What happened to "Jobs, jobs, jobs"? I thought Trump was going to concentrate on the economy.

Were you this impatient with Obama in 2009? I remember the Media and all you Liberals spent the first 6 months creaming your shorts every time Obama smiled into the camera.
Hell, I don't know and didn't mention a pipeline.

Where are those deserted oil fields? They have cut back on production some, because there is a glut of oil and natural gas, but do you think they will kick production back up just to have to lower the prices even more?
The oil will be exported and prices here will consistent.

So how does that help us?
Take a course of Economics 101 at your Community College and it won't be such a mystery.

OK. But how will oil from our already drilled wells being sold over seas help us? The oil companies gonna cut you in on a percentage?
Oil is gonna need more workers and drivers. The money they make goes into the economy. As for % if you own the mineral rights to your property in oil country then you get money from the oil companies. Why do you think Texans drive big cars and live in big houses? Oil.
Where are those deserted oil fields? They have cut back on production some, because there is a glut of oil and natural gas, but do you think they will kick production back up just to have to lower the prices even more?
The oil will be exported and prices here will consistent.

So how does that help us?
Take a course of Economics 101 at your Community College and it won't be such a mystery.

OK. But how will oil from our already drilled wells being sold over seas help us? The oil companies gonna cut you in on a percentage?
Oil is gonna need more workers and drivers. The money they make goes into the economy. As for % if you own the mineral rights to your property in oil country then you get money from the oil companies. Why do you think Texans drive big cars and live in big houses? Oil.

How many people do you think it takes to flip a switch to turn on a pump? The infrastructure is already in place. There might be a couple extra hands needed on the docks, but everything else is computerized. A hand full of people to reopen some wells, and that's it.
What's amusing about this post is that Donald Trump is doing more in several weeks than Barry did in an entire year! He's got a laundry list of things that have to be fixed after eight years of progressive mismanagement.

I had to laugh. I was watching one of the news programs and the new CBS News White House reporter was complaining about how exhausted she was trying to cover Donald Trump because he's up at 5 AM and habitually works until past midnight. Gee, a President that is willing to do the work! What a concept!!!
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.
I thought this thread was gonna be about the "shovel ready" jobs Obama promised.
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.

Sheesh. It's not been two weeks! The trumpster has done more for the middle class in 11 days, than your hero obummer did in eight fucking years.

Don't tell them that.. A hissy fit would explode
Remember 2010 the republicans said if took the house their fist priority were jobs, they did everything but

Where are the jobs Republicans promised to bring in 2010? - Rocky Mount Telegram
Those jobs are in the empty coal mines, the abandoned auto and steel factories and the deserted oil fields. Trump is getting them shovel ready. Hold on to your hat 'cause we're gonna Make America Great Again.
Those jobs are in the empty coal mines
ain't coming back

Unfortunately, that is not likely to happen, and the reasons are straightforward: The economic, political, and geological forces aligned against coal — chief among them the increasing abundance of cheaper, cleaner, U.S.-produced natural gas — dwarf the impact that the federal government’s regulations have had on the coal industry. These larger forces are far greater than Trump will be able to overcome through his promises to “end the war on coal” by “conduct[ing] a top-down review of all anti-coal regulations issued by the Obama Administration,” as stated in his transition team’s plan for “energy independence.” Indeed, Trump’s promised crusade against federal regulations in the energy sector is likely to benefit natural gas producers more than the coal industry, further widening the gap between the two fossil fuel sectors.

The truth is that voters in coal country have been sold a bill of goods by this would-be savior of the coal industry.

Why the U.S. Coal Industry and Its Jobs Are Not Coming Back
I guess that's over with. Fuck the "jobs, jobs, jobs".

Trump has a country to bring down for Vladimir Putin.

Trump knows that since 2001, 88% of manufacturing jobs were automated. Talking about jobs that are never coming back has run it's course.

Now it's time to get the base riled up so they protect shit that will only further ruin their lives. Because they believe Trump. A dishonest scam artist still under criminal investigation.

And when your on a road trip are you the guy who's constantly asking if we're there yet? Damn, we just pulled out of the drive way.
The oil will be exported and prices here will consistent.

So how does that help us?
Take a course of Economics 101 at your Community College and it won't be such a mystery.

OK. But how will oil from our already drilled wells being sold over seas help us? The oil companies gonna cut you in on a percentage?
Oil is gonna need more workers and drivers. The money they make goes into the economy. As for % if you own the mineral rights to your property in oil country then you get money from the oil companies. Why do you think Texans drive big cars and live in big houses? Oil.

How many people do you think it takes to flip a switch to turn on a pump? The infrastructure is already in place. There might be a couple extra hands needed on the docks, but everything else is computerized. A hand full of people to reopen some wells, and that's it.

Ignorance never looked so ugly ....
So how does that help us?
Take a course of Economics 101 at your Community College and it won't be such a mystery.

OK. But how will oil from our already drilled wells being sold over seas help us? The oil companies gonna cut you in on a percentage?
Oil is gonna need more workers and drivers. The money they make goes into the economy. As for % if you own the mineral rights to your property in oil country then you get money from the oil companies. Why do you think Texans drive big cars and live in big houses? Oil.

How many people do you think it takes to flip a switch to turn on a pump? The infrastructure is already in place. There might be a couple extra hands needed on the docks, but everything else is computerized. A hand full of people to reopen some wells, and that's it.

Ignorance never looked so ugly ....

Rally? why don't you share some of your vast knowledge, and tell us exactly how a handful of temporary oil field lobs are going to solve our problems.
This is the policies of dump!!!

I guess that's over with.
Dude....he's been on the job one week and two days. Not only that, but in that time he's already done everything necessary to create jobs. He signed the Executive Order approving the Keystone Pipeline and he signed an Executive Order reducing regulatory burdens on small business.

You sound like an idiot proclaiming his jobs plan a "failure" after one week and two days. Come back to us after one year and two months snowflake, ok?
See? As I just stated in another thread - little Marty here is selfish and greedy. He doesn't care about the U.S. - he only cares about what government will do to force others to give him everything he wants.

John F. Kennedy has been rolling over in his grave for the past decade watching the decay of his party.
Those hourly wage Republican voters understand something selfish, greedy people such as yourself don't Matthew: it's not about manipulating government to steal from others - it's about liberty. Dumbocrats take it, Republicans provide it. And that is why they vote Republican.

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