What DOES the US Fed. Govt do Well?

Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about

Amen and thank you! Yes, this is definitely an idiot thread.
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America

"Any government large enough to give you everything you want is large enough to take everything you have."
WHY don't u tell us where gov has failed ?

IS it the gov created internet that u are using?
The Post Office funds itself.

The Postal Service said it had made "significant cost reductions in areas within its control" by 2011 but claimed it needed Congress to approve several other measures to boost its financial outlook.

Those measures include eliminating mandated retiree health benefit pre-payments; forcing the federal government to return Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employee Retirement System overpayments to the Postal Service and allowing the Postal Service to determine the frequency of mail delivery.

  • 2011 - $5.1 billion loss
  • 2010 - $8.5 billion loss
  • 2009 - $3.8 billion loss
  • 2008 - $2.8 billion loss
  • 2007 - $5.1 billion loss
  • 2006 - $900 million surplus
  • 2005 - $1.4 billion surplus
  • 2004 - $3.1 billion surplus
  • 2003 - $3.9 billion surplus
  • 2002 - $676 million loss
  • 2001 - $1.7 billion loss
Why Does the Us Postal Service Lose Move Every Year?
The Post Office funds itself.

The Postal Service said it had made "significant cost reductions in areas within its control" by 2011 but claimed it needed Congress to approve several other measures to boost its financial outlook.

Those measures include eliminating mandated retiree health benefit pre-payments; forcing the federal government to return Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employee Retirement System overpayments to the Postal Service and allowing the Postal Service to determine the frequency of mail delivery.

  • 2011 - $5.1 billion loss
  • 2010 - $8.5 billion loss
  • 2009 - $3.8 billion loss
  • 2008 - $2.8 billion loss
  • 2007 - $5.1 billion loss
  • 2006 - $900 million surplus
  • 2005 - $1.4 billion surplus
  • 2004 - $3.1 billion surplus
  • 2003 - $3.9 billion surplus
  • 2002 - $676 million loss
  • 2001 - $1.7 billion loss
Why Does the Us Postal Service Lose Move Every Year?

Isn't that what I said?
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect?
Well, we did a kickass job of defeating the USSR.

We also beat Hitler. And Tojo. And Mussolini. At the same time!

We beat the Kaiser.

And the Confederates.

And the redcoats.
So our government beat other governments. That doesn't prove government works better than private industry.
There are a lot of things government does "well". There are few if any programs the Federal Government does well AND EFFICIENTLY.

For that combination, the only thing I know of that the government does well AND EFFICIENTLY is to write checks.
been doing that long before you got here....

So you have issues, noted. :cuckoo:
i have read your bullshit....i think you have way more issues than me.....you hate anyone who doesnt agree with you....i aint no where near that...

No I just hate liars, the left and RINO's for example.
thats people who dont agree with you...to HATE all of them means you have issues.....way more than me....

Your issues are clouding your thinking, return when you have healed.
thats the best you got?.....thats as bad as a lefty....
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
its broke because they wont let them make a profit.....
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No. The reason it is broke is the federal government requiring it to pre-fund all of the employee retirement benefits, something it requires of no other government organization or private business.
that is just the latest shit....that only just added to their problems...
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No. The reason it is broke is the federal government requiring it to pre-fund all of the employee retirement benefits, something it requires of no other government organization or private business.

Yes, that's true, but only to make sure it isn't a problem for the taxpayer down the road if they need a rescue.

The PO is their own worst enemy. So many times when they lost my mail I was tempted (or actually did) start paying more of my bills online. Last week I complained about the carrier putting one of my tenants mail in my mailbox. All the mailboxes are clearly marked with the tenants name, but the lazy SOB doesn't want to walk to the next unit to put his mail in the proper box. The woman said she would contact the carrier, and it was fine for about three days. After that, the same shit.

Today I went down there to see if they could trace an envelope I sent two weeks ago where the agent stated they never got it. It had very personal information in it such as my pay stubs, my income tax returns, my insurance companies and so on. They said without the receipt (that I lost) they couldn't do a thing even though the envelope had to be signed for. I should have Fed-Ex'd it.
sounds like you dont have a regular....if you do the person sucks.....
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

No. The reason it is broke is the federal government requiring it to pre-fund all of the employee retirement benefits, something it requires of no other government organization or private business.

Yes, that's true, but only to make sure it isn't a problem for the taxpayer down the road if they need a rescue.

The PO is their own worst enemy. So many times when they lost my mail I was tempted (or actually did) start paying more of my bills online. Last week I complained about the carrier putting one of my tenants mail in my mailbox. All the mailboxes are clearly marked with the tenants name, but the lazy SOB doesn't want to walk to the next unit to put his mail in the proper box. The woman said she would contact the carrier, and it was fine for about three days. After that, the same shit.

Today I went down there to see if they could trace an envelope I sent two weeks ago where the agent stated they never got it. It had very personal information in it such as my pay stubs, my income tax returns, my insurance companies and so on. They said without the receipt (that I lost) they couldn't do a thing even though the envelope had to be signed for. I should have Fed-Ex'd it.
sounds like you dont have a regular....if you do the person sucks.....

