What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

Being a Liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

And winning is all that matters no matter who gets hurt
there base has been lied so much they have no idea what to think until there told
seal team 6 are heros in a world of heros
the libs called them Cheneys assassination squad for years

What and who in the hell are you talking about? I never called them anything like that, I guess the 'conservative' way is to take the actions by a few people of a certain group and try to smear the rest of that group.

who said you did?
chill out
the libs did call 6 Cheney's assassination squad, never stated you did
winning elections is all that matters to the far left, the country comes third
I was against waterboarding and such before Bush, during Bush and during obame as well and for the next prsident as well.
And winning is all that matters no matter who gets hurt
there base has been lied so much they have no idea what to think until there told
seal team 6 are heros in a world of heros
the libs called them Cheneys assassination squad for years

What and who in the hell are you talking about? I never called them anything like that, I guess the 'conservative' way is to take the actions by a few people of a certain group and try to smear the rest of that group.

who said you did?
chill out
the libs did call 6 Cheney's assassination squad, never stated you did
winning elections is all that matters to the far left, the country comes third

Well "the libs" seems like you are referring to all Liberals instead of some Liberals, when in fact it was one journalist named Hersh...............
I was against waterboarding and such before Bush, during Bush and during obame as well and for the next prsident as well.

You have that right and I respect that
UBL still lives
and our president cannot take credit for an event that was 75% there when he took office as well never happens without it or a 25 million dollar miracle that had not one hit in 10 years
simply put, UBL the murdering SOB would still be alive today without it, you okay with that?
I think about those who choose to burn or jump on 9-11 would have no issue with it
It was not your place to make sure those who forced that choice where treated in a way to make sure they understood we were serious about finding the rest and ending it
Also It is not like 1000s of those terrorist where treated as such
just the big dogs with direct ties to 9-11 as i understand it
3 is not correct as I asses it and as the CIA claimed at one time to ABC
What and who in the hell are you talking about? I never called them anything like that, I guess the 'conservative' way is to take the actions by a few people of a certain group and try to smear the rest of that group.

who said you did?
chill out
the libs did call 6 Cheney's assassination squad, never stated you did
winning elections is all that matters to the far left, the country comes third

Well "the libs" seems like you are referring to all Liberals instead of some Liberals, when in fact it was one journalist named Hersh...............

Thats funny
the man they elected president ended it
I would state that would be a good indication as to the number
BHO also took credit for killing UBL, but failed to mention how the intel was got that found him

Let us make this simple
what is you opinion?
What these events have told me is just how far from reality the press and so many have drifted from reality
As I have stated through out joining this message board is that with out GWB, BHO and much of what he run on in 2012 he should have thanked GWB
Just another example
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

MSNBC panned Zero Dark 30 but thought Django was great.

You indicated killing Bin Laden was a mistake and thought President Obama was lying about it.
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

MSNBC panned Zero Dark 30 but thought Django was great.

You indicated killing Bin Laden was a mistake and thought President Obama was lying about it.

Back on ignore
Why would you say such BS?
I mean really CC
what has got into you?
who said you did?
chill out
the libs did call 6 Cheney's assassination squad, never stated you did
winning elections is all that matters to the far left, the country comes third

Well "the libs" seems like you are referring to all Liberals instead of some Liberals, when in fact it was one journalist named Hersh...............

Thats funny
the man they elected president ended it
I would state that would be a good indication as to the number
BHO also took credit for killing UBL, but failed to mention how the intel was got that found him

Let us make this simple
what is you opinion?

Opinion on what? Enhanced interrogation? I'm in favor of it as long as it falls in line with the Geneva Convention, Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and our own laws in the United States. It gets a little 'murky' for me when we farm the subject to a foreign country and they interrogate the person with their methods and under their laws.

I disagree with the SEALteam 6 comment made by Hersh.

If the operation failed who would you and the people on your side of the aisle give all of the credit too? Why should he mention something that was most like classified?
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them
It was a movie.

Saw the movie. The last 30 minutes was possibly the best cinematography I've seen.
The pre-raid movie was a little slow and plotting. For example, the helicopter scene from liftoff to tactical hovering was slow and tedious we didn't really need to know that they crossed into Pakistan airspace did we. We also didn't need so many seen of Mya fighting the beauracracy...we get it. I think Bigelow deserved an Oscar nom but was surprised that the Academy would call this one of the 10 best movies of the year.

