What Excuses Will Trump Give For Not Running in 2024?

I'd be ashamed to watch that Soviet show trial. Shocking thing to see what has happened to my country. Pure Democrat desperation, ruining individuals as fast as they can go just because they can't get the people to vote for them.
And all the Republicans testifying under oath?

Commies, I assume? Soviets? Satan?
I'd think he would run with "the system is still rigged".

The rubes would swallow it, as they are trained to do.
This is probably the most likely scenario.

Republicans are already pushing the narrative that the mid terms are rigged.

Gee, if they are rigged, why should Republicans bother to vote? Hmmm... :lol:
This is probably the most likely scenario.

Republicans are already pushing the narrative that the mid terms are rigged.

Gee, if they are rigged, why should Republicans bother to vote? Hmmm... :lol:
Sure. And Trump doesn't give two shits about his party or the rubes, so it wouldn't bother him if he turned the rubes off to voting.

Gotta play the victim. That's all that matters.
The January 6 hearings are doing some serious damage to Trump.

Trump has acquired too much baggage. He is losing his luster with sane-minded people.

As demonstrated by his attempted coup, Trump hates losing. The prospect of losing again in 2024 would be too much for him to bear. The raucous laughter would haunt him to his grave.

Trump has probably been hoping for the economy to crash, for things to get worse. That would be his only shot at beating the Democratic candidate in 2024. If the economy improves, Trump will be pissed.

So what excuses will Trump offer for not running in 2024?

"I have some business opportunities which require my full attention."

At this point I do not believe HE wins the GQP nomination.
The January 6 hearings are doing some serious damage to Trump.

Trump has acquired too much baggage. He is losing his luster with sane-minded people.

As demonstrated by his attempted coup, Trump hates losing. The prospect of losing again in 2024 would be too much for him to bear. The raucous laughter would haunt him to his grave.

Trump has probably been hoping for the economy to crash, for things to get worse. That would be his only shot at beating the Democratic candidate in 2024. If the economy improves, Trump will be pissed.

So what excuses will Trump offer for not running in 2024?

"I have some business opportunities which require my full attention."

No they are not. Threads about Jan. 6th belong in the conspiracy theories forum.
The January 6 hearings are doing some serious damage to Trump.

Trump has acquired too much baggage. He is losing his luster with sane-minded people.

As demonstrated by his attempted coup, Trump hates losing. The prospect of losing again in 2024 would be too much for him to bear. The raucous laughter would haunt him to his grave.

Trump has probably been hoping for the economy to crash, for things to get worse. That would be his only shot at beating the Democratic candidate in 2024. If the economy improves, Trump will be pissed.

So what excuses will Trump offer for not running in 2024?

"I have some business opportunities which require my full attention."

Before we get to that, don't we have some OLD BUSINESS TO GET TO THE BOTTOM OF?

January 6th is a hoax same as Russian Collusion but since you asked.

I want The DNC phone records and emails leading up to, during, through and after January 6th as well as transcripts texts and emails from Pelosi and company for January 6th.

Maybe we should audit & subpoeana all the people engaged in the Illegal Wuhan BIOWeapons facility like PROFIT FAUCI, then Audit & Supoeana everyone involved in financing the Russian Collusion Hoax like Obama, Biden and Clinton, and then for good measure Audit & Subpoena everyone including Dead McCain's ass involved in Uranium One-Rosatom deal.

Lastly for the cherry on top, we should make the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop and Anthony Weiner's laptop public and audit everyone involved in Burisma in Ukraine like Pelosi, Romney, Biden, and Kerry.

Also for bonus points, I want Seth Rich's Murder and associate police report and autopsy made public and I want sworn testimony from The Pakistani Hackers employed by Clinton, Julian Assange and Kim.com.

Let's start there since we had 6 years straight of Get Trump and we got him now, and just uncovered Lie after Democrat Lie and Treason.

Then let's hang some people and put in on National TV.

Then I want to interview the brass in the FBI and DOJ and ask why they committed FISA Fraud and knowingly harassed president Trump and pursued a fake investigation against him despite knowing the allegations by The Obama regime and Clinton campaign were false.
At this point I do not believe HE wins the GQP nomination.
The GOP does not exist any more. It was replaced by the cult of Trump.

I wonder what they will do without their messiah?

"I heard a rumor we used to be for Family Values™, balanced budgets, strong alliances, free trade, and integrity."
The GOP does not exist any more. It was replaced by the cult of Trump.

I wonder what they will do without their messiah?

"I heard a rumor we used to be for Family Values™, balanced budgets, strong alliances, free trade, and integrity."

Agreed that's why I called it the GQP!

You don't even see the hilarity of that post, do you.

Trump can't even break 40 percent favorability.

Just like when he was President.

So he's the least smelly of a pile of shit. Big deal.

When you break it down to just DeSantis and Trump, DeSantis is pulling ahead.

1. Republicans GAINED House seats in 2020, duh.
Not enough to make up for the 2018 losses. It is still a Democratic majority. Duh.

2. The popular vote means less than nothing, duh. Only the Electoral College matters.

3. True Trump lost in 2020, but the election was marred by voter fraud, look at the total vote counts.
Whines and lies. Whines and lies.

5. Biden was in-fact the worst candidate in history, he never left his basement
And he still beat Trump like a drum. Trump was hated that much!

6. With the opposition controlling the House and the filibuster in the senate, not much can pass.
7. Trump constructed 458 miles of new wall, duh. Moron Joe stopped the last 15 miles!! That's CRIMINAL!
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! You fell for Trump's hoax that the wall was almost finished. You DESERVE to be lied to. Only about 80 miles of NEW fencing was built. Even your own link says most of the 458 miles of work was improvement to existing wall.

And I'm sorry, but your geography sucks. The border with Mexico is a LOT longer than 458 miles.

The wall was nowhere near finished.

9. Your list of "criminals" isn't listed. Durham is working on a list too. He even proved Clinesmith falsified evidence to get a FISA warrant. Operations Crossfire Hurricane & Razor were Obama's misuse of federal agencies.
Any day now...any day now...any day now. Keep stroking to your Durham fantasies.

You want a list of the scandals, indictments, and resignations, do ya?

Challenge accepted!

Mick Mulvaney just said the swampiest thing ever
"If you were a lobbyist who never gave us money, I didn't talk to you. If you were a lobbyist who gave us money, I might talk to you." - Mick Mulvaney

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You don't even see the hilarity of that post, do you.

Trump can't even break 40 percent favorability.

Just like when he was President.

So he's the least smelly of a pile of shit. Big deal.

When you break it down to just DeSantis and Trump, DeSantis is pulling ahead.

Lol...only in your dreams Brother .

That's a poll from the Northeast. New Hampshire.

The same pussies that gave us Dole, Romney and McCain.

They couldn't find a conservative with both hands, a flashlight and a topographical map.

So please...take your New England brand of Romney "conservatism" and shove it directly up your ass.

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