What exactly did they think was going to happen.

From my link
A total of 21 Democrats in the Senate opposed the Civil Rights Act. Only one of them, "Dixiecrat" Strom Thurmond, ever became a Republican. The rest, including Al Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd--a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan--remained Democrats until the day they died.

Moreover, as those 20 lifelong Democrats
“Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council before resigning in the immediate aftermath of January 6, 2021, will testify publicly at Thursday’s prime-time hearing held by the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the plans.”

One must wonder what Mr. Pottinger and his fellow Trump administration officials thought would happen by joining the Trump White House.

Was he a true believer?

Or did he see the danger of Trump and join the administration out of a sense of national duty to protect the American people from the likes of Trump?

Did he believe like many others that once faced with the responsibilities of the Oval Office Trump would ‘straighten up and fly right’ and serve as a Reagan-like figurehead allowing those with knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and the law to run the country?

But perhaps somewhere in the back of their collective mind, no matter how hard Trump administration officials tried to ignore it, they knew this administration would end up in disgrace and failure with some of them compelled to enter the public eye testifying before a House committee as to why the president they served instigated a terrorist attack on America’s democracy and a coup attempt to overthrow a lawful, Constitutional election reflecting the will of the people.

It would have been naïve of them to believe otherwise.

I think that a lot of them thought Trump would be "manageable".
You're the only one who keeps suggesting her blackness should bolster her argument. I don't buy her arguments because I recognize strawman arguments when I hear them.
You posted an argument from a History professor on politics I post one from a professor of political science. You are absolutely ignoring her because of skin color it's what you loons do.

“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Joe Biden
As noted… elections are all over the Constitution and elections mean democracy
Yes, a republic is a form of democracy, we have already been down this road. We are now back to a Sedan not being a car..... :auiqs.jpg:
In a low tax state with responsible people as voters a Republic with unalienable rights can exist. Living in that way can have issues. People messing with each other is as old as history is. With all of the taxes of today, people still mess with each other.
In a low tax state with responsible people as voters a Republic with unalienable rights can exist. Living in that way can have issues. People messing with each other is as old as history is. With all of the taxes of today, people still mess with each other.
You posted an argument from a History professor on politics I post one from a professor of political science. You are absolutely ignoring her because of skin color it's what you loons do.
I'm actual not. I'll be happy to address her strawmen 1 by 1 with you if you think you can do a decent job of rebutting for her. That's more consideration you've given my actual information of racist segregationists who switched parties.

Let's start with the her Myth #1

She says "the argument goes like this, Republicans could no longer win in the South without appealing to racist but they actually won in the south much earlier. Herbert Hoover a Republican, won in 1928."

First let me ask you, what does this point have to do with anything? Does she go into context of that race? Like the fact that his opponent Al Smith was the first Catholic nominee and was viciously protested by the KKK? They burned crosses in protest of him. Does she mention that when Hoover won, in an attempt to try and permanently win Southerners to the Republican Party that he purged the southern GOP leadership of all its black members?

Republicans weren't Angel's sent from Heaven and Democrat weren't the devil. These were individuals with varying motives and for a large portion of America's history white racists could be found in both parties. Hell they can be found in both parties today, among voters and representatives.
“Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council before resigning in the immediate aftermath of January 6, 2021, will testify publicly at Thursday’s prime-time hearing held by the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the plans.”

One must wonder what Mr. Pottinger and his fellow Trump administration officials thought would happen by joining the Trump White House.

Was he a true believer?

Or did he see the danger of Trump and join the administration out of a sense of national duty to protect the American people from the likes of Trump?

Did he believe like many others that once faced with the responsibilities of the Oval Office Trump would ‘straighten up and fly right’ and serve as a Reagan-like figurehead allowing those with knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and the law to run the country?

But perhaps somewhere in the back of their collective mind, no matter how hard Trump administration officials tried to ignore it, they knew this administration would end up in disgrace and failure with some of them compelled to enter the public eye testifying before a House committee as to why the president they served instigated a terrorist attack on America’s democracy and a coup attempt to overthrow a lawful, Constitutional election reflecting the will of the people.

It would have been naïve of them to believe otherwise.
Hey, guess what? No one cares.
From your own link show they are disingenuous.

If this was a sudden "switch" to the Republican Party for the old Democrat segregationists, it sure took a long time to happen.

No one ever said the switch was sudden or contained to elected officials. The Southern white population absolutely did switch from heavily supporting the Democratic party to supporting the Republican party and the Black Southern population went from being the biggest opponents of Southern Democrats to being it's largest support in the South.

There was no "switch". The dems are the party of slavery and segregation. Now they disguise it by herding races ethnicites into groups and offering up tasty trinkets for votes.
There was no "switch". The dems are the party of slavery and segregation. Now they disguise it by herding races ethnicites into groups and offering up tasty trinkets for votes.
Are you arguing that 90% of black voters are swayed by tasty trinkets? That's what you think of the vast majority of black voters? Maybe workshop that hot take a little more there guy.
That's truth, not what I think.
No, it's what you think. You really came here and thought telling me that you think black voters can't think for themselves is the way you're going to really show me its the other guys who are the real racist? 😄 Great plan.
Are you arguing that 90% of black voters are swayed by tasty trinkets? That's what you think of the vast majority of black voters? Maybe workshop that hot take a little more there guy.
They have the democrat plantation mentality.

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