What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

It seems that the OP is attempting to proffer the idea that only the college educated can possibly possess the intelligence needed to be responsible for providing opinions to the masses. Also, that only people who have served in the military and people who have served the government in some form should be permitted to discuss issues relating to these areas publicly.

Am I reading this right? I want to make sure that I am before I continue.

I think you are right.
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Obamarrhoidal Rinata here's a challenge ferya:Wasn't Obami Salami a TWENTY YEAR tenured GRADUATE of the Cathedral Of Hate run by a Black Racist whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright ? Didn't this Racist Freak Wright state that one of the most Notorious anti-Semite and WHITEY-Haters in American History, Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam, is/was his "friend and idol" ? Didn't both of these Black Racist Nutjobs travel together to congratulate the TERRORIST Ghaddafi of Libya for his accomplishments shortly after the Lockerbe Disaster when he was declared an enemy of America ? Wasn't Obami Salami the cherry-picked choice of the notoriously corrupt commie and mafioso-ridden Chicago political Machine without whose blessing even dog-catcher's can't get elected ?

And, howzabout the fact that Obami Salami kicked off his Senatorial Career from the house of his buddy, the UNREPENTANT, HOMICIDAL MANIACAL COMMIE TERRORIST Bill Ayers ?????


Huh ??????

Awaiting your delusional and insipid response, you Obamarrhoidal lemming .

You're nuts. Did you actually think I was going to read and respond to your ranting?? Dream on.

Frankly. I gave you more credit than you deserve. I doubt if you can read with any degree of understanding.

BTW, you did respond. Apparently, you do not know the meaning of the word "respond".

The fact that you are also mischaracterizing my post which is not a rant but a list of NATIONALLY KNOWN FACTS ABOUT THE DISCREDITED POLITICAL CHARLATAN Obami Salami further underlines the fact that you are a benighted nincompoop........full of poopy-doopy.

You asked me to respond to your rant. I didn't. That's what I meant, fool. Are you seriously going to say you did not understand that?? Damn!!! You're dumber than I thought. Now quit bothering me. You're like a friggin fly.
Edthecynic Wrote:
Don't be sore just because I chopped you off at the knees before you could argue that people CAN be knowledgeable without having experience. Since the CON$ you defend say someone can't be knowledgeable without experience, then that "logic" applies to the CON$ also.
Get it?

Of course I get your silly little point. It doesn't stop it from being wrong, and my original question from being valid. Why would I be sore? You're the one whose arguing poorly, lol.

I wanted to make sure that I was reading the OP correctly - that he feels it is dangerous that Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck are dangerous not because they say inaccurate or inflammatory things, but rather because they do not possess the necessary requirements, in his opinion, to be heard. From what I have read - that seems to be the assertion, no one has argued effectively that this isn't what was meant. Therefore, yes...my point is that such an assertion is asinine.

What I think is funny...and why your point is invalid...is because you assume that I give two sh*ts whether Limbaugh agrees with the asinine original post or doesn't. Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck could all be in complete agreement that no one without military experience should be allowed to speak on military issues...it wouldn't make it right.

Now, to respond to your issue of Limbaugh's opinion of Obama's lack of military service... Considering the fact that the Left was patently disinterested in the question of military service as a prerequisite for serving as President when Clinton served...but FASCINATED by the subject when Kerry was running...then SUDDENLY disinterested again when Obama was President is certainly an interesting bit of political theater...and, in my opinion...is probably what Limbaugh is highlighting by bringing up Obama's lack of service...I would guess that what Limbaugh is doing is SATIRIZING people like you...who refuse to see the absolute hypocrisy of the media not caring, then caring, then not caring about military service as it suits their needs. He seems to do that quite a bit...enjoying watching the liberals hop around in indignation as they pretend to think (or are so dumb they actually believe) that he is serious about what he was saying. But having never heard Limbaugh speak about Obama's lack of military service...I'm just theorizing.

