What Does The World Think About Obama?

You just might want to read Justice Rehnquist's The Notion of a Living Constitution

who knew 'Britain' was the entire world? can you name one country that actually wants to ban him? can you name one country that wants to ban Trump? I can name a few.... including........... Britian.
Petulant little president Barry sure knows how to treat his allies!

Bet you noted his whining about the Supreme Court decision on his immigration grab.

As they say, "Time wounds all heels."

uh-huh. there was no 'decision' on his immigration 'grab' because the Court is in a deadlock due to the inactiveness from the (R) congress going fwd with hearings on Scalia's replacement. so the status quo remains. that is far different than the Court making a ruling.

There certainly was a decision.
The correct one.

Did you know that until the early 1800s there were an even number of justices on the court?
There is no reason for the Supreme Court to provide decisions in every case. The 10th amendment indicates that, and we saw it in yesterday's allowing the lower court decision to apply.

The Supreme Court remains the single best reason to vote for Trump.

Did you know that the reason why the Constitution is a living document, means it can be amended? Why do you suppose the # of justices was changed to an odd number ?
And just where is the GOP Congress? On vacation?

Ohhhhh.......so you no longer want to defend the dolt in the White House?

Excellent move.
Reagan was riding the tech boom era, not so much of any boom now days...

Are you really this stupid???

Harding solved the Depression that FDR caused in a year and a half by cutting government spending and lowering taxes.

Reagan lowered taxes and unleashed business and caused a 25 year boom, increasing the economy ten fold.

Then there's this:
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/17/magazine/17obama-t.html

What happened to Hoover, he was president for 3 years during the Great Depression, oh that's right, you don't try to defend those GOP members, it's all FDR's fault for the Great Depression.....Ahem,,yeah all FDR's...

FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!
Hoover had three years to right the ship and other than claim prosperity was just around the corner he accomplished nothing
Our economy is the strongest in the world so is our dollar

Thanks President Obama

Pop quiz!

Who is the only United States President in the last nearly 90 years.....close to your age,huh?....

....who has never.........never.....been able to achieve a 3% or better real economic growth for his nation????

But...has this record:
National debt of the United States:
US: $19,230,634,229,070 - Debt as of June 2016

Irrelevant statistic that ignores eight years of steady growth and the U.S. Being the leading economy in the world


So you recognize the culprit behind the abysmal economic statistics here...

1. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth." Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

And here....

2. "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy created the fewest number of jobs in more than five years in May as employment in the manufacturing and construction sectors fell sharply, suggesting a deterioration in the labor market ...Nonfarm payrolls increased by only 38,000 jobs last month, the smallest gain since September 2010, the Labor Department said on Friday. Underscoring the report's weakness, employers hired 59,000 fewer workers in March and April than previously reported. While the unemployment rate fell three-tenths of a percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, the lowest since November 2007, that was in part due to people dropping out of the labor force." Weak U.S. employment report dims prospect of Fed rate hike

And here....

3. "CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made

Federal deficits have soared between 2009 and 2012, bring the total long-term debt to a level equal to 73 percent of the nation’s GDP. “Between 2009 and 2012, the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946, causing federal debt to soar.”

CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made

BTW.....you didn't vote for this dud......

.....did you?
3% is arbitrary and irrelevant

Hides eight years of consistent growth

Where was the "train wreck" predicted by Republicans? The huge job losses, the inflation, the economic collapse due to Obamas policies?

Have to go back to Bush to find that


1. the United States had lost its once-enormous global lead in middle-class pay, based on international income surveys over the last three decades. After-tax median income in Canada appears to have been higher last year than the same measure in this country. The poor in Canada and much of western Europe earn more than the poor here. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/29/u...dgety-boys-and-a-sputtering-economy.html?_r=0

2. Middle aged people laid off and unable to find work are taking another way out. They're killing themselves. Suicide rates are soaring, according to federal data released last week. Especially in economically depressed states and job-starved upstate New York. People in need of work are twice as likely to take their own lives as employed people, and people fired in their forties and fifties find it hardest to get hired again.

