What Does The World Think About Obama?

Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

No matter how much government screws up the economy, you brainless leftists think government is the solution
It is part of the solution..The US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation...Yet those wanting Trump want one..

"...the US govt. is not a centralized authoritarian type operation.."


Clearly, what you require are your sleeves lengthened by a couple of feet so they
can be tied in the back.
Still declaring that the recession was only one year old when FDR took office?

The reference was to the method that Harding used....

1. America’s greatest depression fighter was Warren Gamaliel Harding. An Ohio senator when he was elected president in 1920, he followed Woodrow Wilson who got America into World War I, ...Harding inherited the mess, in particular the post-World War I depression – almost as severe, from peak to trough, as the Great Contraction from 1929 to 1933, that FDR inherited and prolonged. Richard K. Vedder and Lowell E. Gallaway, in their book Out of Work (1993), noted that the magnitude of the 1920 depression "exceeded that for the Great Depression of the following decade for several quarters." The estimated gross national product plunged 24% from $91.5 billion in 1920 to $69.6 billion in 1921. The number of unemployed people jumped from 2.1 million in 1920 to 4.9 million in 1921.

2. Harding had the depression of 1920 licked in a year and a half, but under the "progressive" FDR, the Great Depression would persisted throughout the 1930s, until FDR began conscripting millions of young men for the armed forces.

America’s Greatest Depression*Fighter by Jim Powell

America’s Greatest Depression Fighter by Jim Powell

As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan, at least Oblama is not shutting down US military installations, causing more hardship....

"As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan,...."

That's because you're a fool.
No, I lived, worked and raised kids then and still do the same now..

Hopefully, the kids didn't turn out to be fools like their pops.
As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan, at least Oblama is not shutting down US military installations, causing more hardship....

"As far as I am concerned, the economy is no worse than during Reagan,...."

That's because you're a fool.
No, I lived, worked and raised kids then and still do the same now..

Hopefully, the kids didn't turn out to be fools like their pops.
Looking for a TOS violation I see....did you raid the rice wine cabinet?
And you cherry picked to make it look like ~he was supporting your supposition. Wrong, but that is the game the so much of the left plays --dishonesty is thy middle name~. Yours, not mine.
You just might want to read Justice Rehnquist's The Notion of a Living Constitution
I shall refer to this interpretation of the phrase “living Constitution,” with which scarcely anyone would disagree, as the Holmes version. The framers of the Constitution wisely spoke in general language and left to succeeding generations the task of applying that language to the unceasingly changing environment in which they would live. Those who framed, adopted, and ratified the Civil War amendments7 to the Constitution likewise used what have been aptly described as “majestic generalities”8 in composing the fourteenth amendment. Merely because a particular activity may not have existed when the Constitution was adopted, or because the framers could not have conceived of a particular method of transacting affairs, cannot mean that general language in the Constitution may not be applied to such a course of conduct. Where the framers of the Constitution have used general language, they have given latitude to those who would later interpret the instrument to make that language applicable to cases that the framers might not have foreseen [...]

poor 'super' chicky just cant wrap that brain cell around the Constitution in ALL its glory. only what's Convenient for her & the ilk that she is most familiar with
In a nutshell.....

a. "WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU"
WOW! Obama THREATENS Great Britain with Trade Penalties if They Exit EU (VIDEO)

b. "Results
UK votes to LEAVE the EU

EU Referendum results, counting complete
Vote share
VOTES17,410,742 VOTES"
EU Referendum Results - BBC News

"Brexit: Britain Votes with Trump, against Hillary, Obama"
Brexit: Britain Votes for Trump over Hillary, Obama

And how has that worked out for them?

Just shows that the far-right loonies have no clue about economic reality. No surprise since the amygdala has no capacity to understand it.

Is that why FDR extended a one-year recession into a decade long Depression?
The so called recession during Hoover started in 1929, actually before, but FDR was not president until 1933, so therfore the recession(ahem) was in full rage 4 years before FDR took office...Yet GOP policies did nothing to relieve the misery and waiting it out was not working....

Let's see the great job FDR did....

1. Here is an interesting visual: imagine a triple line of the unemployed, three across, consisting of those unemployed under Hoover, in 1931. The line would have gone from Los Angeles, across the country, to the border of Maine.

What effect did Roosevelt have on the line?

Well, eight years later, in 1939, the length of the line would have gone further, from the Maine border, south to Boston, then on to New York City, then to Philadelphia, on to Washington, D.C.- and finally, into Virginia.
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal"

Think Folsom was wrong?

Check it out at the US Bureau of the Census, 'Historical Statistics of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970, I-126 and Unemployment Statistics during the Great Depression

2. And, this admission by FDR's Sec'y of the Treasury
" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”

Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library
Show us what Hoover did to take care of the "recession"...

Show me where I said that Hoover took "care of the "recession"..
In the race to tell the teacher I'm betting on Moonie. Actual teens almost always can out run second graders.

