What everyone is overlooking about Kavanaugh

He’s way too partisan, biased, and emotional to be a Supreme Court justice.
I would imagine that if some people went nuclear on your good name and your family became collateral damage
you would become emotional, also, Mr. Clean. And, with good cause.
As far as Kav being "too partisan", that seems to be an affliction that they all seem to have.
I will always side with the partisan Constitution
He's proven himself to be too partisan to sit on the highest court anyway.

Liberar law professors and legal scholars say you are wrong, they think Kavanaugh would make an excellent SC justice. So much for your fake news.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.
Just post shit and hope it sticks, heh Bloooze?

I'm with the ABA:
American Bar Association wants FBI probe of Kavanaugh charges

Just because you are uninformed and ignorant doesn't mean something isn't true shit for brains. Have your parents basement tested for radon gas.
It's not all bad if K. gets onto the SCOTUS.

After all, a lying strict constructionist who was a boozing teen who molested Catholic girls is still better than another Ginsberg.
We know, they were the liberal ones destroying a man's life because you wasn't getting your way.

As if you lying assholes cared about partisanship. There are none so blatantly partisan that RBG.

You hypocritical lying asshat.

Wow, just a little hysterical here.
Only losers attack the messenger when they can't attack the TRUTH in the message.


I doubt he's any more 'partisan' than any other Justice on the court, with the possible exception of Roberts
So, when did the others rant on national TV about how they were going to use their position to get even, 'cause I musta missed it.
Top my knowledge they haven't.

are you saying they aren't?
Not to the same blatant extent he is. Even gorsuch was more sedate.
People here just get dumber and dumber and..........

What everyone in the corrupt press is ignoring is that you Nazi fucks paid her over a million dollars to play this role.

How can we believe a democrat operative with such a clear financial motive to lie? Dr. Ford is gaining vast wealth from her perjury.
Lol, making shit up doesn't make it real kiddo.

You're dumb as a fucking brick, creep.

Even as Nazis go, you're a truly stupid one.
Lol you talked outta yer ass, got called on it, and insulted me rather than even attempting to back your unsupported garbage up.

What a loser you are, nothing more than comic relief.

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Lol, who's viciously attacking here?

Your playing stupid is dismissed.

YOu might be stupid, but I don't believe for a second you are THAT stupid.
the dean of tale law school said to have an investigation.

the ABA said the same thing before endorsing him.

AND the jesuit priests who originally gave brett supprt, withdrew it.

Yale is a pit of radical left mal-education. The dean of the school is likely to call for riots in promotion of Marxism.

And you are flat out lying about the ABA - you Nazis have been busted on that lie.

The association’s president urged the Senate Judiciary Committee late Thursday to stall a confirmation vote until the FBI has conducted an investigation into Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her.

The letter was not seen by the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary before it was sent to the panel, committee chairman Paul Mosley wrote in a separate letter to Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., on Friday.

The Standing Committee “acts independently” of the association’s leadership, he said.

“The Committee conducts non-partisan, non-ideological, and confidential peer review of federal judicial nominees. The ABA’s rating for Judge Kavanaugh is not affected by Mr. [Robert] Carlson’s letter,” the letter concluded. }

American Bar Association committee still stands behind Kavanaugh

You Nazis had ONE unethical pile of shit on the ABA who wrote a letter. Then the lying fucks of your corrupt press pimped it as if it were the entire ABA.

It's just the way you Nazi fucks operate.
You do realize that NAZI is much more applicable to you far right authoritarian nut-jobs than to anything else on the American political spectrum don't you?

That is a standard lib tactic. Viciously attack someone and then point to how angry they are.

You are vile beyond measure. You can shove this dishonest shit back up your ass where it came from.
Lol, who's viciously attacking here?

Your playing stupid is dismissed.

YOu might be stupid, but I don't believe for a second you are THAT stupid.
LoL, you really can't figure that out?

Even most of your conservitard buddies got that one.

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