Irrelevant. How regular do you have to be to put the mail in the proper mailbox? I can teach an 8 year old how to do that. Just look at the name on the envelope, match it to the name on the mailbox, and like magic, the mail is properly delivered.
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
its broke because they wont let them make a profit.....

No, it's broke because technology is making them extinct. It's also broke because nobody there seems to give a shit when problems arise.
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
its broke because they wont let them make a profit.....

No, it's broke because technology is making them extinct. It's also broke because nobody there seems to give a shit when problems arise.

Maybe it is just you? I have zero complaints about the post office.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
its broke because they wont let them make a profit.....

No, it's broke because technology is making them extinct. It's also broke because nobody there seems to give a shit when problems arise.

Maybe it is just you? I have zero complaints about the post office.

I won't deny that you don't. But how would it be just me? I'm not imagining that other peoples mail ends up in my mailbox. I'm not imagining that I have to go to the proper apartment to do the job they didn't do. I'm not imagining that I get threatening letters from my lending institution because they didn't get my check. So what am I doing wrong?
The Post Office funds itself.

That's why it's broke. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
its broke because they wont let them make a profit.....

No, it's broke because technology is making them extinct. It's also broke because nobody there seems to give a shit when problems arise.

Maybe it is just you? I have zero complaints about the post office.

I won't deny that you don't. But how would it be just me? I'm not imagining that other peoples mail ends up in my mailbox. I'm not imagining that I have to go to the proper apartment to do the job they didn't do. I'm not imagining that I get threatening letters from my lending institution because they didn't get my check. So what am I doing wrong?

Attitude perhaps? :D

Pay bills on-line. Most of the time you get instant confirmation that they got paid.
None of your rights have been "taken away." Kindly refer to post #11 in this thread, and take the advice.
Most of my rights have been taken away.

Such as? As far as I can tell, you're still as free as you've always been to be the ignorant jackass you've always been. So what's been taken away from you?
Am I free to choose my health insurance? Retirement plan? Where I send my kid to school? What currency I can use? I can't even buy a frikken gas can that actually works.

You think you're free because you're an imbecile. You don't have a clue as to what you've lost.

Yes to all of those. Your currency comment is amusing. You wouldn't happen to be mildly retarded, would you?

I'm beginning to think he uses lead paint chips as currency.
On the other hand, I've always known you're a snowflake suffering from brain damage.

When you find yourself agreeing with SYTFE all the time, you know you're as dumb as a tree stump.
The Post Office funds itself.

The Postal Service said it had made "significant cost reductions in areas within its control" by 2011 but claimed it needed Congress to approve several other measures to boost its financial outlook.

Those measures include eliminating mandated retiree health benefit pre-payments; forcing the federal government to return Civil Service Retirement System and Federal Employee Retirement System overpayments to the Postal Service and allowing the Postal Service to determine the frequency of mail delivery.


  • 2011 - $5.1 billion loss

  • 2010 - $8.5 billion loss

  • 2009 - $3.8 billion loss

  • 2008 - $2.8 billion loss

  • 2007 - $5.1 billion loss

  • 2006 - $900 million surplus

  • 2005 - $1.4 billion surplus

  • 2004 - $3.1 billion surplus

  • 2003 - $3.9 billion surplus

  • 2002 - $676 million loss

  • 2001 - $1.7 billion loss
Why Does the Us Postal Service Lose Move Every Year?

You are leaving out the context - a manufactured crisis by Republicans.

A Manufactured ‘Crisis’: Congress Can Let The Post Office Save Itself Without Mass Layoffs Or Service Reductions

Both the news media and a number of politicians have claimed recently that the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is in “crisis,” and that it is necessary to lay off thousands of workers or reduce service in order to make the post office fiscally stable. And the Post Office itself has proposed laying off as many as 120,000 employees and withdrawing from federal health care plans in order to navigate upcoming fiscal crunches.

It is true that USPS is facing fiscal challenges — it lost nearly $20 billion over the last four years and is at risk of not being able to meet a $5.5 billion mandated payment to the Treasury at the end of this month (which has been put off six weeks thanks to the last continuing resolution in Congress).

But what has been lost in the political debate over the Post Office is why it is losing this money. Major media coverage points to the rise of email or Internet services and the inefficiency of the post model as the major culprits. While these factors may cause some fiscal pain, almost all of the postal service’s losses over the last four years can be traced back to a single, artificial restriction forced onto the Post Office by the Republican-led Congress in 2006.

At the very end of that year, Congress passed the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA). Under PAEA, USPS was forced to “prefund its future health care benefit payments to retirees for the next 75 years in an astonishing ten-year time span” — meaning that it had to put aside billions of dollars to pay for the health benefits of employees it hasn’t even hired yet, something “that no other government or private corporationis required to do.”

As consumer advocate Ralph Nader noted, if PAEA was never enacted, USPS would actually be facing a $1.5 billion surplus today:

More: A Manufactured ‘Crisis’: Congress Can Let The Post Office Save Itself Without Mass Layoffs Or Service Reductions

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