What Excuses Will Trump Give For Not Running in 2024?

Well the problem with saying "its rigged" would be DeSantis winning in 24.

But I can't see him honestly and humbly just admitting his time in politics has passed. Today's issue of global inflation, failed global supply chains, economies still partially shut down with a pandemic, and Nato's war with Putin are not the issues he was elected upon in 2016. It's not entirely coincidental that you could say the same for Biden. Although the thought of a progressive like Sanders or maybe Newsome might make DeSantis a little less like a dystopian Nixon. LOL
DeSantis is Trump without the baggage.

Same hates, same vindictiveness.

The Florida state budget is in great shape, though. That's a huge plus for DeSantis.

Trump only knew how to run organizations into bankruptcy. His $8 trillion of debt in just four years is his greatest black mark in my book.
DeSantis is Trump without the baggage.

Same hates, same vindictiveness.

The Florida state budget is in great shape, though. That's a huge plus for DeSantis.

Trump only knew how to run organizations into bankruptcy. His $8 trillion of debt in just four years is his greatest black mark in my book.
You don’t need an excuse.
No, I think Trump is bad for the country, if he is in politics.
I'd rather a goper be elected than Trump run again. I don't think DeSantis is as much a cancer on the nation's soul as Trump. He's an authoritarian opportunist, but he does seem to have some sincerely held beliefs.

I don't think Trump can win, but the war on Dobbs won't be lost with DeSantis winning, imo.
It's Desantis time. Out with the tired old in with the new. Desantis could teach him how to be a leader.
We have a ton of Dimtards on the board scared shitless of Trump. I guess they know they have nobody that can beat him in 2024.
They are all RINOs I tell ya! RINOs!

The number of RINOs is growing by leaps and bounds.

Donald Trump is the only real Republican in the whooooooooooole world.
It may get to the point where Trump supporters are the RINO’s and the Republicans who oppose the most popular Republican president since Reagan and who side with the Democrats in demonizing him are the mainstream Republicans.

But, for now, Trumpsters have their own party, and that party is called “The Republican Party.” If he gets the nomination in 2024, that issue will be settled. Same if DiSantis gets it. The Party will then be the Make America Great Again - Again Party.
Wrong. I like Desantis. He doesn't name call, throw tantrums, interrupt. You know, what a real leader does. I can vote for him.
Trump's baggage:

You have to go all the way back to Hoover to find a president who lost the Senate, the House, and the Presidency.

He lost the popular vote. TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He's the only president to have been impeached TWICE.

The guy who beat him is someone he called the “the worst presidential candidate in the history of presidential politics.” :auiqs.jpg:

This is a loser who said he would balance the budget "very quickly". He said he would replace Obamacare. He said he would pass an infrastructure bill.

The big beautiful southern wall Mexico would pay for? He got 80 miles of new fencing done, and we're still waiting on that check.

He WIDENED the trade gap with Mexico and China to record levels. His trade war was a colossal disaster, and he said it would be "easy to win".

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with bleach.

His approval rating for his presidency was an average of 41 percent.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser baby. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this loser.
Near the whole system against him what he has done is nothing short of astonishing.
The January 6 hearings are doing some serious damage to Trump.

Trump has acquired too much baggage. He is losing his luster with sane-minded people.

As demonstrated by his attempted coup, Trump hates losing. The prospect of losing again in 2024 would be too much for him to bear. The raucous laughter would haunt him to his grave.

Trump has probably been hoping for the economy to crash, for things to get worse. That would be his only shot at beating the Democratic candidate in 2024. If the economy improves, Trump will be pissed.

So what excuses will Trump offer for not running in 2024?

"I have some business opportunities which require my full attention."


He will be sworn in on January 20th 2025…
It may get to the point where Trump supporters are the RINO’s and the Republicans who oppose the most popular Republican president since Reagan and who side with the Democrats in demonizing him are the mainstream Republicans.

But, for now, Trumpsters have their own party, and that party is called “The Republican Party.” If he gets the nomination in 2024, that issue will be settled. Same if DiSantis gets it. The Party will then be the Make America Great Again - Again Party.
I don't see the same economic schizophrenia in DeSantis as in Trump, nor the racism towards anyone who is not white. Trump did capitalize an anti-elite blowback that is also seen in europe, and maybe elsewhere. And DeSantis shares that, and may actually believe in it. And I'm not sure it's such a bad thing, either.

Trump posed as an authoritarian, while he's personally a libertine who violates any law or contract that is inconvenient to him personally. Turmp is certainly authoritarian in his personal morals or business actions but only to the point that he does what he personally wants. DeSantis is also an authoritarian, but he may believe that laws should apply to everyone equally ... unless its abortion, of course. LOL
Near the whole system against him what he has done is nothing short of astonishing.
I think that's the secret of his success. The people who lost houses while both W and Obama bailed out Wall St. People whose kids aren't the "right" race to get preferences in admission.
The January 6 hearings are doing some serious damage to Trump.

Trump has acquired too much baggage. He is losing his luster with sane-minded people.

As demonstrated by his attempted coup, Trump hates losing. The prospect of losing again in 2024 would be too much for him to bear. The raucous laughter would haunt him to his grave.

Trump has probably been hoping for the economy to crash, for things to get worse. That would be his only shot at beating the Democratic candidate in 2024. If the economy improves, Trump will be pissed.

So what excuses will Trump offer for not running in 2024?

"I have some business opportunities which require my full attention."

At least you admit the Nazi Piglosi Clown Show is all about damaging Trump for the 2024 election, and not getting to the truth.

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