Bingo........ Limbaugh is a brilliant satirist, one of his best qualities. He also has an incredible sense of humor and doesn't take himself as seriously as the left do, he's actually quite humble. Like Obama, he has a very impressive research staff that he can depend on to help him with the details of what he chooses to discuss. After over 20 years of political interest and discussion as his profession, it would be asinine to assume he is just an entertainer............ hell, the only reason Obama made it as far as he has is the fact that he was entertaining at giving speeches while revealing nothing about himself or his plans for this country. Obama had a team of 2,500 researchers during his 2 year, 730,000,000 dollar campaign......... obviously having a law degree from Harvard wasn't that big of a help to him. He had never had a real job, never served in the military, barely showed up at the government "jobs" he did have.......... he isn't qualified to be a talk show host, much less the Commander In Chief and President of The United States, that fact is painfully obvious every day.

Thank God, I can put you on Ignore. This is getting better and better.

Putting posters on ignore is a sign of mental weakness.

Giving up just like Sarah Palin.

It is a common trait for these like thinking people

Let's settle this right now asshole, what should Sarah Palin have done? She actually did the noble thing, something that most ego driven politicians wouldn't think of, relinquish the power they all crave for the betterment of the State and people she was in charge of. The bullshit lawsuits have stopped and the state has a Governor that doesn't have to waste time addressing them, what would you have done differently?
Let's settle this right now asshole, what should Sarah Palin have done? She actually did the noble thing, something that most ego driven politicians wouldn't think of, relinquish the power they all crave for the betterment of the State and people she was in charge of. The bullshit lawsuits have stopped and the state has a Governor that doesn't have to waste time addressing them, what would you have done differently?

What should she have done? Cashed in on her fleeting popularity in an attempt to pad her nest and retire early.

That wasn't the honorable thing to do and it says nothing about her devotion to duty and public service, but you can't blame the lady for sacrificing her political career at the alter of the almighty American dollar.

If you are suggesting that removing governors as a matter of course is a simple issue of frivolous litigation, then you apparently think that weak people run this world.

If Anchorage was too tough for Sarah, Washington sure as hell would have been too tough for her. In fact, I don't think she left because she couldn't handle it. I think she left to case in.

Can't blame her for that, but let's just stop acting like she is this dynamic leader that stands like a stone wall in the face of the incoming fire.

She is not.
It would seem trying to link the lack of a college education, serving in the military or holding public office has some bearing on the level of competence or incompetence that someone rises to. IMHO it has, in most cases, nothing to do with someones ability to achieve.

I would prefer to have someone with plain old common sense and street smarts heading some venture, instead of some,not all, college graduate who thinks they are the latest super genius to hit the ground running. The ability to achieve varies with each individual regardless of their 'officially recognized education'.

I can almost detect a jealousy along with some other 'stuff', even though I have my dislikes for Hannity and others, they have accomplished, financially anyway, more than 90% of the people around them, including here in USMB.

The fault, if you will, lays at the doorsteps of the non-thinkers who follow others at the drop of a hat and are too lazy to research issues and formulate an individual opinion WITHOUT being influenced by some popular carnival barker, talking head, or others looking to win a popularity contest.

That is the absolute truth. You hit that old nail right on the head. :)
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Edthecynic Wrote:
Don't be sore just because I chopped you off at the knees before you could argue that people CAN be knowledgeable without having experience. Since the CON$ you defend say someone can't be knowledgeable without experience, then that "logic" applies to the CON$ also.
Get it?

Of course I get your silly little point. It doesn't stop it from being wrong, and my original question from being valid. Why would I be sore? You're the one whose arguing poorly, lol.

I wanted to make sure that I was reading the OP correctly - that he feels it is dangerous that Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck are dangerous not because they say inaccurate or inflammatory things, but rather because they do not possess the necessary requirements, in his opinion, to be heard. From what I have read - that seems to be the assertion, no one has argued effectively that this isn't what was meant. Therefore, yes...my point is that such an assertion is asinine.

What I think is funny...and why your point is invalid...is because you assume that I give two sh*ts whether Limbaugh agrees with the asinine original post or doesn't. Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck could all be in complete agreement that no one without military experience should be allowed to speak on military issues...it wouldn't make it right.

