What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

Its an absolutely valid question...IF we were discussing Republicans reactions/opinions of military service...which we aren't.

We're discussing whether or not serving in the military (a college education, service to the government, etc.) should be a prerequisite for speaking publicly about military policy, domestic policy, etc.

The OP seems to think that it should. I disagree. Edthecynic pointed out that Limbaugh has stated that Obama did not serve and therefore shouldn't be able to have an opinion on military matters. I have stated that 1) If Limbaugh believes that he is wrong. and 2) In my opinion (with the caveat that I have not heard Limbaugh speaking on this issue), it would not surprise me if Limbaugh was speaking this way not because he believed that service should be a prerequisite to being able to speak...but rather to satirize the fact that the left seems only to care about military service when they have a candidate who has served.

To answer your question however, I think that it is obvious that the Right only really began to question Kerry's service record when he chose to make it the main reason why Americans should vote for him....AND after the Left chose to make Bush's service record a reason not to vote for him. I think that if we are going to look into an question one candidate's (Bush's) military service then the other candidate (Kerry) is fair game too. Since both candidates had questionable aspects to their service...I did not see "blatant unfairness" on one side of the debate instead of the other. Both sides asked legitimate questions, both sides had fringe elements that were disrespectful.
What a load of CON$ervative crap.
Phony soldier LimpTard wasn't satirizing anything. He was equating lack of experience with lack of knowledge for all matters.

Kerry did not make his military service the MAIN reason to vote for him, that is just a typical GOP Straw Man used to rationalize their attacks on his military service. And Bush was attacked for being AWOL and getting away with it.
Edthecynic Wrote:
What a load of CON$ervative crap.
I think that this is the point when I realize that trying to debate anything with a moron who can't use the word Conservative without trying to appear clever by changing the "s" to a "$" probably isn't worth the time I have spent....sigh, oh well.
What do Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity all have in common?

They all PISS OFF liberals by exposing them with the truth about their underhanded, socialist, agenda, and that is why I listen to all three of them when I have the chance.

This the scary part. Some people actually take these radio entertainers seriously and soak in their misinformation. Then they regurgitate this information back out as if it were truth.

Your time would be better spent reading a book than listening to this radio tripe. If you listen in your car, turn the channel to easy listening music.

No, there's nothing scary about the truth. If you can prove any one of them is lying, call them, prove it. Otherwise you're just another empty liberal voice on the internet spreading some line of pure bull shit.

Conservatives want to hear the facts. That's why more people listen to Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh than all your liberal, piece of shit, lame stream media outlets put together. So enjoy your dough headed minority, and keep listening to the likes of those morons like stewart, who are purely, nothing but comedians.

You have been brainwashed. Talking heads have great power over the weak-minded. You do not want to hear facts, it appears you just want to have your own uninformed opinions validated over and over again. Does that make you FEEL intelligent?

The problem with Beck, Limbaugh and Hannity is that people actually listen to them. What we need in this country is intelligent discourse. These three inhibit such. Our country is becoming increasing politically divided and this endangers democracy and makes our government more difficult to run efficiently.

I love the way you overgeneralized. "Conservatives want to hear facts." Does that mean the ALL conservatives want to hear facts and that all non-conservatives do not wish to hear facts? And what is your definition of FACTS? I am guessing your definition of a FACT is whatever comes out of the mouth of a right wing talk show host.

You have made the assumption that I am a liberal. I guess it is your weak attempt to build a strawman arguement. Then again, perhaps I meet your definition of a liberal. After all I do not think President Obama is a socialist. Now you have made a challenge to prove that these talk show hosts are lying. They have referred to President Obama as a marxist and a socialist. Look up the definition of either and it will show that our president is neither. There you have it, the talk show hosts are either very ignorant or lying.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, all three of them are immensely annoying.

You're on Ignore now for being inane and unfunny.
Edthecynic Wrote:
What a load of CON$ervative crap.
I think that this is the point when I realize that trying to debate anything with a moron who can't use the word Conservative without trying to appear clever by changing the "s" to a "$" probably isn't worth the time I have spent....sigh, oh well.



All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.

Jealous of treason? Now that IS funny.

Hey, let's call Sean and see if he will give a "concert" to raise money for Glenn and Rush. We could pretend it's to help the children of American Veterans. That always works.

You :evil: are unfunny, unconstructive, and uninformative. You are now on Ignore. Bye Bye.
Rush has ensured that the GOP will be in the minority until he retires or dies or goes to jail.

