What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

No problem in the liberal "mind" to oppose if done by a Republican but ignore if done by a Democrat.
just look at how the left praises Clinton for best economic growth during an administration ....what they ignore is that the republican held congress dragged clinton to the table and forced him to make the cuts that brought about the economic upturn.

What the fuck does this have to do with enhanced interrogation? Please at least try to contribute something meaningful to the conversation.
No problem in the liberal "mind" to oppose if done by a Republican but ignore if done by a Democrat.
just look at how the left praises Clinton for best economic growth during an administration ....what they ignore is that the republican held congress dragged clinton to the table and forced him to make the cuts that brought about the economic upturn.
Yeah....that's what they did.....

....dragged him to the table.


"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit."

— Rep. Newt Gingrich

No problem in the liberal "mind" to oppose if done by a Republican but ignore if done by a Democrat.
just look at how the left praises Clinton for best economic growth during an administration ....what they ignore is that the republican held congress dragged clinton to the table and forced him to make the cuts that brought about the economic upturn.

What the fuck does this have to do with enhanced interrogation? Please at least try to contribute something meaningful to the conversation.
it is an example of how the left takes credit for the outcome of something they opposed from the beginning . and please tone down your DARK freemason anger.
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Hayek on totalitarians:

From the two central features of every collectivist system, the need for a commonly accepted system of ends of the group and the all-overriding desire to give to the group the maximum of power to achieve these ends,...

Patriot Act, anyone? Department of Homeland Security, anyone?

... grows a definite system of morals, which on some points coincides and on others violently contrasts with ours—but differs from it in one point which makes it doubtful whether we can call it morals: that it does not leave the individual conscience free to apply its own rules and does not even know any general rules which the individual is required or allowed to observe in all circumstances. This makes collectivist morals so different from what we have known as morals that we find it difficult to discover any principle in them, which they nevertheless possess.

The difference of principle is very much the same as that which we have already considered in connection with the Rule of Law. Like formal law, the rules of individualist ethics, however unprecise they may be in many respects, are general and absolute; they prescribe or prohibit a general type of action irrespective of whether in the particular instance the ultimate purpose is good or bad. To cheat or steal, to torture or betray a confidence, is held to be bad, irrespective of whether or not in the particular instance any harm follows from it. Neither the fact that in a given instance nobody may be the worse for it, nor any high purpose for which such an act may have been committed, can alter the fact that it is bad. Though we may sometimes be forced to choose between different evils, they remain evils.

The principle that the end justifies the means is in individualist ethics regarded as the denial of all morals. In collectivist ethics it becomes necessarily the supreme rule; there is literally nothing which the consistent collectivist must not be prepared to do if it serves “the good of the whole,” because the “good of the whole” is to him the only criterion of what ought to be done. The raison d’état, in which collectivist ethics has found its most explicit formulation, knows no other limit than that set by expediency—the suitability of the particular act for the end in view. And what the raison d’état affirms with respect to the relations between different countries applies equally to the relations between different individuals within the collectivist state. There can be no limit to what its citizen must be prepared to do, no act which his conscience must prevent him from committing, if it is necessary for an end which the community has set itself or which his superiors order him to achieve.

The Road to Serfdom
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Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

Great movie.

But how did you get out of the movie that liberals almost blew the whole deal? It was an apolitical movie and was neither pro nor anti torture.

Thread fail.
No problem in the liberal "mind" to oppose if done by a Republican but ignore if done by a Democrat.
just look at how the left praises Clinton for best economic growth during an administration ....what they ignore is that the republican held congress dragged clinton to the table and forced him to make the cuts that brought about the economic upturn.
Yeah....that's what they did.....

....dragged him to the table.


"The tax increase will…lead to a recession…and will actually increase the deficit."

— Rep. Newt Gingrich


No doubt waterboarding was involved too.
The waterboarding was done only on three arch terrorists.

As a result major terrorist attacks were thwarted and OBL was finally killed.

Thank goodness it was done.
The waterboarding was done only on three arch terrorists.