That makes boosting economic growth a life- and- death issue. But you wouldn't know it listening to Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. President Obama whitewashes reality, claiming the "American economy is pretty darn good right now."
Soaring Suicides Emerge As a National Crisis Laid to Economic Stall - The New York Sun

3. "U.S. Economy Expands to 0.5% Pace, Weakest in Two Years
The U.S. economy expanded in the first quarter at the slowest pace in two years ....Gross domestic product rose at a 0.5 percent annualized rate after a 1.4 percent fourth-quarter advance, Commerce Department data showed Thursday. The increase was less than the 0.7 percent median projection in a Bloomberg survey and marked the third straight disappointing start to a year." U.S. Economy Expands to 0.5% Pace, Weakest in Two Years

4. "Then came the jobs numbers. Employers added 38,000 jobs in May, the weakest performance since September 2010. Revisions to previous payroll data showed employers added a combined 59,000 fewer jobs in April and March than previously reported. That brought average monthly job growth in the past three months to 116,000, a sharp slowdown from the average growth of 219,000 over the prior 12 months.

One economist dubbed it “an unqualified dud.”

by Erik Holm"
Recap: Janet Yellen on Economy, Monetary Policy

Obama, like you.....a liar and unmitigated failure.

Middle class pay has plummeted since the Reagan Revolution

Just like he intended
And just where is the GOP Congress? On vacation?

Ohhhhh.......so you no longer want to defend the dolt in the White House?

Excellent move.
Reagan was riding the tech boom era, not so much of any boom now days...

Are you really this stupid???

Harding solved the Depression that FDR caused in a year and a half by cutting government spending and lowering taxes.

Reagan lowered taxes and unleashed business and caused a 25 year boom, increasing the economy ten fold.

Then there's this:
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/17/magazine/17obama-t.html

What happened to Hoover, he was president for 3 years during the Great Depression, oh that's right, you don't try to defend those GOP members, it's all FDR's fault for the Great Depression.....Ahem,,yeah all FDR's...

FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.
Ohhhhh.......so you no longer want to defend the dolt in the White House?

Excellent move.
Are you really this stupid???

Harding solved the Depression that FDR caused in a year and a half by cutting government spending and lowering taxes.

Reagan lowered taxes and unleashed business and caused a 25 year boom, increasing the economy ten fold.

Then there's this:
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/17/magazine/17obama-t.html

What happened to Hoover, he was president for 3 years during the Great Depression, oh that's right, you don't try to defend those GOP members, it's all FDR's fault for the Great Depression.....Ahem,,yeah all FDR's...

FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

No matter how much government screws up the economy, you brainless leftists think government is the solution
who knew 'Britain' was the entire world? can you name one country that actually wants to ban him? can you name one country that wants to ban Trump? I can name a few.... including........... Britian.
Did you know that the reason why the Constitution is a living document, means it can be amended? Why do you suppose the # of justices was changed to an odd number ?

1. It is not a 'living document/' That phrase was invented by those who wish to assassinate it.
The amendment process proves that.

2. The number of justices was increased due to more 'western' states entering the Union, more cases, and the need for lawyers with knowledge of those states' law.

3. Did you notice that four Justices voted as a block to allow the President to write laws????
Clearly they should be imprisoned for pretending that they honor the Constitution.

of course it is a living document. the constitution cannot be changed, but our founding fathers provided an avenue for additions. ya.... that silly pesky amendment process which is actually PART of the US Constitution. :deal:

The Constitution of the United States
* * * * * * * * * *

Article V

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Gads, you're a moron.

"Living Constitution ' Is the very opposite of the amendment process.

It means you make stuff up that is not in the text of the document.

awwww sweety, you are in such denial. it must really suck to be you. the language is plain enough. just cause you don't like it doesn't mean you get your way. neener neener.

Homo habilis discovering his opposable thumbs says what?

yaaaaaaaa, thanx 'super' girl for proving what I thought. you got nuthin' to refudiate & have no back up to actually counterpoint & prove otherwise. because... well..... you

are nothing. :spinner:
"One possible reason for the success of the Brexit campaign was President Obama’s ill-conceived intervention, when he threatened that if Britain voted to leave the Union, it would have to go to the “back of the queue” as far as any trade agreements are concerned.

This sounded like bullying, and was not well-received by much of the British population, which had already been subjected to quite a lot of such bullying from others.

