What Ever Happened To The Affordable Care Act?


Sep 23, 2010
No scandal is too small to help keep repealing the ACA out of the news. Bergdalh and every scandal should be covered in full, but not to the extent of dropping repeal altogether.

If you watched the coverage in the past few weeks you will have noticed that stories about repealing the ACA have all but disappeared from print and television. That’s not because the other stories are so important there is no time left over for the ACA. It’s because every story, large and small, is deliberately blanketing the news to protect the Affordable Care Act. Specifically, give Democrats who voted for it some cover from now until November.

Nobody can convince me that television cannot drop some of crap they talk about and give the ACA that time. There is no story more important than repealing the ACA. Bergdalh, Snowden, the VA, Benghazi, the IRS, and even impeaching that piece of garbage in the White House will fade away in time, but the Affordable Care Act will punish generations of Americans far into the future if it is not repealed. By the time November rolls around the public will have forgotten about the importance of only voting for candidates that promise to repeal the ACA.

I believe that the Administration is so determined to keep the ACA out of the news they are creating scandals the media can run with. The Administration picks scandal that will make a lot of noise and go nowhere. Oppressive EPA regulations is one such story, illegal immigration is another. Conservatives know what Eric Cantor is, but how many Americans know where he stands on repealing the ACA?

As Barack Obama continues to maliciously defy the Constitution, members of Congress, and we the people by promoting the illegal invasion of our sovereign United States by underage children from south of our borders, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) has proposed that he, a despicable, flip- flopping RINO who speaks with the most forked of tongues, is willing to work with the outlaw president in order to subvert the rule of law.

Sit down and SHUT UP, Eric Cantor!
By John Lillpop June 8, 2014

Sit down and SHUT UP, Eric Cantor!

The Administration blowing the borders wide open should be covered while stories about Senator Feinstein’s indignation over not being notified about releasing murders from Gitmo under the 30 day law does not rate an honorable mention on talk shows. The media knows that nothing will come of the 30 day rule. See this thread:

Running clips of Senator Di Fi Douche Bag expressing her indignation makes her look good. There are many other crap stories that could be dropped to make room for stories that inform the public about the progress of repealing the ACA.

At the very least the media can tell us which candidates in the midterms are making repeal their number one campaign issue. I’d rather hear that information than know about murders committed in foreign countries. In fact, an overwhelming majority of Americans do not give a fiddler’s F for anything that happens in a foreign country if it is not a credible threat to this country. Damn few events in foreign countries meet that criterion because few countries pose a military threat.
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Here’s one reason why talk about the ACA has to be silenced:


The hideous thing that slithered out of the Democrat Congress and rocked the Internet with a mighty “Web Page Not Found” birthing cry has now grown beyond the ability of science to even measure its bulk, as Roll Call reports:

ObamaCare unbound: the government can’t even guess how much it will cost any more
By John Hayward
6/6/2014 12:59 PM

ObamaCare unbound: the government can't even guess how much it will cost any more | Human Events
Why of course, why can't we all see your idea of what should be reported or discussed on private media companies..
Why of course, why can't we all see your idea of what should be reported or discussed on private media companies..

To Moonglow: Did you even read the OP?

Incidentally, television —— THE PUBLIC AIRWAVES —— might report on how small the creature was when it popped out of Harry Reid’s chest:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRX2ntm2rXQ&feature=player_detailpage]Alien Chestburster Scene - Birth of the Xenomorph - YouTube[/ame]​
It's more like "whatever happened to repealing the Affordable Care Act?" And the answer is: the GOP is moving on.

The House already has voted more than 50 times to repeal or excise all or part of the health care law. But it has been two months since the last vote attacking a fundamental provision of the law, and no further votes on the law have been scheduled.

Even ardent opponents now question the need to repeal the law in full. Repeal remains the official GOP position but is widely acknowledged to be impractical now that the initial problems with the enrollment website have subsided, people have signed up and popular provisions such as a ban on denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions have taken hold.

