What DOES the US Fed. Govt do Well?

They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.
Ok lol

I don't know why you are laughing when it is true. Do some research and find out how many of your tax dollars it takes to send a letter. The answer is none.

Hmmm. I just did the research and you are not correct.

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year

"The United States Postal Service's financial troubles have been well publicized in recent years. The worst of it came in 2012, when the USPS lost a whopping $15.9 billion dollars, followed by $4.8 billion and $5.3 billion in 2013 and 2014, respectively.

Post office officials have often attributed the losses to the decline in demand for first class mail in favor of more efficient modes of communication, and congressional mandates that the USPS do things like deliver mail on Saturdays and to unprofitable parts of the country. In fact, the USPS claims that if it weren't for such requirements, it would more or less break even.

But as Robert Shapiro—former Treasury undersecretary and chairman of the economic consultancy Sonecon—points out in a new analysis, American taxpayers subsidize the USPS at a rate that surpasses the costs associated with any Congressional mandate. He estimates that, all told, the subsidies and legal monopolies that Congress bestows upon the post office is worth $18 billion annually. These include:"

U.S. Post Office gets an $18 billion gift from taxpayers every year

So you have issues, noted. :cuckoo:
i have read your bullshit....i think you have way more issues than me.....you hate anyone who doesnt agree with you....i aint no where near that...

No I just hate liars, the left and RINO's for example.
thats people who dont agree with you...to HATE all of them means you have issues.....way more than me....

Your issues are clouding your thinking, return when you have healed.
thats the best you got?.....thats as bad as a lefty....

I don't even know you or remember reading any of your posts prior to today yet you seem filled with hate. Go have a cold brew and chill out.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

Causing hatred... invading... bombing... screwing over poor people...

What do US voters do well? Voting in the same people who screw them over time and time and time again.
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.
Ok lol

I don't know why you are laughing when it is true. Do some research and find out how many of your tax dollars it takes to send a letter. The answer is none.

Hmmm. I just did the research and you are not correct.

American taxpayers give an $18 billion gift to the post office every year

"The United States Postal Service's financial troubles have been well publicized in recent years. The worst of it came in 2012, when the USPS lost a whopping $15.9 billion dollars, followed by $4.8 billion and $5.3 billion in 2013 and 2014, respectively.

Post office officials have often attributed the losses to the decline in demand for first class mail in favor of more efficient modes of communication, and congressional mandates that the USPS do things like deliver mail on Saturdays and to unprofitable parts of the country. In fact, the USPS claims that if it weren't for such requirements, it would more or less break even.

But as Robert Shapiro—former Treasury undersecretary and chairman of the economic consultancy Sonecon—points out in a new analysis, American taxpayers subsidize the USPS at a rate that surpasses the costs associated with any Congressional mandate. He estimates that, all told, the subsidies and legal monopolies that Congress bestows upon the post office is worth $18 billion annually. These include:"

U.S. Post Office gets an $18 billion gift from taxpayers every year


Hmmm... I read the article that you didn't and it says that if they didn't have to do all of the BS that the federal government requires them to do, they would break even.

If you look at the numbers, that retirement pre-funding crap is the killer.

The article was written with an agenda.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

They tax the living shit out of us for crappy domestic programs.


You mean like roadways and fire/police services, etc. None of which you use?

We were talking about the federal government here. Fire and police are funded by the city or town. Most of the roadways are funded by the state.

States, counties, and cities receive federal funds for such.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about

Actually, Soc Sec is bankrupt because we allowed Congress to steal surpluses from working poor for 40 years and now the Treasury is floating NEW DEBT to cover the theft from the same victims. Most EVERYTHING you mentioned (except the US mail which they CLAIM isn't US anymore) has been poorly implemented, managed and for the most part UNDIRECTED by Congress for decades. When was the last big Anti-Trust case? The Feds have BY DESIGN forced MASSIVE consolidation in the Banking Industry and NOW they want to solve that.

Which is a LOT of what they do. Solving problems that THEY created. Or ignoring problems until they BECOME crises..

Social Security is still in the black for now. I don't know why supposedly intelligent people cannot see that holding on to surplus social security funds without investing them in the US Treasuries makes any sense.

The last big anti-trust case of which I am aware was Comcast trying to buy out Time-Warner Cable.
It didn't happen.

