CDZ What exactly is "Equity" and how does it compare to "Equality"?

Yes it is.
No, it isn’t. That’s the false thinking of lefties like you and Kamala.

You think that if the government gives blacks $25,000 for a house down payment, and as a result they now own homes at the 70% rate that whites do, then it’s equality? What if the $25k isn’t enough? Do we keep on raising the amount until blacks own at the same rate? What if we have to pay half the mortgage?

So we would live in a nation where whites have to pay the entire mortgage, and blacks get half paid by other people?

What about the fact that blacks don’t own homes at the same rate due to their high OOW birthrate? Should we just say “go right ahead and keep on doing that which harms your ability to buy your own house” because other people will buy one for you? All that does is condone the irresponsible behavior that keeps them from owning at the same rate.

And that would also mean that whites, who have a mortgage to pay, would have to work full-time jobs, while blacks, who have other people covering half the cost, can maybe work a part-time job and just relax most of the time?
Another example: blacks have much less in savings. (Hard to save when you are a single parent.) So should we just confiscate whitey’s assets and put them in the bank accounts of blacks? Would that mean “equality.”

When you hand money out to people who did nothing to earn it to “equitize” them with those who did via hard work, smart choices, and responsible behavior, you discourage those very things. It’s a slippery slope.
No, it isn’t. That’s the false thinking of lefties like you and Kamala.

You think that if the government gives blacks $25,000 for a house down payment, and as a result they now own homes at the 70% rate that whites do, then it’s equality? What if the $25k isn’t enough? Do we keep on raising the amount until blacks own at the same rate? What if we have to pay half the mortgage?

So we would live in a nation where whites have to pay the entire mortgage, and blacks get half paid by other people?

What about the fact that blacks don’t own homes at the same rate due to their high OOW birthrate? Should we just say “go right ahead and keep on doing that which harms your ability to buy your own house” because other people will buy one for you? All that does is condone the irresponsible behavior that keeps them from owning at the same rate.

And that would also mean that whites, who have a mortgage to pay, would have to work full-time jobs, while blacks, who have other people covering half the cost, can maybe work a part-time job and just relax most of the time?
I don’t know where you came up with all that garbage from my single declarative sentence. I was just explaining what the goal of equity is.
And I explained why you are wrong.
You explained nothing. You went on a rant about Kamala Harris. I simply made a non-political comment what the goal of equity is. I didn’t say I agreed or or did not agree with someone. That crap was a product of your overeager imagination.
You explained nothing. You went on a rant about Kamala Harris. I simply made a non-political comment what the goal of equity is. I didn’t say I agreed or or did not agree with someone. That crap was a product of your overeager imagination.
Of course your statement was political. Anything having to do with this whole “equity” narrative is political, and pushed by leftists.

As far as my ”rant” about Harris, I was using her as an example of what giving out equity means - and why it is harmful.
Of course your statement was political. Anything having to do with this whole “equity” narrative is political, and pushed by leftists.

As far as my ”rant” about Harris, I was using her as an example of what giving out equity means - and why it is harmful.
I never stated anywhere that I agreed with Kamala Harris or her approach. As a matter of fact, I have major issues and concerns with what she says and wants. I was looking at this discussion from a semantics POV, I.e. explaining the difference between “equity” and “equality.”
I never stated anywhere that I agreed with Kamala Harris or her approach. As a matter of fact, I have major issues and concerns with what she says and wants. I was looking at this discussion from a semantics POV, I.e. explaining the difference between “equity” and “equality.”
Yes, and you gave your OPINION that the goal of equity is equality. My opinion is that we already have equality - it is illegal to discriminate by race - and all that people who are “behind” need to do to achieve equity with more successful people is to take advantage of that equality, work hard, make smart choices, and earn their way to equity,

I opened your eyes, apparently, to what people in power think equity is. Harris is in the record as saying equity is achieved when all groups have the same outcome, regardless apparently of their own efforts. That is why she, and other leftists, want to give more and more handouts to people who are behind, even when due to their own poor behavior and actions, until their outcome is the same as people whose behavior was exemplary and actions admirable.
Well, "equal" actually means "I am just as much a person with intrinsic value as anyone else is". And the official systems of society should recognize that. If people understood that definition and accepted it, instead of trying to yammer on about, "I am not exactly like you, so we're not equal", we'd be better off.

We would be better off if people understood that a pursuit of excellence in everything they do ...
and a drive for continuous improvement in everything they touch is better than any pursuit of equality or mediocrity ... :thup:

If a person is satisfied with less, then why bother?


We would be better off if people understood that a pursuit of excellence in everything they do ...
and a drive for continuous improvement in everything they touch is better than any pursuit of equality or mediocrity ... :thup:

If a person is satisfied with less, then why bother?

Yes. What is missing these days is “shame” - a very good emotion that helps people behave appropriately.

Shouldn‘t a middle income husband and wife who keep having multiple children they can’t afford be a little ashamed that they are unable to support their own family and must take advantage of welfare benefits, such as a massive $300 per child per month handout? Whatever happened to PRIDE in being able to support oneself?
Yes. What is missing these days is “shame” - a very good emotion that helps people behave appropriately.

Shouldn‘t a middle income husband and wife who keep having multiple children they can’t afford be a little ashamed that they are unable to support their own family and must take advantage of welfare benefits, such as a massive $300 per child per month handout? Whatever happened to PRIDE in being able to support oneself?

I can see where people try to reason out a lot of things when it comes to the actions of others, or society as a whole.

For me ...
Never try to be better than someone else,
Always try to be better than yourself.

It is all you need to remember to do the best you can for everyone around you.
It's not so much Pride as whether or not you are doing what you should be doing in the first place.

Those that can manage it well, will get the rewards.

Yes it is.
Well, if that's really the goal, then the people pushing it are even stupider than I currently think they are. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they knew it wouldn't work that way, and were just lying to achieve their own ends. Now I guess I'll have to revise that to "too dumb to know that water is wet".
The goal of equity is equality.
That's fucking ridiculous!


It's guaranteed by the power of law. It includes fair housing, employment, and educational opportunities.

Now, it's up to black people to make the most of their equal opportunities. THAT will include getting an education, getting, and keeping a job, developing a strong work ethic and sense of self-reliance, learning to save and manage money, and most of all, working their asses off, like everyone else.

If blacks want 'equity,' and if by that, they mean having the very same things that white folks have, then it is now ENTIRELY up to them.

The next step is to get a job and work their asses off to EARN the things they want. NO ONE OWES THEM A FUCKING LIVING.

It's time to END the fucking government handouts!
Equity is a white democrat euphemism for ‘please don’t let any black people move into my white democrat neighborhood’.

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