There's a whole lot about you behind that "only".

As a result major terrorist attacks were thwarted and OBL was finally killed.


Thank goodness it was done.

The ends justify the means, eh, citizen?

Mind if we beat on your mother with a phone book until she confesses to being the black guy that raped a nun last night? It won't leave any bruises, promise! And we will only do it to her...
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what would you have done?

CIA Agent: Waterboarding Saved Lives - American View
Does waterboarding work? Without a doubt, yes. Abu Zubayda broke after 35 seconds of being waterboarded and, according to the man who did it, the information he gave let us stop “…a number of attacks, maybe dozens of attacks”

And as far as the will of the people?
CNN poll: Majority support waterboarding terrorists, 50/46 « Hot Air

The presidents number 1 job is to protect this country and the people
No matter what your opinion is, no-one had to make a choice in whether burning to death or jumping to there death during that period and the next terrorist attack came after it was stopped
Fort Hood
Which probably happens either way to be honest

So many hate GWB, and yet none who are against him doing what he thought was right to defend your ass have ever said anything about the terrorist like they have about W
Strange to me

As far as the movie and the ending?
The movie was about the path to get UBL
That path began with enchanted interrogation
the end was allmost to the event as described by the navy seal in no easy day except for the very ending
why would killing him need to be more important than the path, lives and sacrifices it took to find him
The Seal states the same in his book

People gave there lives for that intel that found UBL
water boarding was just the one event that found him, no big deal right?
How in the hell did torture become a conservative value? I'm a conservative and I'm against it. It's barbaric and stupid. It puts our troops at risk if they are captured. It's just plain wrong.

May God preserve us from neocons. The sooner they skitter back to the democrats, like roaches caught in the light, the better off the conservative movement will be.

War and torture ARE NOT conservative values.
I'm a liberal and you're a conservative I would vote for!
How in the hell did torture become a conservative value? I'm a conservative and I'm against it. It's barbaric and stupid. It puts our troops at risk if they are captured. It's just plain wrong.

May God preserve us from neocons. The sooner they skitter back to the democrats, like roaches caught in the light, the better off the conservative movement will be.

War and torture ARE NOT conservative values.
I'm a liberal and you're a conservative I would vote for!

The man who claims to be a conservative sure is picky about who he runs with
his choice
I do find it very odd that his anger is with those who are trying to protect him and his family and yet has stated nothing about those who have lied to him
Yes I guess you would vote for him
He is a lib as you are and god bless both of you
How in the hell did torture become a conservative value? I'm a conservative and I'm against it. It's barbaric and stupid. It puts our troops at risk if they are captured. It's just plain wrong.

May God preserve us from neocons. The sooner they skitter back to the democrats, like roaches caught in the light, the better off the conservative movement will be.

War and torture ARE NOT conservative values.
I'm a liberal and you're a conservative I would vote for!

The man who claims to be a conservative sure is picky about who he runs with
his choice
I do find it very odd that his anger is with those who are trying to protect him and his family and yet has stated nothing about those who have lied to him
Yes I guess you would vote for him
He is a lib as you are and god bless both of you

Who isn't trying to protect us? Who is lying to us?

Either way, you are a barely literate dummy. And..There is no god.
JWhat does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

Really you are still asking people what they think of enhanced interrogation based on a Hollywood movie? Did you approve of it when Jack Bauer did it on 24?

Bottom line Enhanced interrogation=Torture
Torture is wrong for any Reason.
Torture is Un-American no matter how you look at it.
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

??? :confused: -- You're actually taking a Hollywood movie as historical fact? Is this a joke?

I take it this incoherent OP has something to do with torture somehow? Just a guess as to what "Without GWB interrogation okay" means. By the way in future may I suggest:

Complete sentences;
Definite and indefinite articles
... you'll find these really make a post come alive, more so than keyword grunting. This reads like somebody's notes taken hastily in the dark during history class.

