What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

0 dark 30
doc·u·dra·ma (dky-dräm, -drm)
a fictionalized drama based primarily on actual events.

For Christ's sake it is just a movie!!!!!!

Bull shit
The seal that BHO was going to arrest gave almost the exact same account as the movie in his book
I mean in reality 99%, without giving away the movie I could tell you the one event that was not exactly as he stated
By doing that BHO confirmed his story was accurate, (threatening to arrest)
Navy SEAL Could Face ?Criminal Prosecution? for Book about OBL Raid - Leah Barkoukis
The problem? The book wasn’t vetted by the Pentagon or CIA, leaving many concerned with whether the information released is classified and could “compromise future missions,” other SEALs and even the author himself, whose identity was revealed by Fox News. According to Adm. Bill McRaven, the author could even be prosecuted:

“We will pursue every option available to hold members accountable, including criminal prosecution where appropriate,” the four-star commander wrote, in an open, unclassified letter emailed to the active-duty special operations community Thursday, and obtained by The Associated Press.

I am told that the movie depicts torture. It is true that America employed torture techniques. It is not true that torture techniques result in good intel.

Bull shit
It is THE reason we found UBL the way we did
none other
it lead to the courier
his family
phone taps
ID his and his locale through same
followed to UBL home

sleep deprivation

it was confirmed same way
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them
It was a movie.

Based on actual events
deal with it and for once give credit where it is due and thank god the man in the white house had the courage to protect us from another
NOT BHO, without the intel got from GWB years, it never happens
The movie as well as the books wrote about the events make that fact very clear

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRdjFVXnKIg]5/9/11 Former CIA director says waterboarding was key to UBL find - YouTube[/ame]
deal with it
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

What are John McCain's thoughts on this? You know, a person who went through it. That guy. Every once in a while he makes sense and this is one of them.

As far as I know
Being treated the way JM was treated was far more serious than the way those who gave the intel up that lead us to UBL
no-one in the US as far as I know have with intent killed 1000s of innocent humans, no other intent
these events ended the second those in detention cooperated
unlike JM
Somebody loves George W Bush.

You trying to change the subject?
GWB got the worse deal as president to promote an agenda than any ever

Yet every time he was not only right, his actions make BHO look good, he gets this from your side
The first 50% of tarp
Giving BHO the second 50%
saving GM'
Having the courage to go after the intel that led to UBL
You should love him also
Somebody loves George W Bush.

You trying to change the subject?
GWB got the worse deal as president to promote an agenda than any ever

Yet every time he was not only right, his actions make BHO look good, he gets this from your side
The first 50% of tarp
Giving BHO the second 50%
saving GM'
Having the courage to go after the intel that led to UBL
You should love him also

I'm thinking that a written word forum might not be the best place for you to get your message across.
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

I saw the movie. It did not show a link between torture (yes, the movie made it clear we used torture ) and the eventual killing of Bin laden. The movie showed the intelligence came from multiple sources and there was no Eureka moment
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

I think the technique is fine when used correctly, like in the movie.

Unlike Republicans, I don't trust government with any increased power, especially when it comes to the #1 reason for expanding government power: national security.

Granted, I would love to live in a world where I was 100% safe on an airplane or skyscraper. Indeed, I would to love to live in a world where all evil doers were brought to justice.

But I'm with Ron Paul on this issue.

I think that with every increase in government power there is always the chance that the power itself will eventually be abused or misused because government is incompetent.

