What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

What everyone in the corrupt press is ignoring is that you Nazi fucks paid her over a million dollars to play this role.

How can we believe a democrat operative with such a clear financial motive to lie? Dr. Ford is gaining vast wealth from her perjury.
Lol, making shit up doesn't make it real kiddo.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, creep.

Even as Nazis go, you're a truly stupid one.
Lol you talked outta yer ass, got called on it, and insulted me rather than even attempting to back your unsupported garbage up.

What a loser you are, nothing more than comic relief.

Look stupid, when I post something there is a solid basis for it.

Are you really too fucking stupid to grasp that Ford has been paid a cool million for her testimony?

This is from Friday, she has since collected the full million from the Soros group.

GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than $500,000 to cover Blasey Ford's costs
Go fund me to cover legal expenses is not a payment.

You are still talking outta yer ass. It's apparently all you know how to do.

And you call me a moron!

What a loser.
Roe V Wade... tick tick tick...
Nowhere in his spittle speckled rant did he say anything about interpreting the law according to the Constitution. He said he would get even with Democrats.

You're such a fucking liar, Nazi creep.
Ok, prove it loser.

Prove that you lied when you claimed Kavanaugh said he would get even?

Done - I proved it when you failed to support your lie.
You ain't proved shit.

You are about as sharp as a bowling ball kid.

And you're a loser.
You do realize that NAZI is much more applicable to you far right authoritarian nut-jobs than to anything else on the American political spectrum don't you?

How would I "realize" such an absurd fiction, retard.

"Da naazi iz dun bee rite wing, cuz my fuhrer dund sed sew."

Creep, you're an uneducated dolt. IQ in the low 40's - typical democrat in other words.

So let's look at Nazism and Stalinism.

One is a totalitarian dictatorship where the state controls the means of production absolutely which regulating a corrupted press and popular media to promote the goals of the party while subjecting the population to severe regimentation to achieve desired social outcomes such as equality of outcome.

The other is Communism.....
Roe V Wade... tick tick tick...
Nowhere in his spittle speckled rant did he say anything about interpreting the law according to the Constitution. He said he would get even with Democrats.

You're such a fucking liar, Nazi creep.
Ok, prove it loser.

Prove that you lied when you claimed Kavanaugh said he would get even?

Done - I proved it when you failed to support your lie.
You ain't proved shit.

You are about as sharp as a bowling ball kid.

And you're a loser.

Retard, you should have finished second grade.

You made the claim, failure to support the assertion that YOU made shows that you are dishonest and fail to grasp basic logic.

You're a dolt, simply stated.

When you lied that Kavanaugh said he would "get even" the onus (look it up, you fucking moron) accrued to you to support your claim or be exposed as the liar we all know you to be.
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.


Dars iz no legal presumptikans ceptiz whan dars R leeegul procedifyings.


You truly are a fucking retard.

The American system of jurisprudence holds a presumption of innocence. The confirmation of a judge IS a legal proceeding, shit fer brains.
You didn't say that when the Liberals stood accused of running a paedophile racket out of Washington pizzeria a couple of years ago. You presumed Clinton and Obama innocent without a scintilla of investigation or evidence.

Correctly so, the allegations were absurdity.

Virtually identical in the level of stupidity to the paid allegations made by Ford.
I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.
Definitely not in democrat politics, that's for sure. There it's guilty, period.


The Nazicrats have not declared Kavanaugh guilty until proven innocent, they have declared him guilty despite being innocent.

This is a lynch mob, nothing else.

They know the charges are bullshit, they FUCKING paid Ford to make the false charges
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
^this is what trumpanzees are all about ... it's nothing to do with the country and what's good for the country.....it's all about getting even for some imagined slight and chaos. Papa Putin is so proud of you.
Let's see if we understand this. A person is unfit for the Supreme Court because he got angry at people who were blatantly trying to derail his confirmation in every way possible, even to the extent of presuming him guilty until proven innocent.

He's angry because he's got something to hide.
If this was all just something pulled out of Feinstein's ass, he would have calmly welcomed any questions and an FBI investigation into the allegations.

they trash his reputation, his name, his family, and you expect him to calmly welcome questions from his attackers?
How has his family been attacked?
What everyone in the corrupt press is ignoring is that you Nazi fucks paid her over a million dollars to play this role.

How can we believe a democrat operative with such a clear financial motive to lie? Dr. Ford is gaining vast wealth from her perjury.
Lol, making shit up doesn't make it real kiddo.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, creep.

Even as Nazis go, you're a truly stupid one.
Lol you talked outta yer ass, got called on it, and insulted me rather than even attempting to back your unsupported garbage up.

What a loser you are, nothing more than comic relief.

Look stupid, when I post something there is a solid basis for it.

Are you really too fucking stupid to grasp that Ford has been paid a cool million for her testimony?

This is from Friday, she has since collected the full million from the Soros group.

GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than $500,000 to cover Blasey Ford's costs
Go fund me to cover legal expenses is not a payment.

You are still talking outta yer ass. It's apparently all you know how to do.

And you call me a moron!

What a loser.

Her legal expenses were Pro Bono by the Soros lawyers, scumbag.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh (all times local):

2:20 p.m.

Two attorneys representing Christine Blasey (BLAH'-zee) Ford at her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing say they're working for her pro bono.

Debra Katz and Michael Bromwich said Thursday they're not being paid to represent Ford over her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when both were teenagers. Kavanaugh has denied the ..

Read more at:

You're sure a lying fuck, Nazi.

The gofundme was a money laundering method to pay for testimony - which you Nazis did.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
^this is what trumpanzees are all about ... it's nothing to do with the country and what's good for the country.....it's all about getting even for some imagined slight and chaos. Papa Putin is so proud of you.