In the event I have correctly sussed the intent, I'll leave you this:

It's no exaggeration to say that at least half of our losses and casualties in that country (Iraq) have come at the hands of foreigners who joined the fray because of our program of detainee abuse. The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans.
-- Still Tortured by What I Saw in Iraq
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OP- totally against. Probably would have told without it. Un-American and self destructive.
How will those who support torture feel when an American Soldier, Sailor, Marine, Airman or Costie is tortured?
I very much dislike the fact that Obama and his supporters have done so much divisive damage to the people of our country so as to further their political believes. I used to believe that all Americans were my brothers but the Left as shown on this board and the Internet in general that it is way to hateful of those with whom they disagree for me to consider them friendly. I do not trust my or my families safety to some who post here and to many on the Left in general. I will not trust some on this Board anywhere near my family. As to my personal beliefs there are two or three here who I do not care for but I have no bad thoughts at all aimed towards anyone personally.
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The three arch terrorists were taunting the CIA interrogators. They even called American's to weak to do what is necessary.

Before waterboarding they were uncooperative, and when asked about further terrorist attacks, he answered "soon, you will know".

The waterboarding stopped another 911 style terrorist attack into a LA building, thwarted a plan to stop a "dirty bomb" from blowing up in Washington, D.C., and gave the US more than half the intelligence it had on Al Qaida.

Yes, it was well worth it.

Con- Three arch terrorists got wet

Pro- Thousands of American lives were saved.

Thankfully, the democrat pussies weren't in charge, and as a result the terrorist attacks didn't occur.

CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles | CNS News

CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles

Khalid Sheik Mohammad, a top al Qaeda leader who divulged information -- after being waterboarded -- that allowed the U.S. government to stop a planned terrorist attack on Los Angeles.

(CNSNews.com) - The Central Intelligence Agency told CNSNews.com today that it stands by the assertion made in a May 30, 2005 Justice Department memo that the use of “enhanced techniques” of interrogation on al Qaeda leader Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) -- including the use of waterboarding -- caused KSM to reveal information that allowed the U.S. government to thwart a planned attack on Los Angeles.

Before he was waterboarded, when KSM was asked about planned attacks on the United States, he ominously told his CIA interrogators, “Soon, you will know

According to the previously classified May 30, 2005 Justice Department memo that was released by President Barack Obama last week, the thwarted attack -- which KSM called the “Second Wave”-- planned “ ‘to use East Asian operatives to crash a hijacked airliner into’ a building in Los Angeles.”

KSM was the mastermind of the first “hijacked-airliner” attacks on the United States, which struck the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Northern Virginia on Sept. 11, 2001.

After KSM was captured by the United States, he was not initially cooperative with CIA interrogators. Nor was another top al Qaeda leader named Zubaydah. KSM, Zubaydah, and a third terrorist named Nashiri were the only three persons ever subjected to waterboarding by the CIA. (Additional terrorist detainees were subjected to other “enhanced techniques” that included slapping, sleep deprivation, dietary limitations, and temporary confinement to small spaces -- but not to water-boarding.)

This was because the CIA imposed very tight restrictions on the use of waterboarding. “The ‘waterboard,’ which is the most intense of the CIA interrogation techniques, is subject to additional limits,” explained the May 30, 2005 Justice Department memo. “It may be used on a High Value Detainee only if the CIA has ‘credible intelligence that a terrorist attack is imminent’; ‘substantial and credible indicators that the subject has actionable intelligence that can prevent, disrupt or deny this attack’; and ‘[o]ther interrogation methods have failed to elicit this information within the perceived time limit for preventing the attack.’”

The quotations in this part of the Justice memo were taken from an Aug. 2, 2004 letter that CIA Acting General Counsel John A. Rizzo sent to the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.

Before they were subjected to “enhanced techniques” of interrogation that included waterboarding, KSM and Zubaydah were not only uncooperative but also appeared contemptuous of the will of the American people to defend themselves.

