What exactly did they think was going to happen.

“Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council before resigning in the immediate aftermath of January 6, 2021, will testify publicly at Thursday’s prime-time hearing held by the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the plans.”

One must wonder what Mr. Pottinger and his fellow Trump administration officials thought would happen by joining the Trump White House.

Was he a true believer?

Or did he see the danger of Trump and join the administration out of a sense of national duty to protect the American people from the likes of Trump?

Did he believe like many others that once faced with the responsibilities of the Oval Office Trump would ‘straighten up and fly right’ and serve as a Reagan-like figurehead allowing those with knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and the law to run the country?

But perhaps somewhere in the back of their collective mind, no matter how hard Trump administration officials tried to ignore it, they knew this administration would end up in disgrace and failure with some of them compelled to enter the public eye testifying before a House committee as to why the president they served instigated a terrorist attack on America’s democracy and a coup attempt to overthrow a lawful, Constitutional election reflecting the will of the people.

It would have been naïve of them to believe otherwise.
It's not that I find the "I stayed for the sake of the nation" argument an entirely implausible possibility. But on the whole, it's hard for me to give much credit to witnesses.......even Cassidy......who came forward to tell what they saw after staying silent all throughout Trump's heinous criminality, abuses of power, and generally boorish behavior.
USA is a democracy.
Goddamn how many times do people have to explain what type of Government the US has. We are a Constitutional Republic and the people who founded this country loathed Democracies. Read a book and stop getting your history from the press and morons with a political agenda.
“Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council before resigning in the immediate aftermath of January 6, 2021, will testify publicly at Thursday’s prime-time hearing held by the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the plans.”

One must wonder what Mr. Pottinger and his fellow Trump administration officials thought would happen by joining the Trump White House.

Was he a true believer?

Or did he see the danger of Trump and join the administration out of a sense of national duty to protect the American people from the likes of Trump?

Did he believe like many others that once faced with the responsibilities of the Oval Office Trump would ‘straighten up and fly right’ and serve as a Reagan-like figurehead allowing those with knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and the law to run the country?

But perhaps somewhere in the back of their collective mind, no matter how hard Trump administration officials tried to ignore it, they knew this administration would end up in disgrace and failure with some of them compelled to enter the public eye testifying before a House committee as to why the president they served instigated a terrorist attack on America’s democracy and a coup attempt to overthrow a lawful, Constitutional election reflecting the will of the people.

It would have been naïve of them to believe otherwise.
From what I’ve read he was a normal hard core Republican who was appalled at what his boss was doing
Difference between Democracy and Republic is explained here in detail. This topic is important from the perspective of Indian Polity Syllabus. Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their Governing Legislation. The word Republic is derived from the Latin term Res Publica, it is a form of Government in which country is considered as Public Matter. The difference between Democracy and Republic given here can help the UPSC Civil Service exam aspirants to understand the basics better and know their comparisons thoroughly.

Aspirants would find this article very helpful while preparing for the IAS Exam.
If America was a democracy you would be attending church today because not to long ago the majority of America was Christian and in a democracy the majority would have created a law mandating every American attend church.
Excuse me? The Constitution specifically prohibits that
Difference between Democracy and Republic is explained here in detail. This topic is important from the perspective of Indian Polity Syllabus. Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their Governing Legislation. The word Republic is derived from the Latin term Res Publica, it is a form of Government in which country is considered as Public Matter. The difference between Democracy and Republic given here can help the UPSC Civil Service exam aspirants to understand the basics better and know their comparisons thoroughly.

Aspirants would find this article very helpful while preparing for the IAS Exam.
And that Representative Republican government is supposed to “represent” the population… not a minority of the population
Goddamn how many times do people have to explain what type of Government the US has. We are a Constitutional Republic and the people who founded this country loathed Democracies. Read a book and stop getting your history from the press and morons with a political agenda.
They loathed DIRECT democracies…they established a representative democracy. One in which the majority not the minority sets policy.

Madison was clear about that
Goddamn how many times do people have to explain what type of Government the US has. We are a Constitutional Republic and the people who founded this country loathed Democracies. Read a book and stop getting your history from the press and morons with a political agenda.
They also loved slavery and thought the idea of women and poor people voting to be ridiculous, so you know, maybe they aren't the best representation of your political views, unless you get down with sort if shit.
So where in the constitution does it mention democracy? In a democracy the majority can over ride rules and a constitution.
Do we have democratic elections in this country? It's a very simple question. I'm going to guess you're too much of a coward to answer honestly.

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