CDZ What exactly is "Equity" and how does it compare to "Equality"?

I don’t know where you came up with all that garbage from my single declarative sentence. I was just explaining what the goal of equity is.
Because that is how it looks in practice.
Isn’t gentrification a good thing? From what I‘ve heard, it improves the neighborhood. But I‘ve also heard that blacks often object when whites move in, although nobody calls that racist.


Gentrification is more of a transition in an urban area.

People with money buy low value property in an economically challenged area.
They build nicer houses, parks, and attract new businesses.

This can cause problems as it removes some of the prior community members and replaces them with upwardly mobile newer residents/businesses.
It can affect property values that then make property taxes too high for the previous tenants still living there.
It also can significantly shift aspects of the community in a cultural sense.
A community that was once the Hood with its own concerns, becomes muddled and expresses a broader approach to concerns.
And simple things like a soul food kitchen getting replaced by an Art Gallery.

However ... None of it has to actually occur along ethnic lines.
Spanish Harlem has seen gentrification many times.

Isn’t gentrification a good thing? From what I‘ve heard, it improves the neighborhood. But I‘ve also heard that blacks often object when whites move in, although nobody calls that racist.

Well, there's your answer. It depends on who's talking about it. Leftists talk about gentrification as though it's a curse word, never mind that it's usually leftists doing the gentrifying. They sob and whine over "horrible, rich white people breaking up and destroying traditionally black neighborhoods because now the black people can't afford to keep living there", but never mention that those neighborhoods were often crime-ridden hellholes.
Well, there's your answer. It depends on who's talking about it. Leftists talk about gentrification as though it's a curse word, never mind that it's usually leftists doing the gentrifying. They sob and whine over "horrible, rich white people breaking up and destroying traditionally black neighborhoods because now the black people can't afford to keep living there", but never mention that those neighborhoods were often crime-ridden hellholes.

Actually ... That's not how it usually goes.

When Caucasians profit alongside with African Americans, the community grows and starts to displace people ...
They tend to call it Gentrification and pit the ethnic groups against each other for political gain.

When a wealthy African American does the exact same thing, with the same houses and businesses ...
They tend to call it Community Investment and the wealthy African American gets an award from the mayor.

It is the way political pundits (especially Progressives and the nitwits on the Right that listen to them)
steal the ambitions and progresses of individuals
and turn them into hatred and division strictly for political gain.


Actually ... That's not how it usually goes.

When Caucasians profit alongside with African Americans, the community grows and starts to displace people ...
They tend to call it Gentrification and pit the ethnic groups against each other for political gain.

When a wealthy African American does the exact same thing, with the same houses and businesses ...
They tend to call it Community Investment and the wealthy African American gets an award from the mayor.

It is the way political pundits (especially Progressives and the nitwits on the Right that listen to them)
steal the ambitions and progresses of individuals
and turn them into hatred and division strictly for political gain.

I agree with you, but could you turn off the “Centering” for your responses? It makes it hard to read. thx.
That’s when white democrats price blacks out of town.
Blacks with enough money to move into these gentrified neighborhoods don’t because they’re racist segregationist blacks.
It’s ironic in a way. The white liberals who do all their virtue signaling against racism are only too happy to come into black neighborhoods, buy up distressed properties on the cheap from working class blacks, improve the homes to far above what their value had been, and price out blacks, who then must find new neighborhoods they can afford - and hope it doesn’t all happen again.
It’s ironic in a way. The white liberals who do all their virtue signaling against racism are only too happy to come into black neighborhoods, buy up distressed properties on the cheap from working class blacks, improve the homes to far above what their value had been, and price out blacks, who then must find new neighborhoods they can afford - and hope it doesn’t all happen again.
If by ironic you mean hypocritical.
What’s more, there are plenty of blacks who can afford to live in these gentrified neighborhoods but don’t because they’re self-segregating bigots. More hypocrisy from the left. Not a single one is called out on it.
It’s ironic in a way. The white liberals who do all their virtue signaling against racism are only too happy to come into black neighborhoods, buy up distressed properties on the cheap from working class blacks, improve the homes to far above what their value had been, and price out blacks, who then must find new neighborhoods they can afford - and hope it doesn’t all happen again.

Gentrification like Community Investment is about money and not race.

Those that fall victim to the Left's attempt to rob Community Improvement and turn it into anything ugly ...
Are just playing the game of the Progressives whether or not they know it.

Progressives will take something good, turn it into garbage, and people on the Right will help them just repeating the nonsense.
You people do realize that you are posting exactly what the Progressives want you to post ... Right?