Soc Sec is NOT in the black. It's been running bigger deficits every year since Obama did his Temp Stimulus by cutting payments into FICA in 2010. There IS NO "holding onto Soc Sec funds".. There's NOTHING OF VALUE in the Trust Fund. There were chances to use the Surplus to buy back EXISTING debt or give people a small percent opt out in exchange for greatly reduced benefits. But NONE of the stolen surplus was EVER used or accounted for in a way to REDUCE future liabilities.

All of you deniers need to start the 6th thread on the $Trills you THINK exists in that file cabinet where the debit books are kept. There's no armed guards there. Just a combo lock and a petite assistant...

Not doing this here. The misrepresentations are epic. A few HONEST politicians have fessed up to the theft. And the prospectus notes from the CBO and SSAdmin that posted above support all this.
lol, you want SS to put its revenue in a big jar and stash it under a bed somewhere? lol, you're retarded.

OMG the irony, what do you think the government does with those funds? Fine, your new name is Gomer Pile.

The SS Trust Fund INVESTS that revenue and earns about 100 billion in interest every year.

Which is about 3% a year. Not much to brag about and certainly individual investors (if they had that money) could do much better for themselves.

If American workers made a livable wage wouldn't we have higher contributions?

What does that have to do with anything? If we paid workers enough money, they could have a penthouse suite in a high rise as well.

If we want these programs, we have to fund them. You can't live longer and longer and expect to pay the same percentage of your pay into the program when the payouts keep getting higher. If you want to keep SS, let the contributions increase every year to provide what it's supposed to. Same with Medicare.

If you have increased income you pay more FICA. I'm in favor of removing the Republican established FICA cap.
They run social programs very well and provide a safety net to many who need it.
Like he VA hospital? Post office?
Dude, the waste alone from those programs could probably get everyone out of the street.
There is a difference between doing something and doing something well.

The Post Office funds itself.
Ok lol

I don't know why you are laughing when it is true. Do some research and find out how many of your tax dollars it takes to send a letter. The answer is none.

The subsidies to the Post Office are more subtle than that. They are exempt from all forms of Property tax. They also pay no State, local, Federal fuel taxes. Which is considerable. And they get permission to UNDERfund their pension funds whenever they feel the need.

Like I said --- the worst part is -- they are OVER managed. And since they are bound for extinction pretty quick, they've never been allowed to innovate and readjust their business in any creative or innovative ways. They will soon be wholly consumed by Amazon --- one way or the other when NOBODY send letters anymore. And Amazon has their OWN drop box on every property for the drone squad.. They will be a relic in another generation if not SOLD or set loose..
It's so easy to say "the gov sucks". Sure it ain't perfect , but is it really that bad? You imply private companies do things better , but there's endless stories of private industry fuck ups .

It's just such an easy, and lazy move to shit on the government.

When private companies fuck up -- they lose market share. Maybe even get sued. People get fired.
You fuck up in govt -- they give your dept more money and promote you..
Govt can't track VIsa immigrants -- MasterCard could..

I asked simple questions. Which ONE of their duties -- or the stuff they've appropriated the power to do --- do they DO WELL?? With insight, dilligience, creativity and efficiency?

I'll bite . Let's go with post office . Which is now quasi government.

USPS is more NON -- than govt.. It's also an endangered species because of the "federal oversight" that limits their creativity and innovation to survive. I give 15 years MAX.. Before hardly ANYTHING gets to your "mailbox"..

When a corporation faces that kind of extinction event, they don't just keep making the buggy whips and wait for the doors to close.. Can't even really SELL the USPS to anyone -- can ya?

MAYBE --- Amazon would love to have it. MAYBE -- they'll pay more than it's actually worth..

The problem is the USPS has a constitutional and regulatory obligation to deliver a letter to anyone with an established address anywhere in the country, their competitors, not so.

What needs to be done is a split of the mail delivery (goes 100% federal) and the package delivery (stays quasi-federal) supporting the letter side.

And 4 years after you DO that mindless and abitrary split -- there'll BE NO letters to stuff in your mailbox. Except Christmas cards and checks from your grammy on your birthday.. Not to sure about even the Christmas cards..

What part of 'constitutional and regulatory obligation' do you not understand?
OMG the irony, what do you think the government does with those funds? Fine, your new name is Gomer Pile.

The SS Trust Fund INVESTS that revenue and earns about 100 billion in interest every year.

Which is about 3% a year. Not much to brag about and certainly individual investors (if they had that money) could do much better for themselves.

