What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

Madeline said:
Sorry to hijack this thread but honestly, I just have to ask Founder a few questions. I'll just be a second here. Pardon me. Not trying to cut in line.

Founder needs to continue a search for a message board where he can sing to his own choir. If anyone has a suggestion, please PM him/her with the URL to that site. "It" has to be the most tunnel-visioned person I've ever seen in any political forum.
What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

Let's see... Just to name a few things in common:

1. All are extremely intelligent and able to think for themselves.
2. They all have much better bank accounts then I do.
3. They don't care what people say about them speaking their minds.
4. Liberals and other idiots hate them.
5. What they say is more truthful than anything a Washington politician has to say.
6. Any one of them would make a better President than what we currently have.

This is just a half-dozen things they all have in common. There are many more.

#6: I think I'm going to throw up.
And we all know what "anything of substance" means to the Pathetic Obamarrhoidal Rinata: anything that supports the views of the MARXIST Muslim PC Protector Obami Salami......the TWENTY YEAR tenured graduate of the Cathedral of Hate run by a Black Racist whackjob "Goddamn America" Wright, who in turn is quoted as saying that he IDOLIZES the most NOTORIOUS anti-Semite and WHITEY- Hater Louis Farrakhan, with whom they visited and together glad-handed THE TERRORIST Ghaddafi of Libya shortly after this Islamic Maniac concocted the Lockerbe Airplane Disaster and declared an enemy of America.

Oh yeah, one should really respect the policies of the hand-picked choice of the most notoriously CORRUPT commie and mafioso-ridden Chicago Political Machine without whose blessing even dog-catchers can't get elected.

Locked and loaded are ya?

I can guarantee you that if he/she is, they're not alone.

Better tell the RNC and the Tea Partiers then. They claim there are no armed insurgencies forming as we sleep. That we just make it all up.
Locked and loaded are ya?

I can guarantee you that if he/she is, they're not alone.

Step 2: Get off your couch, take your guns, and go to Kenya to hunt down Barrack Obama's birth certificate.

Of course actually volunteering to serve in the United States military is out of the question. These assholes are nothing but armchair warriors so enmeshed in their fantasy games that they want to take it to the next level.
Maybe if you weren't so partisan people might not think poorly of you.

Let's see, from the first day I was cussed out and called names because I am a liberal. Yet you are telling me that this is my fault?? So what should I have done, do you think?? Be a little wuss that let them insult me and just take it so that they will like me and not think poorly of me?? :lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry, but giving advice is just not your thing.

School Days, School Days!

No, I agree with you. Don't go along to get along. That is really sick. If you believe in the Liberal Kool Aid, then flaunt it, as that will either confirm you in your position, or teach you the error of your ways. Either way you win by standing firm for what you believe.

I was thinking of setting up a school to train recovering Liberals :evil: in how to be Conservatives. I'm actually serious about this idea. I think it is badly needed for those, of course, who need it, or I should say want it. Would you like to be my first pupil?

Aargh!!! Those damned rehab centers always produce a few graduates who want to go into business for themselves. Never quite works out, though.

Client and counselor do "lunch"
And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

Fox Is Not To Be Outfoxed

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

I watched this extremely boring repetitive long winded whine, made by the biggest cutthroat Liberal Liars in the information business, and it didn't inform me of one single thing I did not already know.

All it did was bore me to tears with its total lack of any content at all. It repeated at least a thousand times over that Fox news was taking over the world, and was being "unfair" to Liberals.

Of course, fact is, Liberals are the most unfair, biased, intolerant, and bigoted hate mongering racist Fascists the world has ever seen, and theyl control way over 80-90% of the Media of America and the world, but still they belly-ache and whine that they deserve to control ALL the Media on planet earth.

Little Fox has one or two outlets and the Liberals have all the rest. They totally control ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN MTV, and on and on and on, and totally control Hollywood, and all the Universities. What more do they want?

Well, what they want is they want it ALL. They believe because they are the only good people on earth that they deserve to control ALL Schools, ALL Media, and even ALL churches, not to speak of ALL governments, ALL non-profit organizations, ALL international organizations, and even ALL families, down to everyone's individual lives.

