What DOES the US Fed. Govt do Well?

Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

They tax the living shit out of us for crappy domestic programs.


You mean like roadways and fire/police services, etc. None of which you use?

You're getting into state with roadways. The Fed is only responsible for Fed highways.

Do you know where the money for that comes from?
You are either really confused or in the wrong thread. We are discussing Social Security.

Social Security has a 2 trillion dollar 'surplus' that has grown every year for decades.

If SS is doing so great, why do they want to keep increasing the age you can collect?

Sounds great on paper, but do you want to see a 66 year old guy collecting your trash? Do you want to see a 66 year old roofer carrying bundles of shingles up two stories to the job site, or a bricklayer laborer carrying 8" blocks to the job sites?

It's not a solution to our SS problem.

Congress having stole all our money is hoping people will die before they can collect a dime of SS. Can you imagine your average 70 year old still working on the factory floor, DUMB!

Or even my job for instance. Do you want to be the vehicle in front of me when I'm 67 years old on a snowy day when the traffic suddenly stops and I'm driving my tractor-trailer weighing 75,000 lbs?

I've been sick most of my entire adult life so I don't plan on living a real long time. But, I can't trust our federal government for support. That's why I'm still a landlord after all these years and still contribute to our companies IRA plan just in case. I only wish I had all the money I (and my employers) put into Social Security and invested it myself. I would be able to retire early and have more money to spend.

Or having 68 year guys on my roof in the Summer laying tiles? I thought the left was more compassionate than that...

It's easy to say the solution is to make people work longer when you go to work every day in a dress shirt and tie. The commentators on the subject are sitting in front of a mic and the most physical thing they have to do is adjust their earpiece.

There are a lot of jobs out there where people barely make it to the age of 65. My father (a bricklayer) loved his job, but he retired early because his body could't take it any longer. I have two cousins who have their own remodeling business, and they are struggling to make it to 65 as well.

What I hate is when the left talking heads come out and tell us there is nothing wrong with SS. It's solvent past the half-way point of the century. It's all BS. It doesn't keep up with the cost of living and hasn't the last 20 years. Any additional money seniors get is offset by the higher cost of Medicare contributions.
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No. The reason it is broke is the federal government requiring it to pre-fund all of the employee retirement benefits, something it requires of no other government organization or private business.
That's it, let your rage and anger flow.
been doing that long before you got here....

So you have issues, noted. :cuckoo:
i have read your bullshit....i think you have way more issues than me.....you hate anyone who doesnt agree with you....i aint no where near that...

No I just hate liars, the left and RINO's for example.
thats people who dont agree with you...to HATE all of them means you have issues.....way more than me....

Your issues are clouding your thinking, return when you have healed.
Bush wiped out the surpluses with unnecessary tax cuts.

You are either really confused or in the wrong thread. We are discussing Social Security.

Social Security has a 2 trillion dollar 'surplus' that has grown every year for decades.

If SS is doing so great, why do they want to keep increasing the age you can collect?

Sounds great on paper, but do you want to see a 66 year old guy collecting your trash? Do you want to see a 66 year old roofer carrying bundles of shingles up two stories to the job site, or a bricklayer laborer carrying 8" blocks to the job sites?

It's not a solution to our SS problem.

Congress having stole all our money is hoping people will die before they can collect a dime of SS. Can you imagine your average 70 year old still working on the factory floor, DUMB!

Or even my job for instance. Do you want to be the vehicle in front of me when I'm 67 years old on a snowy day when the traffic suddenly stops and I'm driving my tractor-trailer weighing 75,000 lbs?

I've been sick most of my entire adult life so I don't plan on living a real long time. But, I can't trust our federal government for support. That's why I'm still a landlord after all these years and still contribute to our companies IRA plan just in case. I only wish I had all the money I (and my employers) put into Social Security and invested it myself. I would be able to retire early and have more money to spend.

Dude, the Dem's proposed seizing your IRA a few years ago. It pains them they have to wait until you die or retire to begin collecting taxes on IRA's. I am forced to pay the maximum into SS every year, yet all the money I have had seized they have already spent.
You are either really confused or in the wrong thread. We are discussing Social Security.

Social Security has a 2 trillion dollar 'surplus' that has grown every year for decades.

If SS is doing so great, why do they want to keep increasing the age you can collect?