If American workers made a livable wage wouldn't we have higher contributions?

What does that have to do with anything? If we paid workers enough money, they could have a penthouse suite in a high rise as well.

If we want these programs, we have to fund them. You can't live longer and longer and expect to pay the same percentage of your pay into the program when the payouts keep getting higher. If you want to keep SS, let the contributions increase every year to provide what it's supposed to. Same with Medicare.

If you have increased income you pay more FICA. I'm in favor of removing the Republican established FICA cap.

Then it's nowhere NEAR Universal is it? Because a large fraction, perhaps 1/2 will get NEGATIVE returns. If you wanted it to be NON-Universal and just another means tested Welfare program -- we could talk about that. But don't go trying to sell any more UNIVERSAL shit to Americans that's gonna END UP as welfare in less than a couple generations.. Poorly managed. Could have been armored to make it thru the Baby Boom, but the crisis was ignored.
Is it Article V time to get back to our roots, or what? Gotta watch out in case some moolies try to hijack that.
It's so easy to say "the gov sucks". Sure it ain't perfect , but is it really that bad? You imply private companies do things better , but there's endless stories of private industry fuck ups .

It's just such an easy, and lazy move to shit on the government.

When private companies fuck up -- they lose market share. Maybe even get sued. People get fired.
You fuck up in govt -- they give your dept more money and promote you..
Govt can't track VIsa immigrants -- MasterCard could..

I asked simple questions. Which ONE of their duties -- or the stuff they've appropriated the power to do --- do they DO WELL?? With insight, dilligience, creativity and efficiency?

I'll bite . Let's go with post office . Which is now quasi government.

USPS is more NON -- than govt.. It's also an endangered species because of the "federal oversight" that limits their creativity and innovation to survive. I give 15 years MAX.. Before hardly ANYTHING gets to your "mailbox"..

When a corporation faces that kind of extinction event, they don't just keep making the buggy whips and wait for the doors to close.. Can't even really SELL the USPS to anyone -- can ya?

MAYBE --- Amazon would love to have it. MAYBE -- they'll pay more than it's actually worth..

The problem is the USPS has a constitutional and regulatory obligation to deliver a letter to anyone with an established address anywhere in the country, their competitors, not so.

What needs to be done is a split of the mail delivery (goes 100% federal) and the package delivery (stays quasi-federal) supporting the letter side.

Name me the places that UPS and FedEx don't serve...
It's getting pretty small..

Any PO box.
I suppose it does most things well enough that I don't even notice them and am not sitting around concerned about anything.
You must be earning minimum wage if you don't notice the Feds when you get paid.
But yet you're here everyday -- arguing about "the results"... :rolleyes:

I don't think I've seen one really serious response from the Left. Am I picking on them? Sure. Because if ANYONE actually believes "it's all good" and wants MORE of this --- there's only a couple reasons for their naive denial..

It's so easy to say "the gov sucks". Sure it ain't perfect , but is it really that bad? You imply private companies do things better , but there's endless stories of private industry fuck ups .

It's just such an easy, and lazy move to shit on the government.

When private companies fuck up -- they lose market share. Maybe even get sued. People get fired.
You fuck up in govt -- they give your dept more money and promote you..
Govt can't track VIsa immigrants -- MasterCard could..

I asked simple questions. Which ONE of their duties -- or the stuff they've appropriated the power to do --- do they DO WELL?? With insight, dilligience, creativity and efficiency?

I'll bite . Let's go with post office . Which is now quasi government.

USPS is more NON -- than govt.. It's also an endangered species because of the "federal oversight" that limits their creativity and innovation to survive. I give 15 years MAX.. Before hardly ANYTHING gets to your "mailbox"..

When a corporation faces that kind of extinction event, they don't just keep making the buggy whips and wait for the doors to close.. Can't even really SELL the USPS to anyone -- can ya?

MAYBE --- Amazon would love to have it. MAYBE -- they'll pay more than it's actually worth..

What are you talking about? Amazon depends heavily on the USPS. And no, where in the world do you get the idea that Amazon wants anything to do with buying the USPS?

Fleets and routes to deliver to EVERY domicile in the Country? Are you nutz? They already have the USPS driving them to work every day of the week. That's tossing big money to pay union overtime. Govt would be WISE to sell it for a good offer, because there's not gonna be letters in the next generation. Or checks that don't get don't e-transferred.