Now, to respond to your issue of Limbaugh's opinion of Obama's lack of military service... Considering the fact that the Left was patently disinterested in the question of military service as a prerequisite for serving as President when Clinton served...but FASCINATED by the subject when Kerry was running...then SUDDENLY disinterested again when Obama was President is certainly an interesting bit of political theater...and, in my opinion...is probably what Limbaugh is highlighting by bringing up Obama's lack of service...I would guess that what Limbaugh is doing is SATIRIZING people like you...who refuse to see the absolute hypocrisy of the media not caring, then caring, then not caring about military service as it suits their needs. He seems to do that quite a bit...enjoying watching the liberals hop around in indignation as they pretend to think (or are so dumb they actually believe) that he is serious about what he was saying. But having never heard Limbaugh speak about Obama's lack of military service...I'm just theorizing.

Sure you are. I think you're playing games. But I don't want you to take that the wrong way. Maybe it isn't true. After all, I am just theorizing.
Edthecynic Wrote:
Don't be sore just because I chopped you off at the knees before you could argue that people CAN be knowledgeable without having experience. Since the CON$ you defend say someone can't be knowledgeable without experience, then that "logic" applies to the CON$ also.
Get it?

Of course I get your silly little point. It doesn't stop it from being wrong, and my original question from being valid. Why would I be sore? You're the one whose arguing poorly, lol.

I wanted to make sure that I was reading the OP correctly - that he feels it is dangerous that Hannity, Limbaugh and Beck are dangerous not because they say inaccurate or inflammatory things, but rather because they do not possess the necessary requirements, in his opinion, to be heard. From what I have read - that seems to be the assertion, no one has argued effectively that this isn't what was meant. Therefore, yes...my point is that such an assertion is asinine.

What I think is funny...and why your point is invalid...is because you assume that I give two sh*ts whether Limbaugh agrees with the asinine original post or doesn't. Limbaugh, Hannity, and Beck could all be in complete agreement that no one without military experience should be allowed to speak on military issues...it wouldn't make it right.

Now, to respond to your issue of Limbaugh's opinion of Obama's lack of military service... Considering the fact that the Left was patently disinterested in the question of military service as a prerequisite for serving as President when Clinton served...but FASCINATED by the subject when Kerry was running...then SUDDENLY disinterested again when Obama was President is certainly an interesting bit of political theater...and, in my opinion...is probably what Limbaugh is highlighting by bringing up Obama's lack of service...I would guess that what Limbaugh is doing is SATIRIZING people like you...who refuse to see the absolute hypocrisy of the media not caring, then caring, then not caring about military service as it suits their needs. He seems to do that quite a bit...enjoying watching the liberals hop around in indignation as they pretend to think (or are so dumb they actually believe) that he is serious about what he was saying. But having never heard Limbaugh speak about Obama's lack of military service...I'm just theorizing.

Sure you are. I think you're playing games. But I don't want you to take that the wrong way. Maybe it isn't true. After all, I am just theorizing.

Sounds like he nailed it.... Clinton was a draft dodger.. and that was good. Kerry was a faux hero.. and that was good... even when he set about trashing thevery people he served with. Bush served in the Nat'l Guard to avoid Vietnam.. that was bad. McCain was a POW... that was ridiculed. Carter served in the Navy... that was good. Obama views the military with great disdain... and this is good.

Yes... very consistent. :cuckoo:
OH.. and protesting at soldiers funerals holding signs claimng their deaths were good.... PATRIOTIC!!!

Protesting ever encroaching government and repressive spending and taxation..... TERRORISTS!!!!
Putting posters on ignore is a sign of mental weakness.

Giving up just like Sarah Palin.

It is a common trait for these like thinking people

Let's settle this right now asshole, what should Sarah Palin have done? She actually did the noble thing, something that most ego driven politicians wouldn't think of, relinquish the power they all crave for the betterment of the State and people she was in charge of. The bullshit lawsuits have stopped and the state has a Governor that doesn't have to waste time addressing them, what would you have done differently?