If I were an American, I shouldn’t have been pleased with it either, for Obama spoke not as a president with a few months left in office, but as a president-for-life, or at least one with the right to decide his successor’s policy."
Brexit’s Complicated Aftermath

Perhaps Mr Dalrymple isn't familiar with the pathology of our President....

“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

So it should come as no surprise that apparently Barack Obama thinks he’s a better intelligence briefer than his intelligence briefers."
Obama: I’m a better intelligence briefer than my intelligence briefers - AEI

Oh please.

Netanyahu came to the People's House to interfere with our own destiny you hypocritical nitwit.
Why should Britain listen to Obama in any case?

He is a spent force who will soon leave the world stage, hopefully forever and retire in some Muslim country among his friends.

Good bye, good riddance and permanently zip your mouth, Barack Hussein.


oh I like 2nd term lame duck Obama. me thinx he's gonna be very vocal in his campaigning for Hillary & of his fellow Congress critters as the days go by. & it's about fucking time. he doesn't have to account for his diplomatic wording anymore. :woohoo:
"Breaking: Brexit Decision Deals Another Blow to Obama
The United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union is the second major blow to President Barack Obama — and his legacy — in as many days."
Breaking: Brexit Decision Deals Another Blow to Obama

No blow to Obama...he will be gone in a few months

It is the UK that will have to live with their horrendous decision

And you don't imagine that America will have to live with your horrendous decision
to move this incompetent ingrate into the White House?

National debt of the United States:
US: $19,230,634,229,070 - Debt as of June 2016

That's one of the character flaws of you Liberals....failure to take responsibility for your mistakes.

Our economy is the strongest in the world so is our dollar

Thanks President Obama

Pop quiz!

Who is the only United States President in the last nearly 90 years.....close to your age,huh?....

....who has never.........never.....been able to achieve a 3% or better real economic growth for his nation????

But...has this record:
National debt of the United States:
US: $19,230,634,229,070 - Debt as of June 2016

you don't suppose 2 wars still ongoing since 2001 has ANYTHING to do with that 'eh? lol, try rounding up 11 illegals, building a wall, & at same time, have massive tax cuts. whatcha think that will do to this country, ms. simpleton?
Last edited:
"Breaking: Brexit Decision Deals Another Blow to Obama
The United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union is the second major blow to President Barack Obama — and his legacy — in as many days."
Breaking: Brexit Decision Deals Another Blow to Obama

No blow to Obama...he will be gone in a few months

It is the UK that will have to live with their horrendous decision

And you don't imagine that America will have to live with your horrendous decision
to move this incompetent ingrate into the White House?

National debt of the United States:
US: $19,230,634,229,070 - Debt as of June 2016

That's one of the character flaws of you Liberals....failure to take responsibility for your mistakes.

Our economy is the strongest in the world so is our dollar

Thanks President Obama

Nothing like 0.5% growth in GDP to get the Libs happy.....
That's a staggering robust economy for Barry.....

Any other President and it's considered pathetic at best.
I guess it's a black thing.

uh-huh. inheriting a huge recession & this nation hemorrhaging in the way of hundreds of thousands of jobs b4 Obama was elected; & getting zero in the way of cooperation from rwnjs to turn that around didn'tt have anything to do with it hmmmm?

where's that job bill the (R)s have been promising, anyways?
Our economy is the strongest in the world so is our dollar

Thanks President Obama
And isn't that what really matters?


Not when you recognize what it could have been with a competent President, and a pro-America party in charge.

Try the quiz in post #76.
Well after Boosh, the economy is much better..


. "CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made

Federal deficits have soared between 2009 and 2012, bring the total long-term debt to a level equal to 73 percent of the nation’s GDP. “Between 2009 and 2012, the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946, causing federal debt to soar.”

CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made
And just where is the GOP Congress? On vacation?

they 'recessed' until july 5th. then hopefully lewis et al will nip at heels of the NRA whores again. soon after the pussies will adjourn until after labor day.
You just might want to read Justice Rehnquist's The Notion of a Living Constitution
I shall refer to this interpretation of the phrase “living Constitution,” with which scarcely anyone would disagree, as the Holmes version. The framers of the Constitution wisely spoke in general language and left to succeeding generations the task of applying that language to the unceasingly changing environment in which they would live. Those who framed, adopted, and ratified the Civil War amendments7 to the Constitution likewise used what have been aptly described as “majestic generalities”8 in composing the fourteenth amendment. Merely because a particular activity may not have existed when the Constitution was adopted, or because the framers could not have conceived of a particular method of transacting affairs, cannot mean that general language in the Constitution may not be applied to such a course of conduct. Where the framers of the Constitution have used general language, they have given latitude to those who would later interpret the instrument to make that language applicable to cases that the framers might not have foreseen [...]

poor 'super' chicky just cant wrap that brain cell around the Constitution in ALL its glory. only what's Convenient for her & the ilk that she is most familiar with
In a nutshell.....

a. "WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU"
WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU (VIDEO)

b. "Results
UK votes to LEAVE the EU

EU Referendum results, counting complete
Vote share
VOTES17,410,742 VOTES"
EU Referendum Results - BBC News

"Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama"
Brexit: Britain Votes for Trump over Hillary, Obama

And how has that worked out for them?

Just shows that the far-right loonies have no clue about economic reality. No surprise since the amygdala has no capacity to understand it.

Is that why FDR extended a one-year recession into a decade long Depression?
The so called recession during Hoover started in 1929, actually before, but FDR was not president until 1933, so therfore the recession(ahem) was in full rage 4 years before FDR took office...Yet GOP policies did nothing to relieve the misery and waiting it out was not working....
In a nutshell.....

a. "WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU"
WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU (VIDEO)

b. "Results
UK votes to LEAVE the EU

EU Referendum results, counting complete
Vote share
VOTES17,410,742 VOTES"
EU Referendum Results - BBC News

"Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama"
Brexit: Britain Votes for Trump over Hillary, Obama

And how has that worked out for them?

Just shows that the far-right loonies have no clue about economic reality. No surprise since the amygdala has no capacity to understand it.

Is that why FDR extended a one-year recession into a decade long Depression?
The so called recession during Hoover started in 1929, actually before, but FDR was not president until 1933, so therfore the recession(ahem) was in full rage 4 years before FDR took office...Yet GOP policies did nothing to relieve the misery and waiting it out was not working....

now THAT'S what I call not taking responsibility.
Slow economic growth is quite natural in a capitalist society which plays reverse mercantilism to the mother country. Instead of the manufacturing base being in the USA, it has moved to a cheaper labor market, thus you get a consumer market economy which will lag and be slow..Yet you people think that the govt. is the total catalyst of economic expansion are missing the point entirely since the private sector has decided to fly the coop and increase profits, at the workers expense..
In a nutshell.....

a. "WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU"
WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU (VIDEO)

b. "Results
UK votes to LEAVE the EU

EU Referendum results, counting complete
Vote share
VOTES17,410,742 VOTES"
EU Referendum Results - BBC News

"Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama"
Brexit: Britain Votes for Trump over Hillary, Obama

And how has that worked out for them?

Just shows that the far-right loonies have no clue about economic reality. No surprise since the amygdala has no capacity to understand it.

Is that why FDR extended a one-year recession into a decade long Depression?
The so called recession during Hoover started in 1929, actually before, but FDR was not president until 1933, so therfore the recession(ahem) was in full rage 4 years before FDR took office...Yet GOP policies did nothing to relieve the misery and waiting it out was not working....

now THAT'S what I call not taking responsibility.
The GOP was doing what it had done in the past, yet the economy was different in 1929 than in 1870...
What happened to Hoover, he was president for 3 years during the Great Depression, oh that's right, you don't try to defend those GOP members, it's all FDR's fault for the Great Depression.....Ahem,,yeah all FDR's...

FDR obviously didn't create the depression, but he greatly deepened and lengthened it.

Funny how you never jump in and say W didn't case the recession that started six months before he became President though ...
At least Boosh tried to save some of the economy, Hoover, not so much..

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

No matter how much government screws up the economy, you brainless leftists think government is the solution
It is part of the solution..The US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation...Yet those wanting Trump want one..
As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan, at least Oblama is not shutting down US military installations, causing more hardship....

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