"I don't think anybody's talking about repealing the entire bill," said Rep. Andy Harris, R-Md., who is a physician. "There are clearly sections of the bill ... that people are saying, `OK, these are actually good things.'" . . .

The changing dynamic is evident on the campaign trail, where some Democrats have run ads publicizing their support for the law or attacking their opponents for resisting it. Some Republicans, meanwhile, are beginning to focus on fixes they would make to the law, rather than repeal. Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has come under criticism from Democrats in his re-election campaign after vowing to repeal "Obamacare" while suggesting that Kentucky's state health insurance marketplace, which was created under the law, could remain.

People may not like the label but they like the stuff in it. So that stuff isn't going anywhere.
People may not like the label but they like the stuff in it. So that stuff isn't going anywhere.

To Greenbeard: It was never a case of nobody liked it but now some do. The parasite class always liked it. Nothing has changed on that score. Aside from the horrors built into the ACA, the parasite class will say it’s a good thing even after the staggering cost is fully known.
No scandal is too small to help keep repealing the ACA out of the news. Bergdalh and every scandal should be covered in full, but not to the extent of dropping repeal altogether.

If you watched the coverage in the past few weeks you will have noticed that stories about repealing the ACA have all but disappeared from print and television.

Keeping repeal out of the news is going to backfire on Democrats when it all comes roaring back in the middle of October. This is one October Surprise that Democrats cannot avoid:


When the Obamacare exchanges opened last year, most patients were expected to enroll in the least expensive, “bronze” plans. However, Wednesday’s “Premium Affordability, Competition, and Choice in the Health Insurance Marketplace, 2014" report from HHS shows a much larger than expected number of Americans enrolling in the “silver” plans.


“About 65 percent of enrollees have chosen a silver plan,” he said. “One of the theories behind this has to do with the fact that if you earn 250 percent of the federal poverty level or less, and you choose a silver plan, you get an additional subsidy to help you with your plan’s cost-sharing. So not only do you get a subsidy to help you with your premiums, you also get one to help you pay for deductibles, co-pays and other types of cost-sharing.”

Obamacare showing signs of 'financial death spiral'
Analyst: 'You've got an insurance pool that is probably sicker than average'
Published: 16 hours ago

Obamacare showing signs of ?financial death spiral?
It’s back in the news now:

The Supreme Court upheld the religious freedom rights of Hobby Lobby, the closely-held corporation owned by believing Christians who objected to being required to supply the abortion pill to their employees. Steve Ertelt of Life News reports:

…the U.S. Supreme Court today issued a favorable ruling in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a landmark case addressing the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of business owners to operate their family companies without violating their deeply held religious convictions.

The ruling was not all good news:

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote a concurring opinion saying that government itself could provide the coverage for contraception and the abortion-causing drugs if a company declines to do so.

June 30, 2014
Hobby Lobby 1, Obamacare 0
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: Hobby Lobby 1, Obamacare 0

Perhaps if Justice Kennedy and the rest of them would admit that forcing everyone to pay for something they do not believe in is a violation of the First Amendment. Forcing any American to pay for someone else’s political beliefs is no different than forcing Americans to pay for someone else’s religious belief. That is why I’ve always said that Socialism is a religion. If the High Court or Congress ever finds the courage to define it as such there would be no question that funding contraceptives and abortions with tax dollars establishes a government religion in the most basic way.
Dear Flander: i do believe it will come to outing the Democrat Party
and especially the "right to health care' as a political belief and religion.