You poor thing!!! :lol::lol::lol:
edthecynic wrote:

Of course i get your silly little point. It doesn't stop it from being wrong, and my original question from being valid. Why would i be sore? You're the one whose arguing poorly, lol.

I wanted to make sure that i was reading the op correctly - that he feels it is dangerous that hannity, limbaugh and beck are dangerous not because they say inaccurate or inflammatory things, but rather because they do not possess the necessary requirements, in his opinion, to be heard. From what i have read - that seems to be the assertion, no one has argued effectively that this isn't what was meant. Therefore, yes...my point is that such an assertion is asinine.

What i think is funny...and why your point is invalid...is because you assume that i give two sh*ts whether limbaugh agrees with the asinine original post or doesn't. Limbaugh, hannity, and beck could all be in complete agreement that no one without military experience should be allowed to speak on military issues...it wouldn't make it right.

Now, to respond to your issue of limbaugh's opinion of obama's lack of military service... Considering the fact that the left was patently disinterested in the question of military service as a prerequisite for serving as president when clinton served...but fascinated by the subject when kerry was running...then suddenly disinterested again when obama was president is certainly an interesting bit of political theater...and, in my opinion...is probably what limbaugh is highlighting by bringing up obama's lack of service...i would guess that what limbaugh is doing is satirizing people like you...who refuse to see the absolute hypocrisy of the media not caring, then caring, then not caring about military service as it suits their needs. He seems to do that quite a bit...enjoying watching the liberals hop around in indignation as they pretend to think (or are so dumb they actually believe) that he is serious about what he was saying. But having never heard limbaugh speak about obama's lack of military service...i'm just theorizing.

sure you are. I think you're playing games. But i don't want you to take that the wrong way. Maybe it isn't true. After all, i am just theorizing.

sounds like he nailed it.... Clinton was a draft dodger.. And that was good. Kerry was a faux hero.. And that was good... Even when he set about trashing thevery people he served with. Bush served in the nat'l guard to avoid vietnam.. That was bad. Mccain was a pow... That was ridiculed. Carter served in the navy... That was good. Obama views the military with great disdain... And this is good.

Yes... Very consistent. :cuckoo:

$george-bush-middle-finger.jpgbush jerk.jpg
Giving up just like Sarah Palin.

It is a common trait for these like thinking people

Let's settle this right now asshole, what should Sarah Palin have done? She actually did the noble thing, something that most ego driven politicians wouldn't think of, relinquish the power they all crave for the betterment of the State and people she was in charge of. The bullshit lawsuits have stopped and the state has a Governor that doesn't have to waste time addressing them, what would you have done differently?

You poor thing!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Don't give me that faux sentiment, you are the one that everyone needs to feel sorry for. You swallow every drop of garbage that the democrat party ejaculates down your throat, the idea of that is really disturbing.
sure you are. I think you're playing games. But i don't want you to take that the wrong way. Maybe it isn't true. After all, i am just theorizing.

sounds like he nailed it.... Clinton was a draft dodger.. And that was good. Kerry was a faux hero.. And that was good... Even when he set about trashing thevery people he served with. Bush served in the nat'l guard to avoid vietnam.. That was bad. Mccain was a pow... That was ridiculed. Carter served in the navy... That was good. Obama views the military with great disdain... And this is good.

Yes... Very consistent. :cuckoo:

View attachment 10086

Piss poor Photoshop work that was obviously done by a detail deficient, liberal dimwit.
sounds like he nailed it.... Clinton was a draft dodger.. And that was good. Kerry was a faux hero.. And that was good... Even when he set about trashing thevery people he served with. Bush served in the nat'l guard to avoid vietnam.. That was bad. Mccain was a pow... That was ridiculed. Carter served in the navy... That was good. Obama views the military with great disdain... And this is good.

Yes... Very consistent. :cuckoo:

View attachment 10086

Piss poor Photoshop work that was obviously done by a detail deficient, liberal dimwit.
The middle finger was not photoshopped, the dog was replaced with a flag to protect the innocent.
Here is president Middle Finger giving the "one finger victory salute."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVynnbx1Xsc]YouTube - Bush Giving the Finger[/ame]

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