Meanwhile, since Obama has fumbled EVERYTHING He has touched is it even small wonder that His shot at DICTATING the recession end was so feeble? Maybe if he had a little of FDR about him - perhaps his actual wheelchair - he might have moved a little faster?
Well Putin did name a goat after Obama.
Putin is your hero. No suprise you would hang on every word and place this on your desk:
Slow economic growth is quite natural in a capitalist society which plays reverse mercantilism to the mother country. Instead of the manufacturing base being in the USA, it has moved to a cheaper labor market, thus you get a consumer market economy which will lag and be slow..Yet you people think that the govt. is the total catalyst of economic expansion are missing the point entirely since the private sector has decided to fly the coop and increase profits, at the workers expense..

Why did the rest of the world recover faster than the US?

They weren't governed by FDR
They had authoritarian govt's. Which meant no legislation only a strong man to lead...

Let's see.

The League of Nations collected data from many nations throughout the 1930s on industrial production, unemployment, national debt, and taxes.
How did Roosevelt's United States compare with other countries?

In all four of these key indexes the United States did very poorly, almost worse than any other nation in the study.

Most European nations handled the Great Depression better than the United States.

World Economic Survey: Eighth Year, 1938/1939 (Geneva: League of Nations, 1939) p.128, quoted in "New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America," by Burton W. Folsom Jr

So...not only did the "great" Emperor Franklin the First manage to extend and magnify the depression, but he couldn't compete with the leaders of most European nations.

"Great" seems to have developed a new definition.

Don't your hands hurt from holding on by your fingernails for so long?
In the race to tell the teacher I'm betting on Moonie. Actual teens almost always can out run second graders.

Meanwhile, since Obama has fumbled EVERYTHING He has touched is it even small wonder that His shot at DICTATING the recession end was so feeble? Maybe if he had a little of FDR about him - perhaps his actual wheelchair - he might have moved a little faster?

Harsh, Hank....harsh.

But, a battle royal between Obama and FDR in the 'failure' category.
Slow economic growth is quite natural in a capitalist society which plays reverse mercantilism to the mother country. Instead of the manufacturing base being in the USA, it has moved to a cheaper labor market, thus you get a consumer market economy which will lag and be slow..Yet you people think that the govt. is the total catalyst of economic expansion are missing the point entirely since the private sector has decided to fly the coop and increase profits, at the workers expense..

Why did the rest of the world recover faster than the US?

They weren't governed by FDR
They had authoritarian govt's. Which meant no legislation only a strong man to lead...

Let's see.

The League of Nations collected data from many nations throughout the 1930s on industrial production, unemployment, national debt, and taxes.
How did Roosevelt's United States compare with other countries?

In all four of these key indexes the United States did very poorly, almost worse than any other nation in the study.

Most European nations handled the Great Depression better than the United States.

World Economic Survey: Eighth Year, 1938/1939 (Geneva: League of Nations, 1939) p.128, quoted in "New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America," by Burton W. Folsom Jr

So...not only did the "great" Emperor Franklin the First manage to extend and magnify the depression, but he couldn't compete with the leaders of most European nations.

"Great" seems to have developed a new definition.

Don't your hands hurt from holding on by your fingernails for so long?
Still can't admit the failure of the GOP to handle this small recession?
LOL at thinking the Brexit vote had anything to do with American politics.

Bulletin to you, moron.....Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) is President of the United States....


"UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It"
UK Leader: Brexit Got a Boost After Obama ‘Threatened’ Us Not to Do It
OMG, one person said it so it must be true. Speaking of morons...

In your case....speaking AS a moron.
Slow economic growth is quite natural in a capitalist society which plays reverse mercantilism to the mother country. Instead of the manufacturing base being in the USA, it has moved to a cheaper labor market, thus you get a consumer market economy which will lag and be slow..Yet you people think that the govt. is the total catalyst of economic expansion are missing the point entirely since the private sector has decided to fly the coop and increase profits, at the workers expense..

Why did the rest of the world recover faster than the US?

They weren't governed by FDR
They had authoritarian govt's. Which meant no legislation only a strong man to lead...

Let's see.

The League of Nations collected data from many nations throughout the 1930s on industrial production, unemployment, national debt, and taxes.
How did Roosevelt's United States compare with other countries?

In all four of these key indexes the United States did very poorly, almost worse than any other nation in the study.

Most European nations handled the Great Depression better than the United States.

World Economic Survey: Eighth Year, 1938/1939 (Geneva: League of Nations, 1939) p.128, quoted in "New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America," by Burton W. Folsom Jr

So...not only did the "great" Emperor Franklin the First manage to extend and magnify the depression, but he couldn't compete with the leaders of most European nations.

"Great" seems to have developed a new definition.

Don't your hands hurt from holding on by your fingernails for so long?
Still can't admit the failure of the GOP to handle this small recession?

Are you asking if Hoover was a failure?

You betcha'!

Next question.

Now....wanna see the results of the GOP economic plans?


Roaring Twenties or Tale of Two Countries?
The 1920s earned their moniker—the "Roaring Twenties"—through the decade's real and sustained prosperity, dizzying technological advancements, and lively culture. The decade marked the flourishing of the modern mass-production, mass-consumption economy, which delivered fantastic profits to investors while also raising the living standard of the urban middle- and working-class."
Economy in The 1920s

Now...wanna talk about Obama????????
Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones

In fairness, right wingers do exactly the same when the "shoe is on the other foot." That's very much part of why I don't care to be associated with either group.