Amazon could make the USPS work as a parcel delivery service for MUCH less.. Probably buy them electric vehicles and operate it more cleanly as well.
Seriously. Is there ANYTHING that they do as well as you might want or expect? Even those things that ARE their PRIMARY Constitutional Duties.. Like the organization and the production of Congress. Or immigration and borders. Or assuring fair and legal elections? Even the maintenance and use of the Military -- which was NOT envisioned in the Constitution as a "standing army"..

And of the stuff that leadership has GRABBED the power to dabble in -- like picking winners and losers in the marketplace, or our new 9/11 domestic spying operation or even the operation of the IRS as an ENFORCEMENT arm of health care policy.

Why is it that so people tend to look to the Feds to micromanage every detail of life. Because WASH is full of the "best and brightest" humble, yet brilliant problem-solvers qualified to fix stuff efficiently and KEEP it fixed?

Ever see ONE Cong. Hearing that resolved anything at all?

Give me examples of WHY folks believe the Fed Govt deserves to keep EXPANDING it's control, it's budget, and it's EFFECT on our lives. The health of the country is suffering over POWER BATTLES for control of this Swampy Monster. It MUST BE just pricelessly IMPORTANT ---- RIGHT???

They tax the living shit out of us for crappy domestic programs.


You mean like roadways and fire/police services, etc. None of which you use?

Those are almost exclusively state and local responsibilities.. So are most of the courts..
AND they are PRIMARY functions of govt. Not writing regulations on how much "non turkey product" can appear in stuff labeled 100% white meat turkey...

Responsibilities yes, but all are at least partially federally funded.
When private companies fuck up -- they lose market share. Maybe even get sued. People get fired.
You fuck up in govt -- they give your dept more money and promote you..
Govt can't track VIsa immigrants -- MasterCard could..

I asked simple questions. Which ONE of their duties -- or the stuff they've appropriated the power to do --- do they DO WELL?? With insight, dilligience, creativity and efficiency?

I'll bite . Let's go with post office . Which is now quasi government.

USPS is more NON -- than govt.. It's also an endangered species because of the "federal oversight" that limits their creativity and innovation to survive. I give 15 years MAX.. Before hardly ANYTHING gets to your "mailbox"..

When a corporation faces that kind of extinction event, they don't just keep making the buggy whips and wait for the doors to close.. Can't even really SELL the USPS to anyone -- can ya?

MAYBE --- Amazon would love to have it. MAYBE -- they'll pay more than it's actually worth..

The problem is the USPS has a constitutional and regulatory obligation to deliver a letter to anyone with an established address anywhere in the country, their competitors, not so.

What needs to be done is a split of the mail delivery (goes 100% federal) and the package delivery (stays quasi-federal) supporting the letter side.

Name me the places that UPS and FedEx don't serve...
It's getting pretty small..

Any PO box.

That's fine. There's also PRIVATE PO boxes that work just as well as the Post Offices. Maybe better. Because they can store packages and have them DELIVERED to that address by FedEx and UPS..
I love these idiot threads....

the federal government runs the military, social security, the US mail, environmental regulation (or did until the orange sociopath).... anti-trust laws, anti-discrimination laws, medicare, Medicaid.... workplace safety, arts and science funding....

and that's just off the top of my head.

prior to social security over 50% of our senior citizens lived in poverty.

you know, all of the things that trump loons get cranky about

The question, jillian, is do they do any of that well? I submit that a two billion dollar airplane that can be knocked out of the sky by a bird strike is not a very good investment. I submit that Social Security is in debt up to it's eyeballs and that by the time my daughter would hope to be receiving her "benefits" she will be getting nothing for all of the tens of thousands that she will have "given" the government. The VA? How many dead veterans before their time does it take to wake you up on that issue? Or how about the billions in Medicare fraud that is allowed to occur every year?

You see jillian, it is not the fact that they do it, anyone can do a job using other peoples money. A monkey could do it. The question is do they do it well and arguably I can't think of a single program that the US government does now that can be considered a good job.

Ronald Reagan and The Great Social Security Heist : FedSmith.com

April 20, 1983, The day of shame.

Why did the theft NOT STOP under Carter, Clinton, Obama? Why is it an "untouchable" subject? Every American worker is being ROBBED TWICE for the same contribution.. How come NOBODY in leadership will even acknowledge the $30 or $40Bill deficits that are NOW "covered" by China buying NEW Treasury debt? Why did both parties and the media CONDONE the lie -- that there was anything valuable in the SS Trust Fund? 80% of America still BELIEVES that lie..