A very good movie but it wasn't Casablanca or Crash.
Well "the libs" seems like you are referring to all Liberals instead of some Liberals, when in fact it was one journalist named Hersh...............

Thats funny
the man they elected president ended it
I would state that would be a good indication as to the number
BHO also took credit for killing UBL, but failed to mention how the intel was got that found him

Let us make this simple
what is you opinion?

Opinion on what? Enhanced interrogation? I'm in favor of it as long as it falls in line with the Geneva Convention, Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and our own laws in the United States. It gets a little 'murky' for me when we farm the subject to a foreign country and they interrogate the person with their methods and under their laws.

I disagree with the SEALteam 6 comment made by Hersh.

If the operation failed who would you and the people on your side of the aisle give all of the credit too? Why should he mention something that was most like classified?

We as a country failed 9-11-2001
I would have no dog in this hunt if the far left and the press would call it down the middle
It has become so ridiculous that I could not vote for any of them because they have become so much for there own agenda and so little about right and wrong
What is best for you and I, they only care about there agenda to socialize this country

Just look
from adding to Ws last baseline 500 billion to not allowing another budget sense

GWB made mistakes
Medicare D was not funded
No child left behind, same
They should have never been put into law without it.
GM, mistake
His dealing with the press and allowing Iraq to become a victory event when there was 8 years of war left was foolish

He was 10 times the president Obama ever will be as it relates to what he thought was best for this country as well as the will of the people

My fight in this battle is to get one lost soul at a tim to open there eyes and see how bad it really is
simply the truth
Last edited:
Thats funny
the man they elected president ended it
I would state that would be a good indication as to the number
BHO also took credit for killing UBL, but failed to mention how the intel was got that found him

Let us make this simple
what is you opinion?

Opinion on what? Enhanced interrogation? I'm in favor of it as long as it falls in line with the Geneva Convention, Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and our own laws in the United States. It gets a little 'murky' for me when we farm the subject to a foreign country and they interrogate the person with their methods and under their laws.

I disagree with the SEALteam 6 comment made by Hersh.

If the operation failed who would you and the people on your side of the aisle give all of the credit too? Why should he mention something that was most like classified?

We as a country failed 9-11-2001
I would have no dog in this hunt if the far left and the press would call it down the middle
It has become so ridiculous that I could not vote for any of them because they have become so much for there own agenda and so little about right and wrong
What is best for you and I, they only care about there agenda to socialize this country

Just look
from adding to Ws last baseline 500 billion to not allowing another budget sense

GWB made mistakes
Medicare D was not funded
No child left behind, same
They should have never been put into law without it.
GM, mistake
His dealing with the press and allowing Iraq to become a victory event when there was 8 years of war left was foolish

He was 10 times the president Obama ever will be as it relates to what he thought was best for this country as well as the will of the people

My fight in this battle is to get one lost soul at a tim to open there eyes and see how bad it really is
simply the truth

We missed you and you self-imposed exile after Romney got his ass handed to him in November. You were here under a different user name for a while as I recall. Whatever.

There were no WMDs found in Iraq and killing Bin Laden was a very good move by Obama.

Despite Mudwhistle's "expert" opinion.


PS: The wars weren't funded either.
Thats funny
the man they elected president ended it
I would state that would be a good indication as to the number
BHO also took credit for killing UBL, but failed to mention how the intel was got that found him

Let us make this simple
what is you opinion?

Opinion on what? Enhanced interrogation? I'm in favor of it as long as it falls in line with the Geneva Convention, Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and our own laws in the United States. It gets a little 'murky' for me when we farm the subject to a foreign country and they interrogate the person with their methods and under their laws.

I disagree with the SEALteam 6 comment made by Hersh.

If the operation failed who would you and the people on your side of the aisle give all of the credit too? Why should he mention something that was most like classified?

