CDZ What exactly is "Equity" and how does it compare to "Equality"?

.... Would you like to address that by commenting on Americans' acceptance or rejection of France's motto?

It's a baseless point of origin, and would require the respondent to assume the feelings, opinions or impressions of others ... :thup:


You know the answer to that ... People are stupid but figured out Equality was never going to happen.
So the politicians just re-branded the same garbage and tried to look smarter by moving the goal posts.


One can achieve forms of equality, mostly equality of opportunity.
One can achieve forms of equality, mostly equality of opportunity.

I understand what you are trying to say, but that is a trap in the ideology surrounding Equality.
An opportunity can be allowed for everyone, but the actual ability to achieve sucess and seize the opportunity is always influenced by the variables.

Until you can remove the variables ... Nothing is Equal.


I understand what you are trying to say, but that is a trap in the ideology surrounding Equality.
An opportunity can be allowed for everyone, but the actual ability to achieve sucess and seize the opportunity is always influenced by the variables.

Until you can remove the variables ... Nothing is Equal.


There is the perfect ideal concept of equal, and the more realistic concept of equal enough.

If I can get something everyone else can get, i.e. a drivers license, that is equal access. Of course you can point out cases like blind people, or people with no limbs as outliers, but lets stick to things like race, sex, sexuality, etc.

There is complete equality based on those categories on someone's ability to get a driver's license, yes or no?

Equality in a social sense is visionary and idealistic.
Equity is an attempt to suggest the outcome is actually achievable through applied processes.


Equality says everyone receives the same regardless of need.
Give a poor family $1000, you give a rich family $1000 also = EQUALITY

Equity says you help those who need help.
Give a poor family $2000, give the wealthy family $0 = EQUITY

Oh stop your whining

Make me.

While you fail because you are powerless to back up your shit, my point stands.

Tell you faggot meme to a white guy that was denied a job that he needed, to punish him for something someone else did, long before he was born.
Equality involves treating people the same.

Equity, as it is used by the authoritarian left, involves patently UNEQUAL treatment in order to facilitate equal outcome. Some people need to be handicapped and some need preferential treatment in this system.
Equality says everyone receives the same regardless of need.
Give a poor family $1000, you give a rich family $1000 also = EQUALITY

Equity says you help those who need help.
Give a poor family $2000, give the wealthy family $0 = EQUITY

I understand your suggestions, and they correct on face value.
However ...

A rich family can turn $1000 into more than a poor family can.
They don't have to spend the $1000, can combine it with more money and simply increase their fortune.

Equity is much the same.
You cannot put a monetary value on sustainability.

There is complete equality based on those categories on someone's ability to get a driver's license, yes or no?

It isn't Equal with the exception of the fact it is available.
Nothing else in regard to two separate people is Equal.

I have already mentioned it, and Equality is unachievable outside of Applied Mathematics.
Only in Applied Mathematics can you control all the variables necessary to balance the equation.

I also stated it could be measured in what a government doesn't do for anyone, because 0=0 regardless.

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Equity is nothing but an other word to justify taking from some and giving it to others for whatever just cause dictated by the majority.


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Equity is nothing but an other word to justify taking from some and giving it to others for whatever just cause dictated by the majority.
Actually, it means helping those who need help
Something all great societies do

Building Handicapped Ramps is EQUITY
Providing extra help for children who struggle with reading is EQUITY
Helping a poor family pay for food, housing and healthcare is EQUITY

It isn't Equal with the exception of the fact it is available.
Nothing else in regard to two separate people is Equal.

I have already mentioned it, and Equality is unachievable outside of Applied Mathematics.
Only in Applied Mathematics can you control all the variables necessary to balance the equation.

I also stated it could be measured in what a government doesn't do for anyone, because 0=0 regardless.


You are using a mathematical definition for a non mathematical application.

If two people can get the same document from the government they have equal access.

If two people can get the same treatment under a given law, they have equal protection under that law.
You are using a mathematical definition for a non mathematical application.

If two people can get the same document from the government they have equal access.

If two people can get the same treatment under a given law, they have equal protection under that law.

I agreed it is equal in availability, but nothing else is equal about it.

One person may have farther to drive.
One person may get in line earlier and waste less time waiting.
One person may spend less of their overall income on the license.
One person ... Well, you should get the picture by now.

All the possible variables that don't make it Equal are impossible to list.

I am not suggesting that it should influence any requirement to have one.
I am just not prepared to pretend that it is Equal when it isn't ... :thup:

Equal protection under the law refers to an absence of preferential treatment ...
Thus something the government didn't do (0=0).
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Equality demands equal treatment but not equal outcomes. IOW, we can't discriminate against anybody.

Equity demands equal outcomes but not equal treatment. IOW, we CAN discriminate against somebody to achieve fairness of outcomes whether it was earned or not.

I believe that most Americans support the concept of equality, no one should be denied access or opportunity due to some factor of illegal discrimination. But I think most Americans do not support the idea of equity, particularly by gov't dictates. Recently, in CA the voters there shot down an amendment to their state Constitution that would have struck down the requirement for equality in favor of equity, where the state can legally favor one group of people over another.
To me, equity basically means equal outcomes whether you earned it or not, while equality means equal treatment as in the same rules apply to everyone.
Yes, this is it exactly.

The problem, obviously, is that the radical left use it ”prove” that racism exists, while ignoring contributing factors. For example, if only 40% of blacks own their own homes compared to 70% of whites, they will say it is due to racism - and that until 70% of blacks own homes, like the whites do, there is racism.

Kamala Harris has said until there is “equity between blacks and whites,” racism exists. She would therefore develop programs to provide home ownership to blacks, largely by giving them $25,000 downpayments. One can imagine that if even that big handout fails to “equitiize” the percentages, she would up it to more. She will keep going until blacks own their houses in the same percentages as whites, and voila! racism is gone.

The problem is that there is no factoring in of personal behavior that contributes to the lack of equity. Blacks have a 74% out-ofwedlock rate which is correlated with poor educational attainment and poverty. So by just giving money to “equitiize” people, there is no incentive or reward for reducing behaviors that led to the inequity in the first place.
The problem with basing things on "equity" is that it requires us to look at people's race, gender, etc. first when judging them, and history has proven that's not the way to go.

These leftists can try to justify it as much as they want, but they're categorizing people based on the color of their skin and thinking they're virtuous for doing it. They are much like German Nazis.

What exactly is "Equity" and how does it compare to "Equality"?​

The OP asks a legit question. But since our modern day American “liberals” and all progressives are hostile to the actual meaning of words, they tend to define them on an ad hoc and often conflicting basis. They may mean one and use the other term. And that can happen accidentally (ignorantly) or intentionally.

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