either people can agree to apply and enforce the 1st and 14th Amendments as written
to protect other people, beliefs and religions from imposition by these political beliefs;
OR call for a Constitutional convention to write out an Amendment by consensus
that requires any law involving a "political belief or religion" to be written/passed
by consensus including that Amendment itself. if it is not already recognized under
given amendments about "religion" we may need a specific law for "political religions and beliefs"

examples of beliefs that are politically religious because they involve "beliefs about what govt should or should not endorse" in cases of religious beliefs or differences:
Beliefs about
* marriage gay marriage homosexuality
* immigration citizenship and status based on natural birth earned status or criminal status
* abortion euthanasia assisted suicide death penalty
* God or Govt as the source of authority:
right to guns, right to property, or right to health care, or other rights deemed natural and either required or banned from govt
so human free will, capitalism, socialism and this eminent domain/property rights
vs. human equality based on equal ownership is an issue of political beliefs

It’s back in the news now:

The Supreme Court upheld the religious freedom rights of Hobby Lobby, the closely-held corporation owned by believing Christians who objected to being required to supply the abortion pill to their employees. Steve Ertelt of Life News reports:

…the U.S. Supreme Court today issued a favorable ruling in Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., a landmark case addressing the Constitutionally guaranteed rights of business owners to operate their family companies without violating their deeply held religious convictions.

The ruling was not all good news:

Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote a concurring opinion saying that government itself could provide the coverage for contraception and the abortion-causing drugs if a company declines to do so.

June 30, 2014
Hobby Lobby 1, Obamacare 0
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: Hobby Lobby 1, Obamacare 0

Perhaps if Justice Kennedy and the rest of them would admit that forcing everyone to pay for something they do not believe in is a violation of the First Amendment. Forcing any American to pay for someone else’s political beliefs is no different than forcing Americans to pay for someone else’s religious belief. That is why I’ve always said that Socialism is a religion. If the High Court or Congress ever finds the courage to define it as such there would be no question that funding contraceptives and abortions with tax dollars establishes a government religion in the most basic way.
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We in the GOP know we have lost this issue.

We are moving on.

If you already represented the GOP you would all be in agreement.
clearly you do not speak for all GOP [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION]

The fact that many pure Constitutionalists do not agree with you or ACA,
this shows in why GOP is split.

I am even more concerned for you and GOP as a Democrat
who is opposed to ACA on principles:
* if one supports free choice from infringement by govt into "private choices"
in the case of abortion/Roe V Wade, the same should apply to choices
under ACA or other means of providing health care for oneself and for more people
* it is "political discrimination by creed"
to enforce free choice for abortion
but not for other health care freedom and now reparative therapy

If people like you want to keep ACA it should be an EQUAL choice
without affecting other people's choices by their equal religious rights and liberty

It does not need to be "replaced first"
but just separated where people who believe in it are free to follow it
and acknowledge the same rights of others to choose other systems by their beliefs.

the GOVT does not need to "set those choices" for people to have them.
what is missing is the equal acknowledges those choices are up to people

You have the right to choose govt health care and regulations
but not impose this on people whose INHERENT SPIRITUAL AND RELIGIOUSLY
HELD BELIEFS are that govt does not have this authority without their consent
which requires either a Constitutional Amendment or other means of representation
besides what was followed or not followed with ACA that failed to represent public consent
Emily, does not matter what those who disagree in the GOP think.

The majority party is for it, the majority of the population approves or wants it improved, and SCOTUS has opined.

The battle on whether it will remain is over.
Dear Flander: i do believe it will come to outing the Democrat Party and especially the "right to health care' as a political belief and religion.

To emilynghiem: Combined with open-borders I don’t see how it can miss. Taqiyya is deliberately drawing all of the fire down on himself because he is not running for office again. It won’t work. The voting public knows that congressional Democrats helped, and still help, him do everything. In fact, they are more responsible for the ACA than is Taqiyya.
You remind me of people who think it is okay to
abuse majority rule in a State to "BAN gay marriage"
even though that is a violation of Equal Protections of the laws.

Sorry that is unconstitutional. It is not appropriate
to use Majority Rule to justify excluding and
discriminating against someone's beliefs in favor of
the creed of other people, just because of Majority.

President Clinton and others admit that passing
DOMA was a mistake because of violating equal protections.

Do we have to wait until Obama leaves office and retires,
when it is politically safe before he admits ACA was flawed?

