What Excuse Will be used for the Left's Mid-Term Disaster?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?

Man I’d love to agree with you, but the Dems are almost certainly going to win back the house, they just are.
To actually answer the question:

If the Dems win the House, the GOP will say it was because the public is stupid and controlled by the media.

If the GOP holds the House, the Dems will say it was because the public is stupid and not paying attention.

Gotta love the wingers. No mirrors in their homes.
Still gotta get through a still very hot summer and make it to fall for the midterms. I've seen it before and I'm sure I'll see it again, it's way to early to predict an outcome. But still fun to contemplate.
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?

Their excuse will not be based on logic, reality or truth. In a war of ideologies waged for hearts and minds, those hearts and minds with jobs, food & shelter, and a surplus of hope in their bank statements will carry the day either way. American tradition and the power of personal responsibility and rewards of hard work, not the lying promise of utopia and idealism, will reign.
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?
Maybe they can just blame the Russians.
To actually answer the question:

If the Dems win the House, the GOP will say it was because the public is stupid and controlled by the media.

If the GOP holds the House, the Dems will say it was because the public is stupid and not paying attention.

Gotta love the wingers. No mirrors in their homes.

Check out the weather channel. The floods in the Northeast and the left coast fires are going to be vote-suppressive well through November and that works against the Ds in swing districts. Lots of budget problems too from the same sources. lots of tax increases coming as well.
We shall see what happens in November

Right now, indicators are not strong for the GOP
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?

Their excuse will not be based on logic, reality or truth. In a war of ideologies waged for hearts and minds, those hearts and minds with jobs, food & shelter, and a surplus of hope in their bank statements will carry the day either way. American tradition and the power of personal responsibility and rewards of hard work, not the lying promise of utopia and idealism, will reign.

In the northeast there will be excuses. excessive rain has being going strong all summer to the point where the ground is so saturated that even an inch or two of rain can wash out roads to suppress voting and cause tax increases.
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?

The Democrat Party is already starting to blame the Russkies for the schlonging they will be taking in November.

But in reality, the real reason is the party's failure to move to the center.

They should really be out there trying to recruit the Bush Family, Flake, the McCains, Georgre Will,Kasich, over to their banner and move the party back toward the center.

Only by opening up the party to all the folks who are obsessed with Anti Trump Hatred will they be able to keep it respectable.
They will blame the Russians and say that the vote can't be trusted and should be disregarded.
They will blame the Russians and say that the vote can't be trusted and should be disregarded.
If Trump offers to let judges and defense attorneys to read the unredacted FISA warrant memos just prior to the election that will really screw over the Ds.
Mueller has to end the witch hunt before the midterms. That means by the end of August.
When there are no indictments against Trump or his campaign the DEMs are going to go bat-shit crazy.
The Trump hate air in the ballon will collapse and totally demoralize the DEMs voters.
The DEM turn-out will be near ten percent.
The LIB Trump hate media will be throwing up in their TV studios.
The excuse the LIB media and the Dems will use is: "Somehow, someway the Russians and Trump 'got to' the Mueller team.
Mueller has to end the witch hunt before the midterms. That means by the end of August.
When there are no indictments against Trump or his campaign the DEMs are going to go bat-shit crazy.
The Trump hate air in the ballon will collapse and totally demoralize the DEMs voters.
The DEM turn-out will be near ten percent.
The LIB Trump hate media will be throwing up in their TV studios.
The excuse the LIB media and the Dems will use is: "Somehow, someway the Russians and Trump 'got to' the Mueller team.
"the witchhunt"...sure is easy to spot those trumpanzees well-groomed to believe anything, Comrade.
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?

I think they are already preparing to use the "Russian meddling" excuse.
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?

Man I’d love to agree with you, but the Dems are almost certainly going to win back the house, they just are.
Either way, the Democrats will witness the #walkaway movement, and they will fear it crushing them in the future. There is literally a black millennial from the inner city who voted for Hillary that is slamming the fuck out of Democrats right now and gaining thousands of subscribers as just one of thousands of vocal #walkaway supporters(with many many more who aren’t as vocal...yet)

Even if every Democrat comes out in November, there won’t be a blue wave. They will barely win the House or Republicans will win the House despite high turnout, and that will smash the hell out of the “gerrymandering” argument.

I can’t wait to see what Trump does with his new coalition of voters in the 2020 election. Democrats don’t have a prayer in 2020.
Just as they accuse "The Russians" of doing, the MSM is doing its part to promote a Democrat takeover in November.

They ignore or discount good economic news and other news favorable to Trump. They highlight nonsense and non-events, to the extent that they can portray Trump in a bad light. They showcase petty Democrat "victories" in races where the electorate is absurdly Leftist (St. Alexandria). They focus on "generic" polls showing a Democrat takeover, and polls in outlier districts where an individual Democrat is favored over a Republican incumbent, even though they may be (and are) a tiny minority of districts.

But there is no generic election. There are hundreds of individual elections, where individual candidates are contesting individual seats. And the Left/Democrat machine has NO ISSUES with which to attract right-of-center or "moderate" voters. They hope that "Free stuff, paid for by Someone Else" will attract enough votes to take over the House, while the issues that Americans really care about - the economy, immigration, national security - are much stronger for Trump and the Republicans.

The Republicans will lose a few seats - my own district, I sadly admit - but they will retain the House and increase their slight majority in the Senate.

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