Sounds great on paper, but do you want to see a 66 year old guy collecting your trash? Do you want to see a 66 year old roofer carrying bundles of shingles up two stories to the job site, or a bricklayer laborer carrying 8" blocks to the job sites?

It's not a solution to our SS problem.

Congress having stole all our money is hoping people will die before they can collect a dime of SS. Can you imagine your average 70 year old still working on the factory floor, DUMB!

Or even my job for instance. Do you want to be the vehicle in front of me when I'm 67 years old on a snowy day when the traffic suddenly stops and I'm driving my tractor-trailer weighing 75,000 lbs?

I've been sick most of my entire adult life so I don't plan on living a real long time. But, I can't trust our federal government for support. That's why I'm still a landlord after all these years and still contribute to our companies IRA plan just in case. I only wish I had all the money I (and my employers) put into Social Security and invested it myself. I would be able to retire early and have more money to spend.

Or having 68 year guys on my roof in the Summer laying tiles? I thought the left was more compassionate than that...

You thought wrong! To be fair its not just the left plenty of dumb ass GOP idiots are proposing the same damn thing. That dumb ass from Ohio for example. Ryan proposed seizing the railroad retirement fund and forcing them into SS, that's one of the few government retirement funds that actually on solid footing. Ryan wanted to seize it and spend their money.
You are either really confused or in the wrong thread. We are discussing Social Security.

Social Security has a 2 trillion dollar 'surplus' that has grown every year for decades.

If SS is doing so great, why do they want to keep increasing the age you can collect?

Sounds great on paper, but do you want to see a 66 year old guy collecting your trash? Do you want to see a 66 year old roofer carrying bundles of shingles up two stories to the job site, or a bricklayer laborer carrying 8" blocks to the job sites?

It's not a solution to our SS problem.

Congress having stole all our money is hoping people will die before they can collect a dime of SS. Can you imagine your average 70 year old still working on the factory floor, DUMB!

Or even my job for instance. Do you want to be the vehicle in front of me when I'm 67 years old on a snowy day when the traffic suddenly stops and I'm driving my tractor-trailer weighing 75,000 lbs?

I've been sick most of my entire adult life so I don't plan on living a real long time. But, I can't trust our federal government for support. That's why I'm still a landlord after all these years and still contribute to our companies IRA plan just in case. I only wish I had all the money I (and my employers) put into Social Security and invested it myself. I would be able to retire early and have more money to spend.

Dude, the Dem's proposed seizing your IRA a few years ago. It pains them they have to wait until you die or retire to begin collecting taxes on IRA's. I am forced to pay the maximum into SS every year, yet all the money I have had seized they have already spent.

Worse than that is if you don't make it to retirement, your family will not see one red cent of that money. That's another reason why SS is better left to the individual to invest themselves. If I don't make it, my family will get my IRA, but nothing from SS.
Social Security has a 2 trillion dollar 'surplus' that has grown every year for decades.

If SS is doing so great, why do they want to keep increasing the age you can collect?

Sounds great on paper, but do you want to see a 66 year old guy collecting your trash? Do you want to see a 66 year old roofer carrying bundles of shingles up two stories to the job site, or a bricklayer laborer carrying 8" blocks to the job sites?

It's not a solution to our SS problem.

Congress having stole all our money is hoping people will die before they can collect a dime of SS. Can you imagine your average 70 year old still working on the factory floor, DUMB!

Or even my job for instance. Do you want to be the vehicle in front of me when I'm 67 years old on a snowy day when the traffic suddenly stops and I'm driving my tractor-trailer weighing 75,000 lbs?

I've been sick most of my entire adult life so I don't plan on living a real long time. But, I can't trust our federal government for support. That's why I'm still a landlord after all these years and still contribute to our companies IRA plan just in case. I only wish I had all the money I (and my employers) put into Social Security and invested it myself. I would be able to retire early and have more money to spend.

Dude, the Dem's proposed seizing your IRA a few years ago. It pains them they have to wait until you die or retire to begin collecting taxes on IRA's. I am forced to pay the maximum into SS every year, yet all the money I have had seized they have already spent.

Worse than that is if you don't make it to retirement, your family will not see one red cent of that money. That's another reason why SS is better left to the individual to invest themselves. If I don't make it, my family will get my IRA, but nothing from SS.