Your post is inaccurate, uninformative, unimaginative, unintellectual, and unconstructive deserving of your being put on permanent Ignore. :evil:
I think all political talk shows, both left and right are ridiculous. The host attacks the opposition with quotes pulled out of context, monologues designed to convince not educate, and authorities that are paid to support the host's opinion. Naturally, most of the callers or guest support the host. Callers and guest that don't agree with the host are cut off or interrupted with leading or rhetorical questions. Sometimes the host will get a caller or a guest that's a real loony. The host will then let the guest ramble on just to prove how dumb the opposition is. It's like having a trial with a prosecution and no defense.

Very Correct Flopper, HOWEVER, that is the nature of all communication in one way or another. The MSM is even worse at doing that very same thing. So, it is interesting that you can see that in Conservative Talk Radio, but are, seemingly, unable to see that in the major Liberal Networks including Public radio and TV. If you want to be even-handed, then be even-handed. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
All are college dropouts who have no work experience except radio and TV, have never held public office, served in military, nor worked in government. Yet their followers treat their words as gospel.

Also they all have 7 digit incomes. No wonder they are so concerned with higher taxes on the rich.

Sean Hannity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Beck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rush Limbaugh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hmmm.....college dropouts, no public office, no military service........earning 7 digits, and kicking the crap out of "intelligent and enlightened" liberals who've attempted talk radio and on network TV in ratings, as Air America went bankrupt, NPR is barely listened to, and MSNBC has fewer viewers and a Milwaukee Brewers vs Toronto Blue Jays baseball game.

Could.....hard work be the answer? Thats a foreign phrase to liberals on the left, but those men have worked very hard for what they have, agree with them or not, but their work ethics cannot be denied. Nor their talent within their career fields. Jealousy is ugly.
I never said they didn't work hard or that they weren't successful. They seem to appeal to people that need to be constantly reassurance that their political beliefs are right. Or as Rush said, "Tune in and I will tell you what to think". Maybe left wing talk radio is not very successful because liberals don't need that reassurance.

You Were Sure You Were Right Until You Thought!

Your point is quite artful, but wrong. Liberals are well represented by the MSM (Main Steam Media) and have no need at all of Talk Radio to get their "reassurance.":eusa_pray:
In addition, all three of them are immensely annoying.

To you yes. To their audiences no. And their audiences dwarf that of leftist talk radio and cable TV. And seeing as the New York Times has published their study showing the Tea Party has a higher average intelligence than the rest of the population.....I'd say maybe you should join them and watch these men also. You could learn something.

I watch brief periods of The hate and fear mongers.
They need to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

You Can't Have It All

You have a point, but remember these Talk guys, and gals, are, and must be, first of all, entertainers. They are NOT political leaders, we have other people to do that, for example Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!

They do what they do, and others must do the rest. I too think they should do more doing, but you can only get so much out of the troops you have. I wish they would deal with some subjects they presently ignore, one of which is how Conservatives are destroying this country, by killing most of their kids with birth control. But, they wouldn't dare touch that subject for the obvious reason it would kill their show. So you can't have it all in any one person.
Hannity banged nails and Rush worked as a P.R. man for the Kansas City Royals for several years.

You really ought to get such easily verifiable facts straight, Skeezicks.

What the fuck are you talking about. What did he say that contradicts what you said?

Wow dude. Are you slow?

No. Clearly you are. Especially since that part that contradicts what he said is in bold.

I was really unaware that construction and PR jobs were in the radio industry.

This kind of remark by Zona :evil: is exactly why I have Zona "dude" on permanent Ignore.
There divisive rhetoric helps their pocket books more than it does the political agenda they claim to support.
There schtick is ratings and money. They do not make more money if legislation is passed ands that is how the system is changed.
What they do hinders legislation being passed to help their side.

Exactly what do you think would "help" their side? This I GOT to hear.

I think you should be telling me.

Your question shows their and yours non-constructive tactics.

You or they are not proposing or thinking about legislation to help the conservative agenda. It is all about name calling and obstructing any legislation the democrats put forth even if the legislation made sense for conservative issues.

The healthcare was going throug. Insterad of understanding reality and participating to have pro conservativer issues included in the bill they said don't participate in the bill at all. There could have been more tort reform as part of the bill with constructive participation. There could have been elimination of restictions for selling insurance between statelines.

The refusal to participate in the wall street lregulation reform. Regulation of wall street to benefirt main street is a coinservative goal.

The rhetoric is don't work with the democrats.

If you are smart you want some of what you want if you cannot get all of what you want. The rhetoric is if you cannot get all you want don't participate. It inflames the differences. It increases the hate of the other side and helps their ratings.

Elmer, first off, you have got to edit and spell check your posts if you want any respect at all, second, you have a valid point hiding in there but you stand in the way of it.

Yes, you can sometimes get more by constructive participation and dialog than you can by just saying no, but that is not the whole enchilada. Other things are at work, and I think the GOP played the thing about right. We will see in November and 2012.
Teaching people in a way that makes people want to come listen to you isn't a good thing?

