What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them
It was a movie.

Saw the movie. The last 30 minutes was possibly the best cinematography I've seen.
The pre-raid movie was a little slow and plotting. For example, the helicopter scene from liftoff to tactical hovering was slow and tedious we didn't really need to know that they crossed into Pakistan airspace did we. We also didn't need so many seen of Mya fighting the beauracracy...we get it. I think Bigelow deserved an Oscar nom but was surprised that the Academy would call this one of the 10 best movies of the year.

A very good movie but it wasn't Casablanca or Crash.


She managed to take one of the most important raids in history and make it boring. Mya was not an interesting enough character to center a 2 1/2 hour movie on. She just comes off as whiny. Not your typical CIA agent
I would have liked to see more of the movie centered on the SEALS and how they trained for the mission as well as more of the recon on the compound. Endless scenes of Mya whining because they hadn't attacked yet drained on you

Good movie...yea
All time great?.......hardly

Could have benefitted from some editing
So the pseudo-conz are in love with Hollywood now?


A private letter from CIA chief Leon Panetta to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) confirms that the so-called enhanced interrogation techniques put in place by the Bush administration did not reveal intelligence about Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, the courier that eventually led the U.S. to Osama bin Laden.

The letter was obtained by The Washington Post and a CIA spokesperson confirmed its authenticity.

“Let me further point out that we first learned about the facilitator/courier’s nom de guerre from a detainee not in CIA custody in 2002,” the letter stated. “It is also important to note that some detainees who were subjected to enhanced interrogation techniques attempted to provide false or misleading information about the facilitator/courier. These attempts to falsify the facilitator/courier’s role were alerting.”

“In the end, no detainee in CIA custody revealed the facilitator/courier’s full true name or specific whereabouts,” Panetta added. “This information was discovered through other intelligence means.”

CIA chief?s letter confirms torture did not lead to Osama bin Laden | The Raw Story

Former Bush officials and some Republicans have insisted that enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding resulted in information that eventually led to bin Laden’s whereabouts.

Last week, Sen. McCain wrote an op-ed piece in the The Washington Post claiming that bin Laden’s death should not be used to justify torture. In his article, he cited information he received from Panetta, but he did not release that information to the public.

Raw Story (CIA chief?s letter confirms torture did not lead to Osama bin Laden | The Raw Story)

Former Bush officials and some Republicans have insisted that enhanced interrogation techniques like waterboarding resulted in information that eventually led to bin Laden’s whereabouts.

Last week, Sen. McCain wrote an op-ed piece in the The Washington Post claiming that bin Laden’s death should not be used to justify torture. In his article, he cited information he received from Panetta, but he did not release that information to the public.
It was a movie.

Saw the movie. The last 30 minutes was possibly the best cinematography I've seen.
The pre-raid movie was a little slow and plotting. For example, the helicopter scene from liftoff to tactical hovering was slow and tedious we didn't really need to know that they crossed into Pakistan airspace did we. We also didn't need so many seen of Mya fighting the beauracracy...we get it. I think Bigelow deserved an Oscar nom but was surprised that the Academy would call this one of the 10 best movies of the year.

A very good movie but it wasn't Casablanca or Crash.


She managed to take one of the most important raids in history and make it boring. Mya was not an interesting enough character to center a 2 1/2 hour movie on. She just comes off as whiny. Not your typical CIA agent
I would have liked to see more of the movie centered on the SEALS and how they trained for the mission as well as more of the recon on the compound. Endless scenes of Mya whining because they hadn't attacked yet drained on you

Good movie...yea
All time great?.......hardly

Could have benefitted from some editing

As usual, you bring order to chaos.
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them
I'm a liberal and you DO NOT TORTURE:
  • anyone
  • for any reason
  • at any time
This is an absolute!
How in the hell did torture become a conservative value? I'm a conservative and I'm against it. It's barbaric and stupid. It puts our troops at risk if they are captured. It's just plain wrong.

May God preserve us from neocons. The sooner they skitter back to the democrats, like roaches caught in the light, the better off the conservative movement will be.

War and torture ARE NOT conservative values.
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

I don't know, what does the liberals think; my informed guess is liberals don't all think alike.

