What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.


You do realize signed that letter 'under penalty of felony, '


that's STILL mighty different than being questioned & re questioned in person under oath whilst looking a fed in the eye.

damn right.

and if he sticks to what he stated in the letter?


then ' we'll see what happens................ '
mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.

Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.

if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
Have you ever heard of someone being prosecuted for body language?

this isn't a criminal investigation... there is no prosecution. lol...
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Liberar law professors and legal scholars say you are wrong, they think Kavanaugh would make an excellent SC justice. So much for your fake news.

the dean of tale law school said to have an investigation.

the ABA said the same thing before endorsing him.

AND the jesuit priests who originally gave brett supprt, withdrew it.

The dean of "tale" you say, did you attend "tale"?

it was a yypo.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.

Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.

if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
Have you ever heard of someone being prosecuted for body language?

this isn't a criminal investigation... there is no prosecution. lol...
So if he lies to them, he won't be prosecuted? Really?????

Those words weren't his, they were given to him by Trump with the proviso that if he didn't say them right off the top, Trump would pull the nomination.
We've seen that is how Trump operates. He's a fucking bully.

O was exponentially worse than trump. You were down.
maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.

Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.

if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
Have you ever heard of someone being prosecuted for body language?

this isn't a criminal investigation... there is no prosecution. lol...
So if he lies to them, he won't be prosecuted? Really?????

lying, yes. THAT is the crime that could be followed up on & prosecuted... which is why judge didn't want anything to do with a one on one conversation with the G-man. but the FBI's investigation of kavanaugh is not itself a criminal case being looked at.

do you really not know the difference?
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As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.
Lol, can't logically respond so you attack.


I believe PredFan was accurate in saying Justice Ruth Ginsberg is VERY partisan, so that throws your whole entire rant right out the window.

You don’t like someone who might ... possibly ... be partisan on the other ideological side of the bench? Go cry me a river, here’s a tissue for your thoughts.

As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.

Wow, just a little hysterical here.
Only losers attack the messenger when they can't attack the TRUTH in the message.

He said Ruth Ginsberg is a partisan Justice. Looks like someone else has trouble when faced with the truth.

Such a pathetic regressive posting fake news. Yesterday on 60 MIn. Flake said he understood Kavanaugh's anger. Anyone else that says it was inappropriate is just a political hack spewing talking points.

After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
So, how long have you hated America?
I love America... that is why I hate Democrats.

So keep crying...we are going to crush you out of existence. This was the last straw.

Gee, the Dems finally do what the Republicans have done for years....show up to a knife fight with a gun (instead of a covered dish..... thank you Bill Maher).

Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.
Shove Mitch McConnell up your ass and have a good day.

They denied Merrick 100% legally. There were no dirty tricks...no lies...no ambushes.

The Democrats are straight Evil. Underhanded. Deceitful.

Like the MAFFIA they decended from.

But the gloves are 100% off now...and honestly... the reckoning is far overdue.

Too partisan for Kennedy's seat.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
So, how long have you hated America?
I love America... that is why I hate Democrats.

So keep crying...we are going to crush you out of existence. This was the last straw.

Gee, the Dems finally do what the Republicans have done for years....show up to a knife fight with a gun (instead of a covered dish..... thank you Bill Maher).

Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.
Shove Mitch McConnell up your ass and have a good day.

They denied Merrick 100% legally. There were no dirty tricks...no lies...no ambushes.

The Democrats are straight Evil. Underhanded. Deceitful.

Like the MAFFIA they decended from.

But the gloves are 100% off now...and honestly... the reckoning is far overdue.

Too partisan for Kennedy's seat.

Wait until you see the replacements for Sotomayor, Ginsburg and Breyer.
Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.

if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
Have you ever heard of someone being prosecuted for body language?

this isn't a criminal investigation... there is no prosecution. lol...
So if he lies to them, he won't be prosecuted? Really?????

lying, yes. THAT is the crime that could be followed up on & prosecuted... which is why judge didn't want anything to do with a one on one conversation with the G-man. but the FBI's investigation of kavanaugh is not itself a criminal case being looked at.

do you really not know the difference?
This is what you said, "this isn't a criminal investigation... there is no prosecution. lol.."
Now do YOU see the difference? Just wanted to clarify that you were wrong. Carry on
So, how long have you hated America?
I love America... that is why I hate Democrats.

So keep crying...we are going to crush you out of existence. This was the last straw.

Gee, the Dems finally do what the Republicans have done for years....show up to a knife fight with a gun (instead of a covered dish..... thank you Bill Maher).

Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.
Shove Mitch McConnell up your ass and have a good day.

They denied Merrick 100% legally. There were no dirty tricks...no lies...no ambushes.

The Democrats are straight Evil. Underhanded. Deceitful.

Like the MAFFIA they decended from.

But the gloves are 100% off now...and honestly... the reckoning is far overdue.

Too partisan for Kennedy's seat.

Wait until you see the replacements for Sotomayor, Ginsburg and Breyer.

That'll be productive.
if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
Have you ever heard of someone being prosecuted for body language?

this isn't a criminal investigation... there is no prosecution. lol...
So if he lies to them, he won't be prosecuted? Really?????

lying, yes. THAT is the crime that could be followed up on & prosecuted... which is why judge didn't want anything to do with a one on one conversation with the G-man. but the FBI's investigation of kavanaugh is not itself a criminal case being looked at.

do you really not know the difference?
This is what you said, "this isn't a criminal investigation... there is no prosecution. lol.."
Now do YOU see the difference? Just wanted to clarify that you were wrong. Carry on

lol... nice try...silly y-o-u.
The hypocrisy, duplicity, and lunacy of the left:
what? Ginsburg didn't spout off in an angered rant? it seems precedence is set by Ruth that it's ok to rant politically. And, she wasn't directly accused of anything. Just that 63 million voters voted in for trump. you lose again. I love it.
I love America... that is why I hate Democrats.

So keep crying...we are going to crush you out of existence. This was the last straw.

Gee, the Dems finally do what the Republicans have done for years....show up to a knife fight with a gun (instead of a covered dish..... thank you Bill Maher).

Could be that this is some sort of vast left wing pay back for denying Merrick Garland even one fucking interview with a senator much less a confirmation hearing.
Shove Mitch McConnell up your ass and have a good day.

They denied Merrick 100% legally. There were no dirty tricks...no lies...no ambushes.

The Democrats are straight Evil. Underhanded. Deceitful.

Like the MAFFIA they decended from.

But the gloves are 100% off now...and honestly... the reckoning is far overdue.

Too partisan for Kennedy's seat.

Wait until you see the replacements for Sotomayor, Ginsburg and Breyer.

That'll be productive.

We'll be able to refill Lake Mead with the liberal tears.

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