I don't view safety from Osama Bin Laden in a vacuum. I ask: "is it worth giving government the permanent power to read my emails, collect information on my purchases, track my internet use, listen to my phone calls and monitor my finances, and torture people in exchange for giving Washington the legal power to do what the CIA already does behind the scenes?" Also, contrary to the fear-mongers, I think there are an infinitesimally small number of situations where a towel-head has actionable information on a homeland terror strike. And so I ask whether or not I want to give government massive new powers to torture in exchange for a threat that is less likely than being crushed by a dropped piano. The Soviet Union secured the power to torture by using the same rationalization. Then they used that power to attack and intimidate political detractors. That's the problem with giving government power - sometimes they don't use it as intended. Unlike Republicans - who tend to trust government way more than anyone else - I pause when it comes to giving government power. For instance, what if, some day, a bad administration gained power. I don't want to make it easier for them to invade privacy and destroy Constitutional rights. I don't want to make it easier for them to monitor gun sales. I want to limit government power at every juncture. And I realize that government only asks for power when they have a publicly viable excuse like "helping" citizens or "protecting" them.

Consider the old Soviet Union. They grew police state by saying "we just want to keep you safe". And guess what JRK? Some of the Soviet Bureaucrats actually believed in keeping people safe. But once that power exists in government, it gets wielded by flawed humans. This is why libertarians don't like concentrated power. Not because they don't care about national security, but because they believe in the law of unintended consequences. They think that concentrated power is too easily abused.

So... like JRK, I'm happy that enhanced interrogation worked against OBL. However, unlike JRK, I don't trust government with the power. I view an increase in government power as more dangerous than 15 towel heads with box cutters. I realize that life is dangerous and we might occasionally be attacked. But the likelihood of dying in a terrorist attack is less than being struck by lightening. However, the likelihood of government abusing their power is far higher.

So I'm begging JRK and his ilk to stop trusting government so much. We can't afford your hysterical fear of unlikely possibilities. We can't afford how easily you were manipulated by Bush to trade security for the illusion of safety. We need you to "man up" and be your own "first-responder". We need you to take your care of your own family and stop giving Washington so much power.

(God help us because the GOP is likely coming back in 2016. And when they re-take Washington, they will use scare tactics to grow the power of Washington)

JRK - please read this. It is about Homeland Security, the largest, most wasteful, most powerful government bureaucracy ever created.
A hidden world, growing beyond control | washingtonpost.com

I'm begging you JRK. Stop listening to talk radio. Stop letting big government scare you into destroying our freedom. Stop giving big government so much power. I know you mean well, but we can no longer afford for you and your party to grow the big government surveillance state. We are losing the very freedom that defines this great nation.

BHO extended the patriot act and ended enhanced interrogation
I do not recall even the mention of the patriot act
Now talk radio

I listen to Rush maybe 5 times in 1 month
more for the humor
Levin at night when I read
5 times a month
in fact I listen to NPR more than any because the time of day I can as well as its FM
Unlike the Lib
I do my own re search to find the truth a form my own opinion
so please stop judging people you know nothing about

As with 0 dark 30 I was most impressed to the accuracy and Hollywood having no play in the story
It was a series of accurate events
Unless of course the seal who was there and shot UBL the 2nd, 3rd and 4th time was lying the exact same all who have confirmed the intel and the way UBL was found was lying the same exact way

Now the patriot act? what does that have to do with anything I have posted?
You know to treat a human like we did the hand full that was "questioned" the way we did under GWB time in office is no event that should be taken lightly
These are humans, barley, but humans

Root cause, the 5 whys those events took place?
watch the innocent people 9-11 choosing burning to death or jumping 1100' and taking there chances and you have your why
No terrorist
No water boarding, etc....
It is a sad thing that had to be done and it is nothing I would support for any other reason as I would not support the way John M was treated in Vietnam
Somebody loves George W Bush.

You trying to change the subject?
GWB got the worse deal as president to promote an agenda than any ever

Yet every time he was not only right, his actions make BHO look good, he gets this from your side
The first 50% of tarp
Giving BHO the second 50%
saving GM'
Having the courage to go after the intel that led to UBL
You should love him also

I'm thinking that a written word forum might not be the best place for you to get your message across.