And since they not only mismanaged, but ROBBED that "Universal Program" and then largely LIED about it --- give me one good reason why we should trust them any NEW "Universal" anything..

It's because of incompetence and lack of leadership - that's why. The 2 parties just fight for control of the cash machine. YOU don't count for much. Neither do your reps in Congress.

YET -- Every day on USMB -- the partisan wars drone on. AS THO --- re-electing one corrupt dysfunctional team over the other is gonna MAKE the Massive overgrown govt more professional and effective.

And now, the truth.

Social Security Bunk - Again - FactCheck.org

Go start a thread about the $TRILLS of dollars in liquid assets in the SS Trust Fund. I'll end it by page3. Along with your belief in the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. Done this 5 times -- you and your fucking fact checker will lose. There is NOTHING with which to pay bills in the SS Trust fund. It's a book-keeping fiction for worthless IOUs. Nothing was "invested". No DEBT was recorded. It was stolen from you when they SPENT the surplus and made no debt entry on the treasury. And NOW they're making debt entries on the Treasury and you're paying to recover the money they STOLE FROM YOU -- with interest.

The true meaning of "dupe" is anyone that doesn't how the current SS shortfalls are paid for.. Or that they were robbed TWICE...

Both the SSA and CBO TELLS you this. It's on the back pages of EVERY annual SSA report. No ones reads the fine print..

Before you start that thread and you and your "factchecker" get demolished -- here's my opening and CLOSING gambit..

Federal Debt and Interest Costs

Gross debt, which comprises federal debt held by the public plus Treasury securities held by federal trust funds and other government accounts, is sometimes used to evaluate the government's overall fiscal situation. At the end of 2010, gross federal debt totaled $13.5 trillion--the $9.0 trillion in debt held by the public plus $4.5 trillion in debt held by government accounts. More than half of the latter amount is held by the Social Security trust funds. Because those trust funds and other government accounts are part of the federal government, transactions between them and the Treasury are intragovernmental; that is, the government securities in those funds are an asset to the individual programs but a liability to the rest of the government. The resources needed to redeem the government securities in the trust funds and other accounts in some future year must be generated from taxes, income from other government sources, or borrowing by the government in that year.

[It's now BORROWING from you to cover the money they stole from you]


Social Security’s annual surpluses
of tax income over expenditures are expected to fall sharply this
year and to stay about constant in 2010 because of the economic recession,
and to rise only briefly before declining and turning to cash flow
deficits beginning in 2016 that grow as the baby-boom generation retires.

The combined difference grows each year, so that by 2016, net revenue
flows from the general fund would total $369 billion (1.8 percent of
GDP). The positive amounts that begin in 2016 for OASDI, and started in
2008 for HI, initially represent payments the Treasury must make to the
trust funds when assets are depleted to help pay benefits in years prior to
exhaustion of the funds. Neither the redemption of trust fund bonds, nor
interest paid on those bonds, provides any new net income to the Treasury, which must finance redemptions and interest payments through some combination of increased taxation, reductions in other government spending, or additional borrowing from the public.

Go for it. Try telling folks there's $2Trill of ANYTHING valuable in the SS Trust Fund...

I'm done with that here..

Fixing the problem is easy.

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2017 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with unlimited employees; employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2017 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.

My plan would reduce business costs for employees and taxes to 30%. That's a 15%-30% drop.

My plan would put BILLIONS into the economy daily.

My plan would put the $100 trillion plus currently owned by corporate America back into the economy.

My plan would end all welfare.

My plan would significantly increase social security and pension payments.

My plan would hold prices for 10 years, thus eliminating inflation.
With all due respect the federal government does pretty well with the mission the Founding Fathers gave it. "To provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare".

Really? Defense? We have a great OFFENSE. That's for certain. But every ICBM launched against the CONUS is pretty much gonna HIT the CONUS.. Because the govt wouldn't allow "weapons" in space to blow stuff up at it's slowest trajectory. And we've wasted countless billions trying to hit incoming ICBMs with essentially bullets.

Even the Pentagon doesn't want some of the crap that Congress funds. We MISUSE that awesome offense with chronically sucky Foreign policy. Especially in the Mid East. We bomb 3 to 5 countries a year and yet haven't really WON any strategic battles. I think there's room for improvement..

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