“In particular, the CIA believes that it would have been unable to obtain critical information from numerous detainees, including KSM and Abu Zubaydah, without these enhanced techniques,” says the Justice Department memo. “Both KSM and Zubaydah had ‘expressed their belief that the general US population was ‘weak,’ lacked resilience, and would be unable to ‘do what was necessary’ to prevent the terrorists from succeeding in their goals.’ Indeed, before the CIA used enhanced techniques in its interrogation of KSM, KSM resisted giving any answers to questions about future attacks, simply noting, ‘Soon you will know.’”

After he was subjected to the “waterboard” technique, KSM became cooperative, providing intelligence that led to the capture of key al Qaeda allies and, eventually, the closing down of an East Asian terrorist cell that had been tasked with carrying out the 9/11-style attack on Los Angeles.

The May 30, 2005 Justice Department memo that details what happened in this regard was written by then-Principal Deputy Attorney General Steven G. Bradbury to John A. Rizzo, the senior deputy general counsel for the CIA.

“You have informed us that the interrogation of KSM—once enhanced techniques were employed—led to the discovery of a KSM plot, the ‘Second Wave,’ ‘to use East Asian operatives to crash a hijacked airliner into’ a building in Los Angeles,” says the memo.

“You have informed us that information obtained from KSM also led to the capture of Riduan bin Isomuddin, better known as Hambali, and the discover of the Guraba Cell, a 17-member Jemaah Islamiyah cell tasked with executing the ‘Second Wave,’” reads the memo. “More specifically, we understand that KSM admitted that he had [redaction] large sum of money to an al Qaeda associate [redaction] … Khan subsequently identified the associate (Zubair), who was then captured. Zubair, in turn, provided information that led to the arrest of Hambali. The information acquired from these captures allowed CIA interrogators to pose more specific questions to KSM, which led the CIA to Hambali’s brother, al Hadi. Using information obtained from multiple sources, al-Hadi was captured, and he subsequently identified the Garuba cell. With the aid of this additional information, interrogations of Hambali confirmed much of what was learned from KSM.”

A CIA spokesman confirmed to CNSNews.com today that the CIA stands by the factual assertions made here.

In the memo itself, the Justice Department’s Bradbury told the CIA’s Rossi: “Your office has informed us that the CIA believes that ‘the intelligence acquired from these interrogations has been a key reason why al Qa’ida has failed to launch a spectacular attack in the West since 11 September 2001.”
I don't know, what does the liberals think; my informed guess is liberals don't all think alike.

Exactly no foundation of absolutes with Liberals.

It is all how you feel and rationalize to reconcile with those feelings.

Some do; others, the vast majority of liberals and conservatives; evaluate issues, consider them, talk about them and then decide. Such conclusions do not always come easy nor are they sealed in concrete (unlike the the fringe, who don't evaluate, consider or talk about difficult issues - mostly they tune to the AM dial or Fox news and have their conclusions prepared for them).
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What Waterboarding Really Revealed « The Greenroom

Interrogations of Zubaydah — again, once enhanced techniques were employed — furnished detailed information regarding al Qaeda’s “organizational structure, key operatives, and modus operandi” and identified KSM as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks. See Brieflng Notes at 4. You have informed us that Zubaydah also “provided significant information on two operatives, [including] Jose Padilla[,] who planned to build and detonate a ‘dirty bomb’ in the Washington DC area.” Effectiveness Memo at 4. Zubaydah and KSM have also supplied important information about al-Zarqawi and his network…

More generally, the CIA has informed us that, since March 2002, the intelligence derived from CIA detainees has resulted in more 6,000 intelligence reports and in 2004 accounted for approximately half of CTC’s reporting on al Qaeda. See Briefing Notes at 1; see also… report at 86 (noting that from September 11, 2001 through April 2003, the CIA “produced over 3,000 intelligence reports from” a few high value detainees). You have informed us that the substantial majority of this intelligence has come from detainees subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques…

…In addition, the CIA advises us that program has been virtually indispensable [unreadable] actionable intelligence than other forms of collection

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