If by ironic you mean hypocritical.
What’s more, there are plenty of blacks who can afford to live in these gentrified neighborhoods but don’t because they’re self-segregating bigots. More hypocrisy from the left. Not a single one is called out on it.
Boy, would I LOVE to share stories of hypocritical lefties. I’ve got a good one:

My neighbors are the quintessential elitist liberals. They flew massive Biden signs from their roof terrace, along with “All colors are welcome.” They both defend illegal aliens as decent people who just want a chance.

So what happens? The neighbors on the other side decided to move, and rent their house. (Now mind you, this is an expensive neighborhood where rent would be $3000 or more.) Both of the ”all are welcome here” neighbors went to the HOA to try to block renters from moving in next door to them. The wife said that “renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood”.

P.S. She lost, and renters moved in….a nice, young professional couple.

Gentrification like Community Investment is about money and not race.

Those that fall victim to the Left's attempt to rob Community Improvement and turn it into anything ugly ...
Are just playing the game of the Progressives whether or not they know it.

Progressives will take something good, turn it into garbage, and people on the Right will help them just repeating the nonsense.
You people do realize that you are posting exactly what the Progressives want you to post ... Right?

That makes no sense.
Boy, would I LOVE to share stories of hypocritical lefties. I’ve got a good one:

My neighbors are the quintessential elitist liberals. They flew massive Biden signs from their roof terrace, along with “All colors are welcome.” They both defend illegal aliens as decent people who just want a chance.

So what happens? The neighbors on the other side decided to move, and rent their house. (Now mind you, this is an expensive neighborhood where rent would be $3000 or more.) Both of the ”all are welcome here” neighbors went to the HOA to try to block renters from moving in next door to them. The wife said that “renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood”.

P.S. She lost, and renters moved in….a nice, young professional couple.
You must live in my neighborhood.
We discourage renters because they often become student rentals (we live next to a major college campus).
But we’re mostly white in the middle of a predominantly black and highspanic county.
Lots of BLM signs around here. That’s how you can tell it’s mostly white.
Boy, would I LOVE to share stories of hypocritical lefties. I’ve got a good one:

My neighbors are the quintessential elitist liberals. They flew massive Biden signs from their roof terrace, along with “All colors are welcome.” They both defend illegal aliens as decent people who just want a chance.

So what happens? The neighbors on the other side decided to move, and rent their house. (Now mind you, this is an expensive neighborhood where rent would be $3000 or more.) Both of the ”all are welcome here” neighbors went to the HOA to try to block renters from moving in next door to them. The wife said that “renters lower the caliber of the neighborhood”.

P.S. She lost, and renters moved in….a nice, young professional couple.

Reminds of when a bunch of new arrivals from the closest Metro Area started moving in around here.
They tried to start a Homeowner's Association in a subdivision not too far away, with all kinds of slogans like ...
"We just want to protect our Wholesome Family Values".

They were surprised when the answer was ...
"We had Wholesome Family Values before you got here, it's why you moved here ...
and you can take that garbage you are trying to sell back to where you came from".

I have to be honest, and say I don't really recall the term "Equity" being used the way it has before about 2-3 years ago. Back then the calls were for "Equality" a term far more easy to understand, and define.

My question is why the change? When did Equality become not good enough?

My answer, to start things off, is using Equity allows you to seem like supporting equality, but allows you to add a fudge factor to favor one side/person/thing over another. It's basically giving one side the advantage due to "XYZ" but still claim because of the other sides previous advantages, things are now truly equal.

It's a way to put your finger on the scale and tip the situation in your favor, or in the favor of the side you approve of.

Equality is treating people the same. Equity is treating people fairly.

If men and women are treated equally, both would run in the same 100m race. To treat them fairly, men compete against each other, and women compete against each other.
That makes no sense.

Of course it doesn't make sense to you ... That's why you are still doing what they want you to ... :thup:
You haven't figured out what they are doing, and how they are using you to accomplish their goals.

It's how 10 influential African Americans used Spanish Harlem and Marxist Ideology to gain a seat at the Democrat table
back when President Wilson, one of the most racist Presidents we ever had, was President.

It's nothing new.
I bet you still think it was all about President Johnson and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Equality is treating people the same. Equity is treating people fairly.

If men and women are treated equally, both would run in the same 100m race. To treat them fairly, men compete against each other, and women compete against each other.

No, and no. See, this is the exact same fallacy and exploitation of that fallacy that I mentioned before. "Equal" does not mean "exactly alike". It is equality to provide women the same chance to compete against physically comparable people as is provided to men; it is "equity" to make them compete against delusional men so those men can feel girly.

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