I'm a libertarian, you're preaching to the choir

I'm not that either. I once was, but upon studying sociology and psychology, I came to realize that for all the wonderful idealism of much that is Libertarianism, the odds of the U.S. implementing Libertarian principles to any meaningful extent were slim-to-none, at least in the foreseeable future, and slim was boarding the train right then and there.

Now, I'm merely someone who searches for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Upon finding it, I use it to form my points of view. That my viewpoints may concur with those of Dems, Reps, Libs, Communists, Socialists, conspiracy theorists, or even Martians is really of no concern to me.

If there were any one thing I can accurately be called, it's capitalist, but there's no party for that.
Slow economic growth is quite natural in a capitalist society which plays reverse mercantilism to the mother country. Instead of the manufacturing base being in the USA, it has moved to a cheaper labor market, thus you get a consumer market economy which will lag and be slow..Yet you people think that the govt. is the total catalyst of economic expansion are missing the point entirely since the private sector has decided to fly the coop and increase profits, at the workers expense..

Why did the rest of the world recover faster than the US?

They weren't governed by FDR
They had authoritarian govt's. Which meant no legislation only a strong man to lead...

Let's see.

The League of Nations collected data from many nations throughout the 1930s on industrial production, unemployment, national debt, and taxes.
How did Roosevelt's United States compare with other countries?

In all four of these key indexes the United States did very poorly, almost worse than any other nation in the study.

Most European nations handled the Great Depression better than the United States.

World Economic Survey: Eighth Year, 1938/1939 (Geneva: League of Nations, 1939) p.128, quoted in "New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America," by Burton W. Folsom Jr

So...not only did the "great" Emperor Franklin the First manage to extend and magnify the depression, but he couldn't compete with the leaders of most European nations.

"Great" seems to have developed a new definition.

Don't your hands hurt from holding on by your fingernails for so long?
Still can't admit the failure of the GOP to handle this small recession?

Are you asking if Hoover was a failure?

You betcha'!

Next question.
Yet the people wanted FDR, they must have all been in a trance, induced by FDR the demi-god..He was elected 4 times, so the people spoke of their approval to what he was doing..
He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones

In fairness, right wingers do exactly the same when the "shoe is on the other foot." That's very much part of why I don't care to be associated with either group.

I'm a libertarian, you're preaching to the choir

I'm not that either. I once was, but upon studying sociology and psychology, I came to realize that for all the wonderful idealism of much that is Libertarianism, the odds of the U.S. implementing Libertarian principles to any meaningful extent were slim-to-none, at least in the foreseeable future, and slim was boarding the train right then and there.

Now, I'm merely someone who searches for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Upon finding it, I use it to form my points of view. That my viewpoints may concur with those of Dems, Reps, Libs, Communists, Socialists, conspiracy theorists, or even Martians is really of no concern to me.

If there were any one thing I can reliably be called, it's capitalist, but there's no party for that.

I said I'm a libertarian, I didn't say I'm a Libertarian
Hoover lost the election to your demigod.....so he really had no chance to right the ship.

He made glaring mistakes......but FDR knew how to fix same.......yet did exactly the opposite.


Could it be that he was the megalomaniac I always claim he was....and needed the crisis?

You betcha'!

He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones

In fairness, right wingers do exactly the same when the "shoe is on the other foot." That's very much part of why I don't care to be associated with either group.

That works out well, because neither group wishes to be associated with you.

A win-win.

You're probably right about that to some extent; neither one cares all that much for pure truths.
He had 3 years to "fix the problem"

Of course the real problem was that Hoover and other cronies had "fixed" the system in a different meaning of the word. A legacy, the GOP continues to this day.

If that's your complaint....how do you explain your embrace of FDR, who amplified what Hoover did?

You'd best claim lack of education on your part.....

It is amazing how leftists can so totally believe that when Republicans and Democrats do the exact same things, it's wrong when Republicans do it and right when Democrats do it. W and O are virtually clones

In fairness, right wingers do exactly the same when the "shoe is on the other foot." That's very much part of why I don't care to be associated with either group.

I'm a libertarian, you're preaching to the choir

I'm not that either. I once was, but upon studying sociology and psychology, I came to realize that for all the wonderful idealism of much that is Libertarianism, the odds of the U.S. implementing Libertarian principles to any meaningful extent were slim-to-none, at least in the foreseeable future, and slim was boarding the train right then and there.

Now, I'm merely someone who searches for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Upon finding it, I use it to form my points of view. That my viewpoints may concur with those of Dems, Reps, Libs, Communists, Socialists, conspiracy theorists, or even Martians is really of no concern to me.

If there were any one thing I can accurately be called, it's capitalist, but there's no party for that.

"....but upon studying sociology and psychology,...."

Now all is clear.

The more years in the university in the study of the social sciences, the less wise an individual is.

Case closed.

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