I have to differ, when bush was in office the liberal talking point was to be outraged at anything bush did. Also since obama has been in office, all liberals give obama a pass on his faults.
What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

It was a waste-o'-time....and, did our reputation as much "good" as Lil' Dumbya Bush did.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1ivoWW1-4U]The interrogator, Pt. 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0iaNMRjkno]The interrogator, Pt. 2 - YouTube[/ame]​
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

What does the liberals think about enhanced interrogation now?

I don't know, what does the liberals think; my informed guess is liberals don't all think alike.

I have to differ, when bush was in office the liberal talking point was to be outraged at anything bush did.

Gee.....I can't imagine why!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfJv6i5ih5k]Bush administration False Terror Alerts (part one) - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcMKWjaDyis]Bush administration False Terror Alerts (part two) - YouTube[/ame]​
Just watched 0 dark 30
Very accurate according to seal who wrote book
Without GWB interrogation okay
no UBL
Movie mad point to state that libs came close to blowing the whole deal

Will give BHO kudos in the end, he did the right thing

BTW Cheney's assassination squad?

Go team 6
god bless all of them

Being a Liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

You cheapen yourself whenever you drool out "liberal" that way. You sound like a radio-trained dog.
How in the hell did torture become a conservative value? I'm a conservative and I'm against it. It's barbaric and stupid. It puts our troops at risk if they are captured. It's just plain wrong.

May God preserve us from neocons. The sooner they skitter back to the democrats, like roaches caught in the light, the better off the conservative movement will be.

War and torture ARE NOT conservative values.

This is exactly why I miss true conservatives. Thanks, CJ.
How in the hell did torture become a conservative value? I'm a conservative and I'm against it. It's barbaric and stupid. It puts our troops at risk if they are captured. It's just plain wrong.

May God preserve us from neocons. The sooner they skitter back to the democrats, like roaches caught in the light, the better off the conservative movement will be.

War and torture ARE NOT conservative values.


It is far past time to take out the trash that is littering the conservative movement. There's a lot of work for us to do.
Those who are apologists for, or glorify, torture (and it IS torture) are guilty of the most basic of logical fallacies. The fallacy of the excluded middle. They believe the only way information vital to US security could have been gained was by torture, despite the fact there is evidence the FBI was making good headway without it.

The waterboarding and other torture methods were torture for torture's sake. It served as catharsis more than anything else. Even now, we can sense the sadistic eroticism some people experience contemplating the torture of suspected terrorists.

There is no direct evidence torture led to the locating and killing of OBL. None.

There is a sick and twisted side to people who believe torture is okay if we do it.

The United States has tried, convicted, and sentenced people to hard labor in the past for waterboarding. It was official US policy that waterboarding is torture, period.

When people ask for evidence of the rise of totalitarianism on the Right, this torture fetish is but one of many life-threatening shards I see stuck in the jugular of the right wing.
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Speaking of the movie, however, it reinforced my impression that there was a oddly low priority placed on the killing or capture of OBL. Why was that?

I sometimes think that the Bush administration found tremendous benefit in leaving him free and alive. OBL was used as a pretext for the invasion of the Middle East (specifically, Iraq), huge increases in defense spending and associated government contracts, and creation of a domestic spying apparatus (the DHS and increased NSA budgets).
Those who are apologists for, or glorify, torture (and it IS torture) are guilty of the most basic of logical fallacies. The fallacy of the excluded middle. They believe the only way information vital to US security could have been gained was by torture, despite the fact there is evidence the FBI was making good headway without it.

The waterboarding and other torture methods were torture for torture's sake. It served as catharsis more than anything else. Even now, we can sense the sadistic eroticism some people experience contemplating the torture of suspected terrorists.

There is no direct evidence torture led to the locating and killing of OBL. None.

There is a sick and twisted side to people who believe torture is okay if we do it.

The United States has tried, convicted, and sentenced people to hard labor in the past for waterboarding. It was official US policy that waterboarding is torture, period.

When people ask for evidence of the rise of totalitarianism on the Right, this torture fetish is but one of many life-threatening shards I see stuck in the jugular of the right wing.

Those who torture always find a valid excuse

1.The victim deserved it/He made me do it
2. I did it to save lives
3. It is not really torture when I do it
4. The end justifies the means
No problem in the liberal "mind" to oppose if done by a Republican but ignore if done by a Democrat.
just look at how the left praises Clinton for best economic growth during an administration ....what they ignore is that the republican held congress dragged clinton to the table and forced him to make the cuts that brought about the economic upturn.
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