What exactly did they think was going to happen.

And Democrats where the authors of Jim Crow and the KKK we can play this game all day long to try and discredit each other, but that does not change the fact that the US is a Constitutional Republic.
You're the only one playing games. Why do you think it would surprise me that that racist Jim Crow and KKK members were also Democratic voters? What does that have to do with my point? Of course the Founders didn't believe in democracy, they didn't want slaves, women or poor people to have a say in government.
We can also "over-ride" the constitution with amendments passed by a super majority.
By 2/3rds of the States calling for a Convention or 2/3rds vote in Congress. Why don't you anti-2nd Amendment loons start the process ? I'll help you out, because it will not happen to many states are pro 2nd Amendment so you can't do it by Convention and any Democrat from these pro-gun states who vote to amend or get rid of the right to bear arms would see a recall and their asses out the door before the next election.
By 2/3rds of the States calling for a Convention or 2/3rds vote in Congress. Why don't you anti-2nd Amendment loons start the process ? I'll help you out, because it will not happen to many states are pro 2nd Amendment so you can't do it by Convention and any Democrat from these pro-gun states who vote to amend or get rid of the right to bear arms would see a recall and their asses out the door before the next election.

Why are you arguing with yourself?
You're the only one playing games. Why do you think it would surprise me that that racist Jim Crow and KKK members were also Democratic voters? What does that have to do with my point? Of course the Founders didn't believe in democracy, they didn't want slaves, women or poor people to have a say in government.
You are the one who brought up the actions of the Founding Fathers as a way to discredit them. Why the fuck would I listen to people who support a party that gave us Jim crow and the KKK ? It goes both ways. None of that changes the fact that the US is a Constitutional Republic.

Your either a moron who believes the US is a Democracy or you wish it where so that the West and East Coast can control the rest of the country.
You are the one who brought up the actions of the Founding Fathers as a way to discredit them.
Their actions do discredit them.
Why the fuck would I listen to people who support a party that gave us Jim crow and the KKK ?
Because parties are inanimate objects. What you should be concerned about are the people who pushed those policies.

You should also try to acknowledge the victories of black civil rights leaders who pushed racists and segregationists out of the party and made it their own. Its kind of an amazing story that the party of segregationists became the party of black and minority political power.
It goes both ways. None of that changes the fact that the US is a Constitutional Republic.
I don't deny that America is a Constitutional Republic. It's also a Representative Democracy. Those things aren't in conflict with each other. One establishes us as a government of the people based on rules established by our Constitution. The other describes how we elect people to office to represent our interests in the making of law. This all very easy to understand. You should be embarrassed that you don't
Your either a moron who believes the US is a Democracy or you wish it where so that the West and East Coast can control the rest of the country.
No. I'm just stating facts. You're the one who seems paranoid that admitting we have democratic elections is going to automatically result in your subjugation by coastal elites. 😄
Arguing ? You are the one who brought up "overriding" the Constitution and Amendments you lunatic. I laid out the legal process for doing that.
Do you understand the context in which I mentioned it, you moron? No? Because I wasn't suggesting amendments are easy to come by, I was explaining to a poster that there is a process by which we can legal change our Constitution. Still a paranoid clown looking for fights are you? 😄
Their actions do discredit them.

Because parties are inanimate objects. What you should be concerned about are the people who pushed those policies.

You should also try to acknowledge the victories of black civil rights leaders who pushed racists and segregationists out of the party and made it their own. Its kind of an amazing story that the party of segregationists became the party of black and minority political power.

I don't deny that America is a Constitutional Republic. It's also a Representative Democracy. Those things aren't in conflict with each other. One establishes us as a government of the people based on rules established by our Constitution. The other describes how we elect people to office to represent our interests in the making of law. This all very easy to understand. You should be embarrassed that you don't

No. I'm just stating facts. You're the one who seems paranoid that admitting we have democratic elections is going to automatically result in your subjugation by coastal elites. 😄
Out of all the racist segregationist politicians only Strom Thurman left the Democratic party the rest stayed in for life and most are venerated by the left. The South didn't switch from majority Democrat until the 80's almost 20 years after the Civil Rights movement so it wasn't about race at all. I'm not going to keep debating the rest of this shit because it serves no purpose. The US has always been a Constitutional Republic in a Democracy the majority would dictate for the entire country it's that goddamn simple.
Out of all the racist segregationist politicians only Strom Thurman left the Democratic party the rest stayed in for life and most are venerated by the left. The South didn't switch from majority Democrat until the 80's almost 20 years after the Civil Rights movement so it wasn't about race at all. I'm not going to keep debating the rest of this shit because it serves no purpose. The US has always been a Constitutional Republic in a Democracy the majority would dictate for the entire country it's that goddamn simple.
What a crock.

