What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

So, as a sitting judge, he would be presiding over cases in which he and his family are personally attacked, lied about, and falsely charged with the most heinous of crimes?

That is your standard? Given ALL of his experience on the bench, never has he shown that his judgment or temperment is anything other than professional.

Any man, well,any real man -- that would exclude a majority of leftists -- would fight back. Even Obama lost his cool when he thought that his wife was being attacked. I don't recall the morons on the left saying that he didn't have the temperament to be President.

Look up the term 'gaslighting'.

This is what the Democrats are doing.

Excuses, excuses, lol. You will try ANYTHING! But let us consider-------->what if the other 2 accusations are proven to be false, and a lie? Then he isn't partisan now, is he! He is speaking the truth-)

Excuses, excuses, lol. You will try ANYTHING! But let us consider-------->what if the other 2 accusations are proven to be false, and a lie? Then he isn't partisan now, is he! He is speaking the truth-)
He's speaking the truth anyway. They simply are desperate.
health insurance companies can charge higher premiums for pre existing conditions. that would include hypertension, diabetes, cancer...

tick tick tick...

Ohhh look, the lying Nazi is spewing slander

I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

A partisan judge? Hey !! that's exactly what Trump needs !!

IMHO Kavanaughty threw himself under the bus with that testimony. His demeanor was pure SNL material at best :)

Would you hire a guy with that behavior spitting out conspiracy crap lol? Like I said before he's just a 'get out of jail free' card for Trump.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
So, how long have you hated America?
I fight against your anti-Americanism. That makes Me fully American.
Straw man. I'm not anti-american. You are. You want to use the highest court in the land for a political agenda. That is a decidedly anti-american idea.
He's angry because he's got something to hide.
If this was all just something pulled out of Feinstein's ass, he would have calmly welcomed any questions and an FBI investigation into the allegations.

they trash his reputation, his name, his family, and you expect him to calmly welcome questions from his attackers?

the clintons? lol....

where did I mentions the Clintons?

I was referring to the Senators on the Left on that committee

sorry- i read your reply differantly. i was referring that brett mentioning the clintons was a reason why he was being attacked by the (D)s... he listed hillary losing as one reason...
That is true. One of the big objections to Kavanaugh is that he was nominated by Trump. As the democrats said and have been saying they would not vote to confirm anyone nominated by the president.
He was picked by a rwnj extremist organization. tRump just took the top guy off the list. I mean seriously, like tRump could really make a decision like that. Lol.
After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
So, how long have you hated America?
I fight against your anti-Americanism. That makes Me fully American.
Straw man. I'm not anti-american. You are. You want to use the highest court in the land for a political agenda. That is a decidedly anti-american idea.

Without looking up anything, name 10 things the USA does now and in the past that are the envy of the world.

When you clowns spout that the USA is the problem in the world, you are demonstrating your anti-Americanism. There are hundreds of ways in which you progressives are anti-American, and they are on display each and every day.

Your entire ideology is anti-American.

As for the rest, you wouldn't know what a straw man is, so you decide to just deflect. That, or you wear the front hole costume in your household.
What is amusing is that clowns like the OP make the claim that we are using the high court for politics when it is demonstrable that they use the courts in lieu of winning arguments and passing laws. They then go an put two ideological extremists on the bench in Kagan and Sotomayer.

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.


The letter was under oath.

I assume you Nazis have, or are in the process of bribing/threatening him?
Why would you Nazis bribe him if he's already on your side?

You kids aren't too bright are you.

As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.
Lol, can't logically respond so you attack.


The Washington Post?:21::21::21::21::21:

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Lol, who's viciously attacking here?

Your playing stupid is dismissed.

YOu might be stupid, but I don't believe for a second you are THAT stupid.
LoL, you really can't figure that out?

Even most of your conservitard buddies got that one.

I got it. It was stupid as fuck, and dismissed.

My point stands.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
He’s way too partisan, biased, and emotional to be a Supreme Court justice.
I would imagine that if some people went nuclear on your good name and your family became collateral damage
you would become emotional, also, Mr. Clean. And, with good cause.
As far as Kav being "too partisan", that seems to be an affliction that they all seem to have.
I will always side with the partisan Constitution
And of course if Kavanaugh didn't get mad, they'd be insisting that he wasn't qualified because he didn't get mad enough. They have to have excuses, no matter how inane.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Lol, who's viciously attacking here?

Your playing stupid is dismissed.

YOu might be stupid, but I don't believe for a second you are THAT stupid.
LoL, you really can't figure that out?

Even most of your conservitard buddies got that one.

I got it. It was stupid as fuck, and dismissed.

My point stands.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Dumbass, you're just making my point.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Lol, who's viciously attacking here?

Your playing stupid is dismissed.

YOu might be stupid, but I don't believe for a second you are THAT stupid.
LoL, you really can't figure that out?

Even most of your conservitard buddies got that one.

I got it. It was stupid as fuck, and dismissed.

My point stands.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Dumbass, you're just making my point.


I got it. It was stupid as fuck, and dismissed.

My point stands.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
health insurance companies can charge higher premiums for pre existing conditions. that would include hypertension, diabetes, cancer...

tick tick tick...

Ohhh look, the lying Nazi is spewing slander

I am new here, but I can just point out that this kind of discourse does not forward any argument or change anybody's mind. I am here because I want undecided voters who may be doing research here to think about what I have to say. Please stick to factual arguments - and eschew name-calling and arguing. You are just raising the noise level and drowning out the serious arguments.

My point is - how you want to spend your time is your business, but you are not helping people like me who care about the points we want to make when you fill these boards with back & forth, off-topic name calling. If you want to post in a forum respect the rules of both Internet etiquette and public discourse.

Thanks for listening. Ignore the trolls.

I don't seek to change the minds of the Nazis, I seek to defeat them.

If you claim something I posted is not factual, name it and point out why you think that is the case.

You leftist thugs don't like being exposed as Nazis? Quit behaving as Nazis.
Most of the Nazis were defeated back in the 1940s. The few remaining are all on your team retard.

Oh, you mean suspending "innocent until proven guilty" has nothing to do with being a Marxist, lol. You are honestly a phony-E-baloney. Your narrative is crap, better try another there Boseaphus-)
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