Typical liberal maneuver
Ignore the subject matter
Attack the messenger

Without the intel obtained from the way terrorist where questioned during the years GWB was president, BHO never gets the chance to take credit for killing UBL
what is your opinion now of the way that intel was obtained?
simple enough for you now?
By John McCain, Published: May 11, 2011

I asked CIA Director Leon Panetta for the facts, and he told me the following: The trail to bin Laden did not begin with a disclosure from Khalid Sheik Mohammed, who was waterboarded 183 times. The first mention of Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti — the nickname of the al-Qaeda courier who ultimately led us to bin Laden — as well as a description of him as an important member of al-Qaeda, came from a detainee held in another country, who we believe was not tortured. None of the three detainees who were waterboarded provided Abu Ahmed’s real name, his whereabouts or an accurate description of his role in al-Qaeda.

In fact, the use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” on Khalid Sheik Mohammed produced false and misleading information. He specifically told his interrogators that Abu Ahmed had moved to Peshawar, got married and ceased his role as an al-Qaeda facilitator — none of which was true. According to the staff of the Senate intelligence committee, the best intelligence gained from a CIA detainee — information describing Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti’s real role in al-Qaeda and his true relationship to bin Laden — was obtained through standard, noncoercive means.

More: Bin Laden?s death and the debate over torture - The Washington Post
There is a golden rule of torture

Treat prisoners as you expect your own prisoners to be treated

I would not want to be an American prisoner now. We have forfeited the moral high ground

WASHINGTON — Intelligence garnered from waterboarded detainees was used to track down al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and kill him, CIA Chief Leon Panetta told NBC News on Tuesday.
Only on NBCNews.com

"Enhanced interrogation techniques" were used to extract information that led to the mission's success, Panetta said during an interview with anchor Brian Williams. Those techniques included waterboarding, he acknowledged.
from MSNBC

from this general Mike haddin
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRdjFVXnKIg]5/9/11 Former CIA director says waterboarding was key to UBL find - YouTube[/ame]

Now denial is not a river in Egypt
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

Being a Liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

And winning is all that matters no matter who gets hurt
there base has been lied so much they have no idea what to think until there told
seal team 6 are heros in a world of heros
the libs called them Cheneys assassination squad for years

What and who in the hell are you talking about? I never called them anything like that, I guess the 'conservative' way is to take the actions by a few people of a certain group and try to smear the rest of that group.
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

I saw the movie. It did not show a link between torture (yes, the movie made it clear we used torture ) and the eventual killing of Bin laden. The movie showed the intelligence came from multiple sources and there was no Eureka moment

Agree except
the path began there and was used numerous times to keep that path going
It is the same with GM
They do not survive without the tax payer and GWB in 2008
Both BHO ignored the obvious and used this to re elect
at no time did the man stream call him out stating the obvious

BHO got credit for events he was handed in progress and having key if not the key event to assure success
GM you can debate that they without GWB some other miracle may come along
UBL you cannot
'there is no path without waterbaording in Pakistan, he was snug as a bug in a rug
we had no reason to look for him there with out that intel over those 3 years prior to BHO ending it
0 dark 30
doc·u·dra·ma (dky-dräm, -drm)
a fictionalized drama based primarily on actual events.

For Christ's sake it is just a movie!!!!!!

Bull shit
The seal that BHO was going to arrest gave almost the exact same account as the movie in his book
I mean in reality 99%, without giving away the movie I could tell you the one event that was not exactly as he stated
By doing that BHO confirmed his story was accurate, (threatening to arrest)
Navy SEAL Could Face ?Criminal Prosecution? for Book about OBL Raid - Leah Barkoukis
The problem? The book wasn’t vetted by the Pentagon or CIA, leaving many concerned with whether the information released is classified and could “compromise future missions,” other SEALs and even the author himself, whose identity was revealed by Fox News. According to Adm. Bill McRaven, the author could even be prosecuted:

“We will pursue every option available to hold members accountable, including criminal prosecution where appropriate,” the four-star commander wrote, in an open, unclassified letter emailed to the active-duty special operations community Thursday, and obtained by The Associated Press.

LOL, you people crack me up! How was BHO going to personally arrest the SEAL team member who wrote that book? Wow................ :lol:

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