What exactly did they think was going to happen.

Only one person who voted against the civil rights act left the democrat party Storm Thurman.
That is false. You mean one person in the Senate, immediately after 1965. You're not even smart enough to know what the carefully curated talking points are.
It's a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

"A constitutional republic is a state where the chief executive and representatives are elected, and the rules are set down in a written constitution.

The head of state and other representatives are elected but they do not have uncontrolled power. What their power is limited to is written in the constitution. If there is dispute about what the constitution means, this is decided by a court system that is independent from the representatives.

Constitutional republics usually have a separation of powers. The separation of powers means that no single officeholder gets unlimited power. John Adams said that a constitutional republic was "a government of laws, and not of men".[1]"

Constitutional republic - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
note the words, "and to the republic for which it stands"
Goddamn how many times do people have to explain what type of Government the US has. We are a Constitutional Republic and the people who founded this country loathed Democracies.
Bull pucky.

Why was James Madison so critical of democracies? Moreover, why was he so concerned about them when, according to the definition he provided, "democracies" basically don't exist anywhere, either in his time or in our own.

Today, many conservatives like to claim that "the Founding Fathers" opposed democracy and supported less majoritarian republics.

However, as is nearly always the case whenever "the Founding Fathers" are involved, a more accurate statement would be "some Founding Fathers" condemned democracy. Indeed, many of the Founding Fathers — especially among the Anti-Federalists, openly described themselves as being in favor of "democracy" and "the democratical spirit."
“Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council before resigning in the immediate aftermath of January 6, 2021, will testify publicly at Thursday’s prime-time hearing held by the House select committee investigating the US Capitol attack, according to multiple sources familiar with the plans.”

One must wonder what Mr. Pottinger and his fellow Trump administration officials thought would happen by joining the Trump White House.

Was he a true believer?

Or did he see the danger of Trump and join the administration out of a sense of national duty to protect the American people from the likes of Trump?

Did he believe like many others that once faced with the responsibilities of the Oval Office Trump would ‘straighten up and fly right’ and serve as a Reagan-like figurehead allowing those with knowledge and experience in public policy, governance, and the law to run the country?

But perhaps somewhere in the back of their collective mind, no matter how hard Trump administration officials tried to ignore it, they knew this administration would end up in disgrace and failure with some of them compelled to enter the public eye testifying before a House committee as to why the president they served instigated a terrorist attack on America’s democracy and a coup attempt to overthrow a lawful, Constitutional election reflecting the will of the people.

It would have been naïve of them to believe otherwise.
Like I keep saying. Who in their right mind would go to work in a future Trump administration?
That is false. You mean one person in the Senate, immediately after 1965. You're not even smart enough to know what the carefully curated talking points are.
But that is true only one left the democrat party. Now why in the hell would racist democrats leave the democrat party to a party they hate? You fucking communist infiltrated the democrat party so that is the only switch that happened.
Bull pucky.

Why was James Madison so critical of democracies? Moreover, why was he so concerned about them when, according to the definition he provided, "democracies" basically don't exist anywhere, either in his time or in our own.

Today, many conservatives like to claim that "the Founding Fathers" opposed democracy and supported less majoritarian republics.

However, as is nearly always the case whenever "the Founding Fathers" are involved, a more accurate statement would be "some Founding Fathers" condemned democracy. Indeed, many of the Founding Fathers — especially among the Anti-Federalists, openly described themselves as being in favor of "democracy" and "the democratical spirit."
you still don't get the Congress exists. Guess who they represent?
Bull pucky.

Why was James Madison so critical of democracies? Moreover, why was he so concerned about them when, according to the definition he provided, "democracies" basically don't exist anywhere, either in his time or in our own.

Today, many conservatives like to claim that "the Founding Fathers" opposed democracy and supported less majoritarian republics.

However, as is nearly always the case whenever "the Founding Fathers" are involved, a more accurate statement would be "some Founding Fathers" condemned democracy. Indeed, many of the Founding Fathers — especially among the Anti-Federalists, openly described themselves as being in favor of "democracy" and "the democratical spirit."
" Indeed, many of the Founding Fathers"
The many is a couple quotes from Lee and Henry and that's it and of course slavery is brought up to try and discredit the ones who championed the Republic.
Ignore the Professor of Political Science because she ain't acting like a Black person is supposed to.

Your sole argument with people discussing black GOP candidates is that they should be listened to because they're black. No, they should not be listened to when they're espousing the failed economic and social policies of the Republican Party from 1980 to date.

In a low tax state with responsible people as voters a Republic with unalienable rights can exist. Living in that way can have issues. People messing with each other is as old as history is. With all of the taxes of today, people still mess with each other.
What the fuck are you blithering on about? Republics are not defined as "low tax states", and nowhere are voters required to be "responsible", whatever that means. A Republic is a state where the citizens elect their representatives, and the head of state is also elected. Nothing to do with rights, taxes or "responsible people".

The rest of your post is more of your "English as second language" that makes me wonder if you've ever lived in the USA in your entire life.
Your sole argument with people discussing black GOP candidates is that they should be listened to because they're black. No, they should not be listened to when they're espousing the failed economic and social policies of the Republican Party from 1980 to date.

What the fuck are you blithering on about? Republics are not defined as "low tax states", and nowhere are voters required to be "responsible", whatever that means. A Republic is a state where the citizens elect their representatives, and the head of state is also elected. Nothing to do with rights, taxes or "responsible people".

The rest of your post is more of your "English as second language" that makes me wonder if you've ever lived in the USA in your entire life.
The entire Democratic party platform is based on race and anyone who disagrees with a minority liberal is labeled a racist by you fucktards. I got that shit for 8 straight years when Obama was President.

You want to claim that Republican policies are a failure while you ignore the 60 years of dismal failure by the Democratic party in cities like Detroit and Chicago. I don't give a fuck about Republican polices they are not much different than Democrats. You are a hypocrite.
We understand. You have NOTHING intelligent to say about the OP, so you attempt to derail it with this "America is not a democracy" bullshit.
It’s not bullshit, of course. We aren’t a democracy. We are a republic. Thank God and thank the Framers.

You’re just a fact less hack.
The entire Democratic party platform is based on race and anyone who disagrees with a minority liberal is labeled a racist by you fucktards. I got that shit for 8 straight years when Obama was President.

You want to claim that Republican policies are a failure while you ignore the 60 years of dismal failure by the Democratic party in cities like Detroit and Chicago. I don't give a fuck about Republican polices they are not much different than Democrats. You are a hypocrite.

There is no point with you people. The cities failed because they lost their tax bases. Their expenses went up and their revenues disappeared. These were blue collar, manufacturing cities. Motor City. Detroit failed when GM, Ford and Chrysler closed their manufacturing plants in Detroit.

When the auto plants left, their workers had no money to spend in the stores, restaurants, or beauty shops so those places closed too, and the city got no taxes from those places or people either. And things got worse.

Instead of regurgitating the lies Republicans tell you, why don't you get an education and find out WHY things happen instead of the accepting the bullshit Republicans tell you.
“Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump’s National Security Council

Never heard of the guy. What rock did Cheney dig him out from under? I hope he has something more damning than the last committee report that a service girl who carried papers in the White House heard from a friend who heard from a secret service agent that someone told him that President Trump grew 8 foot long arms to want to take the Beast to the Capitol against security wishes on a day that the Beast wasn't even there! :laughing0301:

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