the object of no notice. It's hard, I know.


* You get a prize today for Most Posts To a Thread In a Row On USMB? How'd you do that, anyway? Did you bribe the site owner to brown out all our ISPs for a nanosecond out of every minute? I could have sworn that was not possible. Prize wasn't that coveted iPad was it?

* Have your lezzie crush on Sarah Palin, if you must. The heart wants what the heart wants...I get it, I get it.. But don't mistake the host of a FOX NEWS show for someone who is "not a commentator like Rush" or the women who resigned in disgrace rather than face ethics complaint investigations as a "Political Leader". She ain't Reagan in a skirt...she's Blagojevich in drag. The gift that just keeps on giving...theater of the absurd.

* Can I be ignored by you as well Founder? Please? Please? Really ignored, now. Not Pretend Ignored. So's we're both clear on what it is I am asking you for.

* How the hell do I find the USMB button that will allow ME to ignore YOU, Founder? Have some mercy on me. I'm fed up and my soda has gone flat whilst I was reading all your posts and trying to figure out who, what, when and why...and WTF.

There Is Respect And Then There Is Real True Love...

Now, I respect a lot of people on here, but love is harder to come by. You have pulled my heart-strings. So be assured, you will never be on MY Ignore list, trust me.

You are the brightest, most entertaining, misinformed, shrew charmer I have encountered here. I think you top California Girl. Go ahead, beat me up, I love it, more chains, more whips. :lol::lol::lol:

Really, you are the very kind of opponent that keeps on giving, and you know what, you can put me on Ignore if you dare, but if you did I would haunt your dreams.

Look, we make the perfect Regis and Kelly, or whatever her name is. You know, like all the male-female public duos, that we love to love. What else can I say, but Madeline, Madeline, Madeline.
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Another dipshit that feels a need to quote others, you have proven yourself to be nothing but a lackey for that imbecile in your lame ass avatar, who could possibly give a shit what you have to say? Obama is a lying, racist punk and surrounds himself with criminals and thugs, he is a useless sock puppet for Soros. I wonder if he has gotten use to Georgy's hand up his ass.

Lord that sure was intelligent. You sure are bright and articulate. Did it take you hours to come up with such an articulate, well phrased and insightful reply, or you just plan stupid. The latter my dumb friend, the latter - go back to the goons on dp where your idiocy fits.
What do they have in Common?

They're all Phonies, and a bunch of Fake Conservatives. (Especially Hannity)

Man that guy aggravates me.

To be fair, unlike Limburgh and Beck, I believe Hannity is just so dense and stupid he doesn't realize he's full of shit. Every second spent listening to his nonsensical drivel is like getting a lobotomy just a little bit.

Bye, and you know why! :clap2:
people still pay attention to founder?? the dude is epic troll straight out of 4chan
What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

Let's see... Just to name a few things in common:

1. All are extremely intelligent and able to think for themselves.
2. They all have much better bank accounts then I do.
3. They don't care what people say about them speaking their minds.
4. Liberals and other idiots hate them.
5. What they say is more truthful than anything a Washington politician has to say.
6. Any one of them would make a better President than what we currently have.

This is just a half-dozen things they all have in common. There are many more.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thats not all they have in common. They also have mega-TV/Radio ratings too!!!:funnyface:

Meanwhile, about 749 people/night watch Olbermann, Matthews and Maddow combined!!!
Let's settle this right now asshole, what should Sarah Palin have done? She actually did the noble thing, something that most ego driven politicians wouldn't think of, relinquish the power they all crave for the betterment of the State and people she was in charge of. The bullshit lawsuits have stopped and the state has a Governor that doesn't have to waste time addressing them, what would you have done differently?

You poor thing!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Don't give me that faux sentiment, you are the one that everyone needs to feel sorry for. You swallow every drop of garbage that the democrat party ejaculates down your throat, the idea of that is really disturbing.

You express yourself like some stupid trollop and your comment is idiotic. You know nothing about me. Yet I am disturbing??? Look in the mirror again, it's your face that is pitiful, not mine.
sounds like he nailed it.... Clinton was a draft dodger.. And that was good. Kerry was a faux hero.. And that was good... Even when he set about trashing thevery people he served with. Bush served in the nat'l guard to avoid vietnam.. That was bad. Mccain was a pow... That was ridiculed. Carter served in the navy... That was good. Obama views the military with great disdain... And this is good.

Yes... Very consistent. :cuckoo:

View attachment 10086

Piss poor Photoshop work that was obviously done by a detail deficient, liberal dimwit.

I don't know whether it is or not. I don't really care. I just wanted you to see my thoughts about what you said. How dumb you are.
You poor thing!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Don't give me that faux sentiment, you are the one that everyone needs to feel sorry for. You swallow every drop of garbage that the democrat party ejaculates down your throat, the idea of that is really disturbing.

You express yourself like some stupid trollop and your comment is idiotic. You know nothing about me. Yet I am disturbing??? Look in the mirror again, it's your face that is pitiful, not mine.

Maybe if you weren't so partisan people might not think poorly of you.
Sorry to hijack this thread but honestly, I just have to ask Founder a few questions. I'll just be a second here. Pardon me. Not trying to cut in line.

* Is there an award for Most Members on Ignore On USMB today? An iPad maybe? Cuz I really, really really crave an IPad.....

* Do you Announce Every Fucking Thing You Do Like You Are Queen of USMB every day, or is today just special? Is it Act Like An Attention Whore Day here on USMB?

