What exactly are YOUR "Values"?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
The question was raised in regard to "exclusively" Christian Values... I would like to know what your Values are... Anyone can answer this because it does not take Religion to have Values but if your Values are Religiously based, then share them also.

Thanks for your Honest Participation in advance. :thup:


My values are that every man - i.e. person, is an entity unto himself. We owe no debt based on the color of our skin or the religion we were raised under.

Ethics are acting in such a way that we do no infringe others. Of course I mean we do not dump sewage or chemicals in the river upstream, but I also mean that we do not become a leech, sucking the life blood of the productive to satiate our own greed.

I value life, and see life as having value. The wants of rulers do not supersede the right of others to live. No one has an obligation to live their life for the benefit of others.

I value honor. I seek to do that which is honorable. I keep my oaths and promises.
Don't lie, cheat or steal.
Don't pick fights, but defend yourself if attacked and don't be a doormat.
Do no harm but if you do, own it and fix what you did.
Be colorblind.
Be honorable.
Stand by your word.
Protect the weak and helpless.
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My values are that every man - i.e. person, is an entity unto himself. We owe no debt based on the color of our skin or the religion we were raised under.

Ethics are acting in such a way that we do no infringe others. Of course I mean we do not dump sewage or chemicals in the river upstream, but I also mean that we do not become a leech, sucking the life blood of the productive to satiate our own greed.

I value life, and see life as having value. The wants of rulers do not supersede the right of others to live. No one has an obligation to live their life for the benefit of others.

I value honor. I seek to do that which is honorable. I keep my oaths and promises.

Well said. I'm much the same way.
1) Literally think of folks less fortunate than me and help when and how I can.
2) Work hard and save for my future. Don't expect others to do it for me.
3) Take responsibility for my own actions (good and bad).
4) Pull my share of the load. Don't slack-off and make my coworkers pull my load.
5) Be grateful to God for all that He provides. Thank Him often.
6) Treat others as I want to be treated.
7) Provide for my family.
8) Embrace honesty & integrity.
9) Keep my promises.
10) Remain alcohol and drug free (I'm an ex-alcoholic and drug user).
Be polite and respectful, have some manners. Don't fuck with anyone unless they really really deserve it.

(Something tells me I'm going to get drunk and break every one of those rules here tonight.):eusa_shhh:

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