But, as long as I have breath and a few other freedom loving people have breath the Communist-Fascist Liberals :evil: are not going to take it ALL. They will just have to learn to share a bit, hard as that is for them.

They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars.

The problem with you, Founder, is that I have yet to see any actual DEBATE posed by you against an actual ISSUE. All you do is rant about general perceptions for which you have formed extremely biased assumptions. It gets tiring after awhile. If I wanted to come to message board forum and see only that, I wouldn't have lasted two days here.
What do Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh have in common?...
... they're not douchbag socialist thieves. :eusa_whistle:

Rush is right. Liberals always tell us what they're afraid of.... and as usual... what scares them most is FREE SPEECH.

That's another myth. What's scary about them is that there are so many millions who cling to every word they utter as if it's gospel truth. I couldn't give a shit what THEY say--only that when they say something totally inaccurate, or perpetuate an already debunked "story," you and your ilk believe it anyway.

Barack Obama and his Merry Band of Socialist Thieves believe that the American People are innately stupid. They believe they can insult our intelligence with impunity; that we'll never catch on. They treat us like a marketing demographic, and their whole job everyday is all about fooling us, tricking us, telling us not to believe our lying eyes.

Just this week, I wrote my local paper to point out the the 'letters of thanks' regarding Obamacare that we'd seen printed on the Opinion Page were requested from supporters by Barack Obama's political arm, Organizing for America. The President of the United States... out scamming little newspapers for free advertising for his crappy legislative agenda. :rolleyes:
And in another recent example of public manipulation, the administration bought keywords from Google so that people who punched in "Goldman Sachs" and "FEC" would be directed to the correct propaganda outlet.

That's just last week, Maggie. It's a consistent strategy, a full-time propaganda campaign that utilizes the full array of government resources.

Frankly, people are NOT as stupid as the corruptocrats in Washington believe we are. It's very rare, in fact, that Hannity, Limbaugh, or Beck tell me something that I don't ALREADY know. And more importantly, while they've all made a good living as political pundits... they do NOT have the full resources of the federal government to spread their message. They don't have any ability to write policy, or impose mandates. They don't have any real power. All they have is the bullhorn.

You're worried about the wrong people, Maggie. Worry about the ones who can actually dictate your choices to you, the ones who are in a position to limit your liberties.

Obamacare alone created 159 new federal bureaucracies... each one representing an expenditure of taxpayer dollars and authorized to create new spools of bureaucratic red tape. Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck can't impose upon you to fund a political agenda. They can't conscript your property, your money, or your medical records. They can't order your doctor around. They can't regulate your health insurance company out of existence. All they can do is tell you what they see.

Why should that be so scary that the left would want to reinstate the "Fairness Doctrine" under the guise of "localism"? In the Information Age, where the only limits to our ability to gather knowledge is our own intellectual curiosity, what but political Fear would call for regulation on talk radio?
FCC's new 'Diversity Czar' revives Fairness Doctrine fears
The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

Fox Is Not To Be Outfoxed

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

I watched this extremely boring repetitive long winded whine, made by the biggest cutthroat Liberal Liars in the information business, and it didn't inform me of one single thing I did not already know.

All it did was bore me to tears with its total lack of any content at all. It repeated at least a thousand times over that Fox news was taking over the world, and was being "unfair" to Liberals.

Of course, fact is, Liberals are the most unfair, biased, intolerant, and bigoted hate mongering racist Fascists the world has ever seen, and theyl control way over 80-90% of the Media of America and the world, but still they belly-ache and whine that they deserve to control ALL the Media on planet earth.

Little Fox has one or two outlets and the Liberals have all the rest. They totally control ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN MTV, and on and on and on, and totally control Hollywood, and all the Universities. What more do they want?

Well, what they want is they want it ALL. They believe because they are the only good people on earth that they deserve to control ALL Schools, ALL Media, and even ALL churches, not to speak of ALL governments, ALL non-profit organizations, ALL international organizations, and even ALL families, down to everyone's individual lives.

But, as long as I have breath and a few other freedom loving people have breath the Communist-Fascist Liberals :evil: are not going to take it ALL. They will just have to learn to share a bit, hard as that is for them.

