What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

Let's see if we understand this. A person is unfit for the Supreme Court because he got angry at people who were blatantly trying to derail his confirmation in every way possible, even to the extent of presuming him guilty until proven innocent.

he started in on the CONspiracy 'hillary did it' bullshit. whether he vomited trump's orders to included that or it was from his own pursed lips, it was a whacked thing to say among the rest of his diatribe.
So guilty until proven innocent is the way y'all are going from now on? Could be interesting when one of your own is in the crosshairs.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway

Aw, bullshit.

The attacks against Judge Kavanaugh have been totally 100% political and demonstrably false.

To think that him and Mr. Judge organized WEEKLY rape train parties in a middle class neighborhood and gals like Ms. Swetnick continued to come week after week to them- and no one else ever complained or bragged about it and the police were never called , is just beyond the pale silly.

There is a legal principal we have to look at hear "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

One provable liberal lie against Kav means the rest is all bullshit too.
health insurance companies can charge higher premiums for pre existing conditions. that would include hypertension, diabetes, cancer...

tick tick tick...

Ohhh look, the lying Nazi is spewing slander

I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.
Ohhh look, the lying Nazi is spewing slander

I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.

You didn't say that when the Liberals stood accused of running a paedophile racket out of Washington pizzeria a couple of years ago. You presumed Clinton and Obama innocent without a scintilla of investigation or evidence.
Ohhh look, the lying Nazi is spewing slander

I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.

But there is a presumption of guilt, lol. What country do you live in? Hey, all you and your friends have to do is prove it from 36 years ago. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, all we have to prove is that your side had a CONSPIRACY over the last 2 weeks, lololol.

We win, you lose. Cya, wouldn't want to be ya-)
Ohhh look, the lying Nazi is spewing slander

I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.
Definitely not in democrat politics, that's for sure. There it's guilty, period.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway

Aw, bullshit.

The attacks against Judge Kavanaugh have been totally 100% political and demonstrably false.

To think that him and Mr. Judge organized WEEKLY rape train parties in a middle class neighborhood and gals like Ms. Swetnick continued to come week after week to them- and no one else ever complained or bragged about it and the police were never called , is just beyond the pale silly.

There is a legal principal we have to look at hear "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

One provable liberal lie against Kav means the rest is all bullshit too.
I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.

You didn't say that when the Liberals stood accused of running a paedophile racket out of Washington pizzeria a couple of years ago. You presumed Clinton and Obama innocent without a scintilla of investigation or evidence.
Dude, can you seriously not see the difference between those two situations?

The real morons are those who ignore evidence, are political fanatics or
base conclusions on emotion and you fartknocker fit the bill.

The real morons are those who ignore evidence, are political fanatics or
base conclusions on emotion and you fartknocker fit the bill.
Lol, whenever you kids think you're losing you go straight to the insults.

Childish garbage.

The real morons are those who ignore evidence, are political fanatics or
base conclusions on emotion and you fartknocker fit the bill.
Lol, whenever you kids think you're losing you go straight to the insults.

Childish garbage.

Who started insulting with the moron quip fartknocker. Fartknocker is fitting, afterall you assumed the name of the Roman god of flatulence.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway

Aw, bullshit.

The attacks against Judge Kavanaugh have been totally 100% political and demonstrably false.

To think that him and Mr. Judge organized WEEKLY rape train parties in a middle class neighborhood and gals like Ms. Swetnick continued to come week after week to them- and no one else ever complained or bragged about it and the police were never called , is just beyond the pale silly.

There is a legal principal we have to look at hear "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

One provable liberal lie against Kav means the rest is all bullshit too.
I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.

You didn't say that when the Liberals stood accused of running a paedophile racket out of Washington pizzeria a couple of years ago. You presumed Clinton and Obama innocent without a scintilla of investigation or evidence.
Dude, can you seriously not see the difference between those two situations?

Sure I can, so tell us why this means he has to be guilty exactly in the court of public opinion? Was Clarence Thomas?

By the way, did you see the woman in the audience crying while K was testifying? No, I don't mean his wife, I mean the other woman. Know who she is? Want me to tell you? Well, that happened to be Alissa Milano of "Who's The Boss" fame, and a far Left activist. Now then---------> if YOU are a thinking individual, knowing that his testimony brought a Far Left activist to tears, what do you think it did to everyone else?

You have awakened a sleeping giant my friend, and you are either to partisan to realize it, or to arrogant to care. In either case, it won't take to many more weeks for you to discover how badly the hand dealt to your side was played.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway

Aw, bullshit.

The attacks against Judge Kavanaugh have been totally 100% political and demonstrably false.

To think that him and Mr. Judge organized WEEKLY rape train parties in a middle class neighborhood and gals like Ms. Swetnick continued to come week after week to them- and no one else ever complained or bragged about it and the police were never called , is just beyond the pale silly.

There is a legal principal we have to look at hear "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus"

One provable liberal lie against Kav means the rest is all bullshit too.
I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with be a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
There is no legal presumption of innocence except for criminal proceedings.

You didn't say that when the Liberals stood accused of running a paedophile racket out of Washington pizzeria a couple of years ago. You presumed Clinton and Obama innocent without a scintilla of investigation or evidence.
Dude, can you seriously not see the difference between those two situations?

Actually, the accusations against the Democratic establishment in the Pizzagate Scandal were a lot more serious and contemporary than even the worst parts of the lies said against Kavanaugh. I guess now we can say that the Pizzagate scandal was overblown.

But we couldn't say it at the time- and Mrs. Clinton was given the benefit of the doubt. The major networks downplayed the charges- even though they were made on the eve of the election and IF they were true, you'd have to agree they would have disqualified Mrs. Clinton. Mrs. Clinton was not even interrogated by the media about the Pizzagate situation, where it was alleged that children were being trafficked for child porn and pederasty in the capital.

As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.
Lol, can't logically respond so you attack.


Your post doesn’t deserve a serious response.
Yet here you are, doing your best...

Hey moron, you were the one who just said I didn’t respond. Way to go derp.

As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.

Wow, just a little hysterical here.
Only losers attack the messenger when they can't attack the TRUTH in the message.

This loser kicks your ass on a regular basis.

Look in the mirror. This is your current state of mind.


As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.
Lol, can't logically respond so you attack.


Your post doesn’t deserve a serious response.

Crepitus posted four links to corroborate his point.
ANd I bet you didn't go to a single one of them, coward.

I don’t need to, I’m very familiar with the tiny bit of actual fact he presented. It didn’t rate a serious response.

What everyone in the corrupt press is ignoring is that you Nazi fucks paid her over a million dollars to play this role.

How can we believe a democrat operative with such a clear financial motive to lie? Dr. Ford is gaining vast wealth from her perjury.
Lol, making shit up doesn't make it real kiddo.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, creep.

Even as Nazis go, you're a truly stupid one.
Lol you talked outta yer ass, got called on it, and insulted me rather than even attempting to back your unsupported garbage up.

What a loser you are, nothing more than comic relief.

Look stupid, when I post something there is a solid basis for it.

Are you really too fucking stupid to grasp that Ford has been paid a cool million for her testimony?

This is from Friday, she has since collected the full million from the Soros group.

GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than $500,000 to cover Blasey Ford's costs
Roe V Wade... tick tick tick...
Nowhere in his spittle speckled rant did he say anything about interpreting the law according to the Constitution. He said he would get even with Democrats.

You're such a fucking liar, Nazi creep.
Ok, prove it loser.

Prove that you lied when you claimed Kavanaugh said he would get even?

Done - I proved it when you failed to support your lie.

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