CDZ What exactly is "Equity" and how does it compare to "Equality"?

No, and no. See, this is the exact same fallacy and exploitation of that fallacy that I mentioned before. "Equal" does not mean "exactly alike". It is equality to provide women the same chance to compete against physically comparable people as is provided to men; it is "equity" to make them compete against delusional men so those men can feel girly.

Competition is never about finding Equality or Equity ... Infact it is the exact opposite.
Who we allow to compete in any arena, is really more about Progressives getting people to fight with each other.

You got to wonder who is going to win that competition ... :dunno:

I am guessing Progressives will take competition, and the drive for excellence ...
Turn it into something ugly, and beat the Right to death with it.

If they are any good at it ... They'll get the Right to play their part.

It's certainly not their first attempt either and they are building on a previous success.

Progressives targeted Competition with Equity when they tried to diminish the Rewards for success and excellence
with the Participation Trophy.

That's old news ... And they got people to fight with each other about that as well ... :thup:

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No, and no. See, this is the exact same fallacy and exploitation of that fallacy that I mentioned before. "Equal" does not mean "exactly alike". It is equality to provide women the same chance to compete against physically comparable people as is provided to men; it is "equity" to make them compete against delusional men so those men can feel girly.
I think equality suggests equal opportunity while equity is a forced guaranteed equal outcome. One is freedom based and the other is communist.
No, and no. See, this is the exact same fallacy and exploitation of that fallacy that I mentioned before. "Equal" does not mean "exactly alike". It is equality to provide women the same chance to compete against physically comparable people as is provided to men; it is "equity" to make them compete against delusional men so those men can feel girly.
Nope. Grab a dictionary as opposed to what you want words to mean.
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Nope. Grab a dictionary as opposed to what you want words to mean.

Sorry, but we're not talking about the strict dictionary definition, any more than anyone else throwing those words around is. What I'm talking about is how they're ACTUALLY being used. But thank you for pointing out yet another serious problem in our society today: people choosing words that traditionally mean what they WISH defined them, and then misusing those words to represent the exact opposite thing they're pushing for. And, of course, then pointing back to the dictionary and saying, "This MUST be what I'm talking about, because look at the definition!"

See the dictionary definition for "liberal" versus what people who call themselves liberal actually push for to understand what I mean.

I'll give a crap about "grabbing a dictionary" just as soon as it has anything whatsoever to do with the way the words are being used.

Now, did you want to talk about what's actually going on in society, or did you want to try to evade it some more by claiming the dictionary validates you?
Sorry, but we're not talking about the strict dictionary definition, any more than anyone else throwing those words around is. What I'm talking about is how they're ACTUALLY being used. But thank you for pointing out yet another serious problem in our society today: people choosing words that traditionally mean what they WISH defined them, and then misusing those words to represent the exact opposite thing they're pushing for. And, of course, then pointing back to the dictionary and saying, "This MUST be what I'm talking about, because look at the definition!"

See the dictionary definition for "liberal" versus what people who call themselves liberal actually push for to understand what I mean.

I'll give a crap about "grabbing a dictionary" just as soon as it has anything whatsoever to do with the way the words are being used.

Now, did you want to talk about what's actually going on in society, or did you want to try to evade it some more by claiming the dictionary validates you?
Sorry, I'm English so over here, we have a grasp of the English language. Americans have a butchered version of English, that's why you use many words incorrectly. Not my fault.
Sorry, I'm English so over here, we have a grasp of the English language. Americans have a butchered version of English, that's why you use many words incorrectly. Not my fault.
Since the terms are being used in America, it’s necessary to rely on the butchered versions.
Since the terms are being used in America, it’s necessary to rely on the butchered versions.
I have an apple tree. You are short and your friend is tall.

I allow one of you to pick apples. That's inequality.

I allow both of you to pick apples and I give each of you a step ladder each of the same height. That's equality.

I allow both of you to pick apples and give you each a step ladder, but I give you a slightly taller step ladder so you both can reach the apples. That's fairness, equity.

Equality is giving both the equal opportunity, equity is knowing people have different circumstances so to try and give equal outcome, you treat them with fairness.

Did that help your butchered English? So if you guys do it different to that, good luck.
I have an apple tree. You are short and your friend is tall.

I allow one of you to pick apples. That's inequality.

I allow both of you to pick apples and I give each of you a step ladder each of the same height. That's equality.

I allow both of you to pick apples and give you each a step ladder, but I give you a slightly taller step ladder so you both can reach the apples. That's fairness, equity.

Equality is giving both the equal opportunity, equity is knowing people have different circumstances so to try and give equal outcome, you treat them with fairness.

Did that help your butchered English? So if you guys do it different to that, good luck.
I believe in the short guy planting his own apple tree.
Or digging potatoes.
Sorry, I'm English so over here, we have a grasp of the English language. Americans have a butchered version of English, that's why you use many words incorrectly. Not my fault.

Sorry, I'm honest over here, so I have a grasp of what's actually meant. But any time you want to put your "grasp of the English language" and "correct word usage" up against me, Captain Grammar Nazi, we can go.

Did you have something to say about equity as it's currently preached in popular culture?
I have an apple tree. You are short and your friend is tall.

I allow one of you to pick apples. That's inequality.

I allow both of you to pick apples and I give each of you a step ladder each of the same height. That's equality.

I allow both of you to pick apples and give you each a step ladder, but I give you a slightly taller step ladder so you both can reach the apples. That's fairness, equity.

Equality is giving both the equal opportunity, equity is knowing people have different circumstances so to try and give equal outcome, you treat them with fairness.

Did that help your butchered English? So if you guys do it different to that, good luck.

Hey, did you have anything at all to say about the ACTUAL issues currently being discussed in the popular culture, or are all your posts going to be unrelated analogies to try to make "equity" sound like it's not the nasty piece of work it actually is?
Hey, did you have anything at all to say about the ACTUAL issues currently being discussed in the popular culture, or are all your posts going to be unrelated analogies to try to make "equity" sound like it's not the nasty piece of work it actually is?

It may be more interesting if you asked him who owns the apples and who provides the stepladders ... :dunno:
I mean let's get down to the nitty-gritty of exactly how this Equality/Equity thing is going to work.

You have to Iighten up on the captain, Cecilie1200. He's an "Englishman." And he obviously thinks that fact makes him better than us, lowly Americans.

Maybe he can't help acting like an arrogant, condescending piece of dogshit. Lol...
Wait! Here's a shot in the dark.
There could be an effort to distance America from France's motto, which is usually found to be not acceptable for Americans.

Liberty yes, but not fraternity and definitely not equality. (egality being both social and political )
Who is against Liberty equality and fraternity? More GOP propaganda and ignorance no doubt...
Obviously I do. Also equity which is a stupid word anyway.
Obviously? I have never seen anything out of you that says this is true.

Affirmative action is an example that illustrates the difference between equality and equity. What is your position on affirmative action?
In the modern political arena, this cartoon seems to sum it up best.


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