We as a country failed 9-11-2001
I would have no dog in this hunt if the far left and the press would call it down the middle
It has become so ridiculous that I could not vote for any of them because they have become so much for there own agenda and so little about right and wrong
What is best for you and I, they only care about there agenda to socialize this country

Just look
from adding to Ws last baseline 500 billion to not allowing another budget sense

GWB made mistakes
Medicare D was not funded
No child left behind, same
They should have never been put into law without it.
GM, mistake
His dealing with the press and allowing Iraq to become a victory event when there was 8 years of war left was foolish

He was 10 times the president Obama ever will be as it relates to what he thought was best for this country as well as the will of the people

My fight in this battle is to get one lost soul at a tim to open there eyes and see how bad it really is
simply the truth

The far right and the right wing press don't 'call it down the middle'. What do you specifically mean by "socialize the country"?
Opinion on what? Enhanced interrogation? I'm in favor of it as long as it falls in line with the Geneva Convention, Waterboarding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and our own laws in the United States. It gets a little 'murky' for me when we farm the subject to a foreign country and they interrogate the person with their methods and under their laws.

I disagree with the SEALteam 6 comment made by Hersh.

If the operation failed who would you and the people on your side of the aisle give all of the credit too? Why should he mention something that was most like classified?

We as a country failed 9-11-2001
I would have no dog in this hunt if the far left and the press would call it down the middle
It has become so ridiculous that I could not vote for any of them because they have become so much for there own agenda and so little about right and wrong
What is best for you and I, they only care about there agenda to socialize this country

Just look
from adding to Ws last baseline 500 billion to not allowing another budget sense

GWB made mistakes
Medicare D was not funded
No child left behind, same
They should have never been put into law without it.
GM, mistake
His dealing with the press and allowing Iraq to become a victory event when there was 8 years of war left was foolish

He was 10 times the president Obama ever will be as it relates to what he thought was best for this country as well as the will of the people

My fight in this battle is to get one lost soul at a tim to open there eyes and see how bad it really is
simply the truth

The far right and the right wing press don't 'call it down the middle'. What do you specifically mean by "socialize the country"?

Rush L is not the press
Fox news and Hannity are not the same
In fact Fox calls it pretty close to down the middle with a right lean

Look BHO lied about his job creation, or at best mis leading
Same with GM
Same with Obama care not adding to the debt

The press ignored this

What do I mean about "socializing" our country?
GM, this includes GWB, in fact his worse act as president was to ignore the will of the people with this event, 2008
no difference in Enron and GM at th end of the day no matter how they got there
Spending levels done just to en large the baseline in the first 16 weeks in office, then blaming them on GWB
No budget the following 3 to assure that the baseline would maintain its 500+- billion dollar addition from GWB basline (this was brilliant, I must state for the record)
class warfare to raise taxes on "rich" which included capital gains (income to 40%, Buffet went to 20%)
Appointing people without congress involving in it (federal appeals stated un constitutional)
Obama-care mandating a must purchase clause in which the supreme court agreed with some how, so be it
so much still coming out
calling tax hikes a "fee"
so many of these issues are state issues, such as Obama-care

It is a pure path to a European type govt
smoking police at the state level
eating, drinking police same
Each event that lends its self to promote there agenda, as it has been stated never let a crises go to waste
Gun control. (which if it is the will of the people, so be it) after the election
and after sandy hook with no mention of fort hood, ever
Benghazi and the cover up. control the message, the media

Obama is still raising monies
Why Is Obama For America STILL Raising Money? | Obama Fundraising | Fox Nation

shall I go on?

The way Israel is being treated that includes who he nominated as sectary of state as well as weapons to the Muslim brotherhood
This is a clear change in this countries direction, one that is confusing when the same group wants the defense budget cut (the first thing as president he is to do, defend this country)
You indicated killing Bin Laden was a mistake and thought President Obama was lying about it.

Back on ignore
Why would you say such BS?
I mean really CC
what has got into you?

Did you know that we never found WMDs in Iraq?

We know where their fighter Jets went in round one. Do the math. If Saddam was expecting and waiting for the Inspections to finish, and he knew he was safe having all of the components, but nothing completely assembled, what do you think his advisers would recommend he do? Where is Syria, Iran, on Chemical capability? Do we even have a clue?
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

Being a Liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

Being a conservative means never being able to admit you were wrong.
Back on ignore
Why would you say such BS?
I mean really CC
what has got into you?

Did you know that we never found WMDs in Iraq?

We know where their fighter Jets went in round one. Do the math. If Saddam was expecting and waiting for the Inspections to finish, and he knew he was safe having all of the components, but nothing completely assembled, what do you think his advisers would recommend he do? Where is Syria, Iran, on Chemical capability? Do we even have a clue?
Saddam was bluffing and he paid for it with his life

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