They are such liars. They define any biased, bigoted thing THEY say as OBJECTIVE, while defining anything any Conservative says, as automatically biased. To tell the truth they serve their father the Devil, that is who they serve, and he is a liar and the father of liars.

Did Pubes PI get another sock puppet? :confused:

Great minds think alike! ;)
What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

Let's see... Just to name a few things in common:

1. All are extremely intelligent and able to think for themselves.
2. They all have much better bank accounts then I do.
3. They don't care what people say about them speaking their minds.
4. Liberals and other idiots hate them.
5. What they say is more truthful than anything a Washington politician has to say.
6. Any one of them would make a better President than what we currently have.

This is just a half-dozen things they all have in common. There are many more.

#6: I think I'm going to throw up.

The truth is hard for some people.
On Ignoring: It's just simple mathematics. I have just so much time to read posts, OK? Therefore, to economize my time and use it wisely, I just get rid of those who consistently have nothing interesting to say, and add nothing to any debate. We all know who these people are, and there are a surprisingly large number of them. They drive good posters away from the site. Bad posters just drive away good posters.

Those who are interesting, regardless of their politics, I would never put on ignore and we all know who they are.

But those who are not funny, but think they are, who are not intelligent but think they are, who are so short of vocabulary that they use nonstop profanities and obscenities, and nothing else, and those who on top of all those characteristics, are extremely, and aggressively Liberal, rude, and annoying, these I just don't want to waste my time reading. There are just certain people who are abusive in general without any socially redeeming qualities at all.

So far it seems to be working very well for me. It it doesn't for any reason, I can change my tactics.

Then I give you about 2 more days for this place, since you just described about 95% of our members.

There are other boards that suppress freedom of speech, like you wish for. I hear Hannity is one, and Molly Ringwalds board Modded by our very own jent and PI is another.

I'm sure they would LOVE another member, you may get them into double digits if you join!

Oh thank you for redirecting this clown. :bowdown: Hopefully he'll move there and I won't have to scroll down past his diatribes which are uninteresting and therefore exhausting. (Wonder if he has a scroll feature on his mouse since he thinks "ignore" is the only way to actually "ignore" someone?)
Last edited:
And where exactly did you come up with that bullshit claim? What a tard.

The bias on FoxNews isn't anything new. There was an entire documentary on it, which can now be downloaded.

Watch the entire OUTFOXED documentary! FREE!

This documentary also reveals the secrets of Former Fox news producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a "right-wing" point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed."

Lay offa the Liberal Conspiracist Thoery of Why FOX Is Not Objective KoolAid, there MaggieMae.


Way to go woman! Someone who has made up her OWN mind AFTER looking into a matter. Zowie. I had thought that was against USMB's TOS at first!


I've actually never even watched the documentary. When it came out, I wondered to myself what took them so long. I've read (seen) excerpts is all. As to the preplanned day of what "stories" Fox would emphasize, Murdoch admitted to that.
What do they have in Common?

They're all Phonies, and a bunch of Fake Conservatives. (Especially Hannity)

Man that guy aggravates me.

To be fair, unlike Limburgh and Beck, I believe Hannity is just so dense and stupid he doesn't realize he's full of shit. Every second spent listening to his nonsensical drivel is like getting a lobotomy just a little bit.

Listening to him on the radio (can only do in small bits) makes me wonder why a man would stuff tampons up his nose...cause that's what he sounds like.
Can I BE MaggieMae when I grow up? A Vulcan mind-meld mebbe?

Always reach for the stars. Every man's reach should exceed his grasp.

As I recall from your Intro, we're around the same age. (Correct me if I'm wrong). Little old ladies aren't what they used to be, eh? :lol:
What do Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh have in common?...
... they're not douchbag socialist thieves. :eusa_whistle:

Rush is right. Liberals always tell us what they're afraid of.... and as usual... what scares them most is FREE SPEECH.

That's another myth. What's scary about them is that there are so many millions who cling to every word they utter as if it's gospel truth. I couldn't give a shit what THEY say--only that when they say something totally inaccurate, or perpetuate an already debunked "story," you and your ilk believe it anyway.