Emily, does not matter what those who disagree in the GOP think.

The majority party is for it, the majority of the population approves or wants it improved, and SCOTUS has opined.

The battle on whether it will remain is over.

Majority can decide for its own party
but not to impose Political Beliefs on the whole nation.

that is nationalizing a political religion based on
"right to health care through govt"
over equal political beliefs in
natural laws and personal/spiritual health care
being for the States and the People to decide, not Federal Govt.

Sorry [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] maybe on nonreligious issues like
whether to pay $500 or $750 million for an interstate highway
we all agree that certain decisions can be made by Majority Rule

But clearly with "right to health care between people and Govt"
and "spiritual health care and healing between people and God"

As a Constitutionalist, NO, I do NOT SUPPORT
abusing Party or Majority Rule to impose one set of beliefs over the other.
Both should be respected and protected EQUALLY under law
[MENTION=25144]Flanders[/MENTION] I say we back the groups with a vested interest in outing the
Democrat party as a political religion whose members/leaders/media
have "conspired to violate civil rights"

the Greens and Libertarians could have a chance to participate in a national election by holding the Democrats responsible for all damages done in conjunction with ACA, also Solyndra, and problems with war contracts or other conflicts of interest with tax dollars.

Hold the Democrat leaders 3/4 responsible and the Republicans 1/4 responsible for the deadlock over ACA due to their conflicting political beliefs they both failed to resolve. so it violated beliefs of those opposed, whether they believe in singlepayer or in free market health care, BOTH. It cost taxpayers an estimated 24 billion on the shutdown,
so demand both major parties split the cost and reimburse taxpayers.

Lobby to hold Dems to raise and pay back 18 billion to invest in their own Singlepayer which they represented to their constituents they were going to do. Well do it. Set it up Through the Democrat Party for its own members and anyone else who signs up.
Immigrants welcome. Expand the exchange registry to docuemnt all immigrants that the Democrat Party agrees to accept responsibilty for jobs and benefits and education.

Hold the GOP to raise and pay back 6 billion to set up free enterprise health care system for members and others who believe in that system.

GOP could also be held to reimburse any illicit war contracts with conflicts of interest contested by citizen advocates, and pay that back into reforming VA for vet health care.

so both parties can create full time jobs and work for its leaders using campaigns instead of running for office. fix all that first, and then run candidates based on performance record of how well they corrected the problems.

this next cycle for the 2016 elections could feature the Greens, Libertarians, and independents so those leaders, citizens and members can get training and experience in politics and govt by holding the other parties responsible for cleaning up their messes and paying back taxpayers first, before funding any more campaigns for national office.

Sue both major parties for corrections, and don't let them run until they meet the agreed terms for corrections. if they can get it done by 2016, fine, but if they can't, let other parties have equal access to the democratic process instead of monopolizing it politically.

Dear Flander: i do believe it will come to outing the Democrat Party and especially the "right to health care' as a political belief and religion.

To emilynghiem: Combined with open-borders I don’t see how it can miss. Taqiyya is deliberately drawing all of the fire down on himself because he is not running for office again. It won’t work. The voting public knows that congressional Democrats helped, and still help, him do everything. In fact, they are more responsible for the ACA than is Taqiyya.
CHOKE Jake's right, it isn't going anywhere. However the majority of America is still dead set against it.
You remind me of people who think it is okay to
abuse majority rule in a State to "BAN gay marriage"
even though that is a violation of Equal Protections of the laws.

does not matter what those who disagree in the GOP think.

The majority party is for it, the majority of the population approves or wants it improved, and SCOTUS has opined.

The battle on whether it will remain is over.

Majority will in accordance with SCOTUS agreement overrides the minority disagreement.

The minority has no civil liberty IAW the 14th to avoid this.
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CHOKE Jake's right, it isn't going anywhere. However the majority of America is still dead set against it.

The majority approves of it or wants it improved.

A minority, decreasing, is against it.

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