What Excuse Will be used for the Left's Mid-Term Disaster?

Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?
They will have no problems, if they stick with Polisi and Boxer and follow the Democrat line. The Socialist line worked for Sanders in many areas and the "Gimme" group will storm out to the voting booths
To actually answer the question:

If the Dems win the House, the GOP will say it was because the public is stupid and controlled by the media.

If the GOP holds the House, the Dems will say it was because the public is stupid and not paying attention.

Gotta love the wingers. No mirrors in their homes.

you still pretending trumpkins aren't immoral, disgusting trash?
The voters are more sophisticated this time around and are fully aware that the Russians are already involved.

With Mueller's release of the Russiagate collusion/conspiracy reports in about six weeks, the American voters will become very energized.
They'll figure out a way to somehow blame their election losses on Global Warming, of course.
You miswrote: you mean the GOP disaster.
You'd better hope that's the case... otherwise, you'll have a 7-2 Court on your hands, and you 'll be on the sidelines for a generation.

The truth is, America has had enough of your Illegal Aliens and Sexual Deviants to last for at least another few years.

Hell, you (collectively) clowns can't even admit to yourselves, why you lost on November 8, 2016.

Looking in the mirror = as ya'll so desperately need to do - requires courage and honesty and objectivity, not partisan dogma.
Races tend to tighten up as the election draws closer. So, the generic polls will likely get closer prior to the mid terms. The Dems had an 11.5% generic lead in 2006 when they recaptured the house. George W Bush had a 35% approval rating. It netted them 30 seats. These polls tend to underestimate the GOP vote. Forget about 2016 for a minute.

2006 - Dem 11.5% generic lead = 30 seats.
2010 - Rep 9.5% generic lead = 64 seats.

GOP gains more than twice the number of house seats with a lower generic lead.

The GOP is holding the House easily this time around.
Yeah, we all remember President Romney talking about that. :lol: The stats mean nothing. However, check the Party Excitement numbers, Mike, if you want a fairly accurate guestimate. In 2010, the GOP was 67% to the Dems 49%. It is the exact opposite this time.

I don't think that is an accurate reading this time around. I could be wrong. But, I think there is a stigma associated with Trump supporters that makes them less "enthusiastic". Trump supporters have been effectively stereotyped and I think many will be more likely to vote than to actually admit to supporting Trump. Just my opinion. An anecdotal example is friend of mine who said he would never place a Trump sign in his yard or a bumper sticker on his car due to fear of property damage caused by Trump haters. I believe he was just being paranoid, but I think a lot of people fear this kind of stuff. There is a lot of enthusiasm for Trump out there and I think that the house is totally safe for the GOP.

There is not. What you forget are suburban voters who reluctantly voted against Clinton not for Trump. They are voting against Republicans. The 15 seats that Republicans lost in the Virginia House pf Delegates was in the suburbs. Republicans likely will lose control of the House.
I say

Let's wait and see!

Yes? :biggrin:

You miswrote: you mean the GOP disaster.
You'd better hope that's the case... otherwise, you'll have a 7-2 Court on your hands, and you 'll be on the sidelines for a generation.

The truth is, America has had enough of your Illegal Aliens and Sexual Deviants to last for at least another few years.

Hell, you (collectively) clowns can't even admit to yourselves, why you lost on November 8, 2016.

Looking in the mirror = as ya'll so desperately need to do - requires courage and honesty and objectivity, not partisan dogma.
They are on the sidelines anyway.

#walkaway is now destroying the left in Canada because the Democrats already have a mortal wound.
Normally the party not having the White House wins big in the mid-terms. Will the Ds have a net gain in the Senate? Highly unlikely. In fact given that most of the D incumbents needed Obama to win in 2012 some losses are a more probable outcome. Will the Ds win the House? Too close to call. That will be a mid-term disaster of unknown magnitude. Losing seats in either house is more than a failure. Losing cloture in the Senate is a coin toss. Nelson here in FL is not even campaigning. What bogus excuse will the left use to explain their failure?

"At this point, what difference does it make"? -Hillary Clinton

As a side note, Hello! You're in America! Fuckin Nelson is better than 95% of the other Democrats.

The last good Democrat was Bob Graham. Democrats aren't even for Americans, or the concepts the Founding Fathers laid down


They surely aren't for Superman, either. They despise Truth, Justice, and the American way.
You miswrote: you mean the GOP disaster.
You'd better hope that's the case... otherwise, you'll have a 7-2 Court on your hands, and you 'll be on the sidelines for a generation.

The truth is, America has had enough of your Illegal Aliens and Sexual Deviants to last for at least another few years.

Hell, you (collectively) clowns can't even admit to yourselves, why you lost on November 8, 2016.

Looking in the mirror = as ya'll so desperately need to do - requires courage and honesty and objectivity, not partisan dogma.
They are on the sidelines anyway.

#walkaway is now destroying the left in Canada because the Democrats already have a mortal wound.

Oh, Canada, the Canadian National Anthem. Rugby players in Canada do not take the knee when Oh, Canada is played.
Everyone said, Claudette, she would win the vote.

She did.


No EV this time around, kid.

Nope. She was supposed to be the POTUS.

Surprise. She lost.
You are confused as usual. She won the PV, which was predicted.

The EV is not part of the bi-term, so you can hold your breath in anticipation if you want.

Bullshit. Everyone, you included, thought she was the winner.

Surprise. She lost and I'm glad of it.
Claudette, ma belle, she won the PV. The wild card was the EV and 77k very strange voters in three upper MW states who have since changed their minds.

You are going to be so sad day after election this fall.
Everyone said, Claudette, she would win the vote.

She did.


No EV this time around, kid.

Nope. She was supposed to be the POTUS.

Surprise. She lost.
You are confused as usual. She won the PV, which was predicted.

The EV is not part of the bi-term, so you can hold your breath in anticipation if you want.
You are going to be destroyed in 2020 in both vote total and electoral count, so it doesn’t matter.
Claudette, ma belle, she won the PV. The wild card was the EV and 77k very strange voters in three upper MW states who have since changed their minds.

You are going to be so sad day after election this fall.
They haven’t changed their minds. LOL

We are pushing for Minnesota now.
Claudette, ma belle, she won the PV. The wild card was the EV and 77k very strange voters in three upper MW states who have since changed their minds.

You are going to be so sad day after election this fall.

Oh I doubt that. I think you are the one who will be disappointed.

Hitlery won the PV but lost the election even though everyone thought she was the next POTUS.

She lost.

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