What Does The World Think About Obama?

FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

No matter how much government screws up the economy, you brainless leftists think government is the solution
It is part of the solution..The US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation...Yet those wanting Trump want one..

Yes, it is a central authoritarian operation. The only time they help the economy is when they let free markets go. And while Trump supporters do want that, seriously, no where near to the Hillary supporter level. The hypocrisy of Democrats, amazing
As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan, at least Oblama is not shutting down US military installations, causing more hardship....

That's a contradiction, shutting down military installations is good for the economy. Leftists never grasp that money spent by government is taken out of the economy. You're trying to fill a pool by taking water out of the pool to do it. How do you not grasp that? The idea that money comes from nowhere is just so incredibly dense
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

No matter how much government screws up the economy, you brainless leftists think government is the solution
It is part of the solution..The US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation...Yet those wanting Trump want one..

Yes, it is a central authoritarian operation. The only time they help the economy is when they let free markets go. And while Trump supporters do want that, seriously, no where near to the Hillary supporter level. The hypocrisy of Democrats, amazing
Hillary is worse than Donald on authoritarianism, no surprise, she like a hungry wolf about to devour the fallen rabbit..She's hides her collective communistic spirit but it oozes out...
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As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan, at least Oblama is not shutting down US military installations, causing more hardship....

That's a contradiction, shutting down military installations is good for the economy. Leftists never grasp that money spent by government is taken out of the economy. You're trying to fill a pool by taking water out of the pool to do it. How do you not grasp that? The idea that money comes from nowhere is just so incredibly dense
Then why did he not shut down bases that are unnecessary over seas?
Ohhhhh.......so you no longer want to defend the dolt in the White House?

Excellent move.
Are you really this stupid???

Harding solved the Depression that FDR caused in a year and a half by cutting government spending and lowering taxes.

Reagan lowered taxes and unleashed business and caused a 25 year boom, increasing the economy ten fold.

Then there's this:
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/17/magazine/17obama-t.html

What happened to Hoover, he was president for 3 years during the Great Depression, oh that's right, you don't try to defend those GOP members, it's all FDR's fault for the Great Depression.....Ahem,,yeah all FDR's...

FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....
1. It is not a 'living document/' That phrase was invented by those who wish to assassinate it.
The amendment process proves that.

2. The number of justices was increased due to more 'western' states entering the Union, more cases, and the need for lawyers with knowledge of those states' law.

3. Did you notice that four Justices voted as a block to allow the President to write laws????
Clearly they should be imprisoned for pretending that they honor the Constitution.

of course it is a living document. the constitution cannot be changed, but our founding fathers provided an avenue for additions. ya.... that silly pesky amendment process which is actually PART of the US Constitution. :deal:

The Constitution of the United States
* * * * * * * * * *

Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Gads, you're a moron.

"Living Constitution ' Is the very opposite of the amendment process.

It means you make stuff up that is not in the text of the document.

awwww sweety, you are in such denial. it must really suck to be you. the language is plain enough. just cause you don't like it doesn't mean you get your way. neener neener.

Homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says what?

yaaaaaaaa, thanx 'super' girl for proving what I thought. you got nuthin' to refudiate & have no back up to actually counterpoint & prove otherwise. because... well..... you

are nothing. :spinner:

You've made clear that you don't even understand the terms you've used.

Now.....amble on back to the last seat in the dumb row.

As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan, at least Oblama is not shutting down US military installations, causing more hardship....

That's a contradiction, shutting down military installations is good for the economy. Leftists never grasp that money spent by government is taken out of the economy. You're trying to fill a pool by taking water out of the pool to do it. How do you not grasp that? The idea that money comes from nowhere is just so incredibly dense
Then why did he not shut down bases that are unnecessary over seas?

Which ones do you have in mind as "unnecessary" according to Reagan's standards? I would personally close all overseas bases over time, I don't think we should have a permanent presence in any foreign country. But to say what you did, you have to use Reagan's standards
What happened to Hoover, he was president for 3 years during the Great Depression, oh that's right, you don't try to defend those GOP members, it's all FDR's fault for the Great Depression.....Ahem,,yeah all FDR's...

FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones
FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones

In fairness, right wingers do exactly the same when the "shoe is on the other foot." That's very much part of why I don't care to be associated with either group.
In a nutshell.....

a. "WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU"
WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU (VIDEO)

b. "Results
UK votes to LEAVE the EU

EU Referendum results, counting complete
Vote share
VOTES17,410,742 VOTES"
EU Referendum Results - BBC News

"Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama"
Brexit: Britain Votes for Trump over Hillary, Obama

And how has that worked out for them?

Just shows that the far-right loonies have no clue about economic reality. No surprise since the amygdala has no capacity to understand it.

Is that why FDR extended a one-year recession into a decade long Depression?
The so called recession during Hoover started in 1929, actually before, but FDR was not president until 1933, so therfore the recession(ahem) was in full rage 4 years before FDR took office...Yet GOP policies did nothing to relieve the misery and waiting it out was not working....

Let's see the great job FDR did....

1. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Think Folsom was wrong?

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

2. And, this admission by FDR's Sec'y of the Treasury
" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”

Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library
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Slow economic growth is quite natural in a capitalist society which plays reverse mercantilism to the mother country. Instead of the manufacturing base being in the USA, it has moved to a cheaper labor market, thus you get a consumer market economy which will lag and be slow..Yet you people think that the govt. is the total catalyst of economic expansion are missing the point entirely since the private sector has decided to fly the coop and increase profits, at the workers expense..

Why did the rest of the world recover faster than the US?

They weren't governed by FDR
In a nutshell.....

a. "WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU"
WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU (VIDEO)

b. "Results
UK votes to LEAVE the EU

EU Referendum results, counting complete
Vote share
VOTES17,410,742 VOTES"
EU Referendum Results - BBC News

"Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama"
Brexit: Britain Votes for Trump over Hillary, Obama

And how has that worked out for them?

Just shows that the far-right loonies have no clue about economic reality. No surprise since the amygdala has no capacity to understand it.

Is that why FDR extended a one-year recession into a decade long Depression?
The so called recession during Hoover started in 1929, actually before, but FDR was not president until 1933, so therfore the recession(ahem) was in full rage 4 years before FDR took office...Yet GOP policies did nothing to relieve the misery and waiting it out was not working....

Let's see the great job FDR did....

1. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Think Folsom was wrong?

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

2. And, this admission by FDR's Sec'y of the Treasury
" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”

Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library
Show us what Hoover did to take care of the "recession"...
Slow economic growth is quite natural in a capitalist society which plays reverse mercantilism to the mother country. Instead of the manufacturing base being in the USA, it has moved to a cheaper labor market, thus you get a consumer market economy which will lag and be slow..Yet you people think that the govt. is the total catalyst of economic expansion are missing the point entirely since the private sector has decided to fly the coop and increase profits, at the workers expense..

Why did the rest of the world recover faster than the US?

They weren't governed by FDR
They had authoritarian govt's. Which meant no legislation only a strong man to lead...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones

In fairness, right wingers do exactly the same when the "shoe is on the other foot." That's very much part of why I don't care to be associated with either group.

I'm a libertarian, you're preaching to the choir
FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

No matter how much government screws up the economy, you brainless leftists think government is the solution
It is part of the solution..The US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation...Yet those wanting Trump want one..

"...the US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation.."


Clearly, what you require are your sleeves lengthened by a couple of feet so they
can be tied in the back.
  • Thanks
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As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan, at least Oblama is not shutting down US military installations, causing more hardship....

"As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan,...."

That's because you're a fool.
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

No matter how much government screws up the economy, you brainless leftists think government is the solution
It is part of the solution..The US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation...Yet those wanting Trump want one..

"...the US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation.."


Clearly, what you require are your sleeves lengthened by a couple of feet so they
can be tied in the back.
Still declaring that the recession was only one year old when FDR took office?
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones

In fairness, right wingers do exactly the same when the "shoe is on the other foot." That's very much part of why I don't care to be associated with either group.

That works out well, because neither group wishes to be associated with you.

A win-win.

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