Entertaining people in a way that is bother fun and informative isn't a good thing?

Encouraging people to be self reliant isn't a good thing?

Umm I thought this thread was about Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh?
Who are you referring to?
Teacher? - No
Propagandist? - Yes

Every other sentence uttered by these guys are filled with hate, sarcasm, and contempt. More hate, more polarization, more do nothing Congresses, just what this country needs.

You are the pot calling the kettle black. The Liberal MSM does it to us, and then we learn and do it to them. Stop whining and get on the right side.
...for years, all i could get on radio was ruse windbag, insane hannitwitty, glen wreck, etc. festering republican peckerheads galore..whose whole shticks could be adequately replaced by a parrot trained to squawk, 'republican good/better, democrat bad/worse'.. (they'd save illion$!!)

...i got all exicited when i heard about a new station in town..'a new choice, a new voice'..so i tuned in..maddow, shultz, press, etc..whose whole shticks could be adequately replaced by a parrot trained to squawk, 'democrat good/better, republican bad/worse' :rolleyes:

...republicrats, i hope someone pees in your water jug..

..the rest of you, have a good day!.. ;)

You get the prize for unfunny, uneducated, time wasting. The prize is you are on my Ignore list. Good Day! And get off the sauce please before you hurt someone.
Rush worked as a P.R. man for the Kansas City Royals for several years.

That's not a job. That's a sentence.

I'd like to add that 2/3 of these men have struggled with serious addiction problems.
Gem wrote:

In my opinion...the vastly more important question regarding Beck, Hannity, and Limbaugh is whether or not what they are saying is valid and truthful. To dismiss their opinions because they don't have a degree, didn't serve in the military, etc. is to dismiss the opinions of anyone else who doesn't fit those specifications.

Of course. I completely agree. If it is raining frogs, who cares if the weatherman went to college. Shout "F-R-O-G-S!" to the listeners.

But this is what I see far too many do.

Glenn says "F-R-O-G-S!" on a show that is never quite a news program and never quite an opinion show....something in the middle. That hyberization itself makes me very nervous.

I don't listen to Rush anymore, and have never heard Sean, but judging from the numbers here who seem to regard them as the Trinity of Truth, I assume Rush and Sean also hollar "F-R-O-G-S!"

Not one of these three ever presents live, on the ground reporting by a journalist as to the "F-R-O-G-S!" said to be falling. The numbers don't seem to add up. The evidence always seems to be anecdotal reports by viewers, who phone in "F-R-O-G-S!" reports, etc. Glenn begins talking about "F-R-O-G-S!" emergency equipment kits and conspiracies to conceal the imminent risk from all of us. It seems like it could be true. It even sometimes seems like it is probably true.

But is it true? You need to bear in mind, I grew up on Walter Chronkite and Edward M. Murrow. In that era, if Chronkite had a story on the war in Vietnam, he did the intro and then said....and now, George Smith, our CBS correspondent in Saigon with more on this. There'd be footage of George, showing what he had seen as he spoke from the place where it happened. This kind of newsgathering and dedication to the truth was a huge reason why folks my age talk about "seeing the Vietnam War in their living rooms". And it is an experience of truth and dedication to truth you are not having when you watch Glenn, Rush and Sean.

No news outlet today adheres to the high standards of the Chronkite era, but in my view, Glenn, Rush and Sean deviate from it more than most. When I see reports of "proof that the government knew the 9/11 terrorists attacks were going to happen in advance" on Glenn's show, but I never see a single document, interview with a government employee, etc. I am concerned. When he reports stories like this and yet CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, NT Times, Washington Post, and every other mainstream news outlet remains silent on this alleged story, I find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe Glenn. I'm anxious, angry and terrified...but I know I have no reason to be. I have been manipulated. Glenn has no such story because it is NOT true. Then I get pissed and stop watching Glenn for awhile, again. Until the next time.

Do you see my point? "Obama is a Communist"; "The White House Plan to Destroy Christianity Revealed", "Health Care Bill Set To Destroy America", "Will We Still Have Children After Next Year?"....and stories of these kind would be splashed across every news media banner in the WORLD if they were true. NO ONE could suppress news this alarming.

So when people tell me they believe that "F-R-O-G-S!" really happened because "they saw it on Glenn's show" and that's it, they're done, no more data need try to enter their thinking, it scares me. Someone who mistakes propoganda for truth is the slave of his propogandist.

You needn't agree with me about Glenn, Rush and Sean. I'd actually rather you didn't. Don't replace your judgment with mine...or anyone else's.

Just ponder what I have written, if you would, Gem. You write like a bright, reflective person and I have enjoyed discussing this with you.


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