What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

What religious people are "controlling your life"? Folks of faith have MANY reasons for joining together. Not JUST to talk about God and Scripture. They have the discipline to get up early on their day off and go be social and get inspired to do Good Deeds. They do more for people with less than the Federal Govt does.

And which religions are you talking about that don't respect Human Rights? A lot of that is CULTURE, not religion. And the fundamentalist sects of all religions are a tiny fraction..

Who's stopping you from being a woman or talking to trees or pole dance for tips?
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

That sounds more like Muslim/Islamic type religion and that's why we don't want the extremist ones here......
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.
Not one Christian here is stopping you from being a homo. At the same time you have no right to demand they accept you as a homo. It's not your rights being denied it's you denying their rights!
I don't want to control your life ... I don't even want to KNOW about your life.
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

You shall not murder
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor's

Obey these and we have no problem.

You have a problem with that?
You shall not murder
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor's

Obey these and we have no problem.

You have a problem with that?

You obey them and don't worry about me
You shall not murder
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor's

Obey these and we have no problem.

You have a problem with that?

You obey them and don't worry about me
Do them and find the police at your door. As it should be.

You seriously ok with legalizing ANY of these CRIMES?
You shall not murder
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor's

Obey these and we have no problem.

You have a problem with that?

You obey them and don't worry about me
Do them and find the police at your door. As it should be.

You seriously ok with legalizing ANY of these CRIMES?

Find an ordinance (federal, state, or city) against 'coveting' and let me know.
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

Some religions permit abortion. Don't they have the right to decide based on their faith?

If you believe or your faith believes abortion is wrong, it is wrong for you, not everyone else.
a man wanting to be a woman or vice versa has nothing to do with religions and everything to do with science .id imagine it is an extremely difficult disorder to have and I hope that those affected can find peace and address it how they see fit . But when transgender individuals start to demand that others use false pro nouns and they demand that bathrooms and locker rooms allow access to people that think they are the opposite sex .. that's where we've got a problem
If a he wants to be called a she..I have no problem with it.
If a she wants to be a he...again, I have no problem with it.
I don't have to go with the flow if I choose not to. Like..Jenner. He will always be a he. Probably because for too long, he has been known to the world as a he. For those I don't know? None of my business.

Nobody should care what is under someone elses skirt..or behind a zipper.

Nobody should care what is under someone elses skirt..or behind a zipper.

100% in agreement ... but neither should anyone request special accommodation based on what is behind their zipper or their skirt. True gender equality isn't the recognition of gender fluidity, but the total abandonment of gender accommodations.
Concerning bathrooms...I don't really care if a guy is in there in the stall taking a dump and its a womans bathroom. Gotta go? Go. Same with a woman in the mans bathroom.

Point is..who really cares what plumbing they have when they are squatting on a toilet???? Do they want to look or something? Dayum.
Concerning bathrooms...I don't really care if a guy is in there in the stall taking a dump and its a womans bathroom. Gotta go? Go. Same with a woman in the mans bathroom.

Point is..who really cares what plumbing they have when they are squatting on a toilet???? Do they want to look or something? Dayum.

Generally speaking .. womens' restrooms tend to be cleaner than mens'. ON the other hand, wait times at male restrooms tend to be significantly shorter.

Pluses and minuses.
I have a problem with someone demanding that I ignore biological facts and change definitions of words because they want me to pretend that I think that they a scientifically impossible new sex. It's a tricky line to walk tho because while I am not willing to ignore facts I also do not want trans folks to think I hate them just because I refuse to use their false pronouns: best I can do is explain and if they disagree then so be it.
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

Reading you over the years, all your doing is hiding behind a keyboard Matthew, just throwing stuff out there in left field to get attention and drama.

You don't care about right or wrong while taking another hit on a bong...

You feel your anonymous, so you can say what ever wacky stuff you want ..

Well you are anonymous..

But does that give you the right?


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