My mother who worked her entire life, passed 2 weeks before receiving her first SS check. The family never saw a dime of her SS money. Its theft imo.
We have one of the oldest governments in the world and the most successful country in the world.

Can't argue with results !

But yet you're here everyday -- arguing about "the results"... :rolleyes:

I don't think I've seen one really serious response from the Left. Am I picking on them? Sure. Because if ANYONE actually believes "it's all good" and wants MORE of this --- there's only a couple reasons for their naive denial..

It's so easy to say "the gov sucks". Sure it ain't perfect , but is it really that bad? You imply private companies do things better , but there's endless stories of private industry fuck ups .

It's just such an easy, and lazy move to shit on the government.

When private companies fuck up -- they lose market share. Maybe even get sued. People get fired.
You fuck up in govt -- they give your dept more money and promote you..
Govt can't track VIsa immigrants -- MasterCard could..

I asked simple questions. Which ONE of their duties -- or the stuff they've appropriated the power to do --- do they DO WELL?? With insight, dilligience, creativity and efficiency?

I'll bite . Let's go with post office . Which is now quasi government.

USPS is more NON -- than govt.. It's also an endangered species because of the "federal oversight" that limits their creativity and innovation to survive. I give 15 years MAX.. Before hardly ANYTHING gets to your "mailbox"..

When a corporation faces that kind of extinction event, they don't just keep making the buggy whips and wait for the doors to close.. Can't even really SELL the USPS to anyone -- can ya?

MAYBE --- Amazon would love to have it. MAYBE -- they'll pay more than it's actually worth..

What are you talking about? Amazon depends heavily on the USPS. And no, where in the world do you get the idea that Amazon wants anything to do with buying the USPS?
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No. The reason it is broke is the federal government requiring it to pre-fund all of the employee retirement benefits, something it requires of no other government organization or private business.

Yes, that's true, but only to make sure it isn't a problem for the taxpayer down the road if they need a rescue.

The PO is their own worst enemy. So many times when they lost my mail I was tempted (or actually did) start paying more of my bills online. Last week I complained about the carrier putting one of my tenants mail in my mailbox. All the mailboxes are clearly marked with the tenants name, but the lazy SOB doesn't want to walk to the next unit to put his mail in the proper box. The woman said she would contact the carrier, and it was fine for about three days. After that, the same shit.

Today I went down there to see if they could trace an envelope I sent two weeks ago where the agent stated they never got it. It had very personal information in it such as my pay stubs, my income tax returns, my insurance companies and so on. They said without the receipt (that I lost) they couldn't do a thing even though the envelope had to be signed for. I should have Fed-Ex'd it.
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No. The reason it is broke is the federal government requiring it to pre-fund all of the employee retirement benefits, something it requires of no other government organization or private business.
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No. The reason it is broke is the federal government requiring it to pre-fund all of the employee retirement benefits, something it requires of no other government organization or private business.
Lmao I think you just solved the riddle :)
With all due respect the federal government does pretty well with the mission the Founding Fathers gave it. "To provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare".
While Katrina will always be a black spot on FEMA's history, it remains true that red states LOVE them some FEMA funding following a disaster declaration. Eligible Public Assistance applicant may be reimbursed for 75% of their incurred recovery costs for eligible work. At this time in America, there is a big fat ZERO private or charitable alternative to this Federal grant program. So, while it is a fun canard to believe that the Fed just sucks and all things and everything else, the fact remains that many local jurisdictions throughout the U.S. would go bankrupt were it not for recovery programs following declared disaster events.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about
So SS provides you with a lifetime of paying in so you can live in poverty.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about

Amen and thank you! Yes, this is definitely an idiot thread.
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
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Prove that SS does not have 2 trillion plus in its Trust Fund.

There is no Social Security Trust fund. All contributions to SS go into the general fund and are earmarked for use by Social Security to pay their obligations. The money has been loaned to the general fund, on paper, and a nominal rate of interest. Until recently the amount coming in exceeded that being paid in benefits. That is no longer the case, we now have to pay off those previous loans.
The SS Trust Fund INVESTS that revenue and earns about 100 billion in interest every year.

Today it turns around and goes right back out the door. Identical to the Bernie Madoff pyramid scheme. We are also drawing on the surplus we have in the form of loans.
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