Barack Obama and his Merry Band of Socialist Thieves believe that the American People are innately stupid. They believe they can insult our intelligence with impunity; that we'll never catch on. They treat us like a marketing demographic, and their whole job everyday is all about fooling us, tricking us, telling us not to believe our lying eyes.

Just this week, I wrote my local paper to point out the the 'letters of thanks' regarding Obamacare that we'd seen printed on the Opinion Page were requested from supporters by Barack Obama's political arm, Organizing for America. The President of the United States... out scamming little newspapers for free advertising for his crappy legislative agenda. :rolleyes:
And in another recent example of public manipulation, the administration bought keywords from Google so that people who punched in "Goldman Sachs" and "FEC" would be directed to the correct propaganda outlet.

That's just last week, Maggie. It's a consistent strategy, a full-time propaganda campaign that utilizes the full array of government resources.

Frankly, people are NOT as stupid as the corruptocrats in Washington believe we are. It's very rare, in fact, that Hannity, Limbaugh, or Beck tell me something that I don't ALREADY know. And more importantly, while they've all made a good living as political pundits... they do NOT have the full resources of the federal government to spread their message. They don't have any ability to write policy, or impose mandates. They don't have any real power. All they have is the bullhorn.

You're worried about the wrong people, Maggie. Worry about the ones who can actually dictate your choices to you, the ones who are in a position to limit your liberties.

Obamacare alone created 159 new federal bureaucracies... each one representing an expenditure of taxpayer dollars and authorized to create new spools of bureaucratic red tape. Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck can't impose upon you to fund a political agenda. They can't conscript your property, your money, or your medical records. They can't order your doctor around. They can't regulate your health insurance company out of existence. All they can do is tell you what they see.

Why should that be so scary that the left would want to reinstate the "Fairness Doctrine" under the guise of "localism"? In the Information Age, where the only limits to our ability to gather knowledge is our own intellectual curiosity, what but political Fear would call for regulation on talk radio?
FCC's new 'Diversity Czar' revives Fairness Doctrine fears

Let me just put it this way: If Obama and his "merry men" thought the American people were stupid, they wouldn't have been so brutally honest with us and YOU would not be complaining because the administration would have zipped up the Executive Office the same way Cheney/Bush did.
Let's see... Just to name a few things in common:

1. All are extremely intelligent and able to think for themselves.
2. They all have much better bank accounts then I do.
3. They don't care what people say about them speaking their minds.
4. Liberals and other idiots hate them.
5. What they say is more truthful than anything a Washington politician has to say.
6. Any one of them would make a better President than what we currently have.

This is just a half-dozen things they all have in common. There are many more.

#6: I think I'm going to throw up.

The truth is hard for some people.

Yeah, I can just envision the likes of Limbaugh or Beck negotiating a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, or any of the other myriad major issues a president is bombarded with on a regular basis and still try to keep a semblance of balance.
Let me just put it this way: If Obama and his "merry men" thought the American people were stupid, they wouldn't have been so brutally honest with us and YOU would not be complaining because the administration would have zipped up the Executive Office the same way Cheney/Bush did.

Brutal honesty???? :lol::lol::lol::rofl::lol:

Punch the words, "Obama Lies" into your browser.
And ask yourself, just for one example, how GM taking taxpayer money out of one TARP pocket and pay it back with the other isn't a lie:
GM pays back government loans... with TARP funds?! | Washington Examiner
What does Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, & Rush Limbaugh have in common?

All three come across as closet queens. Those pudgy bodies. Too smooth skin. Those soft hands. Those effeminate voices. If ever there was a classic case of profiling, it would be those three.

Rev. Haggard is more butch than any of those guys.
Let me just put it this way: If Obama and his "merry men" thought the American people were stupid, they wouldn't have been so brutally honest with us and YOU would not be complaining because the administration would have zipped up the Executive Office the same way Cheney/Bush did.

Brutal honesty???? :lol::lol::lol::rofl::lol:

Punch the words, "Obama Lies" into your browser.
And ask yourself, just for one example, how GM taking taxpayer money out of one TARP pocket and pay it back with the other isn't a lie:
GM pays back government loans... with TARP funds?! | Washington Examiner

Because they still have to pay it back. Whether it's TARP or loan.

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