What Good Does Having TWO Republican Responses Do?

What good does it do to have one? What good did it do to have the Democrats respond to Bush's SOTU addresses? Heck, what good does the state of the union address really do? We have Presidents lying through their teeth in a purely political speech that barely anyone watches.

The SOTU is Constitutionally required.

And it's been a purely political speech ever since it's been on television.
It's quite evident that the GOP is engaged in a civil war of epic proportions.

The GOP has a response to the speech, but then the Tea Party has their own response, which is a response to the response.

How confusing, but moreso contradictory.

I really hope the Republicans are able to get it together soon.

This country needs a strong and legitimate conservative party.

So they can speak out of both sides of the mouth.
What good does it do to have one? What good did it do to have the Democrats respond to Bush's SOTU addresses? Heck, what good does the state of the union address really do? We have Presidents lying through their teeth in a purely political speech that barely anyone watches.

What are some of the lies?

That he wants to work with anyone, for example. But hey, it's not like his lies havent been ignored by you for the past 5-6 years. Why would now be any different?

How is that a lie?

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