What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life?

Concerning bathrooms...I don't really care if a guy is in there in the stall taking a dump and its a womans bathroom. Gotta go? Go. Same with a woman in the mans bathroom.

Point is..who really cares what plumbing they have when they are squatting on a toilet???? Do they want to look or something? Dayum.

Generally speaking .. womens' restrooms tend to be cleaner than mens'. ON the other hand, wait times at male restrooms tend to be significantly shorter.

Pluses and minuses.

You were never a maintenance man or even talked to a girl about this subject... Females are way more disgusting in bathrooms then guys are.

Don't get me started about Mexicans wiping there butt and throwing the toilet paper on the floor..

You were never a maintenance man or even talked to a girl about this subject... Females are way more disgusting in bathrooms then guys are.

One of the duties of my job is to periodically patrol public restrooms (and hope I never find a dead body ... so much paperwork). While train and bus station public restrooms should be avoided at all costs ... I definitely see that the most disgusting public restrooms belong to the men.
You were never a maintenance man or even talked to a girl about this subject... Females are way more disgusting in bathrooms then guys are.

One of the duties of my job is to periodically patrol public restrooms (and hope I never find a dead body ... so much paperwork). While train and bus station public restrooms should be avoided at all costs ... I definitely see that the most disgusting public restrooms belong to the men.

You're a cop? What city?

I have remodled a few women's bathrooms in my time, I thought guys writing on the bathroom walls was vulgar.. Nothing compares to a women's stall...

I totally agree. Christian conservatives want to control us with their beliefs. It's not all about them.
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

Being Unitarian and Libertarian my feeling is simple live and be happy!
You shall not murder
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor's

Obey these and we have no problem.

You have a problem with that?

You obey them and don't worry about me
Do them and find the police at your door. As it should be.

You seriously ok with legalizing ANY of these CRIMES?

I see only two crimes and two other things, while frowned upon, are not illegal.
"What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life?", so said the murderer as he was carted off to prison.
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

What does your belief in man made global warming, unsupported by fact, give you the right to control my life?
Is it just me, or does it seem to anyone else that Matthew is becoming much more f•••ed-up in the head than he used to be, and that in connection with his increasing demand for the “right” to abuse drugs, he's actually presenting a very good case against allowing drug abuse?
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine…

Why should your belief in “transgenderism”—totally refuted by any credible science—give you the “right” to control my life by demanding that I treat outright lies and madness as truth?
Telling you you are wrong about something isn't the same as forcing anything on you.

Mutilating your body won't make you a woman.
Praying to a tree won't benefit your soul
Doing drugs on poles it just stupid.

Telling you the truth about it doesn't force you to do anything, Any more than sticking your head in the sand immunizes you to the truth
What does your belief in god give you the right to control my life? I don't hate Jesus and I respect your right to believe what ever you wish, but that doesn't give you the right to stop me from living my life the way I wish either.

Stop messing with people that choose a different course in life. If I wish to be a women = it should be fine! If I choose to pray to the trees = fine...If I choose to do drugs and strip distance on poles = fine.

Religions that take over the politics of their nations are normally hell holes and don't respect human rights.

Ask your anti god Hillary that question.
She lost the election yet you guys still force your socialist angst down our throats as if the democratic system means nothing and only you guys know whats best for us.
If you can't grasp why socialism doesn't work and why obstructionism and destructive behavior is counter productive, then I can never expect you to understand the Judaic concept of Shalem (to become stable and whole).
I totally agree. Christian conservatives want to control us with their beliefs. It's not all about them.

Well now, what about Christian liberals? Are they any different? Sure feels sometimes like ANY kind of liberal is trying to control our lives via a larger and more intrusive gov't. Could be that anybody who wants bigger gov't is in fact trying to gain more control over us, no? Are atheists trying to control our lives too? Some might say yes. Some also say the super rich and mega-corps are trying to control us too, irregardless of religious beliefs.
I totally agree. Christian conservatives want to control us with their beliefs. It's not all about them.

If you ever get around to purchasing a book that doesn't come with crayons, you might begin with the classic analysis of America by Alexis de Tochqueville,
He makes this statement, one which throws your post back down your ignorant throat:

"Although Christianity in its many varieties was the religion of the original colonies, Christianity does not preach operational dominance over the body politic in America.
Tocqueville compared this aspect to Islam: “Mohammed professed to derive from Heaven, and has inserted in the Koran, not only religious doctrines, but political maxims, civil and criminal laws, and theories of science. The Gospel, on the contrary, speaks only of the general relations of men to God and to each other, beyond which it inculcates and imposes no point of faith. This alone, besides a thousand other reasons, would suffice to prove that the former of these religions will never long predominate in a cultivated and democratic age, while the latter is destined to retain its sway at these as at all other periods.”
Tocqueville, “Democracy in America,” vol.2, p. 23.

And, speaking of a creed that does want to control you.....

....compare that to one of the greatest lies offered by the snake, who, I would guess, you supported:
"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'"
Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

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