What happened Obama .. He was against Mandate while campaigning in 08


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwzYVEunPQ0]Obama Opposed Mandated Insurance During Campaign - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoSnqofelsQ]Obama on mandates - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp0hU1THjuc]Barack Obama Stuttering Uh Montage - YouTube[/ame]
Abd Bush was against nation building and the US being the police for for the world when he campaigned in 2000.
As I keep saying Obama is a 3rd Bush term.
Your team made Universal healthcare impossible to pass.

Obama and the dems then tried to give a solution you crafted.

You fought it out of pure hate.

Now you pretend it wasnt your idea
What happended to the Repug? They were all for the mandate until Mr. Obama supported it.

In fact, Former Senator Bob Dole (R-Kansas) put forward bill that was the exact same Mandate RePugs oppose now.

The flying fickle finger of fate having fracked flies on.
What happened to the GOP and all of their "think tanks"? (Now there's a contradiction if I ever heard one. :lol: )

They were all for the mandate (before they were against it). And if it was a GOP POTUS pushing for it they would still all be in favor of it and the Dems would be opposed.

And what argument the GOP would put forth in favor of the mandate? That it promotes personal responsibility (which is something else they were for before they came out against it).
it was a compromise with the republicans you fool.

Its a republican idea

And how many republicans voted for the health care bill?

Oh that's right none of them.

There was no need for a compromise Bam Bam just flip flopped like every other corrupt lying politician.

Imagine that.
What The senate and the congress was controlled with all the DEMS they would not even let the REP in the meetings let alone say they wanted anything in or out of it. HOW SOON we forget
This is far from the only example of Obama campaigning as a liberal and governing like a moderate Republican. You're not telling us anything new or shocking here.
This is far from the only example of Obama campaigning as a liberal and governing like a moderate Republican. You're not telling us anything new or shocking here.
What bullshit.

If anything he tried to get to the right of McLouse (not terribly difficult), as a tax cutter and budget hawk, and is now governing just to the right of Hugo Chavez.

Anyone who doesn't have his head fully jammed up Boiking's ass can recognize that.

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