* In what universe would anyone -- even the members in the line of your hair-trigger AK-47 Ignore Button -- give two shits who you do and do not have on Ignore or even more oddly, what "basis" you used to "decide" to put them there? Are you suffering the delusion that We Are All Watching You? Cuz they can treat that now, so's you know.....you need not wear the tinfoil hat forever.

* "Permanent Ignore"? Are most members going to your own personal Ignore Purgatory till they...what? Repent? Assuming anyone did, how would you know about it? You are IGNORING them...remember?

* Do you grasp the fundamentals of the concept "to ignore"?

Lemme see if I can explain:

To attack =/= to ignore
To annoy =/= to ignore
To argue with =/= to ignore
To label =/= to ignore

And most notably Founder:

To lump together for purposes of attacking, annoying. arguing with, and/or labeling en masse =/= to ignore

I know, I know... "to ignore" is a high level thinking sorta concept. Very zen. The act of being in no way active towards the object of no notice. It's hard, I know.


* You get a prize today for Most Posts To a Thread In a Row On USMB? How'd you do that, anyway? Did you bribe the site owner to brown out all our ISPs for a nanosecond out of every minute? I could have sworn that was not possible. Prize wasn't that coveted iPad was it?

* Have your lezzie crush on Sarah Palin, if you must. The heart wants what the heart wants...I get it, I get it.. But don't mistake the host of a FOX NEWS show for someone who is "not a commentator like Rush" or the women who resigned in disgrace rather than face ethics complaint investigations as a "Political Leader". She ain't Reagan in a skirt...she's Blagojevich in drag. The gift that just keeps on giving...theater of the absurd.

* Can I be ignored by you as well Founder? Please? Please? Really ignored, now. Not Pretend Ignored. So's we're both clear on what it is I am asking you for.

* How the hell do I find the USMB button that will allow ME to ignore YOU, Founder? Have some mercy on me. I'm fed up and my soda has gone flat whilst I was reading all your posts and trying to figure out who, what, when and why...and WTF.

There Is Respect And Then There Is Real True Love...

Now, I respect a lot of people on here, but love is harder to come by. You have pulled my heart-strings. So be assured, you will never be on MY Ignore list, trust me.

You are the brightest, most entertaining, misinformed, shrew charmer I have encountered here. I think you top California Girl. Go ahead, beat me up, I love it, more chains, more whips. :lol::lol::lol:

Really, you are the very kind of opponent that keeps on giving, and you know what, you can put me on Ignore if you dare, but if you did I would haunt your dreams.

Look, we make the perfect Regis and Kelly, or whatever her name is. You know, like all the male-female public duos, that we love to love. What else can I say, but Madeline, Madeline, Madeline.

Well, now fuck it all to hell and back and slap me with a cold dead cockpiece.

Undone by fun.

Beat out by banter.

Surprise-ies not lies-ies.

Damn, and I was this = [ ] close to getting the dirt on this Infamous USMB Ignore Button Death Ray, too. I could FEEL that thing, I tell ya. It was MINE.

Slipped right through my fingers!

♪ ♫ I have the wedding bell blues now too, Founder "...but I will haunt your dreams..." USMB Attention Whore Extraordinare!!!!!! ♪ ♪ ♫

Anyone who can take a blast of Certified Yankee Girl Scout Bitchery full on the face and laugh about it HAS to be an okay woman -- somewhere, deep inside!

♥ ♥ ♥ Wanna fuck? ♥ ♥ ♥


...more truthful.....

Not to be a pendatic asswipe or nuthin', Count Dracula, but a thing is either true or it is not true. There are no "degrees of truthfulness", ergo, nothing can be said to be "more truthful".....

Now, there are such things as POVs, which are in fact relative. I hear there's a Theory of Relativity even, about that very notion.

But a fact either did occur/exist in the manner described, or it did not.

Let me demonstrate this:

Things That Are True:

I was born.

I have not yet died.

You are a grammatically imprecise writer aka a writer with a crappy vocabulary at times.

Things That Are Not True:

I just died.


You may have a POV but who the hell can tell if you fail so miserably grammatically aka vocabulary-ially that you self-contradict inside a single declarative sentence.

Things That Are Relative aka, Subjective:

Doubtless, someone can tell what the operation of your mind was at the exact point in time that you wrote the offending nonsense. That someone, however, is not me.

Wanna give the post another go, or no longer give a fuck if "people like me" have intuitive skills strong enough to outpace your obtuscification "skill" aka crappy vocabulary/grammar skills?
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Don't give me that faux sentiment, you are the one that everyone needs to feel sorry for. You swallow every drop of garbage that the democrat party ejaculates down your throat, the idea of that is really disturbing.

You express yourself like some stupid trollop and your comment is idiotic. You know nothing about me. Yet I am disturbing??? Look in the mirror again, it's your face that is pitiful, not mine.

Maybe if you weren't so partisan people might not think poorly of you.

Let's see, from the first day I was cussed out and called names because I am a liberal. Yet you are telling me that this is my fault?? So what should I have done, do you think?? Be a little wuss that let them insult me and just take it so that they will like me and not think poorly of me?? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry, but giving advice is just not your thing.
You express yourself like some stupid trollop and your comment is idiotic. You know nothing about me. Yet I am disturbing??? Look in the mirror again, it's your face that is pitiful, not mine.

Maybe if you weren't so partisan people might not think poorly of you.

Let's see, from the first day I was cussed out and called names because I am a liberal. Yet you are telling me that this is my fault?? So what should I have done, do you think?? Be a little wuss that let them insult me and just take it so that they will like me and not think poorly of me?? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry, but giving advice is just not your thing.

Yeah. Heaven forbid you treat people the way you want to be treated. Totally unreasonable there.

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