The South switched no doubt. Yea it took a while but switch they did and racial politics were a. Huge part of it
Out of all the racist segregationist politicians only Strom Thurman left the Democratic party the rest stayed in for life and most are venerated by the left. The South didn't switch from majority Democrat until the 80's almost 20 years after the Civil Rights movement so it wasn't about race at all. I'm not going to keep debating the rest of this shit because it serves no purpose. The US has always been a Constitutional Republic in a Democracy the majority would dictate for the entire country it's that goddamn simple.
Political upheavals don't happen over night. Of course it took decades for the parties to realign. As old racist democrats served out their time and died off or retired, young racists looked around at the blackening and browning Democratic party and decided to run as Republicans. But there were indeed people who switched both at the Federal and State level and historian Kevin Kruse did an excellent job sussing it all out.

2. But before Thurmond, John Tower left the Democrats in the early 1950s and won election as the first GOP senator in the modern South.

Tower spoke out against civil rights, joined with S. Dems to plot filibusters, and voted against the Civil Rights Act & Voting Rights Act.

The House was quicker to see changes.

3. Rep. William C. Cramer, the first GOP rep in Florida, for instance, switched from the Democrats in 1949, won election in 1954, urged Ike to withdraw troops from Little Rock in 1957 and voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

4. Likewise, Rep. Edward Gurney, the second GOP representative in Florida, also abandoned the Democratic Party in the early 1960s, ran for Congress as a Republican in 1962 and won, and then voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

5. Rep. Dave Treen (R-LA) -- protege of legendary segregationist Leander Perez and a 1960 elector for the States Rights Party (a.k.a. "the Dixiecrats") -- switched to the GOP in 1962.

He lost a few early races, but then won his seat in 1973 and later became governor in 1980.

6. Rep. Iris Faircloth Blitch, a segregationist who represented Georgia in Congress as a Democrat from 1955-1962, left the party over civil rights in 1964 and campaigned for Barry Goldwater.

7. Rep. James D. Martin (R-AL), originally a Democrat, joined the GOP in 1962 & won a House race in 1964.

During the Selma protests, he denounced MLK Jr. as a "rabble-rouser who has put on the sheep's clothing of non-violence while he pits race against race, man against law."

8. Rep. Bill Dickinson (R-AL), originally elected as a Democratic judge, likewise switched to the GOP and made headlines during the Selma-to-Montgomery march.

He insisted, from the House floor, that the civil rights marchers were actually a radical group engaged in wild orgies.

It goes on... I think you get the gist. You can read the rest for yourself.
What a crock.

The South switched no doubt. Yea it took a while but switch they did and racial politics were a. Huge part of it
I just laid out how that switch happened. If it was about race the South would have switched immediately after the Democratic party hijacked the Civil Rights movement in the 60's, but the "switch" didn't happen until the 80's and it was for economic reasons not racial. As I stated all of those racist southern Democratic politicians remained in the party for the rest of their lives

I just laid out how that switch happened. If it was about race the South would have switched immediately after the Democratic party hijacked the Civil Rights movement in the 60's, but the "switch" didn't happen until the 80's and it was for economic reasons not racial. As I stated all of those racist southern Democratic politicians remained in the party for the rest of their lives

Right above your thread is a post that explains it in detail

Of course you ignored that
“Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council before resigning in the immediate aftermath of January 6, 2021, will testify publicly at Thursday’s prime-time hearing held by the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the plans.”

One must wonder what Mr. Pottinger and his fellow Trump administration officials thought would happen by joining the Trump White House.

Was he a true believer?

Or did he see the danger of Trump and join the administration out of a sense of national duty to protect the American people from the likes of Trump?

Did he believe like many others that once faced with the responsibilities of the Oval Office Trump would ‘straighten up and fly right’ and serve as a Reagan-like figurehead allowing those with knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and the law to run the country?

But perhaps somewhere in the back of their collective mind, no matter how hard Trump administration officials tried to ignore it, they knew this administration would end up in disgrace and failure with some of them compelled to enter the public eye testifying before a House committee as to why the president they served instigated a terrorist attack on America’s democracy and a coup attempt to overthrow a lawful, Constitutional election reflecting the will of the people.

It would have been naïve of them to believe otherwise.

So out of curiosity, are you sad no one is paying attention since you racist a holes decided Trump doesn't get a defense, so you can make up anything you want? I'm guessing no, you're not sorry. Be honest
So out of curiosity, are you sad no one is paying attention since you racist a holes decided Trump doesn't get a defense, so you can make up anything you want?

They are using the model of a "hearing" that has been used by the Repubs in every Election Hearing held since Nov of 2020. I am not really sure you all have any room to whine.

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