What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

After the bullshit the Democrats pulled...you betcha. You reap what you sow bitches. Cry me a fucking river. Kavanaugh will hate you the same way I do...with good reason. Now fuck off.
You sound as ridiculous and as idiotic as Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh is unfit for a Supreme Court appointment for reasons other than accusations of sexual assault.

That Kavanaugh became unhinged with an asinine conspiracy theory rant is further confirmation that Kavanaugh is indeed unfit to serve.

Don't care what ThinkProgress told you to say, Clayton. Just as soon as this bullshit investivation is over, Kavanaugh will be a Justice on the Supreme Court. Just counting down the days to Ginsberg's exit, and we'll put another Brett Kananaugh on there just to watch the shit splatter as your heads explode.

[Didn't we have a "shit hits the fan" emoji? I was going to use it to denote the shit from these liberal shitheads flying after their heads exploded. This imagery isn't as concise]
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Really Nazi?

Post them.

Because I think you are once again lying.

You're a notorious fucking liar, after all. You have zero integrity or ethics - which I guess serves you as a Nazi.


i always back up what i say, mutt. & btw,

you suck at trolling.

You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.


You do realize he signed that letter 'under penalty of felony, '

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You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.


You do realize signed that letter 'under penalty of felony, '


that's STILL mighty different than being questioned & re questioned in person under oath whilst looking a fed in the eye.

damn right.
Really Nazi?

Post them.

Because I think you are once again lying.

You're a notorious fucking liar, after all. You have zero integrity or ethics - which I guess serves you as a Nazi.


i always back up what i say, mutt. & btw,

you suck at trolling.

You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.

Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?
Go listen to the opening rant again. He was squealing about "payback for Clinton" and other RWNJ garbage.

As far as the other judges, are any of them on record promising to use their position for revenge like Bart is?

It was Trump's words, right down to Trump's syntax and delivery.
Kavanaugh is a fucking puppet for Trump.
Why in the hell else would Trump choose him?
He choose him based on his record as a judge and his willingness to interpret law based on the constitution. You've heard of that, right?

he picked him because brett believes a sitting president is above the law. roe v wade is a throw in for pence & the fundies.

but it really is always about donny.

You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.

Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.

if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.


You do realize signed that letter 'under penalty of felony, '


that's STILL mighty different than being questioned & re questioned in person under oath whilst looking a fed in the eye.

damn right.

and if he sticks to what he stated in the letter?

He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Yes, because Sotomayor, Kagan, and Breyer, and Ginsburg aren't too partisan, right?

After his conspiracy theory laced opening rant last week he shouldn't even be in consideration.

What conspiracy? He called out the very people who have been smearing him and actively attempting to derail his appointment solely for political purposes. What issue do you have with the truth?
Go listen to the opening rant again. He was squealing about "payback for Clinton" and other RWNJ garbage.

As far as the other judges, are any of them on record promising to use their position for revenge like Bart is?

It was Trump's words, right down to Trump's syntax and delivery.
Kavanaugh is a fucking puppet for Trump.
Why in the hell else would Trump choose him?
He choose him based on his record as a judge and his willingness to interpret law based on the constitution. You've heard of that, right?

he picked him because brett believes a sitting president is above the law. roe v wade is a throw in for pence & the fundies.

but it really is always about donny.
What's funny about this......he was sticking up for slick Willy when he wrote that. The democrats loved him for that.
Now they faux despise him for that.
You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.

Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.

if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
Have you ever heard of someone being prosecuted for body language?
You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.


You do realize signed that letter 'under penalty of felony, '


that's STILL mighty different than being questioned & re questioned in person under oath whilst looking a fed in the eye.

damn right.
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Liberar law professors and legal scholars say you are wrong, they think Kavanaugh would make an excellent SC justice. So much for your fake news.

the dean of tale law school said to have an investigation.

the ABA said the same thing before endorsing him.

AND the jesuit priests who originally gave brett supprt, withdrew it.

The dean of "tale" you say, did you attend "tale"?

You spew all kinds of shit, Nazi.

So let's look at what was asked of Clinton.

View attachment 219460

Now is it pertinent to the case, Nazi?

If so, how is it "salacious?"

mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.


You do realize signed that letter 'under penalty of felony, '


No telling how much the Soros democrats are offering in cash and opportunity.

If they can't buy Mark Judge, they'll threaten him and his family.
that's STILL mighty different than being questioned & re questioned in person under oath whilst looking a fed in the eye.

damn right.

Clearly you believe Mark Judge can be bought or threatened.

What will be awesome is if you Nazis get caught.

I understand that the stakes are the fate of the nation. You Nazicrats win or America wins, one or the other. You have proven you'll do anything to end this nation. But there are some in the FBI who may not yet be corrupted. As you move to bribe people using GoFundMe you no doubt think you are untouchable. What if Mark Judge can't be bought though? He has a net worth of over $10 million, he may not accept your bribes.

Then you will do what you Nazis always do, you'll threaten him and his family. And there Nazi, is where you scumbags will get caught.
they trash his reputation, his name, his family, and you expect him to calmly welcome questions from his attackers?

the clintons? lol....

where did I mentions the Clintons?

I was referring to the Senators on the Left on that committee

sorry- i read your reply differantly. i was referring that brett mentioning the clintons was a reason why he was being attacked by the (D)s... he listed hillary losing as one reason...
That is true. One of the big objections to Kavanaugh is that he was nominated by Trump. As the democrats said and have been saying they would not vote to confirm anyone nominated by the president.

trump is an illegit prez.

How so?
mark judge is pertinent.
Irrelevant if he can't remember it, right?

maybe being under oath will change that, right? a letter from his attorney is mighty differant than speaking to the feds.

Irrelevant if he can't remember, right? He may not be a liar like those on the left, and really can't remember.

if it's irrelevant then there's nothing wrong with the feds coming to him on their dime to question him in person.... under oath.... no harm, no foul. unless of course he knows something & is afraid for the agents ...who have been trained to read body language... to see him in person.
Have you ever heard of someone being prosecuted for body language?

The democrats don't prosecute, they lynch.




I am praying that he gets seating and fosters a lifetime antipathy for everything Leftist until the day he dies. It's just the BEGINNING of what your ideology deserves.
He’s way too partisan, biased, and emotional to be a Supreme Court justice.

Boy you folks do nothing but spew the talking points put out by the Overlords, am I right?

If they could think better, they wouldn't be liberals.

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