All democrats do is get even. They hate Trump because he kicked the shit out of Hillary and Obama. They hate Kavanaugh to get even for the legal and fair exclusion of liberal Merrick.

So please fuck off with your sanctimonious bullshit.
LoL you kids are soooo triggered by the very thought that Bart O'Kavanaugh might not make it.

It's hilarious.
Lol, making shit up doesn't make it real kiddo.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, creep.

Even as Nazis go, you're a truly stupid one.
Lol you talked outta yer ass, got called on it, and insulted me rather than even attempting to back your unsupported garbage up.

What a loser you are, nothing more than comic relief.

Look stupid, when I post something there is a solid basis for it.

Are you really too fucking stupid to grasp that Ford has been paid a cool million for her testimony?

This is from Friday, she has since collected the full million from the Soros group.

GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than $500,000 to cover Blasey Ford's costs
Go fund me to cover legal expenses is not a payment.

You are still talking outta yer ass. It's apparently all you know how to do.

And you call me a moron!

What a loser.

Her legal expenses were Pro Bono by the Soros lawyers, scumbag.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh (all times local):

2:20 p.m.

Two attorneys representing Christine Blasey (BLAH'-zee) Ford at her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing say they're working for her pro bono.

Debra Katz and Michael Bromwich said Thursday they're not being paid to represent Ford over her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when both were teenagers. Kavanaugh has denied the ..

Read more at:

You're sure a lying fuck, Nazi.

The gofundme was a money laundering method to pay for testimony - which you Nazis did.
You are beginning to be unhealthily obsessed with me. Every time I open the site there are a half a dozen to a dozen quotes from you.

Gofundme is not money laundering.

You are a complete and total moron.
You're dumb as a fucking brick, creep.

Even as Nazis go, you're a truly stupid one.
Lol you talked outta yer ass, got called on it, and insulted me rather than even attempting to back your unsupported garbage up.

What a loser you are, nothing more than comic relief.

Look stupid, when I post something there is a solid basis for it.

Are you really too fucking stupid to grasp that Ford has been paid a cool million for her testimony?

This is from Friday, she has since collected the full million from the Soros group.

GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than $500,000 to cover Blasey Ford's costs
Go fund me to cover legal expenses is not a payment.

You are still talking outta yer ass. It's apparently all you know how to do.

And you call me a moron!

What a loser.

Her legal expenses were Pro Bono by the Soros lawyers, scumbag.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh (all times local):

2:20 p.m.

Two attorneys representing Christine Blasey (BLAH'-zee) Ford at her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing say they're working for her pro bono.

Debra Katz and Michael Bromwich said Thursday they're not being paid to represent Ford over her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when both were teenagers. Kavanaugh has denied the ..

Read more at:

You're sure a lying fuck, Nazi.

The gofundme was a money laundering method to pay for testimony - which you Nazis did.
You are beginning to be unhealthily obsessed with me. Every time I open the site there are a half a dozen to a dozen quotes from you.

Gofundme is not money laundering.

You are a complete and total moron.

Creep, you are a liar and a hack. I merely refute your myriad of lies, which you cut and paste from the Soros hate sites.

Gofundme is a very convenient way to launder money, which the Soros Nazis have used in this case to deliver the bribes to Blasey Ford.

He proved he's a great judge.

Dear SnowflaKes,


You don't get to pick. Stop your sedition, stop your conspiracies, stop for treason, stop your 'politics of personal destruction'.

Stop throwing criminal tantrums.

As Barry said, "If you want something different WIN SOME ELECTIONS!"
Lol you talked outta yer ass, got called on it, and insulted me rather than even attempting to back your unsupported garbage up.

What a loser you are, nothing more than comic relief.

Look stupid, when I post something there is a solid basis for it.

Are you really too fucking stupid to grasp that Ford has been paid a cool million for her testimony?

This is from Friday, she has since collected the full million from the Soros group.

GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than $500,000 to cover Blasey Ford's costs
Go fund me to cover legal expenses is not a payment.

You are still talking outta yer ass. It's apparently all you know how to do.

And you call me a moron!

What a loser.

Her legal expenses were Pro Bono by the Soros lawyers, scumbag.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the Supreme Court nomination of Brett Kavanaugh (all times local):

2:20 p.m.

Two attorneys representing Christine Blasey (BLAH'-zee) Ford at her Senate Judiciary Committee hearing say they're working for her pro bono.

Debra Katz and Michael Bromwich said Thursday they're not being paid to represent Ford over her allegation that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when both were teenagers. Kavanaugh has denied the ..

Read more at:

You're sure a lying fuck, Nazi.

The gofundme was a money laundering method to pay for testimony - which you Nazis did.
You are beginning to be unhealthily obsessed with me. Every time I open the site there are a half a dozen to a dozen quotes from you.

Gofundme is not money laundering.

You are a complete and total moron.

Creep, you are a liar and a hack. I merely refute your myriad of lies, which you cut and paste from the Soros hate sites.

Gofundme is a very convenient way to launder money, which the Soros Nazis have used in this case to deliver the bribes to Blasey Ford.
Conspiracy theory forum.is waaaay over there moron.
Let's see if we understand this. A person is unfit for the Supreme Court because he got angry at people who were blatantly trying to derail his confirmation in every way possible, even to the extent of presuming him guilty until proven innocent.

He's angry because he's got something to hide.
If this was all just something pulled out of Feinstein's ass, he would have calmly welcomed any questions and an FBI investigation into the allegations.

they trash his reputation, his name, his family, and you expect him to calmly welcome questions from his attackers?
How has his family been attacked?

Like it or not, admit it or not, his kids will hear people call their father a rapist for the rest of their lives. The idiots will call him that no matter what comes out of the investigation.

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