What exactly did they think was going to happen.

No it's not a democracy
Who said a democracy if you can keep it
When asked what form of government did you give us?
Tell me genius, why has the USA, through every president, since the beginning, want to spread democracy through out the world? Why haven't we want to spread "Republic" throughout the world?

Apples and oranges. We are a Democratic Republic. That's what I was taught in school 40 plus years ago....back in those days you see as the Good Ole Days....

The Republic we have, is a form of democracy through representation....

Every single State government is a form of democracy as well.... We the people elect our representatives and our leaders...our governors, school boards, sheriffs, Secretary of States etc, by majority vote of the people in each state.

Certain Republics, Parliamentary systems etc for their functioning government, are simply forms of government that are democratic in nature....power lies with the people or through representation of the people.

Can you name one country on Earth, that practices this "Democracy government" that you hate?
So, all this consternation is not really about the word democracy, but just about petty partisanship.

It is good you could admit to that.

Also, not really sure how the man that added 180% more to the national debt than every president that came before him cam be called the "one of the best", but I guess we have different ideas on what makes a good POTUS

The percentage of debt increase depends on more than a simple dollar figure. You also have to take into account other things, like the GDP for instance.

Reagan increased the debt by $1,859,575,960,187.32. Trump increased it by $6,807,290,102,465.77. Obama increased it by $8,335,071,012,541.80.

The debt under President Biden hasn't been calculated yet, but you can bet it's going to far more massive than those.

BTW, FDR increased our debt by only $236,143,514,849.78, which still adds up to 1047.73% increase.

US Debt by President | Chart & Per President Deficit | Self.
The Declaration of Rights
The Declaration of Rights protects many individual rights. It opens with a broad statement of individual freedom and equality:

All men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential, and unalienable rights; among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their Lives and Liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in fine, that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness.

He also said this. That in itself mean privacy in their life's.
By the fact that government at all levels has become enormous and the people within it just as powerful, negates your statement. Now more than ever, we need to have vigilance on freedoms. We all have lost unalienable rights. Your views are on social justice rights.
The distinction is meaningless. In the end, the majority rules under both systems

A pure democracy makes no accommodation for the individual rights of the minority, and our Constitution was based on the respect for individuals rights.

Tell me genius, why has the USA, through every president, since the beginning, want to spread democracy through out the world? Why haven't we want to spread "Republic" throughout the world?

Apples and oranges. We are a Democratic Republic. That's what I was taught in school 40 plus years ago....back in those days you see as the Good Ole Days....

The Republic we have, is a form of democracy through representation....

Every single State government is a form of democracy as well.... We the people elect our representatives and our leaders...our governors, school boards, sheriffs, Secretary of States etc, by majority vote of the people in each state.

Certain Republics, Parliamentary systems etc for their functioning government, are simply forms of government that are democratic in nature....power lies with the people or through representation of the people.

Can you name one country on Earth, that practices this "Democracy government" that you hate?
Dumbass there are five forms of government
Democracy and Republic are two of the five
It's not different forms of government you dumb twat, they each describe different aspects of our government. We are a Constitutional Republic because we have a constituiton and a Republic because that constitution establishes us as a country of the People, rather than a King or Dictator. The Representative Democracy describes how we vote (democratically) for Representatives that speak for us in the various levels of government. What's so hard about that to understand you Mental Midgets? 😂

Do you deny that we elect Representatives democratically?
Dumbass there are 5 forms of government democracy and Republic are two of the 5
Dumbass there are 5 forms of government democracy and Republic are two of the 5
Hey Dumb Mother Fucker! Maybe next time read your own damn link. Guess what happened when I read it? I saw this little section:

While most use the United States as an example of a democratic government system, the United States actually has what is called a representative democracy.

Fail harder you stupid twat. 😂😂😂😂
Dumbass there are five forms of government
Democracy and Republic are two of the five

From your own link... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

While most use the United States as an example of a democratic government system, the United States actually has what is called a representative democracy. The difference lies in the method of civilian participation. In a direct democracy, every citizen is given an equal say in the government. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives who make the law.
Hey Dumb Mother Fucker! Maybe next time read your own damn link. Guess what happened when I read it? I saw this little section:

While most use the United States as an example of a democratic government system, the United States actually has what is called a representative democracy.

Fail harder you stupid twat. 😂😂😂😂
Five forms of government Republic and democracy are two of the 5 .
No where in our founding documents will you find America is a democracy.
Who said we are a democracy if you can keep it. When asked what form of government did you give us?
Also quote the pledge of allegiance.
From your own link... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

While most use the United States as an example of a democratic government system, the United States actually has what is called a representative democracy. The difference lies in the method of civilian participation. In a direct democracy, every citizen is given an equal say in the government. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives who make the law.
There are five forms of government Republic and democracy are two of them.
Five forms of government Republic and democracy are two of the 5 .
No where in our founding documents will you find America is a democracy.
Who said we are a democracy if you can keep it. When asked what form of government did you give us?
Also quote the pledge of allegiance.
Who said we are a Representative Democracy? Uhhh, how about that link you posted a second ago. :lmao:
No one said it but he did say a REPUBLIC if you can keep it.
What makes you think I give a shit was some moron Founder said? Like the Bible, those twats were full of contradictions. I'm mean they also said All men were created equal and then kept people as slaves and denied women and poor people the right to vote. Maybe you shouldn't be looking to those obvious morons for intellectual consistency.
This alone demonstrated vision and foresight
What a cute comment. What's even more adorable is you admitting to living as a cuck in a society where women and poor people forced you, against your wishes, to respect their right to vote. They bent your knee and bowed your head. Sad day for you. 😄
And the US is a representative democracy according to you now.
According to the source I use they pointed out that a Republic is not a democracy. Regradless if they claim America is a democracy. No where in our founding documents will you find the word democracy
. Also quote the pledge of allegiance
See if democracy pops up.
What makes you think I give a shit was some moron Founder said? Like the Bible, those twats were full of contradictions. I'm mean they also said All men were created equal and then kept people as slaves and denied women and poor people the right to vote. Maybe you shouldn't be looking to those obvious morons for intellectual consistency.
Will then go fuck yourself
According to the source I use they pointed out that a Republic is not a democracy. Regradless if they claim America is a democracy. No where in our founding documents will you find the word democracy
. Also quote the pledge of allegiance
See if democracy pops up.

Either your source is correct or it is not, you cannot have it both ways.

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